CIAYERTC.. Tl23 S. H. DAMS SON, Publishers (Jeaverton, : Oregron. Published every Thursday. Entered as Second Class, mail natter, under the Act of March 3, 1870. At the Post Office, in Baaverton, Oregon. July 20, 1912 Subscription $ Jt.OO Per Yet,, ADVERTISING RATES. Display ads. 75c an inch per moath; readerslOc per line fpr lat Insertion, 5c per line for atl tub- sequent insertions. Thursday, Dec, 30, 1915 New Order Of Thingr. We are passing out of the days f local option into those of pro hibition. The people by their votes have declared that hence forth there filust be no intoxicat ing liquors sold or given away except undef the strictest regu lation of the law. By law there will be no saloon , where anyone may enter; Order a drink and pass out of stay1 by a pleasant fire and congenial company and while away a stormy day. The laborer or the wayfarer or the busy man of affairs, who has been accuetortieit td this condi tion will, in all probability find his accustomed rendevctis coid and uninvitihg &fter the first of the year; ' si.. . i - Here is an opportunity for the moralist to deliver himself of a fine line of moral logic. The greatest trouble with the moral phaze of the prohibition end oJ ihe new regime is that in taking away one thing another is not put In its place. How many peo ple who read these lines have hot at some time of their life found themselves confronting i Similar proposition. It might be that the old hbme for which they have held a deep feeling, has suddenly been taken aftay from them by fire; tornado or some other1' disaster, and they have found themselves i'afeiiig a cold and unfeeling world. Those who have expeiienced such a sensa tion may well consider that after the first of the year what to a good many persons has been i home will be there no rcoie. Other places df recreation must be found. What will they be Will they be planes any Worse or any better than the Baloon of the past? In all probability the 'y rink that he has been accus tomed td will not be missed by the man hftlf as much as the familiar face; or the feHswahip we all crat'e: A great portion of the people have' homes to go to; but there is a certain class we might call homeless, but who are equally endowed With that home lustinct, whose only home has' been the saloon. What are we -going to do for this fflsrff who of all men after January 1st will be feost miserable? Considerable" wan said by pro1 tiibition speakers upon this sub ject prior to the election. It w Maintained hat there would bft places establfshed to take the' place of the saloon, where the" homeless could gather. All this feads up to the cancl9sfdh that Society should see to it that some thing is done to establish' iri every village and efty. placet' Where a welcome fire is kept,' a waiting chair tables arid reading matter with Soft drinKs ft slack the thirst, dispensed at a pdbnV Sir a private bar. , This' should Wfl made homelike and inviting with a good jolly fellow in charge that'' would pass the good' word along, The chauffeur'a badge alsocoms uider the immediate demtnds for a chtnge, and no chauffeur will be allowed to drive othei than his own car without the ne cessary registration, y. ; Publication of Text Book;. Salem, very naturally, want- the payroll betefit that would a:ciue from publioation of school text books by the itate. , lime ts Cummercisl organization ha1 joined hands with the local Typo yraphical union to add that cost ly activity toother high experset oftate government. ' Marion county always has btn bid in lamentation when appn priacions were proposed for i": -! pe.iditi're putsidcthe county, but n) matter how much it might sast the Uxpayers of Oregon, it nssitaies not when there is a ciance to get more dollars epei t in Salem. Oregon Voter. tary tickets and their stock wil be cared for at the college free of charge. A new class,' ladies' saddle hones under saddle, has been formed and already an even half- dozen . ambitious and skillful horsewomen hare announced their purpose to ride in the con test. Final arrangements are being rapidly concluded and any one wishing to secure, a place Ms or any other c'.asj announc ed should write Carl N, Kenn Hy, 0. A. C, CorvalU for flit ther particulars. . In another column is a letter from on of our fellow towns fflen, which he aareed to ltt us publish providing we promises not to intimate that his pecuiiai sensations might have been du. to a violent case of seasickness. He insists that he has never leen sick Lefore, even whik rafting on the docile Willamettt near its source, and that his nar row escape during the voyage was the result of over-strung nerves and extraordinary cli matic conditions. He insists that the disturbed ocean currents resulting from the launching of fie Ford peace ship might also have caused trouble for him. GOOD KAYS AND PROSPERITY Baits Roils K!!L Cctt Tlcnss For RarailsV SAVING IN TRANSPORT The Ford peace party are hav ing a tussel with the influenza as well as with the war sentiment jf Europei If Henry Ford recovers from the grippe all right what he will io to the fighting wardogs on the other side of the pond won't be slow. Denmark has prohibited the peace party from delivering lee tures. We wottld like to ask how a peace commission could stop the war witfiont talking. Isn't It surprising how quick "Old Barlej-. Corn" can get out of sight when Old Man Law comes stalking forth? We are not going to make any promises for the new year, then our conscience won't get blunted any more than it is. Horse Show At 0; A. C. The motor law's are drawing lighter each year. After January rat, all automobiles and other factor vehicles! will' be required io carry one of the new license fags. Nothing else' wiVf be aV eeptable, including the much ised ides Of placing a "license Ippfied for" tag on the machine. This year the tags will be a Showy red, letter?! in' wHte: The best farm horses of the Willamette Valley; the best road sters from the farms of breed ers, the best draft horses from Portland, and the best thorough breds of the northwest will t seen by the visitors of the horsfc show on Friday evening, January 7, at the 0. A. C. Armory. In adHitittl to this unexcelJed dis play of horse-flesh a number of equestrian feats, seen as high jumping, horse-back tug-of-war etc; have been provided for entertainment.' In Viw of the fact tha'b these horses are being displayed mere ly for the educational value of the show and to further interest in good hortfs in Oregon- exhib itors are not given (frizes for th winning animals Only entry men who are interested in pro moting improved breeds of horses are taking pari fa the show and those naturally expect to find their reVard in the bet terment secured rather than in personal rewards. In order to defray" the actual expenses of caring for the stock, furnishing feed and ranking oth er arrangemer ts for the show, it Has been fo'ind necessary to maKe s" slight charge for admis sion Just what the charge will be has not yet been announced but it will not be any more' than required to cover the actual cost of producing the show. - Horse men making entries in any class will He prov Wed with cohlplim'en- Hi Old Ordsr Has ghahgad Pram the Slow Oxsart, Toillni Qvr th ' Worat Kind of Raada, w tlw emtfy Autamobil a.nd Motor Tru.k-Fsrm-. Ihg eotfimunititi anafitao'. - Within the memorjr or many of OS the only war 01 traveling In various lections of the -country mi by means of ox teams df er the worst kind of toads, sayd H. Colin Campbell in Hoard's Dairyman. The country pro ducer delivered his crops at some river point where water transportation con. revedtKemtd the nearest market Cat tle were driven for long distances over alt kinds of roads, But the stock; grow er and farmer cfimd to realise that this method of reaching the consumer was too costly and that their time and ef fort are valuable and should be econ 'omized as mucji as any other element of cost. The low going ox team haw given way to the speedy automobile 'knd motor truck. The railroad has In many coses relieved the farmer of his long and dangerous trips to shipping ttoints, yet lu many places the long, un improved muddy road prevails. ;; , Statistics show that UO per cent of the automobiles manufactured recehtly huve found ttfltr way to the farm; hence the rural dweller, has no? only been given the opportunity, but has de veloped a greater desire, to travel than eve? before. Jioreover. he has seen feood roads, nndevldenco is real to blm that u community so favored Is oue to Imitate. There Is a direct relationship be tween good roads dud the goueral pros, perity of any community. Proof of tills Is obluluable wherevor modern roads have been constructed, bu the National ptUe. that old cross country highway which was txruii by the gov ernment in J SOD and that now be ing rehabilitated,' there stand monti meuts thiit poUit (o a local develop ment that followed ihe cbustruction of this1 now historic road. In localities v-hero ltlghways have been improved, ii iiure llrst class' roads Ifuve been built and well inalutalucd, where highway travel bus been made, comfortable and (itcnsufable. there 19. evidence of a con jtdtit Increase hi pdpulatl6n, land Val ues' and local Improvements, 1 ,Oue of the most recent proofs of this statement,, co'nies ffom Ohio, where f hjbway entiiuslasts point to the fact that those counties Where1 fbads iave not ueeii Ithpttoved have1 lost popula tion, wlillc. oil the other hand, thecoun. lies thn( luve modernized their high ways llayo Increased their population and' laiid vniues have fisen'. Anotbet' eviaence Vf flip increased prosperity tlffit follov,n eyod foads has been fur nished by Home Inventfcuflona conduct. ed by the United States department St agriculture of road work in Vlrghila. CoudltKW jif feottsylvahia ceinty Were studied with particular care. Tfce results were sifrprislug. In 1000 ihe comity Voted SIOU.OOO td lmprote: fotty miles or foad. .. Two years after com. Iilellug tlii n-oi-U tlie railroad, shipped from f'fedoriclisbui-g. the county scat. ,i ,.L,IVU u. LK1,V UJOlllUS 11,- 009 tonB Of the prodtfeta of the soil unuled over the improved highways to' that town. Before Improvement bod, become a fact the total was only 40.000 tons annually. . In other words, the, products or the soli bad increased more than 4. per cent , , , Convenient. ' L' , , Blrs-RIII irrltes that He's llflnf It i magnilicent rotfage Jlam-Why. If a, tp null ihni ,you ran. stand on lbs. fciof. reach down the chimney and open the front Louis Repabltf. IfJi: Rife ffi, Ulip I IF you have something that is intended for your eyes only, put it in one of our Safe Deposit Boxes Fire cannot reach it burglars cannot get it and you will have absolute privacy because all our Safe Deposit Boxes are fitted with Yale Locks which cannot be opened unless you help. These locks have double mechanism that requires two different keys to unlock. You have one key and we hold the other and both must be Used at the same time or the box cannot be openedi EenV of Beaverton BeaverlOB) Ore 9 Great Serials The year 1916 will be crowded with the veqr best reading iri L. 9 Great Serials 250 Short Stortet' Rare Aitfcles, Nstuta siwi Sehneai Exceptional EditoiUI Pwe, Famifar Page, Boys' Pugs, Oris' Paae, CbiU drsn's Page. All atw Ikbually piovided for. CUT THIS OUT iriii Aifid It (or dw name oi this witn z.uu tor I h cUMf. (or ll6,aodw will imi . , I FRFF AD tVa Umm f THE COM. riUa P ANION for Ik. ruul-U. aarisia. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECElVfeD At tHlS BfFiC'e Twice as nueV a any soaiaatat lives in a year. Fifty-twe tliM a yaVhot twelve, imi .toV " The Voiui'i feonw panion, Boston, Mau lor thh eiAuorr nsun-ntim V COMB TO THEMAYBELL For ybur fancy holiday candles. Order earlyi MR3. S. E. ELLIOT 7, ' i- ."y .?-'. '.. ' PROViflfe TIP-TOP BREAD Foir ihe Family Tney're Wertk it. for Safe ati BEAVERTON HOME BAkERY Made by LOG CABIN BAKING CO. Beaverton Livery Stable ' .1 V;' ' - "V",'. Wfcere good teams, rigs, harness and courteous treatment are kept Harnesi for sale; Horses fed by the day, Week or montfi. hore.sre Qo elersora, yiiQDlnf lip ooiru tue isaner el An Irish Duel. - i Johtl Ens-.iD. it cuuniy itiSiit. HA' Roger Barrett, toaster of toe rolls tl boonvhtrink. narftAnttoJt In an afrai oT bouor trint bas beeo bonded down aa a Sue einmple o'f Irlsb Humor. As linlfk on the belligerents were placed Burfpli biased stray Id tbe sir. towing tils boner was Sit l fled. Je would bate walked off, out Engao called 90" ftltb to SWp uatll Be uigbt be. shot "Fire wa5!, cOmtnUnded Barrett, bkttidg (onvenlelitly near. After toting del IB. eratf olm Jbdge fcagoa; lowered Ola pistol. -Xo, Roger, I won't be botsered rflioQtlns you. " .lie snld..Anereup4n tM wurVliijt pair sbook bonis wsrmr. 1 imt SCHOLLS TELEPHONE CO, Ownedjby farmers and butiress man for the tonVehiente of its patrons and not fpr profit, reeseryica extends al oyer Wasninton counts' . , ' thd to Newberg in Yamnlil county. Hakes Connections wjth the Bell SystW thi the Home TeleBhqhe Ce. at PortlahoV Home Office, Schoils, Otet WRAYNARD, Sseielafy.', Z THE COMMERCIAL . HOTL . - find Mra ,W. E; WRE1 , . ' PrlOPRllTORS Across the street from the Si P. Depot RATES fMHw.wwfea Meals 25c - . - . ! , . Bride 25c ft up - SOUTHERN fACtflC ' GOING WEST ( j No. 101 7:52 am Eugene elec S ,107 9:?lam McMin elec ' 141 8:61 am' I Cutoff (prn steam 111 H:S7 am elee 113 2:52 pm elec " t ;,103 4:07 Fm, WUl'na elee 115 6:17 pm 105 6:49 pm McMin elec 117 8:37 pm . 109 11:52 pm 1 GOING BAST ' 120 6:20am 112 7:12am 100 8:05 am aleo . , 104 10:29 am elec " 114 Ml pm 108 2:36 pai elec ' 116 4:38 pm 14S 4:66 pm from Tills mtok steam, Cutoff . 102 0:17 pm UO 7:06 pm 118 U:U pm , ALL TRAINS electric, via 4th street line, except No. 141 aad and No. 141 , OREGON ELECTRIC EASt " come tzt No. 80 643 A.H.-NK 81 T-3 k SST-41 84 8-51 8610-18 88 1-03 , 40 4-18 -09 '" aa tLao 46 10-17 Sat. SS8V59 8611-08 87 1-52 Pai 88 447 416-01 43 6-61 . tfaMXSai; 47 12-OlAM OL.TBOMPBON.Aem G. A. R: t. J. BAfeCOCK FbST KO. 8b Meets ever 2nfl. Kway et aeh month, at the residence of Ccmraae W. L flKE. M.S. Barnes. Commander. A.E.Hendrleks. Adjutant. GRANGE Beavertnn P. of ll. mtett ai Orange Hall the second SaturdiJ ef eaeh month. . A: Mr. Pike Muter Hri.W.H.Beyd Secretary. DBEATERTbN LODGE NO. 100 A. F. AND A.M. Reinlkr efnaas-' Ication first aid third TuesBaya CADV HALL , 8-00 P.M. Visitor welcome, , U, E., fledge, W.,M Cuy Alexander. Seety: 8. D. A. teC.I Remilar Dreachlns aervlcea nn the flrat Sabbath of each month atiivm.,'';p:,. Sabbath school every Sabbath atlO.SOa. in. Eld. R.. d.,.BEJHAI Pastor Congregational Sundaj School at 10 A.JL every junday, Christian En7' deavor at 6:30 tfhtrp. Preaching very Sundays of each month. ' . Revj UpshaW Pastor, M. it.' Church Prtaihlng Every) Sunday At - U A.M. and 7:80 P.M. Spcial srihi service 7 P.M' r Sunday Scjiool 10 A.M. Prayer Meeting Thursday 7.80 , PluSiing nog diT HeaiinK ).t.iHi;(t Girea Prompt Attentieai . .SfMapJIll to the People Of Beaverton. , My Work da well as my prices art! right.'' Half aoW frdm 45c to 85c, The DHce and. the work Can NOt he W( DElfiELE'S SHOK SHOP ODDOxite the Cadv Rea Eitab , LOANS fllBahd AOTOM&BILE . ". INSt'RANCE , Stroiid it Co. . BlAVtRTON, ORSGOM