Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, November 25, 1915, Image 1

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SUCCESSOR TO "THE OWL," Beaverton, Oregon
VOL. III. NO. 35.
$1.00 Per Year
The Gtiiaft Ticket
Persuant to call a goodly num
ber of Beaverton citizpns met in
caucus in Grange hall Monday
evening to nominate a ticket for
the coming city election. There
was no undue formality the
-people seemed to have come to
gether for the purpose of serious
consideration to place in nom
ination a ticket, composed of its
best cititens, because all Beaver
ton is aroused to the needs of a
conservativ business adminis
tration for our town, Beaverton
has a bright future, and every
body wants to see it move up
ward. With this view in mind some
of the town's very best citizens
were placed en the ticket- all by
unanimous vote of the caucus.
Here is the ticket, .judge for
Mayor 'H. G. Vincent.
,,Cduncilmen Fred W. Cady
nd Doy Gray.
Recorder C. E. Hedge.
Treasurer Miss Evans. !
What do you think of the tick
et? We think there could have
been no better men found in the
city. All are men of integrity
and business ability; men whom
you can trust in the more respon
sible positions; men who will-conscientiously
administer the town
affairs to the icredit -of them
selves and the people; .it is just
the -kind of ticket the Times has
been laboring. The truth is we
are pleased with it.
New Auto Service
,H. T. Peterson and James
Gardner have inaugurated an
hourly auto passenger service
between Portland and Beaver
ton. An auto will leave Fourth
and Yamhill streets, Portland,
every morning at 6:15 a. m. and
every hour thereafter during the
day. Returning will leave Beav
erton every morning, leaving
Thyng's confectioneny store at
7:00 a. m. and every hour there
after, the last car of the day
leaving here at 7:00 p.m. Extra
jservice will be added Saturday
nights and Sundays. Fare. 20c.
These gentlemen have been
operating an auto service be
tween Portland and Oregon City
the past few months, but think
they have a better run to this
town. They report that they
employ only very competent and
careful drivers, and have never
met with an accident in former
service. They are offering' Beav
erton a quick, convenient .and
safe service. Pd. adv.
School News.
The Washington County Teach
ers' association met -in the high
school building atlllil'lsboro, No-,
vember 13.
The meeting -opened with mu
sic by the Forest Grove -quartet.
Miss Grace Thomas then led the
general singing.
The ainual business meeting
was then h6ld. The following
were elected for the ensuing
year: President, Miss Anna Tay
lor; first vice-president, Mr. G.
:B. McKay; second'vice-prosident,
Mr. L. C. Mooberry; third vice
president, Mr. G. E. Barker; secretary-treasurer,
Mies Violet M.
Miss Anna Thompson was
elected as the delegate of the as
sociation to the state association,
which isto meet it Mtdford.
The subjeetof "Applied Gram
mar" was-ably presented by Miss
Viola F. Shefler. An interesting
discussion of the paper was given
by Messrs. Ralph E. Singer and
J. M. Stretcher.
In the -afternoon musical num
ber, given by the Hilisboro high
Msehooi irirls, opened ttM session.
A scholarly address by Rev.
E. A. Harris of Hilisboro on the
! subject, "this IslThat," was en-
joyed by. all.
The departmental work on ths
order of round-table talks was
conducted by Messrs. Kraus and
Mooberry. The discussion of
various problems, relating to
daily schoolroom practice, was
taken, up.
Now is the Time
To Buy Your Heating Stoves
We have a complete up
to date line, prices right
This wet weather finds the holes in
your shoes. Come in and let us fit
jou in either Leather or Rubbergoods
Our Grocery specialties are complete
for Thanksgiving. We will be
pleased to supply your wants.
y Cady&Pegg
Da oi loi 1 1 i o
Thanksgiving Specials at
Cash Grocery Co.
English Walnuts, rg. 26c lb, spec. '20c
Genuine Last Well Cranberries, qt 12c
17 lbs Best Sugar . ... v$l'.00
Flour, per sack . ,, 1.10
Extra Select Prunes, per lb ,, 10e
Royal Bakjng Powder, l ib can ... 43c
Crescent Baking JPowder, can . ?23c
25c Special Coffee, Guaranteed 18c
Full line famous Del Monte canned
goods. We 'deliver in Beaverton.
Phone us your orders.
Special at
Beaverton Hdw. & Imp. Co
Genuine Savory Roasters for
your turkey, regular $1.25, spe
cial this week - - $1.00
Special prices on Iron Beds,
Axes, Wedges, Sledges, Heating