Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, October 28, 1915, Image 1

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SUCCESSOR TO "THE OWL' Beaverton, Oregon
VOL. III. NO. 31.
.$1.00 Per Year
School Notes. '
Monday .morning marked a
mew epoch in the expansion of
our . high school. During; the
fshort vacation of the' past week
forty-eight fine, - mew," single1
.Beats were installed. Upon the
.arrival of the students Monday
morning a slight delay was ex
perienced in the seating arrang-;
ment, but these difficulties were
ssoon overcome. The principle
difficulty encountered wa3 the'
placing of classes where their1
work would not conflict with
that of .another class. v ,
The Aloha Huber school has
seen lit to disband its ninth grade
iand send five of its pupils to this
school. They will be a welcome
addition to our Freshmen class
.Another high school . student
--comes to as from District 108.
A few more additions and a
sdoubly crowded condition will
doubtless exist, as now we have
one more pupil than seats. . At
present, however, all the avail
able space ini.-the high school
room is used for desk space.
Twelve H.S. students from ad
joining districts are now in at
tendance. .. ,JS
Special Meeting ;
All members of the Chamber
of Commerce are urgently re
quested to attend a special ses
sion of the club Thursday even
ing," the 2Sth, at Cady hall.
The discussion of the proposed
bond issae for hard-surfacing the
state highway through Washing
ton county will be the leading
topic. ,-"
A matter of very much impor
tance to this part of Washington
county to all of the people of
the county the matter of state
aid lor county highways will be
discussed. .It is proposed by
Hillsboro and Fotest Grove to
start such improvement on the
road between those towns, when
the proper place, in order that
the greater amount of travel
would be accommodated, ; is to
begin "at the end of the Mult
nomah' -county line of hard-sur
facedroad. Come out to the meet
ing. Your presence is needed.
If the party who stole
the Clock from our
store, "wishes to keep
out of trouble, will kind
ly leave it at our North
Entrance. And remem
ber your movements
will be closely watched
in the future.
v' . . . , . ; . , ,. .
Cady & Pegg
The j Beaverton Chamber of
Commerce held its second annual
get-together meeting in -Cady
hall last Friday' evening, which
was the most largely attended
and the most successful yet held
by the club. Those present per
haps numberediicUess than JQO.
The .principal feature of the
affair was, the 'lecture, and the
stereopUoen -views . of beauty
spots along the Columbia river
highway, by Samuel.-C. Luncas
.t t, engiuesref that now-famous
highway, .conceded to be the
greatest, in point ofonitcuct'on
and scenie -beauty, in the world,
were very interesting and instruc
tive. ., V , '
" Mr. Lancaster's wide, experi
ence in roadbuilding in the South
.and in the Northwest, places
him in a .position togive tlie very
best advice ' along this line of
work. ' His lecture was interest
ing and left a good impression.
Rufus C. Holman, commission
ernof Multnomah county, also
gave ,a very interesting talk on
road building. The immense
amount of money spentby his
county in road building the past
two years,,h&s given Mr, Holman
wiae experience ot road .con-
l struction. : . .
President L.I&. Gilbert ef -.the
I Chamber of .Commerce, C. 1 E.
Kindt of, Kinton, H. C. Weed of
the .Beaverton school board, and
Principal. Eurtt of the Beaverton
schools, each gave a brief, talk on
improvements in, Beaverton and
the community 6ince the organ
! izatioii of the lub. Among the
, improvements is a considerable
' amount of road .work and the
building of, a high-class - high
ischoel structure, -which will af-
i ford ample accommodation ; for
j the district and those nearby for
many years to come.
The musical feature of, the pro
gram was also very pleasing. A
duethy Willis Cady and sister, a
solo, each by Mrs. Davis and Mr.
i Zimmerman were .delightfully
j entertaining, eaeh being heartily
The luncheon, at the clos of
the program, was participeatd in
by perhaps 200 people.' After
lunch, dancing was indulged by
the younger people until 11:45. . .
Altogether, it .was a Lthis.Wfifiir..
lightful occasion,! and is expected
to have, performed its mission tff
creating a greater friendship
among our home people, which
means the getting-together on
lines of improvement that will
make Beaverton a bigger and
The city council met last Wednesday-evening
in special ses
sion,, the specific purpose being
to act upon water bills. While in
session, however, orders were
made for the construction of
some sidewalks. The concrete
walk from the,Co.mmercial hotel
corner to Watson street, and
from the Home bakery to the
blacksmith shop on Broadway,
were ordered constructed. Then
on., the north Bide of Broadway,
from the Oregon electric track
track .west through the business
district, walks were ordered re
built. ; ;' ;
.Two extra operators have been
Ladded to the force at the South
ern Pacific station at Beaverton.
Mr. Brazeau' and L Robinette
are the two new operators. S.W.
Mcllvaine, the station agent, will
have .the day shift from 8:00
.a. m. : to 4:00 p. m one of the
others , from 4 p. m. to 12, and
the other up to 8 the next
morning, making three 8-hour
shifts with continuous , service.
.Herefpre Mr. Mcllvaine has be
the only pperator.and the station
closed at 7 in the evening. The
new service will afford material
convenience at Beaverton. j
Samuel .Nelson of Portland
spent a cciiple of days in Beaver
ton the paet week in the interest
of the Beaver State Motor Co,,
. which has an automobile factory
now , in operation at Greshanj.
The firstvprcduct of the factory
ia expected to be put on the mar
ket by February next. Tw
grades, of, cars will be made by
this company, which is composed
of Oregon people. The idea is to
distribute the stock of the con
cern throughout the state to in
terest Oregon, people in an Ore
gon product ;
The Sunday closing order,
which goes into effect next lun
day, does not materially affect
any business here, except the
confectionery stores, and one
general store, which has betn
keeping open Sunday,
v Mrs. John tiayjs and daughter,
Mrs. W. S,"pwe, of Eugene,
mother and sister of S. H. Davis,
are visiting the Davis iwnyy