Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, January 20, 1916, Image 1

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    VOL. It.
43 ...
tribute Sotting forth tka value!
of hot mill( as 8 stimulant and of ;
,ht expect
a 'warrant
ADOPT nESGWTIONSte.!!!:?:! ' vmt UNrr
I ""Trf -Aim fni- KU ...fvlfii In M-Miar.
inn plans fur tower. Both these
communication:) as well b the
ii i ' .1 r l l loiiowintr. DiiiB vow tome u"
; ' ,' Lontestants Already in tne rieiqreport0f accountant cri.daii
made, and soma 'investigation.!
T: 6Ltil W-fl CIV A I ivB
Umc HWwyi I j ; " v "v "iC-K'Fry; recorder's ol
."land giving recipe and, suswei
SntAKLnT bUXUI I IMS .1 Ult-bLB , tiang their use; and" each
' ' ' ' i member of this association is
urged 4o personally try to induce
ipand'suS Increasing Interes'. Manifested by the Many
their use; and
adopted by the Oregon Pury i ta keep soft drinks constantly on
association atits annual meet ! hand. '
fug at Corvallis, Friday 7th. . j Resolved hat the thanks cf
Whereas, A great and wide-, this association are' tendered to
spread 'movement is now under; the students of the daily division
headway 1y the Oiegon D'airj-"of thet5, A. . for tlrtn5teW
rnan's Association to save the joyablc banquet given on Tues
iairy industry of Oregon there-j dav evening, vi."
7are be it, ' Uesc,lved, That thig Resolved - that the thanks pf
Association does hereby nledggthe association are also, tendered
tne united support or its tsntir to the Extension Service uwl
membowhip to this end; also to
use Us utmost ..' endeavors to.
secure the enthusiastic support
of the producing dairy bitaresfs
generally, and to work in har.
mony with the legal agencies of
the etate created" for fostering
and safeguarding the dairy in
terests, namely the Dairy and
I Food Cqmmlssipner'a Office and;
the - Dairy Department of the
pregon ''''" Agricultural College,
and also to enlist the . hearty co
operation of the dairy breed or
ganisations of the state, all com
bined to make persistent and
consistent efforts to achieve, anf
preserve success for this great
basic industry ef the state.
Resolved, That we appreciate
the great work done and the
efficiency manifested by State
Dairy CommjsEjonejr Mickle and
the able ' corp.of assistants he
the entire faculty of the Ccljage
far their courtesy extended, as
sistance given and the magnifi
cent manner in which they Save
entertained ua during the entire
week. -' 1 ' . .
Again the glad wedding bells
announce the Wending of two
nances. The happy couple this
time are, Mr. Horace G. Emmons
and Opal Helsibeck both, well
known Bcaverton young people.
They were married at the
Multnomah Co. courthouse late
Saturday morning by the County
Judge of Multnomah county.
Mr. Emmons is the son of W.
B. . Emmons, an old and well
known resident of this place;
and the bride, is the daughter of
Judging frcm the interest that
has been manifested In the great
prize voting contest ; so far,
there is goin to be a great
Scramble for ft $10 in gold to
be given to the contestants hav
ing h largest pupiotr of votes
JOi '.. vd the- contest- rWei've thee prices' and you can'
..f. .4k f'. -:Z help decide who it will be.
" th canted 'is sl assured fact. K The first cimrit fr' the contest
-rw-j. .v. v,.h; . mmI. I will be on Tues. Feb. 8, at which
this locality where pre o? bet- .1 In jojd wiU-be awarM
Li h.i' iL ' ffeWd rl-t tht contestant receiving the.
a more strict adherence to just- of vot-s,
ice and equity to all participanta, Theware the names of
m! ? I contestants who have been nom
ine ii mes peBirrai ui i ,v . . , lv
the ooint that eve,y centestant Ue4,,,tW authon d tb,
wlll 'be wforded an absolutely "P oney xor aupscripuons
fairaeal .-.
The names of the judges will, Pf"'' . . , .
be announced soon. Bear in tt busy and vote or your
mind 1 the merchnu who are:?"; The contest will be con-
giving coupons with every dollar -
,,u,f PR.NTER Y
William1 P. Scott, Ihi a? T
compositor of thi Trnvs, I' sitei
ary for , vj tlO ro a vay aU. hom j hun lay murn-
in parson and it will be entered. 1 Beaverton f.suu (oWtlll) 6.?Sjn. and the cause of hi rttath i.m
It ttMttoKl flot if she be tingle or i E, Ktipa, inslcjlwe tip for . " vr.ctr nit . Thr"
married. This is a pepular voting U Bir,;! ' 1X2 Kenra-al otinitn is that hei led of
contest,' not neceasarily a youngi Fred Papptl, Ml Jnlv 17, ihroniCHad poisoning iractd
lady Noting contest; ' Read the1 1 1912 to H.i. M, 1012 217.66 thrown hlg )oVix arsoo ation v.l t
ruleij and regulations on ahotherlTu.iliitin Vi ilcy Water Co., the cpmpeaiwi room., , !U death
page end govern yourself ac- bill of )Vc 11)15 1C8 12.mi tudtlenly Sund y n ornIr
iordingly. Some me U going to ; Bea, Plum Co, tapping' when lie, was Ken v.o.cnuy m
iotnew'Hfoh School" WW wm cng a roonw w .
Beaverton UaviiKe
JiflS gathered together, and our i E. F. Hilsatieck who resides
thanks are due them, for the aouthwstof this place. Their
earnest efforts, made te assistlmany friends as, yvell s tbe
the dairy industry of the state. Times wish them a happy future.
- Resolved, further, 1 'that this!- .
association hereby expressw its i .
complete confidence in Mr r
Mickle to accomplish still more
for our industry and we ear-( Last Wednesday evening the
neatly invite him and injst that I Tenuis Club held a, jolly Leap
he stand for renomination and I Year dance in the Cady Hall, at
lection to another term of office.
Whereas, it has been well
proven that hot mil is a better
simulant in case of chill or ex
haustion than whisky and that
cither hot or cold mild, alone or
in combinatvon with, various
flavors or spicesv can be, wade
into drinks that era both ex
tremely palatable and; nu,tntiowi,
' and .
Whereas,, the passing of the
saloon in tha three Northwestern
States creates a great oppor
turity for tho larger use of milk,
by having it kept in the soft
drink houses that will to a grea.t
.extent take the place of the
saloon, therefore be it
Resolved chat tha president is
which there were 35 present
despite the wintery weather
Archie Pike was hired to gather
in the crowd from hut pf town
with his sled and brinpt them to
the ball. This is the. first ball of
its nature durinj? the season of
1916 and it was, enjoyed by all
Thfc Beaverton Hardware to.
Cash Grocery Co, ,; City fhpr
moot,' ; City. Meat . Market,
and Thyngs Confectionery. J
When you trade at thesp etpres
be sure and ask for coi-pcns.
Every little piece of card board
bearing 25 votes may win sortie
friend of yours the beautiful
Ohenmeyer & Sens piano. ,
Get your friends to subscribe
for the Times, For:eacb one
year new Bubscribcr you will re
ceive 600 votes; renewls for ont
year 500. For each one year back
subscription 400 votes, n "
There ia already a large list of
ijontestar.ts but there is oppor
tunity to nominate' pthers. Fill
out the nominatioh blank and
ssrut.ifc to this office. ; Also cut
oiit the vote coupon and east it
for jour favorite. Inordei-that
evry contestant manfully un
derstand the votes during the
contest, the Times wishes to state
that tho contestant having the
pelledtocall for the pen, take largest number -of voUs during
L to the kail and pay their the contest will be awarded the
Way, while tne men were ex
pected to Bit on the side linen
and coach and otherwise imitate
the delicate specie pf wall flower
so often in evidence. This was
done to a marked degree of per7
fection, and for Qnce the man
was compelled to wait until h
was asked.' In the mean time
authorized and instructed to ap-! ladies occupied the nan ana uis
point a committee to act either cutwed the popular topics of the
ilirectljr or in corjunotion -with'day. :'
piano as first prize: the one hav.
ing the next largest number o:
votes vvill have, the first pf the
qther prises, and so on until all
the prizes have been distributed.
' Use the free coupon in this is
sue. If yon know pf any lady
who liaa not been nominated
V hom yoa t ink would make a
good race,; use the nominating
blank in this issue and send her.
lame to this
w;ll be shown. Do it now and
help some one reap the benefit
of this liberal offer. ;
The nominations so far; are as
Saphrona Davis Mrs. Perry York
Kathnne J)esinger, KateDeibelei
Dora Van Blaricom, Mrs. Otto
Essig, Ivy Livermore, Margaret
;' w:".-4' t n:i. - if
tjewis. Alia, arcwu rino, r-
iorie Hedge, '. Beryl ' Peterson,
Mrsr.D. Harper, Deryl Dennyi
thel Hockan, Mr. Van Antwerp
Mary Fitzpatrick, Lillian . Evens,
Mri. L. Borjng, Mrs. G. G. Me
Conjiic, Mary Welter, Mrs. Cash
Jhonson, Apna Hipchey, Mrs,
Howard Houghson, 1 Elva Rossi,
Mrs. Vilas Sliepard', Edna Mott,
Mrs., Ruby Boyd, Mrs, A Fluke;
lira, f red f appei, Alice watts,
Mrs. C. R. Craig, Mrs. Lou
Wolf, Mrs. G' ' Alexander,
Geneva Mdlvaine, Edith Sears,
Lottie Hunter Gidys Tallrhan,
Mrs.W.C. McKell, Mrs, . B,
Chaney, Mamie Ayera, Mrs. Hans
Nejson Mrs. R. Tucker, Mrs, E,
E. Swenson, Mrs. T. W. Zimmer
man, Mrs. Geo. Blasser, ' Inez
Stipe, and Mrs. John Summers.
. . . - . . ;!
... : Council Proceedings. "
On motion duly secojidcd and
carried, Elmer Stipe Vtt ap
pointed Avuter plork, provided
satisfactory nrrangiuents can
be mjade lor salary
Tho question1 of sppuinting a
city ' treasurer discussed, but
noth'ng was done.1
Rend Beaveiton Times for all
proceedings of city council and
for every warrant drawn,.'
Mrs, EJlon Kennedy.
The funeral pf .ho iate Mts.
Ellen Kennedy was held Wednes
day morning in the local Cath
olic qhurch and the remains were
interred in th Catholic Ceme
tery at Gedair Mills. , Mrs: Ken
ncdyi was born p Ireland jh the
year! 18C2. A few years later
the J fanyly , removed to the
United Stateg. Shy was ? years
of age when she died, the oaure
of death, being old age. $he was
apiqnoe'r of tbii place and the
mqther of a large family,
Chas. Caor'ge,, who' died at his
home near Scholia lost Friday
moritintr, was buried Sunday
morriing ot 11 o'clock in the
Mountainside . cemetery,
eing I
and l?ftrtf medical al l could bs
of any ar.sistarca ho vis dead,
He Ijad been in the tn'ploy of.
this paper for two yeaw or
longer and during the onV
tima has not, to far as is known,'
missed a working day. Hewu
a deaf mute but this lad mi
affected his congenial nature and.
he had always reserved laugh .
for the cloudy days. He hoi at
all times been a man of bis own
affairs, and nevernt any time hs ,
he mixed in the affairs of otho".
At His cose he applied I imsu;f.c.
well .from early morning to late,
evwiing, ' . .
Of! his past life little U known
at the present. ave that hq
worked somowhero in t'ie East,
at Bk-emertnn, Wsshinuton. and
for awhile on several of tho Port: ,
land papor. ' n poqkt of ni
coat was found n tinv citd bear,
ing the inscription; Utility llnoi
type' operator, and a i-ieco of
time worn metal beiHnir a limi
of his work. That which lies i
ins i
He was 70 ywar! old. giwwip-x ,
rather f eobl, but yet he wt a (
to do his work in a vary cr
itiiblp fashion, and always wi
ingly. Saturday he worked dili
gently and in tha eveninjt
received his paycheck with h. ,
queer manifestation! of Jov,
then departed to cotiie po mprci.
past; the secivtri of hi mind
I to sq one, will be burlcj
s ' iiD-vote coupon
1 Stall edit vota la tin Bita Timn within IS i'T' Iff dU 4 U iB
to-int for 2S volM. No mmvy rvqwirad wilU iKll flaupon,
The city council met On-12thj
inst. with full cjuota of officers ;
present. . " I
A communication from Bea
verton Chamber of Commerce '
wis read, asking the council to
hold ittt meetings in a more in-1
office, or bring it yittng place than the town hall
: ioi.
hereby nominate or suggest the name of
' Address ;'.. '
As liuly worthy ta tcciiiiv. o candidalo in your Popular Voting Contctt. I
prfunt thii nunc with the distihtt um!ertandini and agrwnwnt thii the
editor shall aol divulge my iiaino. Tlim dots not obligate mc in uny w.
jlgncd Addren ,.
nury f, 191(1
1 0 bars Laundry Soap
2 5' cent Coffee for
Best Hams
Picnic Hams
Eastern Bacon Extra Special
Idaho Flour Special, sack
16c lb.
Buy where you can
save money. Our
whole stock is fall
of low prices. ' '
3 boxes matches - , - , 1 0c
9 pouwd sack best' Cream Qate 38c
Cresent Baking Powder 1 lb. cans 23c
1 6 lbs best sugar - - . Ol.OO
Star tobacco - 45c lb.
Pure bulk lard - 1 3c lb 2 lb 25 :
Two quart Lip Sauce Pan, Regular 20c, now . -
Two quart Preserving Kettles, Regular 15c, now
Genuine Savory Roasters, Recrular $1.25, now - .
-ifrill - ftIT Tn PACT
Four quart Enamel Pudding Pans, Regular 25c, now
Four quart Lip Preserving Kettles, Regular 25c, now ;
Two quart Enamel Milk Pans, Rpmlar 20c, now , , ,