Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, November 02, 1916, Image 3

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    1 r
- -'
. a . Jl -
frajaas e ii prtM
wars piiim, wnneesta.
- n 'urn las" srtaaa, te,k.iellar
Beat. W aarai iu'Wiw IM M St sat
Sea AUaanahriaiantaad.
HwlBaaal I imiwTw MUriatMi
su nw
& Cutting Co,
hrtO EMbkaHlOsT-AcelTleMlW.
Oav nrtn wmw na caW waaaae
toTawvank. IbMrUtr, Oas-Aeasrleas.
Stan! Cm haa. AhaSaaaa
oikrwd MaftoWark .
ALSO A0BNT9: Th. H.ndenm.WIIUe W.kUn,
, BtldCuttlaeCo.. St bulla. U. 8. A., Fwlerat
iiw Wrrka, Slat St. A Kadaie Aye., CJaeaso.
New llouston Hotel
Rata. oc 75c, II, LM Par Day. .',",
At A lj CALAIS J.1 hJT Ol&UlO
Pipe, Flume, Pumps, Gates. Weirs,
' - Tnki, Troughs, Silos. We spe
cialise on Irrigation end Drainage , ;
w"k- A. L. GAGE & SON
103 Spalding Bldg.
Portland, Ore.
It Don Not Grow So.
Thara la only one way to fata
awl Violin Without Gnat Ex
ponas, which U: Band In your
OufBndOnaand havahVnwda
Into an 0W flood Oaa. Eatl
mataa siren frae. All work
guarantaad. Send to ' .
THE COULTER CO.,' ranwalka
movod to m to 387 Burnaida St.. Port
land. On. Larseat Tins Repair Plant
In the Northweet. Country aarvieaa
apeelaltr. Uaa Panel Font,
Shs Waa Shopping.
STha, .ttkfl hann alttlne In the frani-
ture ihop for nearly two- hours, In
specting the took ot linoleums. Roll
Attar , roll the perspiring assistant
brought out, but itlU ahe seemed dis
satisfied. From her dreas he judged
her to be a person of wealth, and
thought It likely she would have a
good order to give. WHen at last he
had shown her the last roll he paused
In despair.
"I'm sorry, madam," he said apolo
getically, "but it you could wait I
could get some more pieces from the
factory. Perhaps . you would call
The prospective customer gathered
her belongings together and rose from
the chair.
"Yes, do," she said, with a graotous
mile, "and ask them to send you one
or two wilu ywrj Burau uodikiib, un
able for putting in the bottom of a
canary'a oage." Chicago Journal.
' ' "Anuric" cures Backache, Lumbago,
Rheumatism. Send 10c. Dr. V. H.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. X., for large trial
'Package. . -
"I can not understand why my bcc
ond husband is so fastidious," con
fessed a Washington lady to her
bosom friend. "He scaroely eats any
thing. My first husband, who, died,
used to eat everything 1 cooked for
him." . ' M
"Did you tell your present husband
"Yes." : '..'.
"Thai's the reason." r- Pittsburgh
, : Charaoter Analysis.
"I always told Charley that he had
too sensitive a nature," said young
Mrs. Torkins. ' .
"Sensitive!" exclaimed Charley's
brutal brother-in-law.
"Yes. You said yourself he had no
business playing poker because he
was always shy." Washington Star.
; Through. i"
"Is Bill Jenkins still paying atten
tion to that red-headed Smith girl?"
"Not very much. . They're married
;' "... Accounted For. "'-v:
"Thla play is a howling success."'
' "Of course. That comes from try
ing it on the dog." Baltimore Ameri
can, " ""' " '' '.'
Alialry BMg- Pirllsnd, Or.
Hy Booklet. "Chronic Dfaeau. Ita Cases'
sad Care " brlnea new nopa to the invalid.
Maor ao-oallad incumblaa rcatored to
health and oanpinaaa. WRITE TODAY.
Write abant yoar wants in this line to
m Madiaon St, Portland, Ore.
tMJj L.l I
Conditions Consiured.Dsrrous by
Many Tndars Corn tactics
Highest Mart Since 1857.
Chicago Speculation has gom wlkl
In everything, especially in feea.
with grains taking the lead. Thawe
haa never been anything liks the apao-
nlativa buying and advancing tajidaocy
of values, as shown in the wheat
ketof lata.
A 18-cent advance in 14 boon was
followed by an eight-cent break and
a 12-cent bulge. To aae December
wheat sell at 11.90 in Chicago, tl-TO
in MinneaDolia S1.85 In Kansas City.
11.891 in Winnipeg-, and 18.0X1 lor
durum wheat in Dulttth, and 12.08 for
the cash article of the latter variety
in Hinneapolis is axtmething that the
grain trade of today hat sever experi
enced. Predictions of 12 wheat at Caloaio,
which ware not expected to bs realiaed
before next March or April, may Be
come a reality this week, unless some
thing develops to cheek the Daiiisn en
thusiasm and the heavy volume of miy-
iror. deapita the fact that prices have
more than doubled within about
year. Wheat prices are the highest
since 18B8, when the market was -r
tlflciaL Present prices are legitimate,
as prices the world over are abnor
mallv hlih. Bo low as nothing de
velops to disturb the confident feeling
existing among holders, tarn ia no
telling how high prices may go. The
level, however, la getting so mga,
with the market a long one, that it ia
regarded aa dangerous by many tras-
a. " i
The high prices are bringing cut
liberal quantities of wheat, as idea of
farmers are met by the advance and
interior reserves an being reoueed,
while the visible supply is increaaing.
There la a eeneral impression tn the
trade that the bulk of the cash Decem
ber wbast in the United States and
Canada ia owned by foreigners and ex
porters. They are expected to take a
delivery of the cash grain in uacem
bar. ,
Cash earn sold tip to ILliJ .for NsJ
2 yellow last week, or the highest
since 1867. Corn at 11 a bushel and
over looks high by ounparieon, but
with wheat above L90 it is not out
of tins. I
RassiMS Btrai New Mve: Grat
i Offocht i tkSa. Mi Pita
London A telegram received in
Rome f mm a German aouroe reports
there are Indications of the beginning
of a tremendous new Russian offensive
in Galicia and Poland, says a dispatch
from the Italian capital received by
the wireless press. -
RAvlinThji Pnafllana have renewed
their attacks on the Austro-Uennan
lins west of Lutsk, in Volhynla, and
... Mffina. annMntAal MniwfflV flllliven.
tnn an MHIlll HtinrieV. eftaUF twa daVa'
artillery preparauon in sne vicinity w
Zaturae.' The attack, according to the
official statement, latieu compiswy,
with heavy losses to the Russians. , ,
Petrograd Auatro-German f onsen
launched a series of violent attacks
against the Russian' and Roumanian
Dositions on both banks of the river
Byatritsa, in the region of. Dorna
Watra, Sunday, says the official state
ment bv the Russian war omos. com
pelling the Russian advanced posts to
ananaon two netgnis. - .
. Premium Paid to Holland,
Washington, D. C A new arrange
ment for diverting Dutch products un
der which England will be assured of
obtaining a greater percentage than
she has been able to get by purchase
in the open market in competition
with German buyers waa, reported to
this government The report aaya
England will nay for many Dutch
agricultural products the same prices
ahe now is paying her colonies, the
English government making good the
difference between such prices and
those paid by Germany.
8hot Fired at Premier.
Melbourne, Australia An attempt
was made recently to assassinate Wil
liam Morria Hughes, the Australian
premier, at his boms in New Victoria,
according to a Renter dispatch from
Sydney, which aaya the information
waa obtained from eloae friends of the
premier. A man ia aaid to have forced
a window at night ; and have fired a
revolver shot into the premier'a bed
room. The bullet did not take effect.
The would-be aasassin escaped.
France Will Fix Prices.
Paris The French senate paaaad a
measure Monday authorial eg the min
ister of the Interior to tlx the limits of
retail selling prices of butter and
cheese. These products now are
bringing from 60 per cent to 1(0 per
cent mors than they paid before the
t ,,t M C. JL.. (
Peaansaa, CA-'I waat ta aataw. P
fc-a the ewe el
t y a a 'njaaa,
auu tar uaa krmi
ead goad advtot
obtained. I ssaa
r.mai naotber.
. i
O. M had beta
'great aonerer;
f wree nmee s wee
r given an as dia.
the last time beiac
r four months awe.
I doctored with srvrral doctors bat
obtained no relict. Was told that aa
operation would effect t cave, aa I
submitted to one, bat this proved b
all the mediclaea I bad taken act
benancial. I ebtalned, and started at
once taking 'Favorite lascriiition.1
Ponr months ago the doctors and
nurse aaid it would be a year or mora
before I would be able to do my hooaa
work, and, of court, ' I Utsmjht ao
myself aa I was not able to Walk
across the floor for several weeks. I
am now able to do my aotaarwerk asvl
to care tor my emiorea ana i e swa
feel aa though I coald ever thank yea
esymgh for the benefits I have re
ceived." Mas, llAtntua Kinv ilH
South Pasadena Ave.
Why should any woman continue to
anwrv. to leaA a miserable existence.
When Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
U sold by draggiata, in either tablet
or liquid krm
Sick people are lavttearto eooann
Dr. Pierce by letter, Aw. All correa.
pondenoa is held as strictly nrivaaa
sod sacredly coaodential. , .
StmA three dimes ( or' sUmnsS far
mailiBg ensrges to ur, tierce a vauos
Hotel. Bttfhlo. N. Y.. and von will re
receiveea copy of theuotrtaaoa tsrnsa
sienirai Auriacr," as caarae pawoauu.
:-' What Hs SaM.
"Ia vour husband fond of golf?"
"Fond of it? He Lad the nerve tt
tell me the other night that I ooulo
consider utself lucky that he bad
married me before hs was Introduced
to the game" Detroit Free Press.
of Good Digestion
if strongly reflected hi your
general health and happi-
For any digestive weak'
nets, liver and
bowel trouble or
" malaria, fever
You should try
l i Stomach B'b
Not a Square Deal. ,
Miss Mason waa explaining to her
Sunday school class the lesson tor ths
day, the auDect being ue tares ana
the wheat
Now. remember, children, ths tares
represent the bad people and the
wheat the good ones."
"Why, Miss. Mason!" exclaimed a
rosy-cheeked boy, who had been lis
tening through the lesson with deep
Interest, "did you say the tana are
the bad folk and the wheat ths good
"Yea, James," replied the teacher,
pleased at tne lac s interest.
"Well, that's funny. I think!" re
marked the matter-of-fact child. "It's
the wheat that geta threshed; the
lares don't." Philadelphia Ledger.
170BXIHG 70"Efl
Some Have to Keep on Until
Ihejr Almost Drop. How
&In.ConIeyGot Help.
Here is a letter from a woman whs
(ad to work, but was too weak and suf
fered too much to continue. How aha
regained health:-;
Frankfort Kr-'' I scared aotmrh
wlth female weakness that I could not
do my own work.
had te hire it
I heard so muck
about LydiaE. Pink.
ham's Vegetable
uomponna that I
tried It I took three
bottles end I found
It to bo all yoo
claim. Nowlfeelas
am able to do all mi
own work asmin. I
rseammsnd it to any woman auttering
from female wesVssa. You assy pub
lish my letter if you wish. "-Mrs. Jan IS
UMLHT.ue . tisirbt.,irraaatert,ay.
No woaoan auftering from any form of
jamais ttoobka should lose aMessamS
ahe haa given Lydia E. Pinkham's Yafa
euoie timpouna s rair truu.
Ihia famous remedy, the
mirredlents of which are derirad froaa
aattve roots and berbe. baa for forty
years proved to be a nvost valuable tonis
and invigoratorof the female or ginlsna, 1
All women ar invltsnl to writ
to alve Lydia B, PinsJuaaa afattk
same Co, Lynn, Kasa, for snantoj
Pa4-as-t- Sl.t
tetyread, ti.a.i enk,; red li red Rnsaisn, 1.U. .
usta NO. i waita reoo, gss.
Bsrtsy-Ne. 1 wklha feed, HI
risnr IwtsMa. ta.00: strait ta. 7.10; uport H.0; vaiiey.
7.M waOatWaSSa, U1 ITiaVaaw,
HO. ; - .... ,
V-wot priosa: Bran,
14 9 'I; aborts, g.Hwrti
tsiledW - . -etnnst.H.
Conw-,-we, W per ton; oTackao,
Hsj I'laayeeers' prtoaa; nrnouiy,
EaslawnOwaaraS. I'Wperton; tim
othy, nsuV , tit it; alfalfa, line)
M.60: v i grata nay, ismio.
ekyver. lit wo.
Bap-ar---(aal astraa, aac ma joo-
Mng pTiewat Pnno, extraa, t7e pa
pound; a-wrfe No. 1, its; no. I,
2ws r- ranch, sorrant ra-
eaipx, e ejoasa; wagon rancn,
saaaa X sV - i
row f mm Mtejie apnnga,
U 9 l'e; tarksys, Hvo, nt) tie;
icka, u ! gaeee, ltarniio.
Vaal raacy, 1M11C par pound,
Porkyaacv. Ikelllie oar pound.
Vsgatiiinl Arttchokea 76cl per
sen; taaoes, MMuJYoc par crate;
eaUaura, U.U par hnnared; nappi
07e par noand; sggslaat, 8c; let
tuce, U.K par box; cueumbera, S0Q
Tic; eerery, tufj76c par ooaen; pnmp.
klaa, Is par pound; squaan, lc
Potatoes Oregon baying pries,
tl.W O l.M per kuralrsd, country
polnta; nreeta. Hit.
Onions Oregon buying pries, fl.iv
par saok. country points..
Orsaa FTUlta Applaa, new, aocrjsi
par but; peaches, 40c; pears, 76o
11.16; grapes, 76c m i.76; case oaa,
lie; eranbarries, ga.svlo per barrel.
Hons ill crop, luuuno per pouna.
Wool Eastern Oregon, Ana, I8
M; coarae, Ivwllc; valley, 80ac.
Moeair Sc par oouno.
Caacara Bark Old and new. Be per
Cattle Steart. nrinw I6.40CM.Bt;
good, te6.40; common to fair, o
6.76; cows, choice, M.oO; medium
to good, 4.I06; ordinary to fair,
11.(004; halfera, 4t.U; bulls, 18
4.26; calvea, t7.60.
Hogs Prima, 9cg9.8i; good to
prime mixed, 8.U9; rongh heavy,
88.M; pigs and skips, t88.26.
SheetvLambs, 1838.75; yearlings.
wethers. I7a7.60i old wethers, .26
6.60; owes, t6.60.
AN "Eats" Climb Higher Every Day.
Tscomn The unprecedented rise in
food prices continued Wednesday, with
potatoes and flour ths chief features.
Potatoes advanced ft a ton and floor
fdO cents a ; barrel. ; Yakima potatoaa
an now 140 1 ton and locals $86, and
indication are that ths rise is not st
the Mgnsst point yet . Jobbm say
that ths pries of potatoes will not be
lower until next August, and that they
will probably go higher. The New
York sugar market advanced lOosnts
and th effect is sxpaetsd to be felt
nan in a day or so. Mr. Ultimate
Consumer will hava to tighten up his
halt another notch.
Grapss arrived In large quantities
from California. Ths Yakima Con
cords are off the market, due to a
heavy frost. The 1st California
grapss Include the win and black
grape. Some of ths Jobbers are giv
ing the win grapss other names be
came tome of ths purehaaers fsar ths
officers of th law will be on their trail
as llouor manuieeturere if it ia known
they bought wins grapss. Th grapes
are arriving in lug boxes, which sell
at 66 cents. A few boxes of peaches
may still be found on the market.
California head lettuce la now on the
The fish market If flooded with dark
fall salmon. The run of these flab this
year la very heavy, forcing down ths
jobbing pries to 61 cents pound.
As ureal halibut and mall fish are
acarce. The meat market snows a
Una ton, with tendency to advene.
Eggs, butter and cheese price remain
All kinds of canned goods have gone
up with th general advenes, especially
condensed milk. Wholesalers have re
ceived notion that both Carnation and
Aster brsnds wars oversold and no
mors orders eould be received for some
time. Mount Vernon brand advanced
10 cents on the strength of this and
ths ton f the market
' Yakima Shipper Demand Cars.
North Hakims'--Yakima sblppsrs
telegraphed railroad companies Wed
nesday notifying thsm of their inten
ion to begin offering eonafgnmonta of
fruit and to resort to the courts if re
fused. They demand cara to relieve
ths shortage. H. If. Gilbert wired th
Interstate Commerce commission that
the Ntarthanrn Pacific and CW. E. A
N. assert Eastern roads an holding
their refrigerator earl for saipmsnt
of all kinds of marehndlas, svsn salt,
and aaking ths commission to compel
delivery of these cars.
Road Held ftssponalbls,
North Ysklms Shippers of the
Yakima valley met recently and decid
ed to tern notice on ths O.-W. rail
way company and the N. P. that they
intended to tender their fruit for ship
ment snd than hold th railroads re
sponsible if it cannot be sbippud for
lack of ears, tt ia believed that there
are over 4000 ears of apple y at to be
shipped vrhil It is almost impossible
to get refrigerator ears ertoogb. Fruit
is coming in from ths orehazoa at the
rate of six cars daily tor every on
' AY
,-' aU.
heexlful u
ittn-Wtn, ,
l"J. I.. D
I .. fa . SI
13.C3 S3X3 UXj tJU Si
Saw Moatary by Woetrin W. U Dasuwlsta
aheaaa. Poraa by ovwWOOOahowior.
The Bass Known Shoe tn the Vvorwi.
W. L Dauglaaoaaas sad the astal stiei k nafidea aSa bto
am of all sheas at ins factory. TTw ralua a suaiiniwW and
sVs waarar ptotectrd sgtlmt high prion) for aafsnwr ahssa. The
raod prices sis ths asms smyinscs. Thaycoat aa ana ia Sen
Ivanoaoi thu thay do kl rww York. Thty an alwara woe Bw
price paid fee ahaea. - . 5 . , y ,.;..-; f
fU asislky of W. U DcaaeUa prodnet k piiaanil oyswws
A than, 40 yen axpenanca la asaUrig ins ahess. lbs setsn
arras am me atadart in tne rssaiea
Thay ale sasds
by ths hajnaat
Safe rawr ahoa Sar fnr W. L. Oonalaa aSaea, itheeaaw
am aewly yen wlak tha IM yea waai. take ae etkee
uaka, Writa for tnMraatlae keeklat axa4ajauag hew sa
nwt Saaaa tha S'- tw-Aaaw as jaa saw Sis pilss,
iw reswra aaail. aaataae tree.
IOOK FOR W. L Dengta
seasva and th retail eel
iHaapad ea the betteaa.
' When to login i
If we all had our Uvea to live over
If we ralaht surt afresh and anew,
What Joy it would be for us women
.. ana men..
And what wonderful things w
aaouia not . "1
How straight we should walk and how
1 Sriae we should talk:
How cheerful we'd be and how gay;
But if we're in earnest about our re
Why don't we begin them today?
We feel that we'd never be foollah and
fling . .
All our strength and our labor away,
And we'd readily do each commend
able thing,
Without either nroflt or nay. :
Bat If we're ao keen at reform to be
an. 1 ,.' . ' '
If we're olnina to enter th fray. "
Th question arise with partisan
, now. .- .
Why don't w get busy today? :
This days that ars gone an moat thor-
re ma't hrlna them back If wo try;
But the day that are coming roll
: 1 . steadily on, j
And no one can ever tell why.
CrAsss it should be they're to help you
I and me
Do sensible thlaas while wo may,
'U certainly help us to uv ovsr
our uvea. "
we start out to do It today.
Taeoma Labor Advooat.
k Ceres Watts Yae Walk.
kfllsn's Foot-Eaaa la a certain ours for hot.
unR,eauiiB,anaawoiiBn,acblnlsst, Sola
ilfiruuleta. Prloeftn. Don't anoantaua
tlluH" Trl.l packaas FMEk, AdlRSS
a a. lauteo, ui noy, a. T. m t
The Vital Point. (
beautiful young lady Interviewed
a fortune teller on the usual subjects.
dr," said th clairvoyant "you will
visit 'foreign lands and the courts of
kings and queens, You will conquer
alb rivals and marry the man ot your
choice. He will be tall and dark aud
aristocratic looking."
f And young?" Interrupted the lady.
TYee. and very rich,"
the beautiful lady grasped the for
tune teller's hands and preessa mem
TWhank you," she said. "Now tell
mej one thing more. How shall I get
rid) of my present husband?" New
York Time
k Times.
for De-married Widows.
T4, wnianlad widows (If now S wfSow) at CMI
War Union eoldiore. aallors and marinee may now
MA,, nn tk aarvica of Um flrat ICIv I
War) bubland. Fan Axod by law an4 oonUnsent
qimvi auooaaa. Ovar 86 yoara axpurwaee. Tabes
kVftSLw Co., WaahlnsM. D. 0. .
Her First Order.
ra. Younabrlde (to butcher) I've
Just thought ot something for dinner
mi husband la very fond of. You have
chickens? , ' -
Butcher VeB'm; nice and fresh.
Mrs. Youngbrids Well, plaaae cut
out the croquettes and I'll take them
with me. Boaton Trausorlpt
'" , . Hi Way.
"What an energetic exsoutor your
late uncle appointed."
"Yes; he Is working with a will,"
Baltimore American.
is simply delfeiouB
The highest gnda ot baldng pcrde pos
sible to buy and your money ,tundsd
if it fails to satisfy. Ask your dealer.
Jaquas Vif Co Ct"e ,
AttK ", . ' '
-t and be) worU It
ri Bmak , rtat chser mm
$ lansilalswi saakwi ihe aesed
aaw, saara, It aoeaeiaa the vHal SeeV
bsOdlag and ba-bildla
tsuasrss slnuv nuuiish
eaL netrsagtawwataen
- wiaasnt awaswaai iln 1
eataveiaV H'O IT IMI
U ft L A Sj
uanwaa 01 luaiaai.
my pnplcs!
ak tha aala el Swaaal
eoeo.Blaaalaaran4 freak. llUaawatvala.
i i.aiiSa
lmB,aaaaa,atl. iolarallaawa. Pea
trial Irw, aaa a kaaeal, saaaaaw. MA
tLCO,-, -
,w sareaak. -w-
aft ' -
"wF w 'leer fcea at, t
Toar Ci-'lafl V atr s"e.
alvtla' r -
Dragiwtiaeaawltas)aaaijii ,. Jt
.' ' Csrtalnly Plsi . '
Poor taddle," said the Mdy to
hotel lift boy, "dont you find ls
work rather trying and monotonoorf'
"No lesr, miaeasi I us n. ira
full of excitement First of all, tassel
alwara ths funny people oomu-a la
and out. Than there's other ttauass.
"Only yesterday a man into to get
out before th lilt was dowa a4
craoked his skull, Than last week ta
machine broke, and ths thing oaaaa
straight down from th sixth floor to
the bottom, and everybody was kt
'oept me. This 'ere rope, too.; looks a
bit weak, but It'll probably but till we
get up, though I don't know what we'll
do It It doesn't, 'coe ths Bullae man
la away 111 today, and 1 mate's Just
Joined up, and I'm In charge of svsry
thing and I don't know nothing about
It. Bo It ain't really what you oould
call a dull lite, Is It f "-London An
swers, Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver,
bowels and atomach. Una illtla Pellet
lor a laxative thrve for cathartic.
'')-'-'''ltoMto In PHtlss '
Politician Congratulate me, my
dear, 1'vs won the nomination!
His Wife (In surprise) Honestly?
Politician Now, what In thunder
did you want to bring up that point
for? Cass and Comment
New Rendering,
"Young Smith says that Miss Paddy
is his beta noir."
"Dear mel He must be awfully fond
ot her to call her a pet name Ilk
that" Baltimore American.
I I f la.IV MU
. taah. ssaUaiilala-ak
srrm j x
fthaisanod.: " ., A
aUsW3 JI
1 J i e
3TA ... .
I tteMflal..iM.tMrHtlariaYwiwt7eewwBaa, H
I f M ..sarii'iir ol Culw on a Sua u a I II
I rWarrn.fia( la rciaa SNBaaavje D
I ohli, laualuwCtrnaaa UeaeUalaalaa
jl ft? SSl Ut-asanA gsaaaa. toaa-asj
Nut Cake
when made with
P, N. U.
No. 46, IBM
war. . '"v.-. 1 '!
that is sent out