Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, November 11, 1915, Image 2

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MikHflif SUgofripbf
V.I Mm MOW IB Ban!
2.500 otaera la road
If Gold Medali-ll! Uidnn
Certificate ceaferred aiacc Jaa.
JUwar anettion far
na commateat
Counts Up the Same.
ABker, the owner of a new car, bad
been dilating on the expense of its
maintenance, and Stranger, not to be
outdone, began to boast.
Stranger It cost me 100 last year
for gasoline.
Asker You own a car, then?
Stranger Oh, no. I lent the money
to a fellow that does. Philadelphia
Public Ledger.
I WANT to prove it to your satisfaction. If
you have Rheumatifltn, acute or chronic no mat
ter what your condition write today for my
and Cure." Thousands call it "The most wonder
ful book ever written." Don't send a stamp it's
JESSE A. CASE, Dept. 896, Brockton, Haas.
Ravages of Little Rodents Result
in Serious Losses.
Problem of Controlling Animals Is One
of Considerable Importance to
Farmers and Orchardlsts
Plea for Eradication.
(By D. E. LANTZ.)
Short-tailed field mice are commonly
known as meadow mice, pine mice and
moles; locally as bear mice, buck
tailed mice or black mice. The term
Includes a large number of closely re
lated species widely distributed over
the northern hemisphere.
The runs of meadow mice are main'
ly on the surface of the ground under
grass, leaves, weeds, brush, boards,
snow or other sheltering litter. They
are hollowed out by the animals
claws'and worn hard and smooth by
being frequently traversed.
Meadow mice are injurious to most
crops. They destroy grass in mean-
ows and pastures; cut down grain, clo-
To Cleanse
and Heal
Deep Cuts
h. Money
Havt it on hand
Balsam of Myrrh
Something Dramatic.
"I spik so leetle Inglis," said the
charming French actress, "zat I hard
ly know what to recite for ze Ameri
can audience."
"I usually recite the multiplication
table in Russian," responded the other
international star. "That always
sounds impressive." Judge.
Slang In a Hat Store.
"What can we do for you, sir?"
"I want to buy a silk hat."
"Yessir. Jim, show this gentleman
some periscopes." Kansas City Journal.
Enhanced By Perfect Physi
cal Health.
The experience of Motherhood is a try
ing one to most women and marks dis
tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not one
woman in a hundred is prepared or un
derstands how to properly care for her
self. Of course nearly every woman
nowadays has medical treatment at such
times, but many approach the experi
ence with an organism unfitted for the
trial of strength, and when it is over
her Bystem has received a shock from
which it is hard to recover. Following
right upon this comes the nervous strain
of caring for the child, and a distinct
change in the mother results.
There is nothing more charming than
happy and healthy mother of children,
and indeed child-birth under the right
conditions need be no hazard to health or
beauty. The unezplainable thing is
that, with all the evidence of shattered
nerveB and broken health resulting from
an unprepared condition, and with am
ple time in which to prepare, women
will persist in going blindly to the trial
Every woman at this time should rely
upon Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable
Compound, a most valuable tonic and
invigorator of the female organism.
In many homes
once childless there
are now children be
cause of the fact
that Lydia E. Pink
barn's Vegetable
Compound makes
women normal,
bealthy and strong.
If you want special advice write to
Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Kiss. Tour letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
nan and held in strict oenAdeace.
Unbelted Guillotine Trap,
ver and alfalfa; eat grain left stand
ing in shocks; injure seeds, bulbs,
flowers and garden vegetables, and are
especially harmful to trees and shrub
bery. The extent of their depreda
tions i dually in proportion to their
When presont even in ordinary num
bers meadow mice cause serious in
jury to orchards and nurseries. Their
attacks on trees are often made in
winter under cover of snow, but they
may occur at any season u&der shel
ter of growing vegetation or dry litter.
The animals have been known almost
totally to destroy large nurseries of
young apple trees.
Older orchard trees are sometimes
killed by mice. In Kansas the writer
saw hundreds of apple trees, eight to
ten years planted and four to six
inches in diameter, completely girdled
by these pests. The list of cultivated
treeB and shrubs injured by these ani
mals includes nearly all those grown
by the horticulturist.
Pine mice Inhabit chiefly forested
regions and are unknown on the open
plains. Ordinarily they live in the
woods, but are fond of old pastures or
lands not frequently cultivated.
Their harmful activities include the
destruction of potatoes, sweet pota
toes, bulbs, shrubbery and trees.
In the eastern part of the United
States pine mice do more damage to
Baited Guillotine Trap,
orchards than do meadow mice, partly
because their work is undiscovered
until trees begin to die.
Methods of destroying field mice or
holding them in check by trapping and
poisoning are equally applicable to
meadow mice and pine mice.
If mice are present in small num
bers, as is often the caBe in lawns, gar
dens or seedbeds, they may readily
be caught in strong mouse traps of the
guillotine type. These should be bait
ed with oatmeal or other grain, or may
be set in the mouse runs without bait
On larger areas where mice are
abundant, poisoning is the quickest
means of destroying them, and even
on small areas it has advantages over
For Cut, Burnt,
Bruises, Sprains,
Strains, Stiff Neck.
Chilblains, Lame Back.
Old Sores, Open Wounds,
and all External Injuries,
Made Since 1846.
Price 25c 50c and $1.00
All Dealers & c. Hsntom mt. c
niivoaicia Syracuse, n.t.
Worth Thanks.
Grubbs I have just thought of
something we ought to remember and
be grateful for on next Thanksgiving
Stubbs What is it?
Grubbs - That there will be a
miehtv few returnine European travel-
i ers to whose experiences we shall
I have to listen. Indianapolis News.
Shake Into Tour snoes
ATten'a Foot-Eaae, a powder for the feet It jut
painful, swollen, amarting, sweating feet Vane
new ahoea easy. Sold by all Druggist and Shoe
Stores. Don't accept any anbetltuta. Sample
FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted. Le Ray, N. Y.
Time Enough to Begin.
"You may laugh, but I can truthfully
say that my wife and I have not had a
single disagreement since we were
"That's a good deal for any married
couple to say. When were you mar
ried ?"
' Yesterday." Baltimore American.
An Eye for the Future.
Goldsmith Would you like any
name or motto engraved en it, sir?
Customer (who has chosen an en
gagement ring) Ye-yes-um, Augustus
to Irene. And ah look here, don't
ah look here, don't ah cut Irene
very deep. London Punch.
This Baking Powder
Keeps Its Strength
The large can of K G lasts longer
than 25 cents worth of other baking
powders but no matter how long it
takes the user to get to the bottom
the last spoonful is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction. K G raises
the nicest, lightest biscuits, cakes
and pastry you ever ate, and it is
guaranteed pure and wholesome.
For goodness sake, use K C.
Missing Tribute.
Manager What's the leading lady
in such a tantrum about?
Press Agent She only got nine bou
quets over the footlights tonight.
'Great Scott! Isn't that enough?"
'No; she paid for ten." Tit-Bits.
by Cutter'l Blackleg Pllli. Loir-
ealern itockmen because they nro-
a. bm test whir other vaeclnea fall.
I S. m Write (or booklet and testimonials.
I r I a 10-detc pkie. Blicklei Pllli 11.00
I i I d 10-doie pkie. Blackleg Plllt 4.00
Us. any Injector, but Cutters best.
The lUDerlorltT of Cotter nroducte is rlue to over K
yean of apecUlizlng in vaeeinca and aeruma only.
I naiat en Cutter's. If iinnhtalnahle. order direct.
T'iE CUTTER LABORATORY, Berkeley, CalMornla
Mrs. Snooper Men make me tired.
Mrs. Swayback What's the matter
Mrs. Snooper My husband saw
Mrs. Keedick yesterday and I asked
him what she had on, and he replied,
"Oh, clothes." Stray Stories.
Enthusiasm Dampened.
Crawford He doesn't seem to be
very enthused over his vacation.
Crabshaw No wonder. He haB to
spend it in the place ahere he bought
a house and lot. Judge.
A Gleam of Hope.
"I hear that Bilter's daughter eloped
with his chauffeur."
"Yes, and Bilter wired his forgive
ness." "What did he do that for?"
"He said he thought now there
might be a chance for him to use his
car." Philadelphia Public Ledger.
HOWARD K BURTON - aasayer ana CKemK
Leadville, Colorado. Spemmea prioee: Oold,
Silvor. Laid. ti. Oold. Siller. 75c; Gold, Wo: Zmo
or Copper. II. Mniling envelope, aid fall price lie!
Ent on application. Control and Umpire workeo.
ilted. Itolerenoei Carbonate National Hank.
Seventy tons of coal u day will car
ry an ordinary battleship along at the
cruising speed of 10 to 12 knots; but
to drive her at 20 or more, five times
that amount must be used..
I 1Z, 16 AND 20 UAUQE VI
Hammerless Repeating Shotguns
The Model 1912 Winchester is the lightest, strongest
and handsomest repeating shotgun on the market.
r Although light in weirtit. it has exeat Bfrwitrth. twraniw
its metal parts throughout are made of nickel steel. It
is a two-part Take-down, without loose parts, is simple to
operate and the action works with an ease and smoothness
unknown in guns of other makes. See one at your dealer's or
. Sod to Winchtxltr Ktpullnt Armi Co., Nn Mown, Conn., for ctrmlar.