Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, March 28, 1919, Image 6

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    Page Six
7ft A ffrp(T MORSE EML
. Saturday afternoon March 22nd,
further Second Class Scout Tests
were conducted. Albert Rossi, Pa
trol Leader of the Bob White Patrol
' and Earnest Masters of the Crow
'Patrol successfully negotiated the
mile at Scouts Pace. Class then
proceeded to residence of Scout Mas
ter where test of fire building and
cooking without utensile was held.
In this test Raymond Rossi and Fred
Stump of the Bob White Patrol also
participated. Each Scout's careful
preparation to start a fire was
rewarded with success, only one
match used by each of the Scouts in
getting a fire going with which to
cook his meat and potatoes. Mother
never cooked meat and potatoes so
luscious. . Mrs. Cook served milk
to add to the banquet. Other Scouts
present were Archibald Masters Pa
trol Leader and his Crows, Leston
Falrweather, Wesley Cook and Percy
Pry. Other Bob Whites attending
the ceremonies were Gordon Lindsay
and Lawrence Hughson. , Scout
Lawrence Fitzpatrick, unassigned
was also on hand. Around a troop
' fire these Scouts cooked their meat
and potatoes. George Wilson, a pros
pective candidate, was a welcome
spectator and we tried to prevail up-
on him to taste our cooking, know
ing, if he did, we would have him
landed for our troop; but he said he
wasnt hungry. Later we find he
grew hungry and intends to eat
Scout cooking and the Scout work in
general and is coming to our council
this coming Saturday night all pre
pared to qualify as a Tenderfoot
Scout Wesley Cook as part of his
First Class Test has selected this
candidate, whom he must aid in the
Scout work.
In the evening preceding the meet
ing Edward Boring and Fred Stump
made the mile at Scout's pace; Ed
ward also passing the window test.
Of the mile test special mention is
due Scouts Earnest Masters and
Fred Stump each making it in the
exact time ic, 12 minutes. At
regular meeting Lawrence Fitzpat
rick was given the Tenderfoot Test
and the manner in which he respond
ed indicates that he had applied him
self to his manual.
The Crow Patrol elected Leston
Fairweather as Assistant Patrol
Leader. Candidates Cecil Emmons,
Lawrence Hughson, Jacob Schmidt
and Lawrence Fitzpatrick having
passed their Tenderfoot Test, pledg
ed their allegiance to the National
Flag and subscribed to the Scout
Oath. Decorations with badge of
Tenderfoot were ,then conferred by
Scoutmaster. The earnest study and
application on the part of Wesley
voxiicu miu uixvugu every re
quirement necessary to become a
Second Class Scout and he was fit
tingly rewarded by being decorated
with emblem of that rank. Other
Scouts are close behind Wesley, but
the honor of having the first Second
Class Scout to qualify for a long
period belongs to the Crow Patrol
through the personal efforts of Wes
ley. A few Bob Whites are right
close by as well as some more Crows.
If you hear the Crows crowing you
now know the reason.
The absence of our Scribe George
Thompson and Philip Thompson of
the Bob White Patrol is noted.
George was also Asst. Patrol Leader j
of the Bob Whites. ' It is to be
hoped they will continue in the Scout
movement at Hillsboro where they
will make their future home. They
were both of Second Class rank and
capable of qualifying for First Class
with a little serious application. Hope
to hear of their passing the test in
the near future.
Our troop will nave to elect a
scribe next meeting, and the . Bob
White Patrol select a new Asst. Pa
trol Leader to Succeed George.
Help to make the town more at
tractive by planting flower gardens,
roses, etc. When you beautify your
home surroundings you help the
Diebele's Shoe Shop, opposite liv
ery 'stable, now open every day.
First class repairing. ". 12tf
When you need butterwrap
pers. think of the Times office.
Lewis and Wolf added another
Ford to their equipment last week
and Saturday bought a Republic
truck for the Beaverton Livery and
expects to give a superior service
during the boom time coming for
A standard industrial club is a club
of five or more children all taking
the same project and organized by
electing f a president, vice-president,
and secretary and securing some
older person to act as an Advisor.
The Metzgar school is in the lead
with three standard clubs, a sewing
club with 18 members, a pig club,
and a garden club with 18 members.
Hillsboro has a sewing club with 10
members. Bacona has a sewing
club with 5 members.
We have club enrollments from the
following districts: Centerville, Ver-
boort, South Tualatin, Mountaindale,
Iowa Hill, Lyda, Oak Park, Garden
Home, Hazeldale,-Wilson. Some of
these will probably organize stand
ard clubs later.
"I was thoroughly inoculated by
the "hatch early doctrine of the
poultry specialist,'' says a Corval-
lis back-lotter, "but here" it is the
middle of March and I can't get a
cluck from a single hen of 18
Barred rocks, too. Big poultrymen
can afford incubators, but I guess
III have to follow the Chinese
method of hatching and get the
women to carry the eggs' around in
their clothes."
Bearer-ton. Oregon.
"Never again," says Bill Guff, as
he walked into the postoffke with a
. double jointed limp in his left leg
and his head done up in a plaster of
Paris cast ;
"Never again will you catch me out '
in a dark street with a pocket full of
coin. I not only lost my money but
the hold-up guys like to croaked me."
The hank is the safest, most con
venient, logical and sensible place
to keep money. Dont tempt things,
and risk life and limb by carrying
funds on your person. Put your
money in the bank, and use a check
book, we do not make any charge
for checking accounts, and your pass
book will help you in keeping a
record of your income.
" taxes? '
Just-two short weeks more left to
pay taxes in before April 5th. If
paid after that date there will be a
ptnalty added, we ' will get your
statement and pay them if you wish,
' If you have procured your state
ment bring it in and we will attend
to paying them for you.
Beaverton, Oregon. v
The weather of the past week has
been ideal. Farmers are busy and
the garden makers are stirring
Scholl-s Telephone Co
Free service over Washington County. Connections
with Bell System and Home Telephone Company.
RATES Residence, $1.25; Business, $1.50; Business,
private, within city limits, $2.50. . -
A fee of $1.50 and 3 months rent in advance is col
. lected for installation.
For further information, inquire at Beaverton . Ex
change. Home Ofioe, SCROLLS, OREGON. J. W. RATNARD, Secy.