Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, December 30, 1915, Image 2

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Max Berger was a Times visitor Men
Rev. Brymtr wa3 -calling or. pld friends
Mr. 0, White -made a business trip to
Portland Monday.
Miss AHce'Cien?eat'i3 spencUng'-Clir;3t-"mas
vacation at htme.
Mrs. A. H. Spraner v.aa a Portland vk
.itor the firit ct- the week.
Mrs. Robert wes in town Mori
' day, meeting lwr music pupil?.
The flurry of snow Tuesday was just 'a
reminder of v;Hat could happen:
Lee Gilbert entertained twelve guests
for Christmas dinner at his residence.
Maud Wren visited with C; A. Semite
iif Stevenson, Wash., oVer Christmas.
Misses Jenny and Alice Watts '4fd
spending the Week with R F. Brymer at
Mr. and Mve. Wt Enquires antVfami'y
spent Christmas with H; E. George of
Mrs. H. Stroud and soft Will "were
Christmas guests at the home of . and
Frank Strond.
Mrs. J, H. Hall spent 'titf'lstrhas at For
est Grove with her toother, Mrs. P;
La France.
Expert authoritiefe claim that sanitary
plumbing saves tibctcr bUls.-Bcavefton
Plumbing Co.
Leon HarrU o' ColoVacfb is visiting this
week with his ithcle 'aritl aunt, Mi. ahft
Mrs. W. E. Wratr.
All day meeting at the M. Ichurch:
tome and bring your basket. Meetirg
liegtns at 10 a. m.
Christmas cfider his claimed no vic
tims from our fair city. At least, if it has,
they are noteasiiy discovered.
The Weed Nursery has a find lot of 5ll 1
kinds of fruit treas for sale at reasonable
prices. H. E. Weed, Beavertoni
Mrs. S. M. Hills and BauShterj Dry ft'..
Spalding and fr'fnily, and. Mrs'. Alice
Spalding, spent Christmas with the F". W:
Cady family.
, Mr. and Mrs. j; rfretlM K West St.
Helens, and also Fi Dicts'ch.of Freewater,
Ore., spent Christmas with R. L. DeaH
and family.
Miss Myrtle DavTis, who has been at
tending the state norittal at Monmouth,
is spending Her vacation at Home with
iier father and sisfef, Mfs. Silas Shepard.
The "Old Tims" dance on(New Year's
Eve promises to be the stellar event cf
the day. It Will, beyond a doubt, be the
most interestin;
in that date.
Mr. and Mrs. Root. Scott and Kenneth.
and Mr. and Nfr'& W. f. Scott, sper
Christmas at th3 Julia Coo;2r horn:
joying a bounteous dinner:
Resolutions of Safety -
Whereas, at the last meeting of the
Parent-Teacher association of Beaverton,
the subject of fire-escapes for the present
wooden school building was brought up,
and a committee appointed to draw up a
resolution to be presented to the Board of
School Directors of the Beaverton school,
in which they should be asked to take
immediate steps toward the installation
of adequate fire-eseapes for the building;
Therefore, be it resolved, that the eom-
miuee, recognizing the importance of
having fire escape do hereby request
and urge the Board, on behalf of the Per
erU-Teacher association to take immedi
ate stepe to procure and have installed at
least two fire-escapes for the building!
It being Intimated that the Board had
no funds to carry out such an improve
ment, this committee would appreciate
definite advise as to whether this is true,
so that in case it is the necessary action
may be taken to insure the installation,
which1 would likely mean private sub
This committee Iterates to SUtftreat the
possibility of a private subscription for
the1 above purpose, inasmuch as the Board
is now spending something like $20,000 In
the erection of a new building.
Signed: J. H. MULCHAY,
FOR SALE-One heavy wagon) oh 9at of
heayy double harness, J. T. Williams,
fcaurel Cottage, R. F. D. 2.
FOR SALE'Four fresh with cowiealvesi
All heavy milfcerfi. 3 1-2 mllm sonth
west of Beaveftqnj on KarhWhgton
road. Max Berger; Route 4
The man struck a-match to see if the
gaspliiie tal'k on his automoUUc was
empty: . .
it wasn t.Uncmnati bnqulrer.
The I man speeded up to see if he
cauldnjt beat the train to the crossing.
He cpuldn'b-Columbte State.
The man looked down the barrel of his
gun and pulled the trigger to see if it was
empty. I
It wasrt't.-Cliarlotte New?':
The man asked the girl to marry him
to see if she vihs engaged. . '
She wasn't-Nashville Banner.' j
The man lit a candle in the cellar' to see
if the gas main leaked.
It did.Alton Democrat'
A h-iictwl amnlmni kuMnul f
trade with trie firm's money. to see If he I ain't
was smarter than the Wall street guys.
He wasn't-iftudsqnite;
A merchant said "People knoiV me and
it is not necessary to advertise to get
trade." He thought he was whise but
He-.WJsn'L-South Dakota Mail.
affair bf its kind given j Uck the editor!
He couldn't.
The war nlav eivfri at tKe Eeaver thea'
ter last Saturday.! asi k ksat -to those f the State of New York in examination
who were m attendance, it was a thrill " niuwig nunc w- . ' "a A : "7 '- e
from start to &ii Entl the crowded! who wrote the replies were candinatee Nearby , B dog howled ptlfuliy.
New York American: Follewing are
some replies received by fhe University
Bill and Henry Twkta Wind
Mill Hero!, Almost
There are perhaps no braver
men in the state of Oregon than
two men of our acquaintance,
who almost captured a midnight
marauder, and perhaps more.
The more as well as the marau
der still remain an uncertain
quantity, for there is no conclu
sive proof that would warrant
such a belief. We must take oft'
our hats to them When it comes
to this hero stuff, however.
Said one to another, "Do you
see that litfht in the road up
"Yep," answered the other,
sleepily, and rn.Qyed.-on, engross
ed in his own gloomy reflections,
for be it known that it was the
morning after the night before."
"Well," .continued the first
speaker, whose name happened
in this specific instance to be
Henry, "I saw the dinged thing
move, and its standing right in
front of my gate. What 'II you
bet it's a real live chicken tl ief ?"
"Uh uh" answered the other,
in a very live and aggressive
tone of vclce;
"Ctee t!illi let'a investigate
Maybe we -can raise our names
fro the ranks, and have them
mounted in the hall of fame'witt
therfl goddessies we saw in tht
city museum the other day." Bu,
Bill remained unmoved, and con
tinued to treud stoically his wearj
Now Henry was as adventure
some , as a hungry hobo with t
cop" On his nee si and he nre.-
pared to SQ alone and single-
handed to hiebt the probable
"My," said the sleepy one,
"ain't, vnn the hrflrt InH tn vmitiir.
way out there irlto the terrible
night alono. Better let me go.
too, so that you won't get lost."
Huh ! lou Hon t need to mind.
afraid. But eosh that
there light moved again. Thert
now, don't you see, the blamed
thing is crossing the road. Let's
hurry.:" ,
"Alright, I'm1 with you," waf
the reply, and the two near he
roes dropped onto their knees,
and began to crawl cautiously
along through the mud toward
the swaying light. ,
Hardly a sound broke the still
ness. Far away over the beaver
dam, a Chinese bloodhound bay
ed at the moon, which would rise
some time the. next evemne.
; CITY .
Meat Market
Fisher Building
: Full Line Fresh and Cured
Meats Fish on Fridays
Dill Pickles
L. B. ALLEN, Prop.
General Law Practice
Office with J. Stroud & Son
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
flours 8 to iu a mi
Dedtscher Rechtsanwalt
('.31 Chamber of Commerce
Main 1370 A 1370
Pr. T. G. HETU,
Office in Cady Building
Beaverton! Oregon
Phyalcian and Surgebtt.
District Surgeon S. Pi & P. E.
f Cady Building,
.' jolinson liae lived ftr
at Afe'a Cay.'
bouse went home wH Satisfied.
Mr. and Kits. J. Lenord! Mrs. Ar
thur Stipe, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Merse
reau, and Miifc Dora Van Blancom;- were
quests at a diJightful Christmas dinner
hold at the Hi O: Sffpe 'esirfenefc.
Charles Jolinxn and family movaiJ into
their residencij t!ie last of tf:e week, and
intend to mafo 'heir horfite from now on
in Beaverton, Mr'.
the past few years at Akea Cay.
t Myron, Crel, and John spent
Christmas v. ftii tiieir grandparents in
Portland. Their grandmother, Mrs. J. D.
Cray, returned vr7f.jhem fot a short vis
it at the home of Doy Gray"
Mrs. J. T. Clew aritl daughter prudence
of Roseburg stopnei over for a, visit with
Mrs. J, H. Hall on their way home from
attending the funrfral of CojvTuctor Sher,
who died suddenly pn; reaching home
t'rom a run un tlVa vc'fcy
The Parent-Teacher( circle wil hold its
regular meeting in llie school building
Wednesday eveninff, January 5, 1916, at
8 o'clock. There vm be a speaker,' music
and refreshments-' Everybody welcome.
for teachers' position's fttf qualification as POUringr OUC tile pentup Sjrrow 01
law and'm'edieal students and for admis- h,'.3 Preverse Boul, and pouring it
iion to colleges 311 out lP one "Uge mouthtul;
The chamois is valuable for its feath- tn,en SW'C'h. A pair of cats
irs, the whale for its kerosene oil. j whizzed by in the gloom, the on
The feminine gender for friar is toast- overtaking the other and ardent
ly embracing him,
There wS t ehrf3ians among tle; "Henry. are you thpre?" came
earlv Gauls. Thev wetn mostlv lawyers , . i
uirate w caused Ijy the emotion oJ I "Ye-ve-vr"; Rill whf Hn vnn
ie earth around ttye su'ri. . 16 Sf J3U, wrJJat d0 y,u
Geometry caches us how tn hkert . -"W A.nrtJ ami
rthe trembling inquiiy.
gels. 'no wua cats. round these paits
The purpose of the eleton-something "V, 13 'hare ,
to hitch meat to. j D-d a don t ((now, Heriry, but
The. skeie'.o'n is what is left after the I should ttpe not." . ,
insides have been taken out and the but- j Then the Cats pafte'd with S
sides have.been taken off. ; 11 f JAV;1,, J u-
roes snooked on through tut
, oarKness.
1 4.XT f) .I'll
r... . u;..i.:... iww; saia mi . in u
Curtis and in due time became the father ! Whisper, wlln I whistle you rush
oi ms country, ;in irom mat side, and i ll come
Sixty gallons make one hedgehog. 1 in from over there." And the
The alimentary canal is located in the man spoken to obediently did, af
nvwKH ne was tolcJ .cursing his com
, - v. ,D .......tu , ualMUI! Us tlf U1U SO.
On ppposjte sides, of fhe light
A blizzard is the inside of a hen.
A circle is found straight line with
hole in the middle '
Undertaker and Funeral Director
Stock Always on Hand
alto all other makes of razors
Automatic Keen-Edge Co.
189 1-2 Fourth Sti PoratnJ, Ore.
Cabtfrha! Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by lucat ApWii'atibiu, they cannot reach
thb dlieati'd- ,tartlon bf. ..the tar. There
to only one to cure ctitafrBal deaf new,
and that Id by a conttitiitlonal remedy.
CatarrSai Dcnfncui la fcaujed by an In
flameU t;dntUti((ti) of the mUcdua lining- of
the EiJita?iton Tubb. 'TVherv thla tube la
inflamca ydu..hava: a rumrjltng lound or
Imperfect Hearing, and when it it entirety
cloud, DcafneBi' t thcreiulU . Unlen the
Inflammation cai be. rediloed and. thla tube
reatoted to Jta. normal . condition, hearing
win be dtatrW-od, forever. Many caiei of
dcafnan arc cnufed, by catarrh, which ta
an trmamed condition of the mucous aur
face Hall's Catarrh Cure,acta thru the
blood on the' rhucbui kurfdSea Of the ayi
tem. r A
We will give One Hundfed Dollara for
any case of Catarrhal Dcafnesa that cannot
be cured by-Holt' Catarrh Cursi Clroulara
free. All DrUKriltt. 7 Sc. .
F. j: CHENEY CO, Toledo, a
had ben executed' I Lney pausea a moment to feon-
a mnnntoin M i. n v.. tL. isidei', Then came the whistle.
! railrn-jri tn ita orm.lmmn M k tl flTlH tllA tinlllf If V Mttnfir wVlAOO
The gas lights of. the M, E. .church ; spend their vacation in Jhe mountains. : duty It was to dn what. .Rill tnlrl
went dark ths other night, and as parts , A mountain range a large eook stovf ,'' him, closet! with tile foo, When
were unattainable, temporary, eleclricj The qualificaiions of a voter at a school i the liht of reason again filtering
lights wefe installed for h$ Christmas , jin 1 are that hajus be a father of a i-through on to his betliffhted
exercises Frid night. The lights will i ' K weeitr,. i brain, he was Ivinir face un
..--u-ui.. it. :.i Achilles was d toned n the Kver Stw rn " - . lttLe UW
r , u J c make him rmmorai: ' warn, ana tne 'little stars were
week by Elmer stipe , j The function of tte (g seemingly laufirhititf. The deiupera-
L. B. Siiider returned last week from a ! up the petticoats. do Was a wi-gdmill tower, which
serious rrip on. rtns. of Jiro.-Hill's big lin-i The.stomaeh forma a psrt of 'the! 80016 enterprising farmer was
:i-s. He' reports a delightful voyage and a i Adam 3 aPP(v . - j moving, and had left in the rbad
better time after he arrived in the fair i . Whe" the Jmb P n the morn- over night, hanging a lantern-Up-
,:jtyfsanj.'fal!dco,' - Hb ; sihi!$,!th?s?se, asussss; i t0 vVarn 0li"
the ocean traveling may be alUiglit, but (breastwQ-ks,; i pUDUCi
lie would. teel just as sale .travellion trie A permanent set of teeth consists of ! ' t1"
BaavGrtbft PeoiJle Praise
j Simple Mixture
Many Irf fieavfirtoti praise the
simplff mixtui-e' M Budkhorn
bark, riycerine. (3tcf pknfiwn as
Adler-i-kri" XHIs reiuedy is-the
moat THOROUGH bowej tiiean
ser ever ? sold being usdd sUccess
JwA in, appendicitis. ONE
SPOON F,UL relieves -.almost
ANY CASE flf constiration,
sour o.,.tf assy stomach. ONE
In the County court of t&e, state of Ore
gon, tor ft'iuitnoman county.
In the matter of the estate of Mads P.
Hansen, deceased. ii, ,
Notice !s fierebv itive'n that ffl pursu
ance of an order of the coiiniy. courtof fhe
state Of tOregpn, for Multnomah county,
duly tfiade a.fd entered pn $.H 26th day
of November 1915. in ths above , entitled
court, and cause the; underaigneq, Petra
Hanpen, administratrix :;.of the estate of
Mads P.t Hansen, deceaied, will, oh or af
ter the 6'fhidav of lanuarv. 1916..offer for
sale, ahfl senai private salei. subject to
the (confirmation; off the above entitled
court, ftj-i the highest bidder for:, cash or
oart cash, for the- payment,of the debts
of said estpfe, the following described
real property, belonging to aad. estate of
Mads P. Hansen, deceased, situate in the
minifies nf .Mnltftnma4i and Waslfintrton
Rfno-P lstate of Orc'gon fb-wiU . Wu.
Biape t , t nurnuered wine iai (rt nfock num-
Ibered Nine 91. Lenox addition fo the city
of Portland, Multnomah county,1 state of
Oregon. -Lot
nurnbered Twenty- niile (29),
"Peach Vale," inJVashingtoh . county,
Slavs ot ureguii, Luusisiiiig ui rive o)
acrei tnf h f- y f
Bids tor f'.ie said real property at said
sale will be received. at tne omces ot ui
sen & Kelley, attorneys fpr the, adminis
tratrix of said estate, at- rooms' 412-413-414,
Chamber, of Commerce building,
Portland, Oregon.
Administratrix of the estate of
Mads P. Hansen, deceased,
TlflM nf firsi nnrjlirhtlon, Dec: I. 1915
Date of last publication; &ec. 80) 1915,
southern Pacific.
St, John's day was jointly, observed by i
the Masons and Eastern star, at which;
time a sumptuous banquet Was served, j
followed by the instillation of the follow-!
mg officers Wi . H r.Boy oj)rHf ttl -fnas-:
ler; O. E. Shepard, senior warden; G. G..;
:IcCormic, junior warden; Doy Gray,,
eight canines, eight cuspids, twfi molars
and ight cuspidors, .
It is riot necessary to build 3 real
"house", to provide smokehouse iacllities
for home cutinglV Bottomless barrel
: may be .made to serve the pmnoae.
Di:; a'UUle freftch Into a hillside, mak-
. intr a firibox. 1 fnnt wirln aaf a r,r in
measurer; Guy S. Alexander, secretary. I inches ,,p, Cor(ir with 4 of
Beaverton and the surrounding country upper qnd, Place the bottornless barrel
i; passing tl fejgh a serious e)ideWlc of i'ovtr tlis Moke dole, chlinte? fasNlon,
Ui arippe. The school attendant of.tbe, lay a itfck across the top of the barrel to
uast three weeks has diminishes: greatly. ' hang the meat oil plft t Wjti off (he ' m1nJT E iher 1rt ..' it k
I, some cases the. discac ha st!fb- j barrel, so as to KeVtj the rain out without . a .2 !V
hprnly refused to be cured. The utmost ! cutting off the draft, get a little piece of , "T, , j""1"8. "nd, PMS out.
tire has been devoid of results, and the f tin or sheet Iron to serve as a door to the I Adler-i.kfl carifldt gripe and the
victim invariably finds' tfmVlii-, rare has ; furnace, acd thi sn!iehNe to tnlrle . - liNsTA-SlT. flctlCB IS
..vailed iiotlttr'' ' t"1" ! CUv Fbumdtv.
Many Ti'oUblesbnlS Cough Cured
A iaree nercent of the bresent
day jufiEtlCtJLOSlg Is due to
the NEGLECT of a coUgh. It
may seeln tl little thini?, but if it
atubborh it siibuid be carefullj
looked after; The best caugb
medicine you ccn bay is WHITE
dose will give' astonishing results
immediatlj'; No home should be
without fit, Most cough cures
that you' Buy are1 leaded with
opiate .which only sootlji) and
Tar does rnore'i for it SOdTHS
and HEALS the inflamed mucus
flierribr'fineS of the throat aa,d,air
.pawa0. The' thief ingredients
fflf , .this tiawerful healef are
!ry it. . It iji RECOMMENDED
4 It is YOUR home, perhaps, that is
burning . , . .'
The liard earned savings of years
gone. But the NORTH AMERICA f
saye you, y
i ' " " v - r .
i Complete Local and Stale News
S Office Over feank
C 1 SUBSCRIPTION $1 !00 Pgr Year
Beaverton Barber Shop
kWlei Jonei; Prop.
llittRbUT,TNG, SHAVlki?
as well as all building material has
advanced quiie materally m the
last twenty days. An Early order
for that building you are
contemplating will save you $$$
Beaverton Oregon
' tJ yml nLn BiihT.lvniiBr".BniA
him QtvCit A QUALrry
WHEN some user of ordinary tobacco complains that
heiiruut take a big wad, just remind him that he
won't need to do so when he Uses W-ttCUT Ghewintf
the Real Tobao6 Chew, ntw cui lenit lU
TellHirtto live W.B PUT Chcwigg t Duality teil-ihat A ', mall
cho ills65s! (Hut h. won't have toipit 10 uiHiK, that he eon fit better
atubctioa for bull the money he nipnidini now lor ordiSit tooTtoor
( "Notit. bmth.Mdtbrini.witut.rkh tb4es tine" '
Mife -Sy WETUKW-tmUTON tOMntHT, 50 VS tip,,,,, tin rJi City"
Jack , kobpers
BarMr Shop;
Shave i i i iki
featH . - i ' j fee
frirst iiaf vVest 6f Drug stord
Beaverton. - Or.
WE PRfNT . . .
. . '
Writfl br Phbht! :
btrisrs given proftitil.atiehtion