Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, November 16, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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W.Uy KtwapapnT, po bl Lib f4
ADDlintioa lladr la Sr
EoMmd it 1h BrrrMk fOrfa PMMffic
AdTtmttnc tmtas id apphcatwa.
Friday, November 16, 1917.
THE BEAVEBTOX TIMES I are a benefit to mankind; they
not only teach, but prove to us
what the rest of the world is
i doing.
A picture with a good moral
is one of the best lessons to any
smncurnoa sates .. young person or child. We all
in aiie. mpi by frtut imaffwai are prompted by what we see.
ilk ihe publisher. -. . . ,
o.. Tr. t- uii si.oo lt is true that we can see bad
r.Su.bL::ti,Vp. 60 ! almost anything if we look for
nuDitnpiMn. tfax outr to lumrrt- DUt likewise, U We 100 K 101
k the good, we surely must find
that as welL
; It is also true that the attitude
of the world has changed. We
A TIME FOR EVERYTHING. ' are learning every day that God
, has panted us a privilege that
In our last issue appeared an we did not expect. He has given
article signed by the Reverend new inventions, more things to
William L. t'pshaw, under the study for, more things to study
heading. -A Time for Every-; with; He has placed in the minds
thing." " of men the power to think for
1 agree with Mr. Tpshaw in themselves and to create great
just one way ; that there is a machines and ways of developing
time for everything and at the the resources that we have be
present I feel that we should be if us- He has granted Inn
trving to aid our government i the power to build his own life
and the Red Cross, the greatest,, eertmn extf,t- and we
the most worthy organization in snould not ude othcrs- for,th,e;r
the world; an organization that P e great drama of life
is helping to comfort those who i " written for them by a high-
Iiova taA Aaath aA a.u, nlu.,,- ' d OOWei.
to nass into the m-eat hovnnH an i Yes, America needs GOD; eT-
to mother, sister, or sweetheart,
from some brave boy who has
given his life for his country:
No. my friends, they do not
hesitate. They are not that kind.
So let us all back them to the
limit Do everything in our
power to raise money that they
may not want
Yes, there is a time for every
thing. It is time to forget creed
w standing. It is time to show
the world that we are united un
to one flag.
America needs the army; the
army needs the Red Cross; the
Red Cross needs money, and
Justice needs them all .
And this is the time for every
thing to be done that will help
It seems that there are a few
people who are looking for the
wst of the deal, so far as the tied
Dross is concerned. We are sor
ry that such things must happen
iuring such a crisis as this the
nost terrible of its kind that the
tvorld has ever known.
Some few are able to give
organization .that is saving 'the T country i. .the jmore than , but they are
afraid that they will not be not
iced and therefore are apt to
slight a good and just, cause be-
lirms nf hiinHi).! thni.cDr.ric : Him; but he surely does not ex-
of men who would die for the P n8 Si" P fter " haf
... r i : j it . p-iven ne no much nower to think
ttui ui nuuimi aiu u il were iiuv - , i . , . . ., .
u. .j r- Fr m RSEI.VES. And we must i cause of pride. This should not
lui UK ncu vim, . - . . ; , , - . . . . t
On the battlefields at the pres- i ""a"8 H has P , for we are at war and aU of
ent time there are thousands of: n"""" w carry on ,ne , our eiiu. us w.,u u.c
brave men and women who are most just cause that the Inited great cause and we should be
thoughtful enough of our boys
in the trenches to do aU that we
can to make is easier and pleas-:
anter for them. '
Don't you think we can help
more by each doing our bit than
we can by talking the way some
of us have been doing? Don't
you think we can do a lot more
by getting out and working at
it good and hard than we can by
telling what we are going to do?
I think so and I think that you
think the same as I do.
States of America has ever
other purpose than to save hu-;foBt. for and she has ever
man life and to prevent suffer- cnampiuocu in s-
ing. ' Let us, just for one moment,
And I believe the time is here pass, in our thoughts, across the
for every true American citizen broad waters of the Atlantic and
to help, to give their time and try to see just nai is imppeu
money, and to ref rain from ac-' ing to our boys at the front. Pic
cusing those who do give of com-; ture in your mind, dear reader,
mitting theft of the funds that one of your own boys, your hus
are so generously given, or criti- band, or your father ; or, perhaps
cizing the motives of those Vho you have a daughter who is a
seek to do good. Red Cross nurse. If you have
I do not think that anyone anyone there, you do not need to
should criticize the Red Cross, , hXar from me the horrors of war.
no matter what personal feeling But if you have not, then draw
he may have. It is not the time this picture in your mind: be
to forget that we are all Ameri-' smeared, khaki-clad young men.
cans. But it is the time to do 'tramping back and forth in th
. all that we can to aid those cold ; perhaps the ice is frozen on
who have to bear the strain of their clothing to add to the
having dear ones at the front ; weight of their equipment which
and of hourly expecting sadin itset 15 a ZooA loadi Ptoun
news. It is a time to try to j these boys who have offered and
make them forget their sorrow Pve t""1' u8- necessary,
an that cari only be done bv di-1 for the cansc 01 r,gltt
version from sadness to m'erri- As the order is given
ment I charge, just try to see those
As far back as I can trace in ' tense, drawn features; those
history, and verif ied by my own ' stern, set lines, that stand for do
experiences in the present war, j or die. Now they are ready;
I find that when there was great j they place one foot so that they
danger, those most vitally con-1 may spring over the few sacks
cerned by it made merry ; they I of sand that they may make a
danced and sang; for they knew !dash toward the trenches of the
not what the morrow might! enemy. Every muscle of those
bring forth. j thousands of brave boys is
To free their tortured brains ! tense as steel; they are ready,
that they might not eo mad. Now the order is given: "Over
they danced, played games, and I the top." Do they hesitate? No.
.did those things which I con-1 By all means, no.
sider that a just God gave all the top into the very face of j when some one really does do
the right to do. j death, without a thought of self, something on the other side of
And God, when He looks down ' but with their minds made up to ti,e county. And so far we have
after a charge across No Man's do and to give what they can for j promised nothing that we have
Land and sees the thousands of ! right and justice to their fellow-: uot dollc
dead and dying men and knows; men. j We ar'e aot gomg t0 do ny.
mm ihubc no must live ana jnen 100K again, iney gam : tiling that will hurt the other fel
jimu ui me ueaui ui men irienus me uencnes; ui wiwi nafc;ow we fitflte giit
" "'" wuiwfiwenuiecuBi: inearanjuin L,lc;fo'r that the Forhrt Grove Xews-
puffenng than death, surely dvmg are on every hand. Some T- . , ... t, .
forget. He is just and surely He their sight ; while others who are ! irove 8hould pr"d f;
will not look unon Riirh Rtnalllnnlv Riffhtlv mmmApA a.- HpIiv : beu, Intoaally acquainted with
I. ?. IHW H0TE8.
It u not everj-oiip that is so
far sighted a our esteemed
friend, Raymond "V. Cook. Did
you notice htm the other morning
when he arrived with h new
foot gear? Jle certainly has the
company ' interest at heart and
does not intend to be absent any
day this winter because he is not
taking care of himself. AVe be
lieve he must have a strain of
Holland blood n his veins and
some of it is cropping out. "We
wish him the best of health. The,
boys were glad he only wore them
one day, as the noise he made
moving about drowned out the
noise of the machinery and pre-1
vented them from working to th
best advantage.
Mr. G. R. W. Roberts, general
foreman of the electric car shops.
reports very favorablly on then
employment of women at th?
shops. He finds they are very
thorough and painstaking in their
work, and he is eonjratutating
himself on having secured such
valuable help. Well done, girls!
stick to it.
Carl H. Hughson returned to
work this week, after having
spent a very pleasant vacation
with his sister at Tacoma.
Sign the, Card. -
If yon have not signed the
Mod pledge card, do so. It is not
much for you, who are: here at
home with all of the comforts that
on have at hand, to do just to
tave a little that you may help
some of those who are starving.
Think it over, though you be
German or American, yoa live to
jdo good. and help others. So do
!this and feel that you are at least
right with yourself. ' ' "
Home people think that if the
other fellow don't do it, they
don't have to. But its always bet
ter to set a good example, than
to let the world think that you
are a slacker.
AVe are glad to note that tlie
Forest Grove News-Times admit
they are trying to do something
for their Bide of the county, and
They go over i are glad that they take notice
things a? dancing1 to condemn
His people nor count as sin a
picture show that depicts the
actual horrors of war or seeks to
alleviate the mental anguish of
The picture shows as a whole
ing to comfort those who have j
those who are at the head of the
made their last trip over the top. l,aPer w ean 0Diy .v tnt7
Now picture the welcome that(are eood lo.val boosters and de
those who are wounded give to t the help and good will of
those who. even before the firing everybody in Washington County.
ceases, are giving aid to the in- B
jured, or take the last message! They sure handed the L V. AV.
ja buch of grief in Oklahoma. A
L llitkm i MliaA Ul j harsh way, no donnt, to teach a
Ton will more fully appreciate how we can be of service to
yon when you realize that The Bank of Beaverton has a Check
ing Department, Saving Department. Safe Deposit Boxes; Is
sues Travelers Checks, Foreign Exchange: Transmits Money
to all parts of the World : Handles Reliable Lines of Insurance
and Renders Notary Service.
Xow remember whatever your requiremeDts-
The Bank of Beaverton may be depended upon
to serve you.
F. AT. Livermore, President; B. K. Dennr Viee-President :
Doy Gray, Cashier, and Lillian Eva us, Asst. Cashier.
J. T. ATilliams, J. A Mott, S. K. Kelson and M. AS'elter.
j Beaverton, Oregon
j fm tnE twh vim i ww
lesson, but many man has suf-
E i fired ai their hands.
Threats of violence should he
L. punished well as the deed it-
P Iself. for too many such threats
I are carried out.
When we get everyone to boosting
for Beaverton, the other towns
will get jealous and do all our ad-
. vertising for u.
How about the sun shine, real,
not fancy stuff, but real good,
nice, bright sunshine. And rieht
here in Oregon.
Always plenty of good cheer
and a smile will carry you
through some awful hard places.
Guess Sherman was right,
about War. But how about our
roads? Same thing 'nough said.
Do your bit.
The Beaverton Times, the paper
that prints facta. We stand for
the best.
(Omitted last week by mistake) ! .;
Everybody at the shops wno
work. on an hourly basis, were.,;
pleasantly surprised to receive a :
12', per cent increase in pay. j.
i ne snipyaros nave nouung un i
us now. when vou take into con-!
sideration the pass rights and
seniority privileges a railroad
employee is a pretty lucky fel
low after all.
The Southern Pacific an
nounces that all employees who
enlist or are drafted and who re
turn to the service as soon as
possible upon discharge from the
military service, will lose none of
their seniority rights. This is
the right kind of patriotism and
I am sure that their employees
appreciate ft. Three cheers for
the Old S. P. ' v JB IT
G. A. 'Van 'Antwerp is a busyl
man this week. He is breaking
in a new crewof women car
cleaners. ThuVthe war. begins!
to come home to us. Van reports
the women as learning fast.
There are a number of new
faces at the shops. Several of
the boys are from Oregon City.
Y elcome to Beaverton, boys.
G. C. Jennings, formerly em
ployed in the paint shop but now
at Bay City on the Tillamook
line, visited with his sister, Mrs.
3. A. Van Antwerp, this week
and while in Beaverton paid a
short visit to the shops. George
is certainly looking fine. His
cheeks are rosy and he has a fine
3oat of tan, due to the caress of
the ocean breezes at Bay City.
George is now a section foreman
at that place. ;
Ye Scribe has been very busy
this week... wbii accounts tor
the brevity 'ifif these notes. How-
?vefe we'll try and do better net
week. ,-, -'.
Friday, December 7 ill
The personal property and effects, of the estate of Wnhelmina Peik vvi!
be sold at public auction at the Peik home, one-fourth mile south ot
Huber Station, at 1 0 o'clock, A. M, , . "
. One Saddle Pony, work single or double.
One Team Geldings, 8 and 10 ytah old. .
One-Orsd Holstein Oow, will give 6 falloni a day
when fresh ; will freshen in Hay.
One grade Jersey Heifer, freshen in April. ' '.
About 25 thorough bred Whit Leghorn Chickens. , . .
One Heavy Wagon
One Light Wagon
One Double Boated Carriage ' .
1 One Heavy Harness '
One Double Driving Harness
One Single Harness
One Plow .
Two Cultivators
One 72 Tooth Steel Harrow i
Planet Junior Oarden Planter and Cultivator
Set of Heavy Wagon Springs . " . .
Wood Rack . i '
Several hundred bbs. Wire ' .'(-
Several Tons of Hay
About 100 Sacks of Potatoes
, . ' 3 '4 Td. Bock Bed, and other Farm Tools and House
hold Goods snch as Tables, Chain, Kocken, Stoves ,
Sewing Mar.hinn, Bedsteads and a number of
' Feather Beds, Dishes and other things too numer-
t ous to mention.
R C. PEIK, Executor
Harry Collins, Auctioneer H. G. Vincent, Clerk
Mr. a'nd . Mrs.r Geo." Xewman
have given right of waj- for the
new road through their place just
west of the Muessig tract. If we
has manvmqre as liberal citizens
as Mr. and Mrg. Newman our
town would be better off. ,
Authority on Lying.
J. Frank Stroud, Beaverton's
hustling real estate man, tells
the following one on the craft,
and enjoys it as heartily as any
person can:
Two little girls had an alterca
tion.' 'Lucy had told Ellen what
the latter called "a little fib."
'A fib is the same thing as a
story, explained Ellen, "and a
story is the same thing as a lie."
"No," argued Lucy, "it's not."
'Tes, it is," - insisted Ellen,
"because my father said so, and
my father is a college professor,
and he knows everything."
"I don't care if he is a profes
sor," said Lucy. "My father is
a real estate agent, and he knows
a lot more about lying than vour
father." . .
Tflmonica Hews.
Mrs. Gestra and children are
moving from their former home
at Santa Rosa to the old Xeill
John ifeurer. is buying pota
toes lor wholesale firm down in
California. '
JJaye you made your mincemeat
for the thanksgiving pies?
Mrs. Julius Fleoter and Mr. and
Mm. Hatry' Fleoter of . Svlvan
were visitors at "DieUwood."
sin, Kusseu Kirby who is con-.
fined with typhoid fever at the
Good SamaritairHospital of Port
land is fast recovering. ,She is
attended by Dr, Kirby, her hus
bands uncle.
stipe's garage;
Chevrolet Sales and Service
Mr. Stoy is building a house for
his tenant E. Clore.
Jf r. and Mrs. Albert Brant are
still busily engaged digging po
tatoes. They seem well pleased
wjth their crop.
Air. John C. Kuratli auctioneer
at the Wakimoto sale, reports ST
very satisfactory day ; money be
ing more plentiful than could be
Owing to various cases of ill
ness in this community a number
of neighbors are having their well,
water tested. It is fittting to re
mind aU interested parties that
tliis service is rendered frpe by
the State Board' of Health. Ap-;
ply at 1020 .Selling Bldg., Port
land, where printed instructions
and a sterilized bottle in mailing
case is provided the applicant and 1
a full report rendered free. - If
desired this service is extended by
mail. - ' -
There was a man from the city.
He saw What he thought was a .
He gave it a pat, v -rrft
And soon after that :'
He buried his clothes, what a pity, k
(Holt Dietr.) ' '
i a