g(hBMVT ,m. BEAVERTON, OREGON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 8, 1918 i Peace Rumors raise. . THP! war TS OVER: BEA VERTON .WILL CELEBRATE Stores to Close This Afternoon AndCitizens Will Give.Vent to Joy for Victory over Enemies in War. When the news flashed to the remotest parts of America yes terday that Germany had ac cepted the exacting terms of the Allies and had surrendered to fceneni Foch, Mayor Cady sent word to the business men ofBea verton that it was fitting that business should be suspended this afternoon and that a cele bration shduld be held in honoJ of our victory over Germany. So, this afternoon the bus ines houses will close and the citizens willgive over their time tn fit-Hno- flverr.isfis in honor of tbe hrn,vf boys who have made possible this signal victory. otto ERICKSON ELECTED MAYOR OF BEAVERTON TheCity Election passed off quietly Tuesday afternoon, x votes were ci'ast and the only onrnm'sp snrunff was the elec tion of Guy Alexander to suc ceed C. E. Hedge as Recorder Tmoeiiiw fH-.Vierwise. the tick- et as nominaatd was elected. There were scattering votes cast for all offices, tut the only organized effort to elect anyone outside the nominated ticket was when Mr. Alexander's sup porters wrote in his name and wm the election for him. The vote cast was as follows : --v l l -f.l A i For Mavor : uuo .uncKson, 11., F. W. Cady, 3 H. G. Vincent, 7, while several others received a sirHe vote. For Councilmen; W. E. Evans, 55, R. J. Hocken, 46, A.H. Spran- er, 42, W. M. Wert. 45, witn sev eral scattering votes. For Recorder; Guy Alexander, 30, C. E. Hedge, 21. VICTORY BOYR AND GIRLS-. ..WILL AID SEVEN CAUSES The Victory Boys and the Vic tory Girls are the boys and girls who are loyal to the boys over there. They are going to help win the great victory by con tributing to the fund to provide home comforts for our soldier boys. You will know them next week hecause thev will all wear Victory button?. Their names will be posted in, the post office windows. ; All boys anrl girls under 20 who can earn the money them selves should make their pledtre to the Victory Boys or the Vic torv girls. . "f The captain of Victorv Bovs for Beaverton is Phillip F. , Thompson ; for Victorv ' Girls, Miss Goldie Vincent. See them at once and get your name at the heid of the list. Town Finnancial Statement. November 1, 1918. Water fund " $35.69 General, Fund 646.31 General Road Fund 195.55 Special Foad Fund 79.01 - i - kvxt WEEK IS TIME TO - . HIVE FOR WAR KKLlKJf Va'ted War Work Campaign to Start Monday and Continue For Six Days Only. You'll have jmother chance to prove your patriotism next week' when the drive tor iunas ior tne Inired War Work Fund begins. And now while you teel the nusn oH. victory, why not com in io the post office or the bank and r..r.ke your subscription without waiting to be solicited? ' Washington County's quota is $21,550.00 and of that SohooJ District No. 48 has been a3Kea to raise $701.00, while everyone is asked to give one and one half times the quota, so we areex- pected to raise just $i,uoj..ou in tviia opTmnl district and every bints - other district in the United States is expected to raise a pro portionate amount. Miss Mary Fitzpatricle is the local chairman and Miss Elva Rossi is secretary and treasurer. They have made arrangements to have voluntary subscriptions received at either the post office or-the bank. The Boy Scouts have put up a fine lot of posters showing the need for the drive and that need is not lessened because peace is seemingly near. ' ; Yesterday the peace rumors Mm widflv circulated and Bea verton was happy in the thought that the war was over ana me boys would soon be home. ! " At a late hour last night ad vices were received that a flat denial of the acceptance of the peace terms had been given out at offficial headquarters. ' NO. 45. I RED CROSS TO MEET WEDNESDAY P. M. Election of Chairman and Prep aration for the Bazaar ior , December 7, Program. METZGER YOUNG MAN t ; DEAD AT VANCOUVER Two More Buyers. ) We add two more names to the list of Beaverton people who have bought bonds outside of this district. J. R. Marshal W0 father F. J. Kettenhofen 50 TTniTf" War Work Next Week! Herbert Johnson Victim of the Spanish Influenza after Be ing Three Weeks in Army. TTprhert Johnson of Progress, 'who enlisted in the army from Oregon City three weeks ago ana tiro a stationed at Vancouver , Barracks, died Wednesday night of pneumonia, following an ax ! tack of Spanish influenza. He is a son oi JVir. ana mis. .nuicw Johnson of Progress. He was , born, in this county, has lived m Oregon all of his life and for the past few years has been farming in Clackamas County, from where he enlisted three weeks , His parents naa a letter irum i him Monday, stating that he did nf -fool well. Wednesday noon 1XWV " " - a message came that he was ill and Wednesday night another message announced his death. W. E. Pegg went for the body yesterday monring and the body will be at the undertaking par lors here until today noon. The funeral will be held at the grave today (Friday) at 1:00 o'clock, at Crescent Grove cemetery, the Reverend Mayse of Metzger, of ficiatinor. j ' r x m s Members of the local auxiliary of the Red Cross are urged to be present at the local rooms on Wednesday afternoon to arrange . for the bazaar to be held on the 7Hi nf fWemher. j Tt ia hichlv essential that all .members be present as the suc cess of this' bazaar win nave a krge effect on the activities ot the local branch during the com ing winter months. Present in dications ' arte thatthe danger from the Spanish flu will be en tirely over by that time, but in' ar" event the fullest precautions will be taken to prevent any in crease of the disease from this roeetinnr as the fullest ventilk tion will be arranged and propre measures fnr the fn mi cation of the room will be taken, so that no one need i ear to come, i At the same meeting the elec tion of a chairman to succeed Mrs. Rohse, who has moved to Hillsboro. will take place. Mrs. Rohse wil be present at the meet ing and will present her resigna- i.; x. i-i i f Money in Hogs. ; l " ''; ' Tuesday F. C. Peck killed two pigs that he has fattened on his place south of town. The two dresed 580 pounds and he sold them for 22 cents a pound, net ting $127.60 for the two. How would you like to have a drove of just such pigs to drive to mar ket this, morning? ; ' Three More Pupils. The school census of District No. 48, taken, October 25, has iust been compiled by District Clerk C. E. Hedge and shows that there are 401 children of school age, a gain of 3 over last year. Doln; Good Work. John Trachscl is doing come excellent worls on the road Irom the starch lact-ory north. The subscription "paper started last week now has 16 names Hhrned to it and ':he other roJi' will be had ',non Bcsiu's this a num ber o1' smaller pledges have been rece' cd. The advertising in this issue for the United War Work Campaign has been donated by the lonowing iutob Bank of Beaverton Beaverton Confectionery Stipe Garage W. M, Wert, Barber Tucker & Shreck, Real Estate Dr. C. E. Mason v W. E. Pegg, Undertaker Beaverton Livery Stable Beaverton Bakery Otto Erickson Co., garage A. H. Spraner , , ' Dr. Theo. G. Hetu, Dentist F. J. Brauer Cady-Pegg Co. ; Dean's Drug Store Prize Hill of Potatoes. Jacob Schmitt has a little less than an acre and a half of spuds out on the R. E. White place west of town from which he has dug 126 sacks this season. One hill is on display aV tha Tucker & Shreck office that shows .why they yielded so' well. " They are the Burbank variety. ' ' ...n. I I ,T -I I. . ...f. I . Ten Mill Tax for Beaverton. At the' regular meeting of the Town Council Monday night a ten mill tax was levied, the us ual grist of bills was paid and a rebate was granted to Arthur Allen for excessive water bills caused by a defective meter.