Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, October 07, 1915, Image 7

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    OT IKE K3R11P EVET.3 WMtt SJ.3:
"A business cdocatton Is something; which no one can take away from you,
and which In future may prove of more value than a money prise. The Behnke-
waiser Business college an ihuuiiuii w num
worth, which turni out more men and women fitted to
enter commercial pursuit!, each year, than any other
college on the Coast"
Paying Positions for Graduates. '
' Newspapers and business houses recognise the superi
ority and thoroughness of the training Behnke-Walker
students receive and demand more of our graduates than
we are able to supply. In a single year, we received 1467
calls for office help. This makes It easy for us to guar
antee our students positions.
Write far our oeautuui umsiraiea cauui -rra.
L M, WALKER, President, Portland, Ore.
LH.WALKKR.Pns. Fourth and Yamhill twridiHU. um
1 f
If yea an thlakiag ef barker s Pieaa. de
sot fall to write for CATALOGUES AND
PRICES. We sell a Beef Terms.
: No Rest For Him.
"This extravagance has got to stop,"
said the head of the family wrathfully.
"You are spending money faster than
I can make It" -
"If you'd stick to your office Instead
of going out to play golf every after
noon perhaps you could make money
faster," replied his better half.
Held Responsible. ,.
"That dog of yours seems to have
human intelligence!"
"He aint that lucky," answered the
proprietor of the dog. "If he was to
lose his temper an' turn hisself loose
to hurt somebody he wouldn't have a
chance In the world of pleading in
sanity." Washington Star..
feople f ram ell parts of
Oregon and waanlne
ton constantly visit our
offlee for dental treat
ment, Our skill iiM
knowledsed. and our
promptness In finlah
inw work In one day
when required Is appre
c Lb ted by out-of-town
Dr. Wise Is afalee
tooth expert There tj
In every calling, end
Or. WlM leys claim to
this distinction in Ore
gon. 28 Yen' lias km
What we can't guar
antee we doyt do.
deed Red Rubber Pistes, cock.. KM
The Best Karl Rshoer Plates, eadl 1M
22-Karat Geld or Pereehda Cwwa ..... MS
. Paosm-MauSHS. ASMS.
lttVi Third Street Pallieg Blag , Portlaad. Oregea
8. E. Cor. Third WeehlasaAitoa.
. N.U. Na 40, ISIS
. ... I i .1 i i i .! f.
YA7HEN writfsc s advertisers, pleass l
Telling In Time.
A farmer lived on a lonely place and
eventually a railroad was run through
the district. There was one train a
day and it stopped at the farmer's sta
tion on signal.
The farmer one day set the signal
and the train drew up. But he did not
climb aboard.
"Well, get on!" shouted the conduc
tor. "Get on, can't ye?"
"Excuse me," said the farmer. "I
don't want to get on. I only want to
say that you are to stop here at this
time tomorrow, as my wife is going to
town to do some shopping." Buffalo
News.., v
; That "8port Shirt"
It is not known who invented the
"sport shirt" and wished it on mis
guided youths. The garment has
V neck, giving it a lovely effeminate
air, and the broad, flowing collar is
trained over the outside of the coat
collar. It only needs some embroidery
or lace insertion to look as picturesque
as possible. One gets the firm im
pression that the grown-up wearer of
a sport shirt la not old enough to vote,
whatever the records may say or what
ever his size and face may indicate.
Perhaps it Is one of the "American
fashions," but In any event it suggests
melancholy reflections. Providence
i. A Giasm of Hop.
"I hear that Biker's daughter has
eloped with his chauffeur."
"Yes, and Bilter wired his forgive
ness." - .
... "What did he do that for?"
"He said he thought now there
might be a chance for htm to use his
Portland's Beat Builnevi TraJniiiff SchooL
Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Typewriting; and
Penmwuihip taught fay export teacher.
Fd Tim Ipttl Wtfttity, topi 1. 1116
Many itudenta have already enrolled. Aak
for Catalog. Enroll early.
A. T. LINK, General Minagw.
Pbone MAIN SOU .
Carefully 'inspected shells, the best com
binations of powder, shot and wadding:,
loaded by machines which give invariable
results are responsible for the, superiority
of Winchester "Repeater" Factory Loaded
Smokeless Powder Shotgun Shells. There
is no guesswork in loading them. Reliability,
velocity, patters and penetration are de
termined by scientific apparatus and practical
experiments. Do you shoot them? They are
... Chan to Mint.
"Well, wlfey, I am now a Judge. And
you know that famous divorce case
now coming up?"
"I'm to preside."
"Oh, goody! I'll Invite all my so
ciety friends to act as patronesses and
I'll snub some cats I know." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
Looking Backvato
Crawford What's that perpetual
motion crank working on now?
Crabahaw A machine that will en
able a woman to lace her own shoes.
Judge. ,
Not Necessarily.
"Do you think baseball can be made
more popular by lowering the price of
"Decidedly" not Look at the
churches. They charge no admission
at all, and still they can't get the
A Poor Excuse.
"Van Lushe says his wife keeps him
in hot water all the time."
"I suppose that's how he accounts
for getting stewed so often." .
Nabbing Him Quick.
Mr. Singleton Do you believe In dl
vorce, Miss Yellowleaf?
Miss Tellowleaf Oh, you men are
just awful I You haven't even asked
me to marry you yet! Judge.
Little Fred I'm- awfully hungry. I
didn't get half enough dinner. -
Little Susie What did you have for
Little Fred Why, we had company!
Honors Are Even.
' "My pop is a financier," boasted one
little boy.
"Well, you needn't brag about it,"
retorted the boy next door. "I've got
an uncle in Jail, too."
Excusable Inadvertence.
Machinery seems almost endowed
with intelligence."
"That's right," replied Farmer Corn
tossel. "Sometimes I ketch myself
usln' the same language to our auto
mobile that I use to the mule."'
Washington Star.
" - - puced. r
"So you're looking for a job In the
chorus, eh?" ....
"Yes, sir."
"How is your voice?" ' 1
"Well, I'm a little hoarse now,
"All right. I'll put you In the pony
ballet" ,
Beating Him to It
"Well, how about that little bill?"
"But I told you to call at 4 o'clock,
and it Is only 3 now."
"I know it. I wanted to catch you
in.- Houston jp ost
' ' . How It Was.
"Your wife came from a fine old
family, didn't she?"
"No; she brought them with her."
A Real Success.
"What is a food expert?"
"Any man who can make his wages
buy enough for the family table."
As Warranted.
"Say," said the man as he entered
the clothing store, "I bought this suit
here less than two weeks ago, and it
is rusty looking already."
"Well," replied the clothing dealer,
"I guaranteed it to wear like iron,
umn i 1 7 Cincinnati Enquirer.
'"r (":' 'A Treat for Ma.
"Yes,, we girls are-going to camp
OUl. , ...
"You'll find cooking very Irksome."
"Oh, we are going to take mother
aiong to cookr She needs a vacation."
He Was It.
"My grandmother left a large prog
eny," he was saying.
"Of course, you expect to share in
it," onirped the sweet young thing.
Buffalo Express.
. " A Fair rs,iaa
"Who was It prophesied that the
war wouia be au over by the first
"I don't know, but If he meant all
over Europe, he wasn't so far wrong,
s rs
I a J
Prof. Frankland demon
strates that COD UVER OIL
generates more body-heat
than anything else. .
pare oil Is so prepared that the
blood profits from every drop,
while It fortifies threat and langa.
H -M ere seUeet te aeU kesee
v feeti v-rea shiver end eelch eU
'I Base OlAJ a I a
sssaui ead wetes Me eeea
14-m KFusB sussTmnrs.
We have the best facilities In the
Northwest for doing your Repair
work. Why throw your old tires
away? Send them to us and let
us repair them. We jruarantoe
every repair we make. Our prices
are reasonable. A Wtiltrn repair
is a ptrmantnl repair. Let us
convince you,
Tub puncturts rtpalrtd. 25c
Used to Compliments.
"I suppose you have something
pretty in ties, miss?"
"Oh, yes," said the rosy-cheeked
girl, taking a box from the shelf;
"here's some pretty blue silk ones for
2; just too sweet for anything."
"I think you are a little dear," he
said, with a pleasant smile.
"You are complimentary," she re
plied, blushing. When he thought how
he'd been misunderstood, he blushed
and stammered:
- "Oh, I beg your pardon, miss! I
didn't' mean to say you were a dear,
"Never mind!' there are plenty of
young men who think so. Good day,
When he turned away her blushes
were gone, and his face looked as If
he had stood on a lady's train.
Twas Ever Thus,
. First Debutante How on earth did
you manage to make such a hit with
Mr. Wrltelelgh? I told him I'd read
every single thing he ever wrote and
that I thought he was bettor than Kip
ling, Shakespeare and Baliao put to
gether, and it didn't seem to impress
him at all.
Second Debutante I told htm he
danced better than Vernon Castle.
Puck, ,.
A High Position.
Bill They say he has taken up
Jill I should rather say that avia
tion has taken him up. Yonkert
.. Perfect ;
"Was the picnlo a success?"
"Sure. The man who sat down on
the huckleberry pie had a palm beach
suit on."
Yes, Resinol Certainly
Does Stop Eczema
Are you an escema sufferer? ' Do
those ugly patches of eruption start
up and itch as though they would
drive you frantic? And have you fried
treatment after treatment with, at
best, only temporary relief? Then
you are only going through the ex
perience of thousands of others who
at last found that ReBlnol healed their
sick skins for good!
With the first use of Resinol Oint
ment and Resinol Soap the itching
and burning usually stop, and soon
all trace of ecsema or similar tortur
ing skin-trouble disappears, even in
severe and stubborn cases. Doctors
have presorted the Resinol treatment
for twenty years,.. Sold, by all druggists.