Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, December 30, 1915, Image 1

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Adorning The King' Court
Where The Tts
''Coine From. I'--'
' In a' rich and fertile val-by a
r threat jnun.v peoyte uwen. a:
'. far as the -eye coulJ see wot
rich- farms, prosperous. Villaee
nestled bre and there. Ovei
$he hills cobW fc herd the hum
of the targe ity. at night
' after the sounds of a busy. da
had died away, the reflection' o)
myriadi of light could be seer
in the Iky. fill Ue main thor-
' oughfares lead toward,, tWs busy;
eenterof trade";, the "fich valley
Dindiiijf in add the large city re
ceiving the products of the soil.
Money founH its waj bsct to the
farms Of the Valley to take the
'jlaM of the H58rt! bllKiy product) (
' of its fertile acres. Ptasperitj :
and happiness reigned supreme :
' la thatteiiitiftll Rnd picturesque!
alley. iiiu xniic w uiaucu m
'lie bbsied himielf with his rich I
; harvests, and the IidUStivVife sane
( i:;in her happy home ei me per
il 'formed her daily duties, But there
'came a gradual change over these
'happy valley people! Return)
were not so $2oA. A shipment
'of beef, pork 6Y poultry er othei
: produce, returned to the farmei
rn iibbic icon wmti ,111 1.11c ia3i.
h loco n-i. l tu
The roads to' niarltSt that had
"came rbugh and deeply ruttec
from excessive1 tntveij swo'win
"iack of rejfaMi'. THe gVc'at track'
'loads of pre'duce ni, and the
heavy truck Wdds of merchandise
'out, began to (ii on trie roadt'
that had been built at giich ex
pense from the taxes on the, ad
- joining land, rermtrt ' aw
business rtteh pleaiare "Beelterf
: in automoWles and teams froir
far and near, traveling:- to anc
fro, reduced tt'e? rtiaW highway
' to a state bordering on ruin.
The property owners within the
'Vtiafl!!.!-. t.cviiJ3lftH hv" this rnflH.
had year by seaf -voted" a goor
tax upoii tijem'setvW to built
a id maintain this highway onlj
Ja watch il wear away almost
l "in one ttiitih! r .
There lived in another part of
this fertile .country old , King
L3er, who - had befeii crowned
years before and who had been
wearing liU crown by virtue of
promises 'T certain wise men
yf the west f&t h would be
1'air to all 'hi .sulJjefds, and so
'nange tl'Jp affair! erf his king--
UJIII Mini fill nuujstt, 1IUIH JUl
ond near v ld receive the same
''ensid.jratir.'f' at his court. But
i'ai and alrf'jk, no sooner did he
am his p-iwer than he began
?i show favoritism to certain
6 bars Royal White Soaf
?5c Coffee
Bst Hams
. Bcot
Picnic-Hamsr; ,
5 poM Btlcket Lard ;
l qt rrviSg tem, 156 5c- 4 qt Up Kettle
O ivawin? :sory KoasteA, " $1,25 " $1.00 I
i-sections of his domain in an en
deavor 'to. increase his power,
and a,s the unfavored sections
of . his, eippire began1 tu mutter
fin , protest, instead of lending
rout envoys to pacify them and
make a treaty of peacs, he re
ceived, seen delegations, as were
sent to hilft With aiTogance and
petty enubs that angered, his
subjects still more; but the more
they uttered the hrrder did he
oppress them,
In order that King Leer might
make himself hard to approach,
and to keep the people from
annoying' him, he appointed
t iree watchdogs from among his
g ad followers, whoie duty it
wai to bark In unlton at any in
truders, who might come unln
vited mithin a certain distance
of hii court. Because Of tile Hov-
elty of this arrangement thi em
pire became known ar and wide
is Old King Leer and his watch-
lora tHrlifi. Ftir the nleasure nf
the king his wattlhdbga three,
and cerbihl v other bf his Vassals,
certain1 territory was laid oul
within whlfih bdundry shduld be
hereafter known as the King's
court. This cbHirt, It was decreed,
ihould be maintalhbd and beauti
fied by setting SsidS each year a
certain portitin of the taxes col
lected trbftl tile subjects of King
Leer thtolighbtit the kingdom.
Congregational Sunday School
Have Christ ra Eicercises-
, .Saturday evening, the Congre
gational Sunday school heldtheii
Christmas exercises and tree'ir.
the church. Everything went as
Jcheduled, even to the tiiiiely ar
rival of Santa Clans', wDdse jovial
imile and merry laugh compjete-
y captivated the ehildren. The
ixercises began prtfrnptly at 8
). m. with songs nW8 prayer.
wiich was fellrffrefil by the xer-
.ises by ihe tfifldren, consisting
if speaking drills and sjngs.
When jth.a" enterta:iiment was
iver, it was'luggeeted that Santa
Jlaus was ddubtliSss coming,
vhich caused the, younger chil
iren to draw in deep breaths and
wait expectantlf. Then there
was g Stamping 2nd a hearty
vhoa, the door popped open; and
n rushed the Kood old skint him-
elf. With a few cheery wo-ds
jo the children, he began to dis
.ribtite tile heaping candy fecks,
vhich were Kleefullv received.
When the boxes, and large piles
vers exhausted the gathering
woke up, and after Merry Christ
nas had been, said,, all departed
'or their resfisp'm'e hnmps fm-
Vued yvittf ha Cfiristnia'l' spirit.
, , , . , a,.
Mr. an'd.MrS'. H. R. Van Allen
ind daughter: Leona and Mr.
mi Mrs; . . ot pod
River. arrived here, today far a
few days' visit witfi W. E. Wren
tnA family., of the- Commercial
hotel. Mesdameb' Van Allen' asd
Lindsey SVe dauirhters of Kr.
and Mrs. Wren.
' a '?- .' Trrr i v !. m : ' ! 1 " .. . ,.
;ic - cuucc our aiocic DTore jr;:ary if i bur gam is 6ur lorn
- 1
UUttR AUIINb SHIri'hKedbreath.
.. ' S ' : - j I fact our breath so bated
"Townsman Reiews
; Boyhood Dfcjrt at
H Fair.
Dear Editor;
Speaking of your "palaces of
the Pacific" I never saw boat
act tike this one. We had no
Sooner got outside of the bar and
into deep' water, when it must
have seen a fish as it stood on its
head and tried (o spear Iti but
failed, and then it reversed and
tried to hit it with Ita stern, but
when it laved down and rolled
over three times, the passengers
got so disgusted that they went
down' and Ibcked themselves in
their state rbomsi ' ' . . ,
I was jdst advising a bite little
cornfed Peoria tirl to Be careful
and keep amidships, whetl all of
t sudden 1 seemed to lose inter
est in her, and thought I san
something in the wStef arid rush
ed to the side of the ritiip, but ii
had disappeared! and iftr de
positing my lights and liver or
the deck I rushed to the othei
Side Of the ship, aid there de
posited my' dlaphrami appendix,
pancrea,. gastric' juices and all
other movable freight; with the
exception Of thy knee bans, whirl
I reieued jdst (n time and re
tained for future land dnsrations.
Just then I happened lb think
that I had left the port open ir
the Btate r'((om and I rushet
down 'to close It be f tire the lhi
rolled over strain, and then Ha
cided to stay right there and set
that tile salt water did not come
in and.' damage any St the ricl
furnishings, so I took off mi
clothes to iavt tvear hd hung
them On a hook, got ,lhy.m,onej.
and other effects together foi
my executor riid th'efi lay down
where:! could keep fin eye or
that pott hole! .
Just then niy room mate cam
in and said that there was th
meanest, toughest looking crowd
on board that he had eve seen,
and that he hii hurried down tc '
see 'tha!,tno bna rcmpved any of
the Iixtures: I told huft that
expected to stay and it Would no
be necessary for both qf us ti
remain, that I did wk like hirr ,
anyway, but heiaid that ht
would pot thipt'of deserting?
room matJ'fn a cas I. eff dangei
like'the pressn't rihillfe' cfoboser '
to stay, even cost him hit
life. He also stated,, that where
khe came, front which was incid-
11.. Sl',.til.. ivij j. A,. . . ,
cmaiij uiranj i.ucy ,wc;e nocio
thes while indobrsf;so he too of!
his and piling ihine onto the
floor, hiing" hid on tlte hook and
laid down in the lower hunt
'.wnere couid keep liia, .eagle
t - 18c
1 6c lly
5Bc' j
eye on all the fixtures.
i . v im Hiyn rnvnt illative
that the crabs tried to crawl in
the pert hole thinking we had al
ready passed away. Just as our
ammunition was getting low and
it looked as if they would succeed
in getting through and charge
the trenchesi some underling of
the devil opened the door and
teld lis wc were about to enter
the Golden Gat?, This was tro
much and when thir son Of Satan
tried to rub it in we both got up
and killed him and threw his
miserable carcass into the ser.
Just then the Marin County hills
rersindsd us that we hid beta
taking a sea voyage and had lived
to see the wd, and we got right
up and put on each ethers clothes
and reeled down the gangplank.
At the bbltbhl we stepped on
something hard, and thank God
it was the United States.
.1 knew that I could not live
more that! twenty four hours at
the most, so I went dowh to the
ferry and crossed the bay as quick
as I possibly, could td See my
friends and a lawyer before I
passed away, Thciy looked me
over carefully slid suggested that
befort final arrangements; I get
a eobd hieHt sleeb. and than in
the fcoriiiait take two drihks of
the thira-i-ail brand;, and then gc
ddwj tht aone and see "Stella,"
and they thought I wodld be all
right They had the right dope,
one iook at steiia" wouia re
vive) the most over-ripe malt
corpse that ever was. 1. B. S.
Masons and Eastern Star
.Observe St. John's Day.
St, John's day was jointly ob
served by the Masons and East
em star, at which time a sump
tuous banquet was served, fol
lowed by the Installation of the
following officers; .
W. S. Boyd, worshipful mas
ter; Oi E. Shepardj' senidr war-'
den; G.' G, McCorm'ic,' Junior
warden) Doy Gray, trCisurer;
Guy S. -Alexahder, secretary.
The appointive officers named are
August Paulson", senior deacon;
A. M. Kennedy, jusior deacon;
E. Stipe, senior steward! E.
Sears, junior steward, and Julius!
Buck, tylef. , '
'For the Eastern Star the fol-
lowing' will serve the'f;ppming
year;- Mrs. xnyipg, wortay mas
ter; R; . Eoberis1.',, worthy
patron; Mi-s, Doy Gray,1, associate
matron; Rfrs. dtto' Er'ieKson, con
ductress,' Mrs. Roberts! associate
conductress'; MrsHattie Bruje,
secreUry"; Mrs. Hedge, treasur
er; Mrs. Mable AJexandur, cha-,
plain) Mrs. Johnson, Adah; Mrs.
Summers Riithj Mrs. Cooper,
Estheri Mrs. MeGowari, Martha;
Mrsi JHcuormic, Ulecta.
4 C&ns Milk 25c
, 3 Cms CM , 25c
Ojrsterf Bc pettM Mm&iafte&tf
T O" r?inJs?
d Ehafrie Milk feriS; "
The Advancement Haa Been
Rapid in a Very
Short Time.
Nestling at the base of a ver
dant green wall of rock, which
separates the valley from the
city beyond, lies the town Of Be
averton. A little, old, sleepy
town, in which the houscm are
mostly old and dingy, and the
two er three stores are sawed off
frasJe building, squatting resign
edljr upon their allotted places.
Through tht middle of things,
thtre runs I road of mors or last
questionable dtpth, which angli
away over tht hills te the city.
Now and agiinj one might find a
board walk with the beardl miss
ing, or ptrhapi, a harrow blank
strung over the muddy places,
but more dften there wis noth
ing. At Intervals of half a day
there cams, rattlihg and groan
ing ever the weed-grown track,
an engine drawing two ears, and
some time during the day, one
which drew three or fourt Down
In one end of the town; plaeed
out of the way' in the depths of a
mudhole, where the song Of the
frog would lend inspiration to
the young and versatile wind,
there had beea built a school
housei from whose titiy belfry
was proclaimed trie) call df edu
cation. The little olel school of
ths past , has not been devoid of
results, however, f or, a from It
have come forth many men, who
have nude for themselves s
But at Ihst came the awakea-
iag that comes to all towns at
seme period in the history! tht
penou oi otKwara expansion, ana
the imbuln j of new life. ' Out of I
the east yjirie the tenSrtlt of
progress, and they were stretch
ed out .through the town into the
country beyond; .till they rested
at the, bass of tht mountains in
the west: With thine railroad
came lattiqh. and ,the, land's were
cleared while th older farms
were nroKtiMnto .apiallef ones
for accommodation of thfr Incom
ing homescekers. Within the
town ttflre .stirred A ndw unrest,
a feeling t'na thrilled the popu
lace who had, remained so long
fixed in tfie ope spot, and they
found the town astir with' a hew
atmosphsrs-the atmosphlfe of
With the. new call for progress
there developed the opposition.
composed of those who remain
ed so long a fixture in the antl-
, j i . .
que mnascape mat tna.iaea of a
change in things appalled them,
and they rallldd at each public
meeting, and at Inch street cor
ner to ius;i and discuss thejifw
yWP 4uc
1 AJ
order of things till tht air was
blat with their maledictions.
Then ' came tht long flghl,
which 'resulted in the erection of
a public school baildlngand! the
removal of the seat of education
a little nearer the center of the
school district, which brought in
to being a tow party, but time
eliminated this party and the
boosters Stood together. Then
followed a stretch of macadam
road through the 'center of the
town Knd progress was well on
The town st the present day
olds tht same place oi the land,
mpt txttpt that tht oatakirta
in nore ixttadtd and fcg mm-
rounding eoustrt l Hkt dtn
so thickly It It settled. The
reek roads through tht town
havt been extended and thnaa
already laid hive been repaired,
any fine new residences have
been built in and around tho
town In the pait year, aad auny
more art being planned, while
some art already Under conitre
tioa. ,
Wlthih the post year there baa
come the transition, and the an
tique has been relegated to the
past. Nevertheless there itlll
remains thli atmosphere of age
that caiihbt be left behind. - la
one part bf the town1 the march
of progress ' has stlmalated a
feeling of. shame and the moss
grown rail .fences and the dense?
clumRS of wilderness havt beea
removed giving the people on the
other side the much desired view
of 1ft. Hood and the accompany.
ing range; ( New sidewalks havt
taken the place of the tithe worn
excuses that have hitherto been
offetedj and Lmahj, 'blocks of en
tirely new once have been built.
this giving access to tht mere
remote parti if tho town, ,
m ... . 1 4.L a
ronmv among its, new nx-
tures of tho town we mutt eon-
idired tho Chamber of Com
hose tntiring efforts
have woh so mush for tht town
and the. surrounding territory.
In this orpanizatish there art at
present forty f we liveliest men
thst were ever gathered together
in one community; men who are
willing at anv tima to devote
their ehorgies to' 4ny( .!Uvement
that may better! the community.
Among the. present Improve
ments are the . fins siew Cady
block, the steam heated Fisher
building, and last but by far not
the least the new. throe story
high school ballding which stands
so grandly on the hill, a monu
ment to the hew era of progress.
This oe building is pf brisk and
concrete, containing beside an.
abundanccof thus rooms, alarg
gymnasium, and assembly hall.,
This will give tho town of Beav
reten two modern school buildings
with amnio room to accomodate
f both the public and high school
tor a numrj,oytarsyCm( i
per oottw
I5d .
, 1 " ! ' . ' , ' ! ' -VV I W