War Savings News. War Savings is the chance Un cle Sam offers everybody to do his bit Everybody can lend Uncle Sam 25 cents. YOU can lend $4.14 every pay day. Washington county has in vested $41,488.95 up to March 11. Our Apportionment is $534, 000 or an average of $20 per capita. The school children of Wash ington county have laid up $3828.75 in the form of War Savings already. Watch it grow. N. A. FROST, Chairman of War Savings. ' Red Cross News. substitutes. , All ladies of the vicinity are urged to come and hear her. The Red Cross ladies have de cided to tie or quilt quilts and solicit orders. The money made in this v.ay to be uvtf to pur chase Red Cross supplies. Apply to Mrs. H. G. Vincent for prices and particulars. Fine four year old registered Angora Goat Buck for sale $20. Inquire F. Cft Donaldson, R F D 3, Beaverton, Ore. v 11 Scout News. The boy scouts of Beaverton helped very much in cleaning up the town last Friday. They put in a cord of wood for the Con gregational church. They have divided up the troop into three patrols. , ; The names of the scouts are:Elert Carstens, Leroy Craig, Archie Masters, Charles Fry, Percy Fry, Albert Rossi, Elert Carstens, patrol leader of the Bob White patrol has the American measles. The scouts are very busy these days getting signatures to the red postcards. These .postcards are applications for W. S. S. thrift stamps. You sign the card, give the number of W. S. S. or thrift stamps you want, the scout mails it, and if you live on a mail route the car rier brings the Stamps and you pay him for them. If you get your mail at the postoffice the i stamps are delivered to you I there. , i Buy a thrift stamp today, j So f ar as is known two scouts have secured signatures to the cards. Beaverton Red Cross met Wednesday, March 13, forty being present. A helpful talk on flour conser vation was given by Miss Mills, j Cecil Barnes, George Thompson, Six new members were taken j Philip Thompson, Lowell Tall in. Miss Mills will 'be here 'man, Freeman Rowe, Ernest apain on April 3 to demon-Masters, rftrate to the ladies the art of Fred Stump has been accepted bread making using the flour as a candidate for a boy scout. HfllllEBfllE Saturda) Night... IVilOllUbJlll iJ 19 1 8 Gven By HUBER Commercial CLUB at Huber, Oregon. MUSIC BY COVELL'S ORCHESTRA Admission $1.00 per couple, Ladies free, and t We absorb the war tax. Watch for the announcement of the big Second Htgktoay Dance soon For United Stetes Sender r 'X R. N. BUnftold. Farmer, Stockraiser and Businessman. A MAN who does things. Who has -accomplished some thing. Who knows how to work and get results. Who knows Oregon's needs, requirements and resources. Who has the experience, knowledge and business un derstanding. Who, as a State Legislator for six years, has already done much for Oregon. Whose Republicanism is un questioned and whose abil ity has-been proven. (Paid Advertisement by Stan field Committee, Stanfield, Ore.) (Paid Advertisement)