LOCAL HEWS Attorney S.' B. Lawrence of Raleigh was a business visitor in Beaverton last Thursday after noon. ' Chas. W. Gilbert,' just arrived from a visit with his parents at Billings, Okla., is visiting his brother, L. L , in this city. Mrs. Mary J ana Henry, mother of W. J. Henry, who resides out on Rout 4, died last Wednesday. Interment was made on Friday in Cooper Mountain Cemetery. H. G. Vincent, wife and daugh ter returned Sunday from an all week stay at the state fair. . Mr. Vincent reports a splendid fair this ysar fine exhibits, of all kinds and la'-g'e attendance, ' . Louis Hghson and,Nelse Dyr ness went out Sunday to chase the festive Chinas, and report a very fine day of sport. Each I bagged the limit)' but it required all day, excepting that they stop ped long enough to cook a couple for their mid-day meal. Messru. Beedle and Waite of Portland have purchased of R. L. Tucker, his stock of lumber, paints and other building mate rials, Mr. Tucker retaining the real property. The deal was closed last week, the new pro prietors taking charge the first. Mr. TucKer will remain in Beav erton for some time. "The opening of the bird season last Friday was observed by many Beaverton sports. Among those going cut the first day were : James Rowe, Carl Des- singer, Harrison Hughson, John Hoover, I. A. Thomas and many others whose names we cannot just recall. Most all returned with one to five Chinas to his credit. Soma few perhaps didn't get any. How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollar Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has become known as the most reliable remedy for 'Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ex pelling the Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions. - After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for a short time you wUl. see a great improvement in your general health.' Start taking Hall's Catarrh Cure at. .once and get' rid of catarrh, Send for testimonials, free. . P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by all Druggists, 75c.-. WANTED Good large farm to operate on shares. Party hav ing such, please call on or ad dress the Times oflioe. ESTRAY Two-year-old sorrel colt taken up by Beaverton Livery, branded. Owner can procure same by proving prop erty and paying ail charges. SAFETY RAZOR HONING also all other makes of razors Automatic Keen-Edge Co. 189 -2 Fourth St. Portland, Ore TILE! TILL' TILE! We can now furnish you with all sizes, in any quantity, from one to 20 Carloads and our Price is Right. See us before you buy. .. Heating Stoves from 95c each to $12.00. (We Sell for Lessj Beaverton Hardware Go. 1 8 pounds Best Sugar $1 .00 Imperial Flour, the best of the -best, made, from Central Oregon old Hard Wheat $ 1 .35 per sack, $5.25 per barrel. - You can't beat this Flour; try a sack, use 40 lbs, if not good return balance and we will refund the full amount you paid for the, sack. That's fair isn't it? Try us for Groceries, Mill Feed, etc. Cash Grocery Co. Beaverton, Oregon. Why Not Make Your Old Houxe Look New? " Just a few suggestions to Show How fassly and economically it may De remodled and irvodtsrtiized , A NEW FRONT PORCH built along wodern lines, costs not a great deal, adds to the appearance of the house, also to its liveable .and likeable qualities, ' Let us explain to yow at what reesor able prices, with how little trouble you ca make improvements BEEDLE & WAITE :Dr.;:.-He8S;v.Dqi and Disinf ectant - : For Scab, Mange, iSheep Fleas, and all Parasi tic Skin Disease of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Dogs and Poultry, a Reliable Disinsectant. for sale The City Pharmacy r No Man Can Place a "Limit ON YOUR POSSIBILITIES But a Growing Account in this ank can Jn crease Them (irve Fate a chance to dodts very besttfor you GET BUSY. EARN MONEY. DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS. This is the bank that Helps the Man who helps Himself. BANK OF BEAVERTON " The History of the World From the Dawn of Creatien until The Great War 2s depicted in art, science and industry ' and presented in wonderful ' colors Panama - Pacific Exposition ' .. San Francisco -7, ' .' This wonderful Exposition .closes Dec. 4 ' .' " ' Don't Miu It ; ; , ' Lest you always ilook back to 1915 with segret Scenic Shasta Route . Through the wonderful Valleys of the -Wil- lamette, the Sacramento, the Umpqua and . the Rogue offers - exceptional Aversion. Low Round Trip Fares Full particulars with copy of booklet "Wayside Notes, Shasta Route" or '"California and fits Two World Expositions " on application to our nerest Agent ','" SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland, Ore I