BEAVERTOII TIMES A. J. HICKS, Prop. Beaverton, - Oregon. would be benefitted almost as much.. Published every Thursday. Entered as Second Class mail matter, under the Act of March 3,1879. At the Post Office, in Beaverton, Oregon. July 20, 1912 Subscription $ LOO Per Year. ADVERTISING RATES. Display ads 75c an inch per moath; readerslOc per line for 1st insertion, 5c per line for all sub sequent insertions. Thursday, Oct. 28, 1915 The Times notes an article in last week's issue of the Hills boro Independent relative to state aid for Washington county highways. The article stated that it is proposed that the first years' appropriation be used to hardsurface the road between Hillsbore and Forest Grove. A delegation from those towns, including County Judge Reas oner, held a conference with the state highway commission at Salem last week. This delega tion suggested an appropriation of $10,000 by the commission, to which would be added a one-mill tax levy by Washington county. The suggestion is good one, and we heartily agree to the program with exception of one feature. That is in the place of beginning this permanent improvement. It occurs to us that the wiser plan would be to start the im provement at the Multnomah county "line, where that county's hard surface . ends, making a continued line of permanent highway westward, instead of beginning in the western part of the county and building east ward, thus leaving a long stretch of unimproved road for several years, as is proposed by our neighbors to the west of us. A jump from the Multnomah coun ty line to Hillsboro would leave a gap of about fourteen milles of of the most used portion of road in Washington county. As a matter of accommodating the greater amount of travel, the comparison is at least three to one in faver of this end of the road over that between Forest Grove and Hillsboro. Then why rot use the first available funds where they will accommodate the greater amount of travel? A road that is good here and bad there is very unsatisfactory. Hillsboro itself would be accom modated to a greater extent by a permanent road at this end than it would by the proposed improvement, and Forest Grove Did you ever stop to think that if a town, community, county or state is worth living in it is worth improving." We do not mean that it may be necessary for a community to overburden itself by bond issues, or too high taxation. Moderation is always advisable. A bond issue may' sometimes be advisable to avoid too high taxes when an improve ment is needed. The same im provement may be made by a bond issue to avoid this burden some tax. A little increase in taxation will wipe out the bonds in a few years and the taxpayer hardly notice the small extra tax. During these years the people can bp enjoying the im provements as well as a material increase in their property values. Besides, the newcomers they may have induced to locate with them as a result of the bettered condition will help to pay the bonds, and thus make easy what might be considered-a burden, if done by direct taxation. PROVIDE TIP-TOP BREAD For the Family. They're Worth it. For Sale at: BEAVERTON HOME BAKERY Made by LOG CABIN BAKING SO. Beaverton Livery Stable Where good teams, rigs, harness and courteous treatment are kept Harness for sale. Horses fed by the day, week of month. Executors' Notice. Notice is hereby gives that we, the undersigned, have been by the County court of the state of Oregon, for Washington coun ty, duly appointed executors of the estate of Ca".eb C. Hoopes, deceased, and have duly qualified as such. All , persons, having claims against said estate, are hereby notified to present the same to us with the proper vouchers, ei-' ther at the residence of James I. Hoopes at Beaverton, Or. , or at the law office of W, N. Barrett in Hillsboro, Oregon, within six months from the date of this no tice. Dated October 20, 1915. James I. Hoopes and John T. Hoopes, executors of the estate of Caleb C. Hoopes, deceased. W. N. Barrett, attorney for said executors. SCHOLLS TELEPHONE C(X Owned by farmers and business jnen for the convenience of its patrons and not for .preffit. Free service extends all over Washington county and to Newterg in Yarrihlil county. - -Makes connections with the Bell System and the Home Telephone Co. at Portland, Home Office, SchoHs, Opc . J. W. RAYNARD, Secretary. The Thomas Confectionery A Pleasant Place to Pass a Pleasant Hour Everything an' 'Confectionery Goods, Tobaccos, Cigars and Reading. Beaverton, Oregon E. L. Perkins ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Notary Public, Colletions, Loans, Etc. Room 1, Commercial Building HILLSBORO, ORE. IPHONE37. W.E. PEGG Undertaker and FuneralDirectorl Stock Always on Hand BEAVERTON OREGON! MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAND wgnr CONTRACTS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES BOUGHT The History of the World From the Dawn of Creation until The Great War Is depicted in art, science and industry and presented in wonderful icolorB Panama - Pacific Exposition .San Francisco ' This wonderful Exposition closes Dsc. 11 Don't Miu k Lest you always -look back to 1915 with regret Scenic Shasta Route Through the wonderful Valleys of the 'Wil lamette, the Sacramento, the Urnpqua and the Eogue offers exceptional diversion. Low Round Trip Fares Full particulars -with copy of booklet "Wayside Notes, Shasta Rute" or "California and Its Two World Expositions" en application 4o our merest Agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Join M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore I I