Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, November 09, 1916, Image 1

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    V- 4
Ac-pt Pr olnt
ward Payne fovrj. changing
fthat he u ufsonably jesloat,
. susaiciooa. ' and onot ', attacked
her straegUng her. . & , akt
. for CO month alimanynd 76
to pay oasis of the aewjaj-
EmllLauber baa brpughttiiit
against, B, A. KeUetytl tod
asks judgment 'for 5.20 end
interest at 8 per Hit flora Jsnu
ary 38, 1916, and tfatof the
action v '. i' '
,. , W. J. Makelip It suing the
: Taalatln Lumber Co. for the tuoi
W f611.68, with'tee from
the 19th day 4weVl14 eJso
11247.24 with tji costs of the
action. i " .
The Copeland Lumber. Co, has
sued H. L. ' Goodwin to oollect
judgment for &J6.4& with .in.
tereat at 8 per cent f mm May 81,
.. and alio the gum of $6Qft with
'" interest at per cent from Feb
ruary, 1816.
The Apme Co. it asking s
r judgments for $80 and costs
' againtt John H. Scown with in
terest from January 19, 1916.
. The debt is alleged , to have been
v incurred to another company for
i advertising material, -.i u ;
. Nabaai Can
In the estate of A'ona Alena
' Nord, deceaaed. Victor'-Nord ie
petitioning for the appointment
of himself as administrator. 'The
value of the. estate is plaoed at
::; Maniaf Licaoftaa
Marriage licenses were granted
the past week to the following
Dr. Edmund Myer?
Physiciaa aail Surgaoa-
AnflQimces the opfofflgof
.-. ; . T-..r -J-'-.- . . J ... ...! .- .. -f - -. -.,,.. ;: ;
Beaverton Houri
Until tioon and venings
Portland I-ours
2KW t 4KK) p. m. Telephone) Mai.
835-617 Alejrgan liMiog ' i
Portland office equipped with complete
elecjiieal and XrRay apparatus
'One of ret Hart's
western life. Ab -
11 "II ".-
Dpn't "frees" around a stove this Winter. Move into a
modern y building' with 18-inch brick walls, ; .
steam-heated, hot and cold water,
-v , Hp - to date stores and offioes .
Sanitary Beht Display Lower Insurance Reasonable Rent
. vm riialxmnni will aoDreciate these advanfeB-ea
-V..( ..(,- .-at!
4 t;; Vitl Car-
Van I tad Cb-a & ljr
ton. -WthoH , ty, f ' "s tnd
Clda fradaaB. Tv-C'.-
The Sorrento, Ipwrosssent
Qlub will meet at the residence
of J. D. Wilroot on fUtorday
evening November U at, 740 p.
mi for the purpose of devising
ways and meanVto ropy?, our
aide-walk and ether improve
ments that we' deem advisable
at' thii time alto to dispell the
proposed special .road tax to be'
levied in District No. C8 at the
budget meeting the Sorrento dis
trict was left without any tax
for permanent reek read, frbjch
we neea very iwa in some places
as the roads will be almost im
passable again 1 this winter.
What's the use of a special tax
if we osn.t ge(; any benefit from
it ; All members and others in
terested in gqbd roads' are re
quested to b presen t . 4 -: ,
President '
,m ; , .
W. E. Carty of Ridgefield,
Washington, was in attendance
at the card party given by the
St Ceoelian Club. Wednesday
The cafeteria lunch served by
the ladies of. the" Congregational
church in the kitchen of- the
Grange Hall last Tuesday noon
and night is said to have been
a financial success: $25 was the
sum reported as having been col
lected above expenses, -;
TusoSce In Kia residence
famous stories of
so - lute - ly good,
4JcjL .WARM!
i - ...... . - ------ -' n; ; - - I " --! ir- " i iT J '
1 By f'r ?! fr0'
votM tU preeUsntial election
has baes, giva o President VTil
son, wbjoriH aiain occupy tbt
plaoa of aightat nonoc in the
United Itatep,, from tha start
the elMtkm waaclpsa and not
until thursdajf waa'tbe resuH
oertain. At preytnt ' President
Wilapn ))sj by BO meant acauirfd
his election by the popular vote
of pie people, ait majority being
small in all but a yery few of tbt
atates.: . :'v-
Oregon oast her vote fpr Mr.
Hughes, while, her two' titter
states gave Wilspn a majority.
The 4etnqrstto piwer in the U.
S. Congress is apparsntly at an
end, epteoBntly the' demo
cratic legislation will oaate, and
although the mistakes of the
past administration cannot be
rectified ft ji certajn that little
will be dons toward making mat
ters any Vorse. ;
Ip Washington opunty the re-
publicant carried everything.
The office of sheriff was practi
cally the only fine contested
closely! ' but the results show
Jess Applegate in the lead with
a safe ; 'majority over J.. &
Reeves. The east end candidate,
C. E. Hedge', lost by a slight
margjn to W. P. Boley. Mr.
Hedge, however, made a fine run
and showed much, strength at
every tum. ';;
: "lie .
Surprise Party
A surprise party was given
Saturday evening November 4
in honor of Miss - Ann - Welter.
Manyoi her friends were pres
ent Miss S. Holboke, Y. O'Con
nor, K. Desinger, E. Borash, M.
Borath,'Mary Overodder, Mart
Welter,, Mary Dooney, Mar)
Rechel, Otherine i Welter Ben
Henery Leo, Herman Holboke,
San Banard, Gut Desinger, Geo.
Mosofsky, Geo. Coughlin, Frank
Overodder, , Mike Welter, Jiai
Hano, Mr. and Mrs. Welter,
Mrs. Desinger,-, Mr.- and Mrs.
Hines. Refreshments . wen
served and Miss Welter received
many beautiful presents, , A
pleasant evening wat spent ;
: Over 800 people enjoyed the
big school debate last Saturday
night at Grange Hall "Resolvec
that Huirhea would be a better
president than Wilson." Affirm
ative, Vena Gaskill, Cecil Em
mons, , Elert Carstens, Violetta
Spraner and Edna Hocken. Neg
ative, Margaret Fitzpatrick,
Aloha Wi liame. xneima UDte
imve. Lucile Jones and Gloncie
Cheek. All the speeches were
excellent and' enthusiasm ran
wild, amid school yells and cheers
for both candidates.
' For aale cbeapA borw ami ont cow.
H. Taylor, Baavarton. 33tlpd
iTo get your wood sawed Quicklj
Let H. R. Nelson Saw it-
Otto Ericktea A. Terkar
Bavertoa BUcksssitb
; mi " f
Horse Shoeing Shop
All work first class and
, i guaranteed
Waajon Refwiripff '
Plowalurea Sharpened
Get your
, . Cake & Cookies
From t
Ferguson & Sons,
talned fiwco; t!ph gcaaol met
Friday evening with a najiowa-er
Partv. The aWtora were mat at
the 8(11 B n; car Ijy'th recep
tion committee tind in spite of
the sad weather a large erawd
came. On arriyipg at the school.
all donned their gbpstly c-es
and for an hpur or so it was a
Very spooky place .Next came
the basket ball gaifip between
the Oreppo and the QeavertoD
boys which resulted in a viotorj
for the borne team by the acort
S 88 to 80. The remainder of
e eyentntfwas spent In vtriouf
Ballowe'en stunts pd a delic
ious )unch was served, at a late
hour. "Several toasts Were giver
by the president and members oi
the ttodent body hlch were re
spond sd to by Frof. Grover ol
Orenoo High. The 'time being
to limited, part of the progran
wtt omlttei) but all voted it it
most enjoyable evening and We
hope to have more of these par
ties in the near future. ,,
Dr. Myers visited the school
Monday morning offering his ser
vices as instructor of an orches
tra if .the students wished to or
ganize oqe. No action was
taken on ,the matter., however,
until the pupils should have
time to consult their parents.
The Junior - Senior English
Class held a very interesting de
bate last Friday. The question
was "Resolved that the United
States should adopt Wilson's
plan of preparedness, and was
won by the affirmative tide.
The affirmative, speaker! were
Goldie Vincent, Alton Emmons
WVB6ryl Peterson. The nega
tive side was composed of Wilbur
Weed, Leita Henorix and LeRoy
Exstrom, . - t ,
' Eigirth Grade . ,
A meeting was held Monday
for the election of officers of the
eighth grade. The following
were elected: Leroy (. uraia-
president! . Vena Gaskill vice
Dresidentt Beatrice Banee sec
retary: Delia Alien treasurer;
Helen Jones editor. '
Friday a writing contest will
be held for the best specimen of
Palmer writing. A beautiful
gold pen will be given as a
trophy to the one who. receives
the hishest number of votes.
the specimens will be put on
exhibition in a. down town show
window.- Everybody is entitled.
to one vote,
Election new it 100; per cent
on meuouar, -
The Huber and Aloha people
are ; jubilant over the. electric
lights that nave Deen installed
in the two pepote.
The mask ball; given by the
Butter Commercial Club, last
Saturday evening, was-a success
in every particular, i ...
An Old Maid's Convention,
sonsiituigof 80 people,; will be
at the Huber Club House on Sat
urday evening, Nov. 11. Show,
will last two hours, then dancing
for two hours, all for. 26 cents.
All invited, :, ..... , ' ' ; ,.
- Most of the people In this .vi
cinity have their potato crop hsr
vested, and many are disposing
of them for fl.50 per sack,
Our schools are ' prospering I
with a large attendance, we
believe we have as good school
as Washington county affords,
Mr, Adam Horn rich was a late
Ford purchaser. The sale was
closed by Mr. Otto Eriekson of
the Beaverton uarage. : '
Mrs. Carlton who Uvea west
of Beaverton is suffering from a
ruptured blood vessel, due to an
accident which occurred the first I
of the week when ' she caught
ber foot between two boards and
Mr. Jot, Heedep of Portland
was a basinets visitor ken last
Mist Estalla Wright of Port
land spent the week end visiting
Miss (ttie Hunter. ,.;
Mr. Jim Sullivan of Ocsch is
lending a few days visiting his
lister Mri w. H. Hunter.
Mrs. J. Msolnerney of the
Home Bakery waa a Rote City
busines visitor on Wednesday.
Mr. Otto Brjokaqn hV bought
out the interest of Mr. A. Tprker
in the Beaverton Blacksmith
The recall af County Judge
Reasoner was btdly beaten ac
cording to all reports, received
thus far. . : v
Mrs. Rumage af Portland wit
visiting her daughter Miss Eileen
Ruipsge Monday at the W. a.
Hunter home.
A very, delightful card party
was given at the room of the
Mrs. Mary and Jennie Fitipst
rick Wednesday evening. ,
r l'e?!e!,5!i8hi'' nnranise
Industrial Cfube, or wanting in
formation relative to nlnh mm
please notify thebff)c f , . '
Mrs. Julia hontui Vat t.
her home east of town the other
day i for the winter. " 8he''' has
een spending the summer at
Mt .Carmel, Wash. " "
Paly Pes WAt . " -' '
i Ea IUe . - ' " .': V',", v; ' v"... T
A New Traj ; .' ; ; . ' . '
Portland to Son Frcr.r'rco
Vilbmett-Uir.pqi:a-S!jcrrr:r.t3 .
Shast$ Ltd. Sani Frtr.cbco pxprtca
(-V. 3iN p. av ' Lv, MM p. mt.
' ' Shasta Route '
Ask Local Agent for InfetnwtiM
J0BI1J 8COTT, General Ptsiepger Agent
Reduced Fares
; Vfcite
, November 89 and 80 round trips will be told
between stations on the Oregon Cectrie Ry, 1
: (minimum 60 cents for adult and 88 cent for
, children of five and under twelve year of '
t , . ge) good for return until Mppdey following,
. Through tickets east and south via Portland
' , 1 Beaverton,
;, Portland November W8 ",
Portland, December 4-1)
Spokane, November 29-25
baenAjir'-f i; . eaw
westof l-wton, dd fdn
last at ittli tsya of 80 yean,
Geo. 3eip iafenpt w k-
word h. as just reached him of tbe.
death'ofhia mother whale
beerlitriFy.,ia Atlanta, QeareX
T; W. Cm merman aang fa
solo id tbt Public Speaklef'ia
Cady Halt Utt Friday night and
received i considerable applauae,
Wi tt Sajwtte, Idaho,
was In leaverteif the first of the
week looking for location. Mr.
Bell is an old Mend of W. E.
Pom havihg been aoaua'-ed
wJV. f. while ivjng In i,,n-
the prise winner at the evd
patty given by the Ceoelian Club '
Wednesday evening were jura.
Wm. Davis, first ladV prise and -
Warren Ferguson, first geae
men s pfiie. ' v
Therlo, the small ton of I. E.'
Weed; feH the- other day and
fractured hi1 am, Dr, Kyere '
of Beaverton was called and the.
little fellow wat taken to Port
land where an. X-ray examina
tion was made of . th break.
Nothing serious was. found and
he is resorted- as recovering
nicely. . -v-.,' ; .v. , ,
'Charles Warren it horn on
visit. While werklntf recently
near Ihdependenee, It had a
peoullar accident in railroad lan
guage he wa riding a "Jrtrer
rcihg with '"foq foo" the gas
oline motor or "fob foo1' stopped
quickMhe "glgBer" collided and
Charlie went "about 40 feet up in.
the air and cam down in Bea
verton. I . ; ' .' '