SIXTHS. . . SMITH Saturday morning, Oc tober 2(1 to Mr '. and Sirs. Wil If D o D o 301 IOC li linui Smith, at their home a mile III west of Hcavcrton, a 7-pound NOW IS THE T. y boy. Dr. C. K. ilason waa in Dj attendance. : ' XIELSOX Wcdnseday morn-, ! ing, October 24th, to Mr. ant Oi Sirs- Martin Xielson of Haael- dale, a nine and one-half pound boy. Dr. P. M. Carsteus waa in attendance. ' '1 ME TO BUY YOUR HEATING STOVE We have a complete line of the best fuel savers. Any design, any kind, all sizes, all prices. You can find the stove you want at this store. We mention stoves merely because they are a timely subject and we have just what you want, but When it comes to dependable merchandise, you can depend on this store for quality in all lines and our prices compare favorably with any you can find. It will pay you to trade with us. We. are boosting for a bigger and better Beaverton. Help us boost Remember THE BIG GENERAL STORE CAOY-PEGG CO LITTLE NORA WALKER IS VICTIM OF mi ACCIDENT Frightful Burns Claim Life of Tot After Seven Hours of Suf. feting from Burns. . Sunday afternoon Beaverton residents were shocked by the that litllo Vnrn TValker. the O four and one-half year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles AValk !er who live oh the old Livertnore place just west of town, had been . Frightfully burned in a grass and leaf fire in the woods near her rhome. Later that evening word i came that she bad succumbed to , i he burns. -1 ' " !' j The little girl was in the woods I with her little brother. In some i way she had secured some matches ' and nought to imitate her elders land leaves. The flame eaueht in her clothes and before help eou'd reach her the flaming garments had burned her from neck to shoe tops. Dr. Carsteus was summoned and .did everything for the child that medical aid could .render, but the best he could do was but to al lay the suffering and when the re action set in little Nora passed quietly from this life. The accident happened almost at the noon hour and the child lingered until 7 o'clock iu the ev- ing. ine lime urotner wno was tin mi una uui uijuicu ij luc t'ire. , The stricken parents have "the Q , sympathy of the entire community in tins sau oereavement. 1 . Funeral services were held Monday. B o D dl Dance Saturday, November 10th. WWf,WTUlWfllWfrWWHWfHlllW',i BEAVEETON HAS MAMY iar and the affable and agreeable Xr 4 GOLD FISH FOE PETS .maimers of Mr. Dean are not the SL ' least of the attraction which aid Plumbing and Heating Work that pleases and we furnish estimates cheerfully. Wheth er it be complete heating, ventilating and plumbing instal lation for a modern buildir.? or merely a pipe that is clogged, the service we render will piease you while our moderate charges leave the sjiile that won't coma off. Dean's Drug Store "Distributes i briusfiix; custom to this popular f i Globe and Fish Free With pharmacy, i lie store is neat ami J 25c. Purchase and De- attractive. An air of cleanliness j mand is Large. pervades the place. Only the most standard and recoenized remedies 1 carried ami the leading pro- Real Estate Superior Service it Our Motto. 3 I BEAVERTON PLUMBING CO. W Elmer Stipe, Manager. 4 War Gardens Prove Profitable. Ninety-sis war garden- r. Jiafcer. Oregon, produml crop, worth each, average, at an av erase nut of each. I'rof. II V. Seymour, slate club leader, sai that this is at Knit typical of th work all over the ftate. where ; m fecial leader was provide..! Hence many thousands of dollar-) . K I There are manv eoklfish in thej" ' 'r"- ""J " '"'-' homes of Beaverton people and it l,n',a,'-v mcd'cincs 0,1 1,18 sl"'lvf J ily recommend. The toilet artieh'S and drug ac- $ ce-ssorifs are goods of merit, prie- is ail due to the enterprise of our modern pharmacist. Dean's Drue Store has been the distributinir point for these finny beauties and t he enterprise of this progressive store is shown by the fact that ht srave these pretty home ornament free with '! em purehases at the were cleared iu the pardon work. 'drugstore. Not being aide to not countiiiir the ineivase obtaine i rap up the goldfish after the In-ii.K-i-i-nr iiMii-flnt. ntt.iniifi ,ihm . maiiin-r of the ordinary naekasre. ' i. . .. i.. i. i.: i,.. -it,,. ,.i...nQr,l i.u ,..ietnn.aH letifff of ehvmistrv and comiumnd iimu'inj; main autm- to I'liuna:" " ai 'h..t.iiu ia uwiumwa , . . ,T.u.,it.n with a neat fflube h-me for the ttL" tl,ut "-s that your duetors i ' ' nr.l.-n will f.-iti.t-..!!. : 1 Tor Sale. This enterprising move is but i "tHl out' ( itai oi! h'-atKr. almost ie-w ;atsn one small pail of the enterprise'. u ftv siuiids of Jici-s. : whieh marks titis niodern htore. Subscribe fnr The I'avertou .vmi,,, i . Aoolh f fho". enjoyable so- i x cml dunces wni be civen tsaturtbt. Xovemher 10th by Woodward Coujrhlin. Music will be furnished by Drearden's orchestra, whioh in itself insures an enjoyable time. "he boys are conducting these dances on a high social and moral plane that removes all objection able features of the public dance and leaves a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Because of this policy, children under 16 years of age are not admitted unless accompanied , by their parents. We truly believe this to be an opportune time to buy real estate. Land values are the lowest they have been in ten years. All farm produds are commanding high prices and are likely to continue to do so for sev eral years to come. Why not take advan tage of the low price of land and the high t-s are reasonable and the service is of the best. j The prescription department is S equipped with up-to-date equip- 5 went which insures accuracy, the ,.t..i- r .i i .... i u.. 5 Dean brines to the work a know- I PHCe 01 tarm DrOQUCtS and DUV nOW? A fl v 'inires. li-averton. Or- tron. U is up-to-date in -iery partieu-; Times. )nly 1.W to Jan. 1, I'M!. TO BE GIVEN AT MORSE HALL BEAVERTON Few people realize the advantages to be derived from the services and advice of a reliable and experienced brokerage firm. We have been established in Beaverton for ten years. We point with pride to our hun dreds of satisfied customers. BY Woodward & Coughlin Claud Breardon's Union Orchestra Stroud & Co. Selling Many Fords. Otto Krickson, the huatliug dealer iu Fords for Washington County, is one man who can boaat of a flourishing business. lie al ready has orders for 52 earn for spring delivery in this county and more arc piling up with each paw ing week. Otto is a hustler and even the marvellous records of the Ford factory for efficiency may not be able to keep up with him. so if you want a Ford for next spring, don 't delay, but place 'our order at the earliest possible late to insure delivery. LADIES FREE GENTS 75c SATURDAY MlMf (n) ( u Beaverton Livery Stables Auto Livery and Truck Service Where New Rigs, Good Teams. Perfect Harness and Careful Drivers are combined tomake satisfactory service. Courteous Treatment our motto. Harness for sale. Horses fed by the day, week or month. ..J COW FOB SALE. VomiC IlciUtein cow, ficli llt'j of next month. Inquire al Slip, fliirapu. 8C0UTB WEBJE BUSY WHILE LIBEETY BONDS WEBE 80LD , The Boy Scouts .of Beavextoa are winning their laurels in the " work fur L'nclc Sam. During tin Liberty Loan campaign, this or ganization of six boys was active. !The net results were five loO bonds and one $100 bond.. Elert Carsteus, patrol leader, sold the : tiKiO bond and two of the $50's. , Philip Thompson, scout scribe. : Ariehibald Masters, assistant pa trol leader, 8nd George Thompson jwere each credited with a J50 bond. i Xow the boys are boosting the food control campaign. . They have lit families promised to sign j up and have found only six who refused. But the boys are stiM j working and will get a 100 per cent, organization before the cam laign closes. tfHC Alfred llarzee is treasurer of the organization. Kev. W. L. Ud- ! haw is scout master BndG.A. Van Antwerp and Willis t'ady are as sistant masters. There are six teu 'derfoot s-out and one candidate now in the organization, two former iiiIts having iiinuvl awnv.