Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, February 15, 1918, Image 2

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at the did Jack Hooper shof.
Haircuttino. Our Scpclalty.
Laundry Agency.
Dr.Theo. CHetu
Cady Building.
Dr. C E. Mason
Phone Calls Answered Day
and Night.
Beaverton, Oref on.
A Weokir Newspaper, turned Fridays.
It H. Jonas, Editor and Publisher
Entered at the Beaverton (Oregon
Postoffice as second-class mail mat
In advance except by arrangement
with the publisher.
One year by mail $1 C
Six months by mail
Advertising rates on application.
Friday, February 15, 1918.
Ucemed Embalmer
Calls anawered day or night.
Prompt Serrica,
Leave toot kodak finishing at
The Times office.
Yes, it pays to sort potatoes.
It is well nigh imperative that
such be done if a market is to be
fonnd at all. while the govern
ment regulations make life mis
erable for the fellow who hap
pens to load a car with too many
culls therein. Ed. I. Boring
has iust learned this to his sor
row, for he loaded a car Satur
dav and then had to resort the
entire car for the government
inspector wouldn't pass it and
the railroads wouia nor. pics up
the ear without this little for
mality. Yes, it pays to sort the spuds
I pays from a market stand
point, pays from an Mnnieumi
dollars and cents point of view.
pavB from the angle of future
That the holidays are over, let
me call your attention to those
photographs which you intend
ed to have taken before Christ
mas. I am prepared to do the
work now better than ever.
Fourth and Washington Street.
market! for Beaverton's prod-1
net and pays from the interests
of tie town, for we now have
the starch factory to furnish a
profitable market for the culls,
while the better price and less
freight for the marketable pota
toes will more than take care of
the cost of sorting. -
The immediate case which
nromnts these remarks was that
of a car of potatoes bought for
W. S. Hearst & Co. of Portland,
in this locality by Mr. Boring
and turned down by the State
Inspector because they "were be
low grade. They were not infer
ior potatoes. They simply were
lacking in uniformity and could
not be classed in any one grade.
This brings up the question of
gradine. The Public Service
Commission's order for the
grading of potatoes became ef
fective the 15th of last month.
It is comprehensive and defines
three grades of potatoes of mar
ketable quality and the seed
Every grower and shipper of
potatoes should thoroughly fa
miliarize himself with these
grades and be able to take ad
vantage of the favorable loca
tion and excellent shippmg fa
cilities afforded here and
Geod Things f r Beavertea
., y
' We don't know ot why in
the great-nation-wide campaign
for prohibition that a man of
such wonderful eloquence and
international prominence as
Lewis Albert Banks should be
assigned to Beaverton but we do
know that we are going to show
our appreciation by packing the
high school auditorium Sunday
afternoon Feb. 17, to its utmost
Charles Parkhurst says
him :
"He is fearless as a reformer,
having been shot down by the
infuriated saloonist, mobbed by
the anti-Chinese rioters al
ways willing to imperil his life in
defense of the oppresed."
He is a man for the hour in
the church for the times.
Europe's Meat Supply Mutt Con
From America.
Warring Nation Ham) Daplatad Live
tuck at Enarmoua Rata, fin
Killing Dairy Cattla For Food.
Beaverton Confectionary
American stock breeders are being j
of asked to conserve their flocks and j
herds In order to meet Europe's tre- j
tnendous demands for meets during '
the war and probably for manj years ( S
afterward. IB
The United States food admin is-; B
tratioo reports that American stock H
raisers have shown a disposition to r gj
co-operate wlih the government In In- j Hi
creasing the nation's supply of lire j B
Germany today Is probably better
Carries a full line of all the latest
' And a FolGeneral Line of
Your Patronage is appreciated and your orders solicited
fl TT'GT PPrrnTTl A lnr-tro
shipment of Fresh Chocolates wpUea wio. u ock o
j r, i n- er European nation. When the Ger
rtuu umuira. e are seiviug mw
der is given to us Saturday. It
comes to us Sunday morninr m
splendid shape for Sunday din
the 11 Come in next Saturday and
home market for culls afforded give us a trial order,
by the starch factory and make W. E. EVANS
Beaverton a foremost source of Bakery, Lunches and
supply for Quality potatoes. Confectionery
man armies mad their but advance
into Prance and then retreated fir
fer Ice Cream Bricks, if the or- territory approximately lsotuwo
Cream again. To those who wish ;
a nice Sunday Dessert we can of- ;
C. 6. Buchanan & Co., Inc
J Beaverton - Hfflsboro - North Plains Cornelius I j
'Wholesale and Retail Dealers in '
Grain, Hay, Feed and Grain Bags j
Car Lot Shippers of
Beaverton Warehouse
Schofls Telephone Co. Beaverton, Oregon,
The suffering hordes in the. For here is the committee who
empire of the Saltan are appeal-) have the work in hand: W. E.
ing to the people of Beaverton ; Pegg. chairman; J. Frank
throun tho Ticiium of tne Ar-; Stroud, assistant; and Misses
menian relief work and have en-i aa nocuen, Aira wwiams,
listed the aid of six of beaver- argarei ijewis, veima i orris,
ton's fairest and most accom-; Vivian O'Connor and Margaret
ptished voung ladies in this mis-jFitzpatrick ' hritin oivxrittee.
sion of "humanity. M. McDon- Considering that the ap h is
.u r.f rb-on ,o mnntv chair-1 only $2u from eavctor.
I man f h Tlipf wnrk and he just one dollar per family lo
7 has named W. E. Pegg as chair-1 save the lives of the only Chris-
fman for this vicinity and tow ; m me empue 01 me ou wn,
I him to raise $250. Now you if you can withstand tte enthu
'miirht think that because Mr.jsiasm of J. Frank Stroud, the
McDonald selected an undertak-1 calm logic and dry humor nf W.
er to lead the effort here that ; E. Pegg and th ardor, beauty
the issue is a dead one, but it is 1 and chaim of these six young
proving very much alive. Just ' ladies, you are a hopeless case, a
witness vljat has been done al-1 fit ally for the Kaiser, a suitable
bead were driven behind the German
But In England where 2,400.000
acres of pasture lands hare been turn
ed Into grain field the cattle herds
are decreasing rapidly. One of the
apparently la the declining
i price seal adopted by the
i English as follows : For September,
$17.76 per 100 pounds ; October, fl7J ;
Tytvember and December. $16.08 ; Jan
uary, $14.40. The effect of these prices
was to drive beef animals on the mar
ket as soon as possible.
In France the number of cattle as
well as the Quality hare shown an
enormous decline daring the war.
Where France had 14.807.000 head of
cattle in 1913, she now has only 12,
341,900, a decrease of 16.6 per cent.
And France la today producing only
one gallon of milk compared to two
and one-half gallons before the war.
Denmark and Holland have been
forced to sacrifice dairy herds for beef
because of the lack of necessary feed.
Close study of the European meat
situation has convinced the Food Ad
ministration that the future problem
of America Uea largely in the produc
tion of meat producing animals and
dairy products rather than In the pro
duction of cereals for export when
the war will have ceased.
Confections and Cigars
Light Lunches Served
The ve.-y first thins Mr. Pepg
did was to enlist the support of
J. Frank Stroud and anyone who
i eets the support of Mr. Strovid
' i J Al- li L 1 1 t ...
must nave uie uvesi, iuui; ui on
issue. Here is proof that such
is the effort to raise, $250 for the
starving Armenian and Syrians.
These two live hustlers got
their heads together and the re
sult is that you will be asked to
save a life by the most charm
ing and enthusiastic young lad
ies in the community and if you
companion for the unspeakable
Now the easiest and best way
out of it when you see them at
your door is to make up your
mind to give liberally as yon
have prospered and take just as
little of their time as possible,
for the longer they have to talk
for it the more they expect of
There is just one better plan :
that is to drop down to the bank
or to go direct to the chairman
and make your contribution
freely. Then you can get off for
List Your
We are completing our files of
listed property in Beaverton and
vicinity' and if you want to sell,
'ease or exchange yours, come in
to our office or write us full de
tails, giving price, terms, etc
We are going to advertise ev
ery piece of property we have
listed with us, on which we are
t given the exclusive right to sell.
We will do our best to handle
all property in a satisfactory
manner to owners and our facil
ities for handling and our wide
acquaintance are sure to bring
satisfactory results.
Stroud & Tucker
BEAVERTON, Washington County. OREGON
Fin and Life Insurance. REAL ESTATE, Loans, Rentals
have the heart to refuse aid to , AnKr whroa if vnn ; wm
the 2.500,000 naked, starving miry be asked for an extra half
people wno nave oeen renoereo dollar to make up for the fellow
destitute by the unspeakable ally , ri,0 needs help himself and
of the Kaiser it will be because ; coud pVe onIy haf a doUar
you are either hart and soul m j Yes the Armenian and Syrian
sympathy with the enemies of reief campaign in Beaverton is
America or are so hardened and going to be a success.
calloused by the bitterness ofi
war that you have lost all sym-1 jts j j Hannigan returned
pathy for suffering humanity ;home to SsD Francisco Saturday
and can tarn a deaf ear to the xSieI spending a week with her
appeals of youth, the charm of j daughter, Mrs.'B. A. Eohse. The
beauty and the loeic of cold rea- visit was a complete and delight
sonmg. 1 fl surprise to Mrs. Rohse.
There has been much misunder
standing about the bread program In
England. It la true that the lnajiau-1
man dujb b tutu ui urettu lur uian
an American can, but It is poorer
bread, and the British government Is
paying 2Uu,OUO,000 a year toward the
coat of it.
Ai the grain grown In Great Brit
ain is taken over by the government
at an arbitrary price and the imported
wheat purchased on the markets at
the prevailing market price. This U
turned over to the mills by the govern
ment at a price that allows the adul
terated war bread loaf of lour pounds
to sell at 18 cents, the two pound loaf
at 9 cents and the one pound loaf at o
In France, under conditions some
what similar, but with a larger ex
traction, the four pound loaf sells for
16 cents.
Beaverton Livery Stables
Auto livery and Truck Service
"Where New Rigs, Good Teams, Perfect Hames and Careful
Drivers are combined tomake satisfactory service.
Courteous Treatment our motto. .
Harness for sale. Horses fed by
the day, week or month.
In the meatless menn there is a fer
tile field fur developing new and nour
ishing dishes, according to E. H. Kile,
writing in tbe Hotel Gasette, who be
lieves that tbe present shortage of
meat and fats will not end with the
coming of peace, but may grow mre
acute and continue for five or six
years, tbus making it worth while in
develop menus of grain, vegetables
and fish on a more or less permanent
basis. Meal can be replaced by cereal
and other protein foods, or may be
served in vry small portions as a fla
voring for other food. In making up
meatless menus this author finds our
American Creole and southern cuisine
broad field for investigation.
Beaverton Auto Truck
ERNEST ENDS, Proprietor.
Daily trips to and from Portland. Reasonable charge for
all freight Ton and half-ton lots a specialty.
Orders Taken for CoaL
Portland phone Bdy. 2082 RESIDENCE PHONE
with Commercial Delivery Co. at Beaverton, Oregon.
1- vheat
use more corn
2- meat
use more fish & beans
3- &ts
use just enough
O use syrups
and serve
he cause of freedom .
A. H. Spraner
Large bottle H. J. o-v
Heinz' Tomato Catsup ZUC
Good quality
Peas, per can
Large can Hawaiian O r
Pineapple, per can-
We Can Save You Money On
Any Periodical Published. Ask
For Our Clubbing List Or
Make Up Your Own List
We Serve You Best
Notice is hereby given that
on Monday, Feb. 18, 1918, the
tax rolls for the year 1917 will
be open for collection of taxes,
and the first half of all taxes
shall be paid on or before April
5 following, and the second half I shall Droced to collect sli taw
I on or before October 5 following, levied against personal property,
! Interest shall be charged and col-i which shall have been unpaid
ilected at the rate of one per land shall levy upon sufficient
jcent per month or fraction of a; goods and chattels of delinquent
montn in case of delinquency, ; taxpayers and sell same to satis
untfl paid. Interest at said rate j fy said tax, or said sheriff shall
applies to the first half if not j charge said personal tax against
paid by April 5, and to the see-1 real property and said tax shall
become a lien upon said real
property, and shall be enforced
in the same manner as other
real estate tax liens.
In making request for state
ment of taxes, town lots should
be designated by addition and
lot and block number. Acreage
should be designated by section,
township and range. Whenever
possible, description should be
copied from deed or contract On
paying second half of tax it will
be necessary to return the orig
inal first half tax receipt
J. C. APPLEGATE, Sheriff
and Ex-Officio Tax Col
lector Washington Coun
ty, Oregon. 6-8
ond half if not paid by October
5. AH taxes remaining unpaid
on October 6 shall be delinquent
and on November 5, 1918, a pen
alty of 5 per cent will be charged
and collected thereon in addition
to the interest herein provided.
Any day after the expiration
of six months after the taxes
charged against any real prop
erty are delinquent the Sheriff
shall have the right and it shall
be bis duty upon demand to
make out and issue certificates of
delhviueuc;' aptinst such prop
erty, said certificates to bear in
terest at the rate of 12 per cent.
On or as soon as practicable af
ter October 5, the tax collector