Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, August 17, 1916, Image 5

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    tt.': Learning arj Istior
' In lb Six School and Forty-eight De
partMeata le engaged in the great Mik
jP.f nnHiog learning tod Ibor.
. orty.t)gh School Year OBaaa
SEPTIOR 18,1916.
Iegrte CeuriM requiring four-year
high school preparation, are offered in
the followinf:
AGRICULTURE, U Departments;
COM MERCK, 4 Departments; KNGIN
KBRINQ, 6 Departments; MINES, 8
Department! ; FORESTRY, 3 Depsrt
nients; HOME HCOMOMICS. 4 Depart- .
niMte; and PHARMACY.
Vocational Courses requiring: an
Eighth Grade preparation for entrance
are offered in Agriculture, Dairying,
Commerce, forestry, Home juaicers, and
Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with a two
year high school entrance requirement.
SCHOOL OF MUSIC Piano, String,
Band and Voice Culture. -,
Citaiopue uud beautiful illustrated
book let free.
Address Tkk RnorsTBAH,
1 W-7-1S-18 to H-7-16) COKVAU.IS, OfcRQON
Notice of Sale.
In the County Court of the State of Ore-
gon for the County of Washington.
In the matter of the estate of Valen
tine Nehrbauer, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that pursuant
to an Order of the above entitled Court
made and entered in the above entitlet1
cause on the 28th day of July, 1916, li '
censing and authorizing the undersigned.
W. F. Dessingar, to make sale of tht
hereinafter real property. I will at Bea-
, verton, Oregon, from and after the 30lh
day of August, 1916, proceed to sella'
private or public sale to the highest ant!
beat bidder for cash, subject to approval
and conformation of the Court, the fol
lowing described real property -belonging
to the above named deceased and th;
estate situated near Beaverton, Washing
ton county, Oregon, to-wit: -
All the right, title and interest of Val
entine Nehrbauer, deceased, in and tr
the following described real property
tot Four (4) containing 1.17 acres anr1
Lrdt Five (5) containing 1.80 acres ii
Hocken's Park near Beaverton, Sectioi
nine (9), township one, (1) south, range
one (1) west of the Willamette Meridian I
Washington county, Oregon, containbf
acres, more or less.
Administrator of the estate of Yalentioe
, , Nehrbauer, deceased.
Date of the first publication July 27, 1916"
Date of the last publication, the 21th
day of August, 1916.
For Sale Holstein hull, registered; goot'
condition; or will trade. Max Beige r R 4.
also all other makes of razors
Automatic Keen-Edge Co.
189 1-2 Fourth St. Portland, Ore.
; (y; A. Ft AND A.M.
n ,y v Regular commun
UaW cation first and
third Tuesdays CADY HALL
B-00 P.M. Visitors welcome.
' W. H. Boyd, W. M.
Cuy Alexander. Secty.
Undertakerand Funeral Directo
Stock Always on Hand
WE PRINT . . .
Write'or Phone
Orders given prompt attention
To The People Of Beaverton.
My Work as well as my prices
are right. Half soles from 45c
to 85c The price and the work
Can NOT be beat. DEIBELE'S
SHOE SHOP opposite the Cady
-! How's This?
!Wt offer One Hundred Dollars Re--ard
for any case of Catarrh that can
not ba cured by HaU'a Catarrh Cura
Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken
oy , catarrh sufferers for the past
thirty-live years, and has become
known aa the most reliable remedy for
Catarrh. HaU'a Catarrh Cure acta thru
the Woodson the Mucous surfaces, ex
fellias; the Poison from the Blood and
healing the diaeaicd portions.
"6ura for a short time you will see a
flxeet improvement lp your aeueral
Ma ttn. 1 Heart taking HaU'a cs
Hurt taklne- Hall's
Cure at once and gut .rid of catarrh.
Bend fur Uatlmomala, free.
Jr. J. CHI.: MET CO., Tott
tela tf aU IVruffMtsta, 7&.
The Saving of
A Household
When paleu announced to me that
her mother must come to Uvo with us
X knew at puce that we had come
down with a severe case pf mother-in
law. There was 140 escape from the
matter. Mrs. Goldwin bad been liTlng
with a slater who had died, and she
was now utone. Helen was 'her only
child, and to refuse the old lady would
be sacrilegious, Far me to refuse my
wile's deslrq would be equally so, I
consented, well knowing that if the
mother-ln-luw remained with us long
enough I should be obliged to gq else
"How does your mother stand on the
votes for women questiou?". I asked
'She's a vigorous anti."
Since I made no reply to this Helen
wanted to liiiow why I asked anil
when I gave no satisfactory reply Baid
that this would not make any differ
ence, since we were both Indifferent
on the subject.
v Mrs. Gold win came and saw and
conquered. There was no reason for
our not getting on pleasantly togethei
except that for forty years she had
managed her household and she war
too old to go into any one else's house
and relinquish the habit. If pur maid
did not suit her the maid must leave
This kept my wife changing servant
and me in misery. We finally gave 111
trying to keep one, Helen saying tbu
she thought that, with her mothers
help, she' could easily do the work her
V This made matters worse, becaus
Sirs. Goldwin insisted on having every
thiug done her way, and Helen wn
obliged to do It all over again. The ol
lady might have made possible our p-.
ng out occasionally evenings by tak
ing care of our little girl, two year
bill, but she positively declined to tuk
upon herself such responsibility, d
Glaring that "if the the child sbonl
get the croup what would I do?" Nov
ertlieless when Helen was present he
mother insisted on directing her in ho
caro of the child.
Something must be done, ltwouidn
do for me to tell Helen that i wn
Concocting a plan to get rid of he
mother. In that case I stood u goo.
chance of being the one to leave. :
Was obliged to keep my own coudfc
One day I announced to Helen that rj
Aunt Martha needed a homo. Ther
were many reasons why we shoul
take her in. What she and Mrs.' Gou
Sxla paid us for board would, pay c.u
bouse rent and leave us sonietuiii
over. Then,, too, her dear lnoihe
Would have a companion, and it wa:
quite likely that the two of them wouit
consent to take care of Lucy wlii;-. 1
we saw something of the world in tin
Helen didn't see it in that light, am
for the first time I was obliged to gaii
my own way by domineering. Hut 1
thought that it was better to risk n
break at this time than have one cer
tainly later, for 1 am not one of those
patient, - forbearing men who will suf
fer my life and my wife's life to be
sppueu ay some one WmO haa no busi
ness to spoil it
Auut, Martha came. At first It ap
peared that the reason I had given for
her coming showed my wisdom. Miss
Goldwin took a great fancy to my
aunt, and it seemed that the two old
Indies would become very chummy.
I knew bettor. ,
At the second dinner we all had to
gether I said, "Aunt Martha,' what's
news in the suffragist camp?"
Helen looked at me with wide open
tyos. Evidently she saw my plan.
She crouched as one waiting for a
storm to burst
n'ou don't mean," said Mrs. Gold-
win, "that you are In favor of women
voting?" - , .
fi certainly am," replied Aunt Mar
tha, setting her lower jaw.
"That certainly can't make any dif
ference to you two," interposed Helen.
"You don't have to discuss the suffrage
"Certainly not," I put In. well know
Ing that I had thrown a bomb be
tween them with a fuse attached that
would certainly biing about an explo
sion sooner or later.
The two ladies maintained for some
time a discreet silence. Whether they
would have continued to do so I don't
know, but ! do know that they would
not If I could prevent The next day
at dinner I said:
"Aunt Martha, I see by the morn
Jng's paper a statement that in those
states which have adopted woman's
My wife looked a demand that 1 de
sist I desisted. Having touched a
match to the fuse, I waited for the ex
plosion. It came. . -
MI have seen those statements," said
Mrs. Goldwin, "and they are conclu
sive." 'I, too, have seen them," said my
aant, "and they are absolutely false."
. Fearing that my presence mh?ht
dampen the argument I left the table.
? he-next day when I-came home from
business Helen told me that my aunt
must leave. I took the ground that If
either left it should be her mother.
There was a divided household., hot
hot for long, I being for a compra
mtse that Is. that both Indies should
n iid" other abode? and In time e
oHred If. " '
, Helen and I are still livlns tawher
Ih eripe and comfort and etmnuula1
t."i.m . . wz
Simm t;:;:3
Bevflrton, v Oregon
Published every Thursday.
Entered p Second CIbbb mar
matter,' under the Act df Mftrch
i, 1879. At the Post Office, ir
Beaverton, Oregon. July 20,191$
'Display ads. 75c an inch pet
month; readerslOc per line for lsi
risertipn,Bc. per line fpr ollsuh
sequent insertions,
Subscription $ .00 Per Year.
Have you any grain to harvest'
Notify Prank Allen for quick.
; eat, efficient work. ' , J9t3
Assignee's Notice of final Amount,
n the circuit court of. the State of Ore
con. for the-county-of washinaton.
In the matter of Assignment of L. B,
lien. .. w . . .
Notice is hereby given tliat the under
aned, as assignee of the Estate of E
len. has filed his final "account in thi
rcuit court of the State of Oregon, foi
e eountV'Of Multnomah, and that wee
sday the 20th of September, 1916, al
nn hour of 10 o clock, in the foienoon 0
Mid dav and the circuit court room 0
Washington county, has been appoints d
v said court as the time and place 101
taring objections thereto, and the set
'sment thereof.
Dated this 12th day of August 1916. '
Jos. A. Lagekfield, '
- - Assignee.
First, publication August 17, 1916.
Last 'publication September 7, 1016.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby riven that the undei
.ned has filed in the County Court 0
' e Statcof Oregon for .Washington, hi
nal account and report as administrate
the estate of Charles Emrick, deeeasec
I'd Saturday, September 2, 1916, at 1
, 'lock A. M. has been fixed as the timt
d the county cpurl, room in Hillsbon
egon, the place ior the hearin of ot
.ctions, if any; to said final account am
port and the settlement ot said estatt
Dated this August 3, 1916.
H.'T. Bagley, attorney. ; -;
Summons. .
1 the circuit court of the State of s. Ore-
iron, for Washintrton Countv.-xi
H. C. Libby, Plaintiff, vs. Dorris E
sometimes called Myrtle E.) Libby, de
;naant. 1 .'-
To Dorris E. (sometimes called Myrtlt
.) Libby, defendant: In the 'Name of
he f fate of Oregon, you are hereby re
uired to appear and answer the com
ilaint filed against you in the above en
itled cause and- court on or before
ugust 25, 1916, and if you fail so t
ppear and' answer, for want thereoi
iaintiff will apply to the court for a de
:ree.-dissolving-the marriage contraci
low existing between the plaintiff and
letendant and tor such other decree a;
nav be proper in the-premises.
This summons is served -upon you by
mblication in tne .Beaverton limes, pur
suant to an , order of the Hon, Geo, R
iagley, Judge of the above named court,
nade, dated and nied July id, lyib, whici.
order directs that this summons be pub
ished for six consecutive weeks begin
ning with the issue dated Julv '13. 1916.
tnd ending with the issue dated August
M, 1916, and- requires .-you to appear and
inswer on or petore August do, 191b. .
: Attorney for Plaintiff.
",, I Notice1 of Final Settlement. .
Kotice is hereby given that the under
signed administratrix has hied her final
account iand ,reRort jn the county court
ot Washington county, Uregon, in the
matter of the estate of John M. Katter-
man, deceased, and said court has fixed
Monday, August 21, 1916; at 10 o'clock
A. M. aa tne time and the county court
room in Hillsboro, Oregon, the place for
the hearing of objections, it any, to said
final aecount and report and the settle
ment of said estate;
Dated this July 20, 1916. '
Martha Katterman,
H, T. Bagley, attorney.
Barber Shop.
Specialty on Hair 'Cutting
First door west of Drug Store
One half block . east Fisher Bldg.
Vincent Mazzei - ;'.
Beaverton . .. Oregon
Regular meetings Second Thurs
day of each' month. Meeting
called at 8 d. m. ? x
Pres. Sec
M. H Stevenson , E. L. Johnson
Wilkes Abstract & Title Co.
-a ; l);IM,oro Oregon. (l ; t
- 'jat
Notice h hereby riven that tht unilar-
stoned haa.haan dufv a anointed edtwuav
tratorof (he estate of Chants ftuwuey
urane, qecsaseo, by tne uunty ukrtot
Washington county, Oregon, and has duly
nuaiined as such and letters 0? aammia
tration, with the Will of said deceased
annexed, have issued herein.
Now therefore, elf petsons having
claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present the same to me with
oroper vouchers at my office In Hillsboro.
Oregon, within ; six month from date
nereof, 1. .
Dated this August 3,
Nstisf llhsriffaSaU,
Notice lajtereby given that by virtue
if an execution, decree and order of sale,
lated July 20, 1916, issued out of anr
mder the seal of the Circuit Court 01
he. State of Oregon for Washington
ounty, in favor of plaintiffs in that cer
3in suit therein pending wherein Francn
.ta and Lucinda Cota are plaintiffs ant"
'. L. Simpson, Nina M. Simpson, France
I Downey, C. H. Chapman and Laura F
trown, are defendant, upon a judgment
gainst the detenuants J. u Simpson anc
ma M. Simpson for the sum of $1600.00,
vith interest thereon at the rate of 6 pel
:ent per annum from November 13, 1914
Ud the sum of $53.96 with in teres'
hereon at the rate of 6 per .cent pet
tnnum from' July 14, 1916, the furthei
urn of $150.00" attorney's fees and tlu
oats and disbursements of this suit taxeo
t $31.35, and commanding me to sell th
eai property hereinafter described at
-uniic auction to satisfy said turns.
Now therefore. I will, -on Saturday:
August 19, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock
. M. at the south "door ot. tne coun
nuse In Hillsboro Washington county,
regon, offer for sale and sell at public
met ion to the highest bidder for cash in
and all of the following described real
I'-onerty jn Washington county, uregon,
lhe we$t half of the wesf half of the
nth half of the northeast quarter ol
action 15, T 1 S R 3 W pf the Will,
fer. in Washington county, Oregon, con
.aining 20 acres.
Said sale will be made subject to re
d 'mption as per statute.
Dated this July 20, 1916, - '
Sheriff of Washington County, Oregon,
H. T. Bagley, attorney for plaintiffs.
First publication July 20, 1916.
Last publication August 17, 1916. ,
Teacher of piano 50 cants per lesson,
!;ss Hazel Blackburn, Aloha, Ore,
'dice and Detectives Are Usng
Up Reading in Place of
.. , the Dictagraph,
Thousands of deaf people are today
hrowing away all hearing devices and
'mjoying all conversation. This method
s easily and quickly acquired thru our
system. Absolutely the only thing of its
ind in the country. Our proposition is
mtirely original. We guarantee results,
t will amaze you. Cost is trifling. See
what new New International Encyclo
pedia says on Lip Reading. Hundreds of
eople with normal hearing are taking
ip Lip Reading with for the many addl
:ional benefits gained. You can under
stand what the actors are saying in the
moving pictures. ou can understand
-vhat people are saying just as far away
is you can see them. The eve under
stands beyond the range of hearing.
Send no money, but mention this paper
md state whither or not you are deaf.
All particulars will be sent to you -absolutely
free and with no expense to vou.
Address, School of Lip Language, Kansas
uty, Missouri. (fdAdv)
Dr. T. G. HETU,
, Office in Cady Building
Beaverton, Oregon
' ' Pbyeian and Surfon. .
District Surgeon S. P.'& P. E.
Cady Building, ,,
beaverton, orgeon
Insures ,
Full Milk Pail
' Covs give more mil;; er! maVe.
milliini ssfcr and. easier wJie;! not
bothered and bitten by Hies. Rclitva
their distress by iproyin them witii
Conkey's Fly Knocker
and cojnfert that iijsurc n lull milk pail.
Keeps Flies Away
From Cattle and Htirses
One une upMys Wo anirodi. Sawi
,lira, immense profit,.
Try It 10 Days
Money Back If TJot
S.itisfacrnrv "
ry can tonay. Or. Sac; 'AWwflWi
, a. p
Ths Crcxtt Ccl-br&ti-n h V
; .tf.u l 111 , 1 ' MH"'.'!W1i v.-".'
" v Coot Ey Country invites the' '
woriti to celebrate the coming
of the railroad. Hospitality is
' ' th(i Keynote-of this celebration. . r .
Auf. 24th ,
Band Conotra Speaking CeremoniM-Dedlcatlon Blmpwp fwk
(Strait ptnuvfi Water Sports Paradee - Driving Gblileiupike
Aug. 25th v
Tnns by rail and -boat to Coquille, Bandon, Myrtle Point, Pqwers
Coos Bay, Mussel Keef, Sunset Bay, Cape Arago. Sea food 1 dinner at .
Charleston Bay, rishing; a: LakesideLaunch trips on Cqos Bay.
Aue . 26th
Industrial Parade Water Sporta -Auto Racing IUumiJiated Launch '
Parade Firewqrks--;Dancing---Horae Racing. . : . '
Low Round Trip Fores
On Sale Aug. 2 1 to 26 inc.
Return Limit Aug. 31. ;
' Ask Local Agent
John M. Scan, Gen. Pm. Agt
c , Portland, Oregon. : ; '
IE HfflJ IB 1 1 r" !
Careful Saving Judicious Spending is the definition of
Thrift. Its need exiBts individually and industrially.
Every man, woman and child in, and surrounding Bea
verton may aid themselves as well as the community
by adopting the plan of, "Think before you spend."
The bank aecount cauiet one
rHave a Checking account
Saving, account for accumulation.
DOY GRAY, Cuhler.
Registered Holstein
JDairyman! ,Have you ever Btopped,to think that 90 per cent Of poverty
ment and Public institutions have Holstein Cattle.
The Holstein cow holds practically every butter and milk '.record of the
world today.;..: ).. ,
' Then why hesitate about placing a registered Sire at the head of your
herd. We have them from $50 to $150.' '. , ' '.
CHAS.E. BARNARD Beaverton Oregon.
Plumbing and Heating. Jobbing Given Prompt Attention,
Free service over Washington Copnty. Connee-
tions vith Bell System and Home Telephone Co.
Rates Resilience $1.25; business $1.50; business
private $2.50, within city limits. A fee of $1.50 and
3 months rent in advance charged for installation,
For information inquire at Beaverton exchange.
Home Office, Scholia, Ore.
J. W. RAYNAUD, Seeretu?.
tkc aoop judji aeaas 5TTtwtKr or rmrr aetwiiM tiawwiael
-Jl THINK W-aCUT it I ' "
Itm eear ToaaecowL Ithts iccwTHey 1 f
MHawoLO,UToMl,TKeBieHtwVlaL !
reuawaTOHK ire Tool THtv wo or oiNyL
I STRONG, I1 ' l '' TOIAffCO u... M...tA l
"7 , ,' AToeacco.i i i.l .. J . ..
YOU1X find gome things out about ml tobtoeo
when you get ,to uiiqg W-B CUT Qiewini. A
little bit hides away in your cheek unnotieea. end
give two-fwone more grj(action thin a wad ol orui
nary stuff. Men get to calling it the gentleman's tuSew
'"n don't di, figure the feoa and euu down grinding end enming.
ing. Give W-B GUT tba quauty teal.
Mala If vrmUH-BMJTCi t 'm, St Oaiai lannnv 9m Y f
f qr C:
What is Thrift?
to think TWICE before spending.
for buiineat traniactioni and a
TMCV-H Mil mimMr