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About Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1915)
Stud By Your Town. No town can be permanently ipronperous in Which the' citizen! f .and tradesmen dependent on each uother do not patronize each other The merchant .wants. harness, .for instance, and .Although his .neighbor is a good harness maker ind trades with him, he imag inosjie can save .fifty cents ljy -sending to another city or state or his harness. ;Jhe .haness .maker in. turn, sends away for this ..groceries and shoes. The shoemaker sends .away .for his coat and the.tailor sends for bis boots, , and so it. goes. As a re-J .suit the J!armer.concludes.$bat if s .others can save monej by send-' ing away, for their .goods, Jie can rSave some .money in the same g iway; then, everybody growls of ) . .hard times and no business. Is (there any wonder.?' Ten dollars is lost where one is saved, 'be cause the. entire business of the place is dwarfed and hampered thereby, r -y 'j . :i Tbj3,fact."is, ever saved 4y .going away to trade, and very much sot tener, counting .all ex penses, there is a loss. The .town .in which the people make .it a rule not to send away for any thing they can buy at home, .you -will see r business lively, and everybody busy. Have confi dence in each, icther, patronize .ach other and ..keep . all the business at home,- and you will ihaifel fhe.'-itii4i?on r of living in one ofthe busiest tosns f. the country. ; yf 'Dairying The Remedy The man with the small place is continually confronted vwifch i 'the question jf soil efficiency, and there js in Oregon ,. where the farms are, on an aver age,' sjo small'-as they are in this especial .part ef Oregon. ; The land is higher in ..price, .per haps," in this loeality - and as a , result taxes are 'slightly; higher. This brings about a demand for increased production. -By .flant ing ',grain and potatoes year after . .year the land will gain 4ittle, generally deteriorating rapidly and this is by all means to be . ..avoided. ' To avoid this .we must find a proper industry and dairy ting is such an industry. In dairy ing there is a demand for a variety Df crops which, with proper rotation, coupled with careful iertilzation, will soon bring about the desired result. D. Insurance company of North '. America, established in 1792, -one of the oldest and .strongest -fire insurance companies in the Ui- ted States, reepresentd by : the 'Bsaverton Times. : Specila atten tion given both city and country risks. BEAVERTON DRUGGIST v .PLEASES CUSTOMERS The City Pharmacy reports customers greatly pleased with the U ICS. action f sirnpleibuck-. thorn bark, .glycerine, etcM .as mixed in Adler-i ka. This smrie remedy, drains the old foal matter from the bowels so THOROUGH thafcONB-SPOQNEUL relieves almost AJNY. CASK of eenstipa ticm, sour or gassy stomach, it? is so powerful that it is used auc cessMlyin appendicitis. Adler-i-ka never gripes and the INST ANT action is surprising. CITY ' , Meat Market I; .Fisher Building Fiill'Line 'Fresh and Cured Meats Fish on 'Fridays n SauerKraut and Dill Pickles JL..B. ALLEN, .Prop. i i GEO. F. A. WALKER, 0. D. Optometrist and Optician 1 Glasses fitted ;' Lenses duplicated Prescriptions Filled. .' 701-2 Morgan building Washington ;t "Broadwsty ; ' : 'Pfaone IMain; 310 .Portland Jack Hooper's ':; ..".v . ,Barber.:5hop. ,, . ' I Shave - : 15c'; Bath ';' :;25. First door west of Dnjg store' Beaverton, - - Ore, I ;DR. PAUL M.JE...CARSTENS Wiyiioian nd Surgeon. District Surgeon S. P. &.P. E. Railroad : : Cam .Building, ; BEAVEKTON, BEffiON - JBS. A. LAGERFEL'D General Law .Practice " Office with. J. Stroud &-Son Monday, Wednesday and Friday I Hours ' 8 to 10 a. m. , ' Deutscher Rechtsanwalt 1 also PORTLAND, - - OREGON 631 Chamber of Commerce Main 1370 A1370 Real Estate LOANS FIRE and AUTOMOBILE ; 'INSURANCE Stroud & Co. BBAVERTON, OREGON 1 ' FOR SALK SEAL E STATS no. 35. ; - 12-cre tract, 5 miles from Beav erton on Cornell road. 6 acres in -cultivation and 6 cras in .pasture, email house, large barn andchicken house, 4-year old orchard and berries. Price including 2 cows and 3 cakes, 50 chickens and farm imple ments J40OQ. Theffimes. No. 81. , 40-acro tract, all , in . cultivation except 2 1-2 acres, . 1 acre n vineyard, small barn, 4 miles north of Beaverton, price $200 per acre, will sell , in lO-acre tract. y 47a'ei.trac.t, 1 room housty largo 'barn,, prune drier, 1000 prune trees, other out i buildings, orchard of 100 trees of applep, ; pears, peaches, cherries, plums . etc. Pries 1225 per acre. The Times .ANNUAL BAZAAR By the Ladies of St Cecilia Chmrch 'Will be held iiri the church building . on "Wednesday and "Thursday even ings, Qct. 27, and 28. AvChicken Supper vwill be served each evening ffom 6 to 10'p. rn. An added attrac tion will be ihe dance that will take ,-piace upstairs,' beginning at 10 p. m. JBeaverton Barber Shop t Charles Jons, Proji. 'ilAIRCUTTING, SHAVINtS SHAMPOOING BATHS rLAUNDBY LEAVES WEDNESDAY 'MORNING (RETURNS SATURDAY MORNING. I BEAVERTON PLUMBING CO. to FLUMPING and HEATING. V T ' y. '' " ' , , ' ELMER STIPE, Mgr. A 'Letus fisrure with vouon vour work. J ' LOOKS LIKE W-B CUTj ; I RI4HT -you e. frS THf REM. TOBACCO CHEW AND A 6ENTLEMAN -1 CHEW.TOO. ASK your dealer for W-B Gut Chewing Tobacco. It is the new "Real Tobacco Chew" cut long in stamps, to us. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, SO Union Squ,r, N,w York Orf x