Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, November 11, 1915, Image 1

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SUCCESSOR TO "THE OWL," Bcavcrton, Oregon
VOL. III. NO. 33.
Grange Entertains
Beaverton grange gave anoth
er of the splendid chicken, pie
suppers, it is noted for at Grange
hall in this city last Saturday
evening, which was largely pat.
ronized; . ,
At -Ulie conclusion of supper, a
delightfully -entertaining pro
gram of music rounded out a
very enjoyable evening. Mr. and
Mrs. Staples of Portland, togeth
er'with their son and daughter,
delighted the audience with sev
eral orchestra selections. Alsc
Mr. Staples sang several solos,
find the two children sang a duet.
They were ably assisted by local
Mis Hazel Pegg and Edward
Boring recited select 'readings
that were very much apprecia
ted. . Beavarton .'people areh op
ing the grangers will repeat
these entertainments at frequent
$1000 to loan on real estate
security at this office.
Jj Six Tine Potato Fork 85c
I The best double bit as .
H on the market $1.25
B Fully guaranteed single
bit ax for only 75c
Hardware, Shoes, Rubber
Goods, Dry Goods, Fur
nishings and Groceries
s Cady & Pegg
Despite the: fact of general
business depression, the past
two or more years Beaverton is
growing not fa3t but a sub
stantial slow growth. Within the
past year several new residence
have been built, one modern
brick business block, and now
about the finest high school build
ing in Washington county is un
der way of construction. Not
only this, the population of the
town is increasing, and the en
rollment of both grade and high
school is bounding upwards. Be
averton has a future.
The dancing party given by
the members of the Beaverton
Tennis Club last week for their
friends, was a very enjoyable
affair. There were present just
enough not to many as is
often the case at such timer.
Daacing- began at eight and
stopped promptly at eleven.
The music was Portland talent
a "pianist and violin. A rumor
was circulated to the effect that
befor long there might be more.
"Drowned" the Lights Out
At the last week's session of
the council, a budget was com
piled, and a ten-mill tax levy
made. Even this high levy, with
the "leakage" in the water sys
tem, would not cover the ex
penses of lighting the city!
streets, nor pay for a marshal's
services, after all other running!
expenses were provided for. Ac-!
cordingly the street lights were!
ordered turned off, which was
done last Friday night, and the ;
city was left in darkness. Late i
shoppers being caught down town j
wsre forced to trudge home in '
the ihirk. The city has thre :rc
lights, however, that will be loft i
to burn as usual one at Broad
way crossing of the Oregca Elec
tric, one at the mill crossing of
the Southern Pacific, and a third
on Watson street, near the
Methodist church. These are
free lights by reason of stipula
tion in the franchise. Merchants
in the Cady block also, maintain a
dlgiit in front of that building.
All other parts of town, which
includes most all of the residence
districts, are in the dark.
The council took such action as
it deemed advisable not desir
ing to put the town in debt for
running, expenses. But there
have been many complaints in
regard to water users, and many
think that if the water leakage
were stopped, there would be no
necessity to provide a fund for
that purpose. For instance, the
july and August water bills to
taled around $550, when for most
other months of the year the bill
is about $125- The city received
a very small proportion for the
extra water used, therefore, bad
to pay the deficiency out of the
general fund. The water was
used and not paid for the city
is the loser. Twenty-five cents a
month is charged for lawn
sprinkling. It ouf ht to be a dol
lar. A meter system would be
best for water users in irrigating
gardens and truck field. The
city has had the saloon license
revenue heretofore to rely upon.
In the absence of that revenue
the recourse is to stop the water
leakage then lights can burn.
Since the above was put in
type, the Times is reliably in
formed, the city council has dis
covered that the contract withl
.$1.00 Ter Year
the light company haw not ex
pired, and therefore the lights
have been turned on again. It
was thought the comract was for
only three years, but it is ascer
tained to be for five. How
ever, prov ision must be made to
pay for the lighting, and it is
thought the deficiency can be
made up by savings in the water
Stop ! Look ! Listen !
And don't forget the railroad
social in Cady hall November 19,
given by the young people of the
Congregational church. Coma
early and avoid the rush. Round
trip ticket, including dining1 car
service, 15 orits.' Excursion
leaves at 8 p. m.y s'hKYp!"
The town election is draw in j
neartime to begin thinking. A
mayor and two councilmen, re
corder and treasurer are to elect.
The mayor and ceuncilmen should
be men of business ability and
conservative. Beaverton is goinrf
to grow trere-rapidly in the fu
ture than it has in the past, and
men of business ability are need
ed at the helm. Our citizens
ihould take interest enough in
the city's affairs to see that a
ticket, composed of men who
have made a success of their own
business, are nominated and
The walk across Broadway,
from the Morse hall to the Fisher
block, is a walk improvement
that is certainly appreciated.
Heretofore it has been necessary
to either go to near the E. O.
depot, or to the Hooper barber
shop, a distance of 200 yards, to
get across the street or else
wad through the mud. You wa
allowed, of course, to take your
choice, but if a pedestrian was
trying to catch a train he usually
went the nearest route, which
spoiled his shine, and rallied his
At a meeting of the board of
directors of the Chamber of
Commerce Monday evening, S.
H. Davis and T. W. Zimmerman
were appointed as a delegation
to represent the club at a meet
ing of the state highway com
mission at Salem today. Thes
gentlemen will present Beaver
ton's views of the proposed high
way improvement in Washingtoa