Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, January 06, 1916, Image 1

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Peaverton's Total Prbgfeas
' s Assuring
Let our claim for advancement
go farther than just the individ
ual erection of homes and brick
"fbuildings. Let us stop and con
sider the lighting system, which
burnishes the, town with 'the ne
cessary lighta, both in the home
and on the street. Without them,
' eaverton would yet be a city of
darkness; the step in advance
Would never' have been taken,
and we would yet be struggling
to draw from the rut. .
' Then cqmea t'he water system,
which brings pure mountain wa
ter direct to the door of every
resident of the town. The town
hotr has adequate fire protection
when, but a few years gone, they
must fight 'the flames) with a
bucket and hand 'fire - extingu
isher. Now what of our churches?
'Ve have four, of which none are
on the decline, and all are thriv
ing. Twq have 'built new houses
i' worship, which are a credit to
the town.
Another industry, which be
longs to the town of Beaverton,
is the Southern Pacific electric
carshops, where not a few of the
local men find employment.
There are our local merchants,
by whose loyal support the edi
tors of this paper are allowed to
jjxist, Their support goes far
ther, however, for it includes the
town, rhich, in turn, supports
them. Let any community come
in'contact with men of thjs cast,
and they will surely find a good
live group of merchants, and
they are trying to meet Portland
.prices, thereby doing he, right
hing by"'airwho trade with
them. To sum them up general
ly, we bjfve in our town three
large grocery stores, all doing a
"cracking" good business, one
large and well-stocked hardware
store, a lumber yard, which sells
everything to build with, several
confectionery stores, a liyery sta
ble, where the finest driving
C teams in the county may be se
'pured, a garage, a live home ba
kery, two meat shops, one fine
picture show, where the best is
always Bhown, two shoe shops, a
pharmacy, where the customers.
can always ha promptly waited,
pn and servod with what they
want, three blacksmith shops,
and last we nave a new city
pouncil, mayor, ind a dry town
start on the new year.
6eaverton Boy Doing Duty
on Mexican Frontier
With the expeditionary force
pi United States. Marines hurried
to the west .coast of Mexico to
' prevent a possible massacre of
Americans and other foreigners
hy hostile Yaquis in the vicinity
6 bars Royal White Soap ' - 25c
25 cent Coffee for 1 8c
Best Hams - - 16c lb.
Picnic Hams - -V 10c lb,
Best Bacon - 1 ' - 16c
No. 5 bucket of lard . '- 58c
Two quart Lip Sauce Pan, Regular 20c, now -
Two quart Preserving Kettles, Regular 15c, now
Genuine Savory Roasters, Regular $1.25, now -
of To'pbTdbanfpo; is " James 'A.
MpHill of this place.
James, who is the son of Mrs.
Nola 'Forsyth, R. F, D. 2 Bea
verton,1 enlisted iri the United
States Marino' Corps at' Pdrtland
on June 21, 1915, and, until the
order came to ombark oil the San
Diego,' wag Stationed with the
battalion of marines at the San
Diego BxpbsiUcft. The marine's
life is kept filled with excitement
and adventure; he goes
! goes tO all
parts of the wurld n prefoim
ance of 'his duty, and young
McHil) already has had many in
teresting experiences while serv
ing with the soldiers pf the sea.
Members of M. E, Church piano"
Celebrate New Year j Prizes Distributed by Vote
On New Wsday a happy! There vili be w favoritism in
crowd met at the M. E. church!13 Wf distribution of pn?es.
with well-filled baskets.' In the! Just who"111, rece've the. vaus
forenoon an excellent sermon ;Pmes , b determined by
was delivered by Itev. Clarence vote.. The lady who receives the
True' Wilson,' which was 'highly largest number of votes will re
appreciated. Rev. Wilson pre-! the first pnw according to
faced his sermon with a few!their final standing until all
pointed remarks in opposition to!l)nzes haVe been awarded,
the preparedness agitation, and j Open, Fair and Above Board
denounced jJncle Sam for being
led into suclj unholy ways.
At noon a bounteous feast was '
spread in the basement of the
church, and all present enjoyed a
big dinner. One of the large ta- j merchants. Neither these mer
bles was fniecj ' with people from ; chants nor the men who have
Cedar Milly, and the remainder charge of the ballot box can
were given over tP the home afford to have the election con-
In the afternoon Key. Hamp- plane pf fairness to all those
ton, of tne Montavilla M.' E. j seeking prizes. Such safeguards
church, delivered an exception- i will be thrown around this elec
aily fine sermon, after which all j tion that all will know beyond t
departed for ther homes, feeling J doubt that whoever receiyes thf,
th:,t New, Year's had been prof-j various prizes -will have won
Btablypent. . . . " . I
George H. Reeves Laid to,
Final Rest
The funeral of the late Geo. H. j
Reeves was held in the tedarthe Beaverton Times, pay sub-
Mills church Thursday, Decem
ber 30, and the. interment was in
the Union cemetery,
' Geo. H. Reeves was born in!
Illinois December 14, 1835, from;
where he moved to Missouri at
the age of eight years. In 1852
he crossed the plains, and settled
in Jackson county, Oregon. He
fought in the Rpgue River In
dian war for three years, and
came to Washington county in
865. He then married Mary
Elizabeth Hall of Forest Grove,
who survives him, From this
union there wpre seven children,
four of whom are still living,
Milton J. Reeves, Rose R. Young,
Barton B. Reeves, and Frank H.
Reeves. He was a member of the
M. E church of Cedar Mills
where he has assisted in buildjng
two churches.
Job printing pf all kinds done
at this office.
The energetic meraharts of Ipaign. These vote coupons will
this vicinity," with the Beaverton ! be given out to all pentoris upon
Timea. have inaugurated a popu-
lar voting contest in order to
" " VV ' '
;sect'on the ! to be
1 uuynig HL fiuuio lur (
cash rather than trading away
i from home or sending their mo'n
iey, to' the mail order houses,
: They are giving 'away absolutely
free a number of valuable prizes,
'the capital prize being a $400
The distribution of these prizes
will be open, lair and anove
board. The ballot box will be
! sealed at all times and in charge
'of a committee chosen by the
ducted other than on the highest
them in a fair, open competition,
Hpw to Secure Votes
ml . , ' , .
There Bra three ways, and pnly
the three ways to secure votes.
clip the freo vote coupon from
subscriptions at this office and
trade for cash with the mer
chants represented in this earn
Sand this vote to the Beewerton Times within 1 5 days from date and it will
count for 25 votes. No mor.ey required with lm coupon.
I hereby nominate or suggest the name of
As a lady worthy to hecome a candidate in yjur lJp;iular Voting Contest. I
present this name with the distinct understanding and agreement that (he
editor shall not divulge my name, This does not obligate me In any way.
Signed ., t. Address,,
January 6, 1916
equal these prices
; 5c
the same conditions. The lady's
'skill and industry in getting thu
T u" l." " ' " ' T!
de-jand not ting them m o the ballot
uua wifi iuiuu uui oitinu"i$
in the final contest,
Can the Merchant Afford to
1 " Give These Prizes?
They can undoubtedly afford
to do so. There are hundreds of
dollars going from this commun
ity to neighboring cities and the
mail order houses each week, tr,
the detriment of the purohasrr
and the homo merchants wVio
ought to receive the trade and
the community in general.' Our
home merchants can. and do sell
goods, at a smaller sell-
ing cost and net profit than can
or do thp merchants in a larger
city. The merchants ps'c your
co-operation with theiri during
this popular voting camnair.n by
giving 'full patronage to the :iome
town. They ask this fully be
lieving that it is best for all con
cerned. Send Us Your. Name
If you know of a lady who
would like to revive one of these
prizes, that is offered in this con
test, send us her name for regis
tration. If you would like to
compete for one of them yur
self, setd us your name and ad
dress, or better still come into
the office pnd let us tell you all
about it.
. . . tf The A ssocialion
The following merchants and
others of Beaverton are associat
ed in the contest a"d 2wnd free
distribution of prizes;
Beaverton Hardware Cp., Cash
Grocery Co., City pharmacy.
City Meat Market, Thyng Con
fectionery and Beaverton Tinii 8.
Mrs. Rosa Merlo Convicted
of Manslaughter '
After being out half the flight,
the jury on the Merlo .trial1 de
clared Mrs. Uosa Merb guilty of
manslaughter. The jury came
to this decision on Friday,
December '31. 'Mrj. Merlo shot
and killed her husband, Joe Mar-
Jo, at the family home, near San
ta Uosa station, on the .Oregon
Electric railroad, .on the evening;
of October 4, three shots being,
fired. One through the arm, one
into the nbdomen, and the ,last
entered tho heart, killing him,
instantly. The Merlos had both,
been to towh that day, and it is
alleged by both defense and pro-;
secution that the one or the oth-,
er was in a drunken state, very,
quarrelsome and disagreeable at
all times.
Rliu puma linmfi .'Art ihm cnp in'
iho ' ,, A ,.0,,.n L,
-aim themirket. to whi,h
place he had gone early in the
morning. the claims that when,
she arrived home he was lying on
the bed ns!,ep,and .when he awak-,
ened at her coming he accused her
falsely and refrsed to believe
her when she told him where she
had been. They quarreled, and
she Went, outside where he fol
lowed her. " There the .quarrel'
was resumed', and he attacked;
her, and to defend herself, she;
went into the house and locked
the dooi. Climbing through a
window, ! om which he had re
moved the screen, he followed
her upstairs, where she had lock
ed herself in their room, using:
both the d ior lock and a special
bolt. These he broke, and when
he thrust the door open she fired.
In the ensuing tussel two other
shots were lired. She then told the
section gan;; working on the rail
road in front of the place about
the shootics, and going .to El
nionica, she telephoned the sher.
iff and gave herself tip.
The prosecution endeavored to
show that, instead of the de
fendant being afraid of her life,
she dominated her family, 'and
I'll were afraid of her. Mrs. Mer,
)o claimed that she sat in a chair
on the other side of the door and
shot from that position, the
bullets consequently ranging up
ward. This the prosecution de
clared was false, and that the
bullets were shot from a stana
ing position and ranged down-
ward. As to the evidence offered
by the defense, claiming thut
she had locked herself in her
room, it was claimed by the state
that the key was found on the
outside qf the door.
Among the witnesses examin
ed, was an Italian from Portland,
who claimed that on one occasion
he had oyerheard Merlo threaten
tae nie ot nis who. mere were,
No, 10' bucket of lard - - $1.15
9 pound sack best Cream Oats 38c
4 cans of milk 25c
3 cans of corn - . ' 25c
Oysters and Minced Clams - 8c per can
Van Camp's Catsup - - 20c per bottle
Four quart Enamel Pudding Pans, Regular 25c, now
Four quart Lip Preserving Kettles, Regular 25c, now
Two quart Enamel Milk Pans, Regular 20c, now
altogether, 50 Italian witnesses
examined in behalf of the state ,
fand defense, and two interpreters
Were used. ' . '
Subscriber Expresses Himself
On Prohibition
Editor The Times:
' rare not what the views of .
your paper may be on the sub
ject of prohibit). Jt matters
net to me whether or not you are
numbered among the radical
anti-saloon '-element. For mj
part I believe in prohibition en
forad to the full letter of the law,
but I do not believe in a slushy,
half way method of domg things,
and that is the way the Oregon
voters have gone about eliminat
ing the "booze."
In my mind there were two
parties who misunderstood each
other; and in the chaos qf the en
suing election they iboth voted
alike, Now we have a dry law
which is in reality nqt much bet
ter than the ld way of doing
Last year, the liquid insanity
was sold over the counter in 'le
galized .places of business 'Mtl
the money remained in the stthtt:
of Oregon 'because our breweries
were allowed to run and dispense
their prpdtict to tho men wh,t
dealt in that line of business.
Now sum up ,tho comlitj'in thirt
exists and see where this Mb
land of ours stands. Is it not ap
palling? I askewry free-miiidel
citizen , if the thing hasn't been
carried ti far. Thousands of
dollars will be spent outsMo of
our state. Thousands of dollars
that we need right here to help
us bear our tax burden, and it
has been given to another state.
Much has been said about the
mo'al side of this question, but
in my mind there has been a narrow-minded
view of the matter
taken by a majority of the jeo
ple. Which is worse; That a
man Btep into a bar and get that
which .he wants over the bar, or
have it shipped to his home
where his entire family may help
themselves when they wish?
The thing has simmered down to
the point where each man is his
own saloon-keeper. Tho law hua
brought the bar into the home
and with it jnurt surely come the
curse ,of the evil. C. B. T.
City Officials Take Oath
Last Monday night three of
the new town officials were given
the oath of office, the other tw
will probably be sworn in very
s6on. The meeting was to be
held first in the city hall, but the
new officials decided to wait an
other week before being instat
ed, but upon looking the matter
up they decided that a longer
wait might forfeit their right, sq
they called a hurried meeting
and took the path. Those who
were instated arei H. O. Vincent,
Mayor; C. K. Hedge, Hecordjr;
and F. W. Cady, Councilman.