'X ONE1 f HIEHTtEI.h" AHOTHCR HV MUCH OF W B CUT TOBACCO ISN'T AS BIG AS VOUR tOOSE PAPER SACK. BUT IT 4 BETTER AND CHEAPER, BECAUSE IT C HERE'S something curious about W-B CUT Chew iug it takes less out of your pocket and puts a bctcr chew into your mouth. No big plug sagging your pocket, no big wed sagging our cheek. Half as much of this rid: tobooco goes t ree as far as ordinary plug. : W-B saves your silver nnj gives you a silver-lining feel ing of happiness all You can't help from telling your friends about W'B. . . Hale It WEYMAN-ERL'TM COKPAHY. SO Uaioa Sipan, Rsv Ink City BEAVERTON PLUMBING CO. Pluabkg and Keating. Jobbing Chec Prompt Attention. DAYING all current bills by check on The Bank of Beaverton will give you an automatic diary of expenditure day by day. If you cannot call personally, a Checking or Saving! account may b opened by Mail. Write us' for full information about this safe F. W. Livermore, President, B. Doy Gray, Cashier; Lillian Registered Holstein Dairyman! Have you ever stopped to think that 90 per cent of Govern ment and Public institutions have Holstein Cattle. The Holstein cow holds practically every butter and milk record of tha world today. ; " . The why hesitate about placing a registered Sire at the head of your herd. We have them from $50 to $130. CHAS. E. BARNARD Beaverton Oregon. SCHOLLS TELEPHONE CO. Free service over Washington County. Connec tions with Bell System and Home- Telephone Co. . Rates Residence $1.25; business $1.50; business private $2.50, within eity limits. A fee of $1.50 and 8 Months rent in advance charged for installation. For information inquire at Beaverton exchange. ', Home Office, Scholia, Ore. J. W. RAYNARD, Secretary. WHYW-CUTTl)CCO ISBtST HO CHtAPlST'l JUDGE, THAT FELLOW HAS CAUGHT ON TO IT ALU WI6MT.J T Thrift Through System and convenient method. K. Denney, Vice President, Evans, Assistant Cashier. Beaverton Oregon. iiiu -1 ' ; Y T Woae n Jurors. Jury rooms in 1 every r court house in Oregon will have to be altered to provide lavatories for women should the empanelment of women on juries be author ized fey the state legislature. . As it is 'left to the option of women, to serve, the .-sheriffs of remote counties '(like Harney and Malheur) in the service of summons would " have to ride" many miles over sage-brush plains and through forest wilder ness in Douglas and Curry) in order to " find women willing to serve. Either that woujd be the method, or the service of jury summons would have to be con fined to the towns. The cost to the county would be considerable if any attempt were made to empanel women from different localities. But the foregoing are nof the: main objections to permitting; women to serve on juries. The The quid:, safe and reliable roofing material Especially deshratie in the country or where there is no water system, because Durable Roofing IS FRACTICAIXY .' FIRE PROOF It ii good rooting and give plen- siscann Bill Free sasspUs and UteratnM GtxrtorroimDUAisMxmwMm VSPOUSCT Durable Roofing Mfg. COe INKUaaoVOra. For tale by : F. W. LIVERMORE Huber, Oregon.. FARM LOANS NO COMMISSION) Eastern Ufa Insurance money can be borrow ed of us on first class farm at ( per cent with out commission. Write to us direct and save money. Give full details in your first letter. We refer you to any bank in Portland nnrncAiiv tt&tmz ULf LIVLHUA Company purpose of trial by jury is to do justicejto the accused, and to ac complish tis purpose only disin terested jurors are permitted tp serve. Whether Jie will serve on a jury is .not optional with a man who ; is summoned. It is optional with women,, only those women who are ' interested in some phase of the case at trial will serve, and in proportion as they are interested they wouM bs unfair as jurors and might do injustice to the accused 'by con-' victing, or to the public by turn ing him or her loose. Afsd, humanexperience shows that women judge largely by in tuition. They make up their minds quickly, and - testimony, evidence and argument have little weight with them once their minds are made up. This would have a tendency to do in justice to accused persons H all women jurors were prejudiced alike at the beginning of a trial; if the women differed, it would have a tendency to result in dis agreements, thus delaying the administration of justice and creating the expense of new trials. - , ., . " Trial by jury is not a game to be played at or toyed with by active-minded women who get interested in social 'questions it is an institution 'for (he Sealing of justice to accused persons, an institution to establish which countless thousands of men have laid down their lives. Such an institution should not be tam pered with lightly to please the whims of the 'few women who crave entrance to the secrets of the jury room. S. B. 32 and 47.v) Oregon Voter. Frarik Keenan and wife were over Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "Phillips in West Beaverton. RHEUMATISM ANTI-URIC The famous ROOT and BERRY remedy for RHEU MATISM. Contains no opiates or chemicals, will not injure the most delicate stomach. Results guaranteed or money refunded. Price $1.50 per outfit. For sale by DEAN DRUG COMPANY. e07Cc5ccrdC!il. Portland, Orecon