V 7: -4 "a CMbkrCeart '. XL W. Bxa'r;. brought wit srJnst-tht unknown heirs of Anton PfariMr to quiet the title Xoyropi uto' Which the hein ' have KMMUim. Bertha Caeelia Howttt it suing her husband, - Edward A. How- it for a drwree, charging that, he abandoned hie wife a year; ago and that op to that time he wm a habitual user of intoxicat ing liquors. . Xe continually ' abuied the Jlaintiii in the pres ence of their child and forced her to work in a department store in order that she might live. An alimony of 130 per month is asked beside 12000 for the purpose of educating; the child. The couple were married in California. ' Another case for divorce is that in which Eunice H. Kerr is asking a decree from her hus band, Chas. Kerr. The husband is charged with fault finding and , refusing to ripest to the plaintiff -,' for long periods of time. He is '''charged with making false accu nations against the plaintiff which were derogatory to her character. foot satisfied with two victims the divorce courts were given h third case which' is that of Bertha Howard James L. Howard. The husband is charged with improper relations with . other women, and in April, 1915, he deserted his wife and children land has since refused to provide for them. ... The Waiker-Prybr Co. is ask ing judgment against August Rosewurm for $169.80 which is Alleged ,td be due the plaintiff for merchandise sold the defendant Probata Caw , In the eBtate of Gerhart kos ter, deceased) Manna Koster is petitioning for the. appointment ot nerseit as administrator of thp estate which is j small one, ' ' ' Maniat Lieanm i The following couples Were granted , marriage, licensee, the past week. Geo. H. Withy combe and Rhoda C. Eneschede. "Horace M.,Channing nd Chris tina Jenson. Jay C, Riverstone, and Josephine Silvenjtone. (Steve M. Hanson and Vema Gaylord. Carl Patterson And Ethel Duron. Chas. B. Powelson and Ethel P. Lethbridge. , t ... ' , The Children Of St Cecilia's school have prepared a very nice little program id be given next Sunday evening in the Grange Dfc EBKUND MYERS ,;? - . - Phytfcian and Surgeon 7." . "' .,' ; . IMwha than) Utl neon and evenings ' Tfek4hoai 1M4 PortlaadMaani triW to M0 P. M. Telephone Marshall UN m1 Mita ttMa, i v 1 . b-TT- rinri'i VfraAu'' MmhnH & tttive ttioderd. building ;nrith steam-iysateu, ooi .' "... i 1 i . tf' vCp.-to datc stores nndonicCf . Sanitary ' Best DlipfsyT" lower lnsu' "ice Kasoaable Rent Your Castemers wi appreciafe ti es Advantages C' . I Ceo. Kmhui uA Ejss X.ry were - i m asatrinuay at the 3. W. UJlvaine rC:w last evening Rev. Gray eCjiating. Following the ceremony a roya! dinner of turkey was given the guests and the bride and groom took the 10 o'clock ear for Port land, they will spend their honeymoon at the seashore. GtjCmmZJIL The anaual city Caucus held last Friday night in the high school auditoriatt With numerous citizens of Beaverton present Everything Went in Soiet order and the following citisen were nonjinated for oSlee during the ensuing year: For may or, M. P. Cady; council men, B. Fehlraan, . Ferguson ind W. O. Stipe. a E. Hedge was nominated to succeed himself as recorder. aaVtiaai.w Taies ilw (Mar el At Week. Road District 41 held the an nual meeting last Saturday for the purpose of voting a special levy-of 10 mills. The first ballot defeated the proposed levy, but later I mills Was voted upon re consideration. The meeting was largely attended and considerable feeling toward defeating the en tire tax was manifest Another tax meeting was the school meeting held Wednesday afternoon. Here also 'a large percentage of the taxpayers were present among whom were many antitaxers who have been mak ing a concentrated effort to de feat thjs high: school mainten ance. These were in the minority however, being only about a third of the entire vote cast in favor of the levy of 9 mills. The final count was 47 in favor and 18 who were not. ie...- , RJ Ltvie lasnats., Of btf Washington County road districts which held budget meet ings Saturday, 2? voted special levies ranging from 4 to 10 mills. The total that will lie faised by these special levies will approx imate $55,000. ...... These meetings are held uhder the law which .permits jdiatriets j to vote additional funds. and to designate where they shall be expended, and has dotting to do with the reaular county, road levy, which Will arohatalv mills, nis. ; fillj yield , about $110,000, msilnrtL toavail ble for road purposes about 4 I am now handlinrthe Troian stump, powder In any quantity. Also fuse and caps. Archie A. Pike, Beavertbn, Ore. Phone, tf & msWm KEEP WAtUl! tfifa Wiiitwi Ho inW a . lS-inch bnck' walls, ana com water. i ' . J 1 C aV asj aK.,3. Last FiCiy moraieg Kr. Dey of the Kew York Lift loaurancr Co. in Portland spoke to the pupils in a very interesting man ner about the business world and the value of li'e insuranoe. Plans had beta mad for a gala day on Friday at for the rest of the morning, dastet were conducted in the usual way with several prospective pupils as visitors. A luncheon was served at noon during which the members of the Senior English dast and one freshman gave several very in ures tittg speeches oa the vatoe of a high -school sducatiea. School Was continued in the usual manner in the sfternoon. The high school orchestra met at the home of 'ICUt GoUie Vin cent last Thaft3 eveaing and also Monday evewlng where very eniovablb rrheanais wars held. The orchactrtts shown rapid improvement and it is expected they will soon be able to play in public. The High School studMts art anxiously WatcHtngttti weather as they have aeoepted the In vita tion for a return high school party at Creiieo'and plan on coming horns in d hay rack. : , Miss Mary Fitfrfcrfek eritered school Mdndsy tt pursue the studies of Sh'ort&bd and Book keeping. ,' Last. Friday night saw the high school basket ball teem again victorious. The Orsnoo High School wst defeated by a score of 23 to 17. The Beaver ton boys plaved a fast asd snapv py game from the start .but at the and of the ft rat half the aattr stood U to 10 in war of Orsnoo. rhe endurance of f-S local hove however, told add Oreaen waa allowed only, five points, ih the lsst half which resfljtwl In s vic tory for the home bors. The ,Ancieri palm elsip is enjoying looking for Greek pro files ana pillars,, The girls , and ,, boys are anx iously . looking .forward to the completion flf,, the, domestic sci euce and manual tralnipg rooms, The freshman Hasp is, steadily forging on and are hheajof their monthly schedule in many sub jects. - ,., Ataimeetinstaf tlie Seriihion. ers of fet Cecilia ehtfrch Bdndsy it was (decided to make the roehisl school free to all children of the parish. Starting wjth the New Year no tuition wil( be charted. Tils improved financial condition bf th4 church hat made this possible. Rever end J. P. O'Flynh presided and many talks We. made by the ladies as weiiaatns men. Mr. B. Deis soundrd tte leynote when he dbclaref thjf ijaHsh as s unit it rtspontiule fJr the spir itual codditioh s,educationsl facilities afforded their children. Talks were s'to mads by i. t. Melloyt W. L.ncfy, 0. Meyer, J. Handel. 17 Uebrich, Mes- daUet' RoseiMPstaghj Hines, Hanaei ana vn ,iHi'',?.'iT.,l YobM hkht if o get ydur wobttawed jjuieklj Lev m n. ncison bsw ic Getoii . . tip Tci ii iioLtUii BraatUjCi Ukee it ULLU T." Cir -jw t Ct"jrsia is i vU . r attLe home of Her par- mts t&is wewk. '. the Ladies Social Club of Eu- xr will hold Its next meeting at je boms of tin. Kimball. The Ruber Commercial Club will give b Thanksgiving ball tonight in the Huber hall. Mr. Lindsay who has been working at Westport for a few months hss returned home fort few days visit, with hit family, v Mrs. Dobbins bf near Huber is visiting her sister bf Portland. V. Halls of Portland recently purchased a three-acre tract of land from the Shaw -Fear Co. Ws hear that he expects to move here in the spring. lira. Varlev wha has been an the sick list is able td be up and about her duties again. Harry Hughes it working in our vicinity this week, grubbing stumps for V. Hslley. ; totss-fetcaert hssrasj. Followina is the Drotrrsm for tnr rarent-ieacners' . Associa tion. December 6, 1916. 1. Piano sola Elra Ekatram. 2. Recitation, 'Emily Jane, No- reen Nelson. 3. Drill bv 16 boys and 16 sirls. 1 Recitation, Frits, Wesley (JOOK. 6. Piano duet K ah ran and Philippe Roberts. Subjects for discussion Shall we have medical suoervision in our schools f Ways and Means of S fiaytnsj. Chorat Sorrento Club. Tht undersigned will offer at puojic auction, at the jhoss K. Merlo Farm, quarter of a mile east of Santa Rosa station on the Oregon Electric) commencing at 10 O'clock A. M. Saturday; December ie the follbwinff! 1 team of horses. L8 and 9 years, weight about 1800 ids eacn; i wniie sew; l larm wagon with topi 1 spring wagon; l dox wagon; 8 sets buggy har ness; 1 set team harness; 4 plows, 1 drag harrow! 2 platform scales; 1 disc: 1 hay fork and rone: 1 cultivator; 1 roller; 1 . ton land ume; l stump puller with cable and plow, complete; 1 htower; 1 rake; flaxseed; hay in barn; red clover seed;. many other things too numerous to mention. Terms: All sums under $10. cash in hand; all sums $10 and aver, 6 months'; timet bankable note at 8 per dent. , . ROSA MERLd; Owner. J. U fua-aUit Auctioneer, i '".1 nnt , : I iNd. 32 ST or Tilt coRorribM o tri BANK OF.BZAVERTDN At Betverton Mini State of'Qnftm, n the cloaa of kuaiaaat Noycmbal: 17, lilt , ' anovacsi ' Loan and diacbunU . .M,681. Bonds and warranta ' - S86.C funutun and AxtviH i 3.SU0.OI Ottaar real aatt'tr ovnai y 8,400.01 Uua froln aperovcd rewrvi nks - 36,577.93 Cbadu and othar cMh l(ou 860.62 Caahonhaad -' ' 4,104.62 Total i ' ?:; v 1107,111 , UAdlUTItS Capital itoci liaid la :, iOiOOO.Of Undivided profiU, IrM rapchaet and tana paid , . . l,585it Individdal depoilts likjkct to Qeauwi oertificatai of dedosii 2:ms Tiaw add Savings DtpMJU 31,493.07 Total : 1. 1107,111.44 3TAW ( bttEGOM U County of Waihlngton jj , i ei 1. 1, .y.- bank, do njelnaly tftu that the above ttaaanfnt it true to tlia Heat of mi knowledge and1 heliei . Subacribe and eworn to before Uk thk 25th day of Nnyeiaiben 191ft I Fi W. Obtt Notary PuDIIc. My coaunUKlah ttpint June 22, 1920. Cdtifca-.-Atteet! t. W. hlTtrmore. B. cd r:;;::::i W. W. tiatkiU and wifs were in Portland Saturday. M. 8. Barnss snd wifs vititod with relatives in Bkookumville Sunday, i The dt) water mains Wars well cleaned out during the firs jundsy night Many of ourdtisens received Thsnktgiving presenU from Cal ifornia of late, by express. It it rumored that 'wadding hells will ring again near Beaver ton, before long! C. E. Hedgs school clerk of Beaverton District No. 48 has been busy the put week taking the annual school census. Mrs. Horace Emmons went up to Toledo, Ore.i with her mother Tuesdsy Where she will spend s week. ' Bill Wolf and Vine Fittnat- rick took a fine porker to town last Monday, the butcher thought the water must have been too hot' Forest Grove It wlde-a-wake in manj wayv there are guide boards all over Washington county pointing the why and telling how many miles to the College City. Where if Beaver ton? Miss Alice Watts, who is teaching 24 miles esst of Lb Grande at a town called Summer vllle, Oregon; reports 28 children are in attendance, tlx inches of snow, a lake nearby, covered with ice eigfit inches thick and the thermometer singing at 2 below zero. - . . . . Max Welter whd in partner ship with ank snd Jos Hoi boke had 1400 acres in wheat and barley nesr Gooseberry, Ore., writes thai grain is com ing up at H.rO per bushel now, they still have 8000 bushels of wheat and 8000 bushels of bar ley. Max will soon be home to run the 90-acre farm of Mr. Wel ter near the Tualatin by Klnton. He will have a large dairy over in his new location. i3EAVRT0N Bl.CKSf.:itR WOP Auto Bodies uilt .knd first wagon work of all Kinds don Rons Sktoisf t Htwtktit llarpaissl All work first class and gtaantetci OTTO ERICKSONi Prtp. AaaU1tkA i::u::t k:z! .re you- going horns far . Chris tduil sneV Ve Veark' holidays? Roifnd (Hp.'u) will be tn ; jBjfecrtetweeh.po'noiipit Oregos teetric j, i By., December WniJ 31i and January it btttirn limit January 3, Also, for all potntajn Oregon, Washington alM tdabU, xcept Wert of Rainict,, h the - fibktnej ,ortlr.id A Seattle Ry.Vand MneCtlrig tints; December 22 to ft5 inclusive; return limit January 8 yoti'dn ticiiEt? solo. liG-AcI acrta iH RESEAVATIOfili ARRANGED BY LOCL Pare Cjew'a . tWL'L-ia via Tl MdrtV Bank Sud S. S. NafSer PhC' : . fc4itrtofl: , - Henry kea is ksca M viiit this w-;k. Much 11 plowing tLS tien done of lata la tUs vWaity. Mies Rolen Jones of twni is visiting her moCsr La. ICa Jones. Miss Violet Fleck of Fsrtbsd spent Sundty With Ida. ties, Stitt " Floyd A.1a f0riar!y of fL Grove to Portland, , . Georgs Ktwiaan la bs Ji fct Beaverton again shaking with old friend, Mr. and Kit Fiii ni r1 were Portland v it! tort tU Jut (i thewssk. Quito a number Of the lent marksmen attended the that" T match at Ekookumville one f low remarkid that ntitt ysafks intended to take ovsrs Sanson. Archie Ferguson traded one of. hit motoreyelts for a KitehaX auto truck and delights in being" underneath It Mrs. R. M. Wolf from W V ington ia visiting her stoker Mrs. Ida Joaes for a fsw dcs.. Then shs is going to Aloha to' visit hit with folks i!r. sad l!?.s Wolf. , , , . , The statement of tbs Bank tf, Beaverton In this Issue shawir t deposits of upwsrds of HCJ speakt welt for tht prosperity of the community this f all and tht high regard the bank is held. Archie Pike hss finished har vesting hie potatoee H7ics'a yield of lO hundred saekt, Ke sayt hit potatoes were nevj better tt-af thU Jttt.-. t U busy now putting in hjt f Jl crops, . : , The Aid Society of tttHT. ehurcb will,. hold t-T r - ! Btsur in the Gra.i L 1 at Cedar l?lll December 1 1, afternoon and evening. t-J e.i, f ul and Mney ferticles, twef'-o quilts will be for sale, eoe ar 1 select your ChnttiSai g.. j, re frerthmentoii les crasm, e. Lv cofrse, home mads crJ'ta, a cordial invitation extontied to A Potato diggW It still on the proffTsinis JL ri"" aeaH eaaijfeabai mm K. Dennejr, Direetan.