Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, May 04, 1916, Image 3

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    FOE 8ALE 17-10 cki Jl"t
tnliutea walk from oilier devot
Eetverton, 1-2 mile east of
Overton. Also 12.88 acres 6
minutes from Mott's sion on
ft P. R m Faley cut-off road.
Inqnllre for ' information ' of
Beaverton Times.
Laurel Cottage.
Notice to Creditor.
in the Circuit Court of State of Oregon,
' for the County of Washington.
L. B. Allen Assignment.
Notice is hereby given that L. B. AHen,
bwner of the City Meat Market in Bea
verton, Oregon, 'has hied hta assignment
far the benefit of the creditors n the
above entitled Court. All persons having
blaims against L. B. Allen are hereby re
butred to present their claims, under oath
to the undersigned, w
5 Assignee. '
iV " A. F. AND A.M.
' Regular commun-
cation first and '
third Tuesdays CAD Y HALL
8-00 P.M. Visitors welcome. ,
W. H. Boyd, W. M. " ?
Cuy Alexander. Secty.
Undertaker and Funeral Director
Stock Always oh Hand
Write or Phone 1
Orders given prompt attention
To The People Of Beaverton.
My Work as. well as tny,,prices
are right. Half soles from 45c
to 85c .Tile,, price and the work
- Can NOT be beat. DEIBELE'S
SHOE SHOP opposite the Cady
,Block. '
Barber Shop.
, Specialty on Hair Cutting
Shave - - , ' . 15c
Rath - 25c
First door west of Drug Store.
Beaverton, Oregon;
Catarrh Cannot Bo Cured
"sinot reach the seat .of the disease.
Xiarrh Is a local disease, greatlr In
SSeneed by constitutional oundltlon.,
SB In .order to cure It you must
taiVan internal remedy. : Ball C:
4arrh Cure Is taKen Internally and
Aflta thru the blood on the mucous sur
faces of the syetem Halls Catarrh
Cure was prescribed by one of the best
Bhyslcians In tbls country tor years. It
Is composed of .some of the best tonics
inown. combined with some of the
,best blood purifiers. The perfect coro
llnatlon of the Ingredients In Ball's
Catarrh Cure Is what produoss such
wonderful reeulta In TOtSrrhal condl
'tions. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHBNBt & CO., FtopS., Toledo, tt
, JHair.UrSiSlf pSi. for constipation.
Real Estate
. Stroud & Co.
i have been aimolnted representative of the Curtis Pub
liahing U. ouoscripuou weusrwiuii. , ',,, .
To Our Subscribers of ThrlaaitKHorne Journal, The Sat
urday Evening Post, and the Country Gentleman I wish to
ask for your renewal when yottr. present sumption exinren.
To olir ihaay readers who b,uy the publications frorii
news stands I wish to ask you to subscribe! , it wUrsoye yott
both. time afid irioney. ' '." J" ' i
ii - To those Vh'o only read our publications bow and then 1
also1 wish for your tegular1 subscription, ' '
1 expect to Call upoh you very-soon; ' - ' , ,
t v It L. tUCXER. EoawHbft. reftM. ; .
J, t)i- in itU-iHf Woswal ahoUUJ bs tent this week duet ejail it t
, . , -mS .ru;,V..,..'.',..,;Mv,.r1T',r.V'V.'3''!
... .
j ....
By l W1US. A
. '(Continued from Ust week)
Taking tKsee to Ms chair he
dropped the bags to the floor re
taining only the tin boxuich
he opened. Out of the depths of
this he took a lock of long, ailky,
black hair which twined itself
about his finger. He toyed witp
tbls for awhile and then dre
from the box a miniature Minted
upon a piece of round- canras
stretched Within frameof rose
Wood, and lastly he withdrew en
envelope; small and growing yel
low with aire. The address upon
it was in the delicate refined
hand writing of a woman and
directed to Mr, Sidney Harris,
Springfield. The remainder Was
covered with a blot of ink milk
ing it unintelligible.
With tromblinir fingers he
thrust back the flap aud drew
out the contents. , As his eyeen
iwinnrerer the first words of the
sheet before himi he saw again
the day wben he had first opened
it and -beheld the words that had
staved the hand of destruction.
Now he read the letter ." with
rather a regret a regret that he
had ndt aceomulished his original
plan and stilled forever the pain
and sorrow Of the past and pres
ent., Then he began to read a
dewy mist around the wrinkles
of his eyes.
He followed the delicate trac
erv bf. the words with his eyes:
', Dear Father: This letter will
tn fcou. indeed, as the mes
senger of woe and sorrow the
last chaoter in the history of an
ill spent life. A voice from among
tne ruins of a glad past.. As 1
write, father. 1 can feel the chill
hand of death upon thy aching
brow and it soothes my troubled
soul as nothing, else has ever
done, f":x .'
When 1 sat at your knee, a
little child as pure as the opening
r-naft. and listened as vou told of
my mother; ,i never fancied that
soma dav I should welcome
death, or rejoice in the thought
that it was near at hand to set
my weary spirit free from this
horrible life that has so proved
mv undoing: but' how changed
are the thoughts of today from
those of. .yesterday. ',;:
1 nrh writine to ask your for
giveness, ndt that I. deserve it;
fnr VThe waees of sin are
death" and in death are all
thincn fonriven. I speak through
myself for another whose future
is, to me, more precious than the
crown Of eternal glory. ;
Oh father 1 have suffered,
and 1 have realized how ; true
were the words which you spoke
tomerbut how bitter has beeo
that realization and how devious
the path unto the light. ,1 have
been the moth pursuing the
"SAFETY razor honing
also all other makes of razors
' Automatic Keen-Edge Co. .,
189 -2 Fourth St. Portjand, Oie.
TVio P.irv Prmnnanv renorts
customers greatly pleased with
the QUICK Mtioti of simple
buckthorn bark glycerine, etc..
as mixed in . Alder-i-ita. xnis
simple, remedy- drains the old
foul matter- from the bowels so
FUL relieves.almost ANY CASE
of constipation, saucr or gassy
stomachy It is so powerful that
if i tiaarl annrtafiRfiillv in aorjen-
idicitis. Alder-i-ka never gripes
and the instant action is sur
pricing. , i , v
ib I
C E M I W I, ,
t::e tc:
.16, and h'iltt :i
J my wir:i and lo-t t. a I ii
less wreck. !
1 Ufe It dTrt!rj. I fel the
cV.ll ere ,'. x overt ,.w'.y..d
it rr '- rre wif h to .ex a and !
avn so ti-ed. hi Oue more
thing t must say it is a gem of
great value of which 'I speak,
and I place it in your care. Be
careful that it is not torn from
you. v "" V :"'
There is left behind one Unit
between this world and the sleep
into which lam sinkihg--a child.
A boy whom 1 have called Jack
from the memory of brother
Jack. Please educate him, and
Bive him the right kind of a
start ! I know you will.
1 am having difficulty to sec
this paper, ere the light fades
Out I rhave saved money-
money for him-r a few hundred
dollars from the wreck "and
ruin of my life- give it to him.
Now goodbye father, long ere
you read these this history of
woe 1 shall have been called
before the Almighty Judge while
the list of my trangressions is
read! And the letter faded away
into unintelligible lines. ; Slowly
theotd than folded the yellow
sheet and laid it aside This was
the binding link which held him
to the past and to life.
Chan. . The Watches of the Night.
After awhile he took up one of
the canvas bags and opening the
top emptied the contents upon
the table. Out rolled heaps of
shining gold coins; which he
picked up a handful at. a time
and dropped back into the bag,
dwelling long on the musical
clink Of the pieces as they struck
one another in their descent
This was the accumulation of
years amounting to several hun
dred dollars, and all for the edu
cation of Jack. Fingering the
contents of each bag for a time
he at last placed them back in
the opening behir.d the loose
stone and stepping to the door
he opened it where he stood look
ing into the night
Without, the world was sleep
ing peacefully, and over all there
reigned the absolute calm, weird
Btillness of midnight, High on
the hill far back from the lake,
shone the pale; red glow of a
fire, but magnified by the ex
treme darkness of the night '
The fire on the (summit glim
mered, low as Harris turned his
gaze, in that direction only to
blaze up; brightly as more wood
was evidently, heaped upon it
sending forth a shower of sparks
which seemed to reach the very
For some time longer the man
listened and then satisfied that
all was as it should be, he raised
his fingers to his lips and gave
vent to a long' shrill, peculiar
whistle, which woke the distant
echoes into a hundred whispering
vibrations. The echoes were
hardly stilled before, from the
depths of the forest came the
melarcholy hoot of an owl which
drew nearer at each repetition,
and then the forest again re
sumed its mute mystery.
v , To be Continued.) ,
. Art ef Drsssmj.
Elegance In dress is too often cone
founded with extravngunce in dress.
That is one of the great big errors.
What Is really needed to make the art
of dressing bless him -that looks and
her that teeai;s Is Intelligent dressing,
and Mint is a subject jvortti any wo
man's study not td' tha axcldsion of all
uke nr one Subject alone will nnbal
w;'e 'ho miuil but enough to moke her
a utlxti'cas In II. It she cuunot be that
letilwriao ns do lu n other lines
ttberb wd' wish, the be tesults-apply
to spcclallst-ior ilressing, after nil,
Ib duly another huuiau problem. Dress.
' tidmmendable Caulien.
"1 wish," said the dashing bride,
"that We coiild ,hrrange to take our
wedding tripid an airship."
"I don't kfaow," replied the eantioul
youth, "whether It would be well to
take chances on befhg obliged to take
our first falling out so seriously."-'
Washington. Btar.. , ;
I' Iticonsistant '"
Mn Marwell (In a holt, throwing
Bdwn the city dlrectoryl-That book
!. vat fhinss ao very incorreci. -
Maiwell-What are yon, looking for.
deaf? Mr Maiwell-Why. I wanted
to ktnrn what business Mr. Haynor kt
(n. and that nhsntd1 book Bays be a
trafSilng stationery alsmsn.-Chleg
-J"' eMftr
-tit. a4 k went t 4
4 Rob-tai tot aarproM
I f ntr)y took 1111 boos-Bo
t a lrsnscrtpt "
r;r,nAW tke fmr&
Remarkable Praohwy Thai Was Mad
to Goethe In IMF.
Id Ua AntMleak UaiaaHw than la
reproduced an eitraet from a eenvor-
eatloa keM In JMt by Goethe, tbs
pant Cerman poet, and a Mend of his.
in which Ooetbe made the foUowlai
extraordinary propheclea:
"It amy be foreseen that to united
f.tntMi. with Its decided predilection to
the nest, will In thirty or forty yean
have occupied and peopled the large
tract of land beyond the Rocky moon
tains. It may. furthermore, be ton"
eeen that along the whole coast of the
Paclllc ocean, where nature haa el
NMy formed the moat capacious and
secure harbors, important commercial
towns wlH gradually arise tor the fur
Uteranee of a great Intercourse between
China and tin Bast Indies and the
United States. In such a case It would
not only be desirable, but almost nerea
sury, that a more rapid communlcatloa
should be maintained between the east
trn Rod western shores of North Amer
lea. both by merchant ships and men
of war, than haa hitherto been possible
with the tedious, disagreeable and ei
pensive voyage around Capo Horn. 1
therefor repeat that It la absolute!
Indispensable for the United States to
effect a passage from tne Mexican gulf
to the Pacific ocean, and I am certain
they will do it.
"Would that t might lit to see Iti
But I shall not I should like to see
another thing a Junction of the Dan
ube and .the Rhine. But this under
taking Is so glgnnUc that I bare doubts
of Its completion, particularly when I
consider our German resources. And,
lastly, t should wish to see England In
.Dossession of a canal through the lath
mm of Sues.
"Would I conld live to see theae three
great works! It would be well worth
the trouble to lost some titty years more
tor the very purpose. " ,
mm swum okohs muuu timm
flNVI mii NO HVni 01 J3NOW
Notice to Conlracton.
Notice is hereby given that selej bids
will be received by the county court of
Washington county, Uregnn, on batur
day, April 29th, 1916, at 1 P, M. at the
office of the county court at Hlllsboro,
Oregon', for rock hauling in the following
road districts, to-wit; .... , ..,
Nos. 1. 4. 5. 0. 7. 8i 9, 11, 18, 23, 26, 31,
32, 36, 42, 45, and 47; also for Crushing
and hauling in District INo, 4J.
All DiQs to oe accompamea oy s certi
fied check for per 5 cent of the bid. The
court reserves the right to reject any and
all bids. Specifications may be seen at
the office of County Judge after April
24th, 1916.
Dated this April 8th, witn. :
D. B. Reaaoner, County Judge.
C. A. Hanley, Co. Commissioner,
R. Matteson, Co. Commissioner.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for the Republican nomination for county
commissioner at - the primary election
May 19. If nominated and elected 1
m-nmiw to exercise the same care in con
ducting county business as I would in my
own private anairs. l am an auvucaie ui
gocd roads and will do all in my power
toward improvement of county highways.
HENRY T, HESSE, Scholls, Ore.
- - Paid Adv.
Dr. T. G. HETU,
. ' . , .. - ....
Office in Cady Building ,
Beaverton, - (;, Oregon
. Physidan and Swtgeoh.
District Surgeon S. P. & P. E.
' Eallroad
Cady Building,
' beaverton, 0roe0n -
Do you feel rather la?ty and
unfit for work? Do you feel
tired, even before your, qay s
work ia full accomplished, ana at
night you are nervons; lhn
vou say you have the spring fever,
This is only one of th symptoms
resulting ' from impure bltfod
which generally occurs in vie
spring. There Bre times when
ih frrtiditioh Is rhore setere.
There are then, skin eruptions,
hniln. nimDles. and a conflitlon oi
the .akin knownas ith. This is
very troublesome and hard, to
cure, and if allowed to run feay
cause complications; To cure
these rii'soffippahle 'features is
uppermost in every mind; and no
housenoia is wnnout i iui
ontirlnr nlrl fashioned remedies,
mostly, wnicn require ijme
oDeratloh. NOT so with AKCi?E?
ALTEKATIV ES . f or this i is . ft
quick, sure and cheap method
of treating these conditions. Bua
verton. People have found, this
moiino ffAllpnt and it is re
commended' Vyau by-then
Minnesota Ko. 13
Pride of The North,
Order earljr
no ii nitip
I iO. H. UrSriO
Registered i Hohtein
tot the month of April we ofl'iT llkia fin young bull for $M. Dam
averaged seven gnllona per day, for six weeks, with first calf. Milk tested 3.8
per cent BUTTER FAT. 't
; Sire grandson of 7 and 30 day butter champion of the world.
CHAS. E. BARNARD BeSTtrto Orstsn.
Beaverton Livery Stable
Where good teaps, rigs, harnKJ
and courteous treatment are kept
Harness for sale, j Horses fedH by
the day, week or month.
You can always make the correct change.
Your returned checks make a receipt for.
all bills paid.
You can send your oheck instead of buying
Money Orders or Drafts in paying bill by
'. . mail.
Your deposit entrlos will serve as an ac
count of all monies received thereby' giv
you an excellent record of your earnings'
from year to year. 1 1
Plurdbinj and Heating. Jobbing Given Prompt AtieAtJea:
Free service over WnBhlngton County. Connec
tions with Bell System and riouie Telephone Co.
Rates-Kesidence $1.25; business $1.C0; business
private $2.50, within city limfU. A fee of f 1.60 and
ii months rent in advance charged for installation.
For information inquire at Beaverton exchange.
, Home Office, Scholls, Ore.
J. W. RAYNAUD, Steratary. .
"Every thing to build With " .
We cany a complete stock of
building material
Get our prices before buying elsewhere
, n, 1 '
yrwe oto mspsat ma-p
" hit wwi nave tin rwm
- yiHt BwmtaiH sr vwtrM ff;
1 J- " " I I Tav m Ml 04 J
AT 1 j M (bul)eS.iTlair
Hli used to switch tobacco every Jew weeks, Tno
friend fcv. him a little of W-B CUT O-w 1
the Real Tobaoco Chew, Ufa) cut, lent kr4. is.v. ,'
: UoIi"hI'nluUr tiki, A malt 44 a toaad (l,aaiuiMsft
aas tt " sm ...
"NMIm U sk b-Sm. wt v. ri-W bbm. Uto"
-4 If W.f'I- s i 'T '
l) cci
Excellent For The So
An Excellent FioU tCorn
7c per lb.
priwcomM n"C '
bUMUIIUtl Una., i
,.,..,j,i '. " ,i :
ta thi ci-.u tt;co ci