Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, October 07, 1915, Image 2

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    r DO YOU NEED -n
It is a tonic, appetizer and stom
ach remedy of well known merit
Brave' Bom. '
"What did the boas do when you
. threatened to resign If he didn't raise
your pay?"
"He surprised me."
"He (ailed to show the Slightest sign
of alarm at the prospect of my leav
ing!" Detroit Free Press.
Proud of Him.
Sandy Macpherson started to build
a small house of bricks. After the
usual fashion of bricklayers, he work
ed from the Inside, and, having the
material close beside him, the walls
were riBing fast when dinner-time ar
rived, and with it his son, Jock, who
brought his fathers dinner.
With honest pride in his eye, -Sandy
looked at Jock over the wall on which
he was engaged, and asked:
"Hoo d'ye think I'm gettin' on?"
"Famous feythur; but hoo dae ye
get oot? You ve forgot the door!"
One glance around him showed
Sandy that his son was right; but
looking kindly at him, he said:
"Man, Jock, you've got a gran' held
on ye. Ye'll be an architect yet, as
shure's yer feythur s a builder."
Good Reason for It.
A certain regiment stationed in Bel
fast was mustered in the Ormean
Park for Inspection, and was standing
awaiting the arrival of the colonel.
Presently the commanding officer was
seen approaching on horseback, but
when a few paces from the troops the
horse (which had been hired for the
day) stood stock-still, and refused to
move. -
The officer made desperate efforts
to urge on his Bteed, but all to no pur
pose. Before long a group of bystand
ers encircled him, and one of them, a
ragged urchin, suddenly cried out to
his chum:
'I say, Bill, run and ring the park
bell; it's a tramcar horse."
This was -enough for the colonel,
who at once dismounted. -
Testifies She Was Restored
to Health by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable
Lackawanna, N. Y. "After my first
child was born I felt very miserable and
I could not stand on
my feet My sister-in-law
wished me to
try Lydia E. Pink-
1 Compound and my
nerves became firm,
appetite good, step
elastic, and I lost
that weak, tired
feeling. That was
six years ago and I
have had three fine
healthy children since. For female trou
biis I always take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and it works like
a charm. I do all my own work. "Mrs.
A. F. K reamer, 1574 Electric Avenue,
Lackawanna, N. Y.
The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from roots
and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be
used with perfect confidence by women
who suffer from displacements, inflam
mation,ulceration,tumors,irregularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down
or nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound is the stan
dard remedy for female ills.
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
be convinced of the ability of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re
store their health by the many genuine
and truthful testimonials we are con
stantly publishing in the newspapers.
If yon want special advice write to
Lydia E. Pinkham medicine Go. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by
woman and held in strict confidence
Dalles-Columbia Line
State of Washington, for The Dalies dallr ex.
Sunday 11 p. m. Leave Daliea daily ex. Monday
12 k. Steamers J. N. Teal, Inland Empire and
Twin Citiee for Upper Columbia and Snake riyer
points. Taylor St Dock. TeL Main 613.
WlawUtual blub fore- Towiai &., Pribi
Not Guilty.
There had been a railway collision
near a country town in Virginia and a
shrewd lawyer had hurried from Rich
mond to the scene of the disaster. He
noticed an old colored man with a
badly injured head, and hurried up to
him where he lay moaning on the
"How about damages?" began the
But the Bufferer waved him off.:
"G'way, boss, g'way," he said. "I
never hit de train. I never done sich
a thing in all mah life, so help me
Gawd! Yo can't git no damages out
en me." New York Evening Post.
As of Old.
Fond Mother Bobble, come here. I
have something awfully nice to tell
Bobbie (age 6) Aw, I don't care. I
know what it is. Big brother's home
from college.
Fond Mother Why, Bobbie, how
could you guess.
Bobbie My bank don't rattle any
more. University of Nebraska Aw-
Eloquent Omission.
'That second speaker was quite ex
"I thought his speech was about the
dullest I ever heard."
"His speech didn't amount to any
thing, but he failed, when he got up,
to say that the toastmaster's introduc
tory remarks reminded him of a
story." New York Sun.
Hia Gait
"That old sea dog at the banquet
last night seemed to be continually
steering for the wine on the sideboard."
'Yes, I noticed he had quite a list
to port." Baltimore American.
Proving His Poverty.
Mrs. Owens Mercy, John, there
isn't a thing in the house fit to eat.
Owens I know it, Kate; that's why
brought him home to dinner. I want
him to see how frugally we live.- He's
my principal creditor. Boston Tran
script. ,
Natural Affinity.
"My dog 1b a born gambler."
"How so?"
"Try him and you'll find he'll
unge for any kind of a steak." Bal
timore American.
"The head of a household has one
acrobatic feat to perform."
"What is that?"
"He has to foot all the bills on
hand." Baltimore American.
Czar Is Wealthiest Man.
The richest man in the world is
Czar Nicholas of Russia. He once
gave $100,000,000 from his private
treasury to Russia's war fund.
Baking Powder
Those who have had cakes ruined by jarring the
stove, slamming the 'oven 'door or a heavy footstep, may
have wondered how the dining car chef can turn out such
marvelous biscuits, hot breads and pastry when his oven
is being incessantly jarred and jolted and shaken by the
motion of the train.
To get pastry to raise and stay raised under these con
ditions, a baking powder must be used that continues to give off
its leavening gitsthat sustains the raise until the dough is
baked through. . . . . .
Dining Car Chefs have found a baking powder exactly suited
to their needs in K C and you will find it Just as well suited to
your requirements. K C is really a blend of two baking powders,
one active as soon as moistened, the other requiring both mois
ture and heat to start the generation of leavening gas. No matter
how moist and rich you make your cake, K C Baking Powder will
sustain the raise until a crust is formed and all danger of falling
is past -
K C Baking Powder is pure and healthful. It is guaranteed
under all pure food laws, and is guaranteed to please you. And it
is sold at a reasonable price no baking powder should sell for more.
M Try a can at our risk and be convinced.
1 Some Difference '
"What is the difference between
gross and net?" asked young Billy as
his father stepped off the boat.
"In my case," replied the sunburned
parent, "the gross was what I expect
ed to catch on my fishing trip, and
the net was this." And he held up
a four-inch blackfish.
HOWARD E. BTTRTUN - aatarer ana CaenM,
Lesdville, Colorado. Bpenimeu price.: Gold,
SUrer, Lid. II. Gold, Silver, ?6o; Gold, 60c; Kino
or Oopper. II. Mailing envelopes a .d foil price list
ens oaai'PiioMioa. voniroi ana umpire worSB
uonoa. iieiereaoai tsiroonaMaeuoaai j
Not Utterly Impossible.
You see him twisting, squirming,
As restless urchins will,
And feel much like affirming
"That kid just can't keep still."
But see nim by the river
With all his fishing stuff.
No muscle seems to quiver,
He can keep still enough.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
,i , . s Disappointing.
"They tell me Jack's trip abroad
was disappointing to him."
"Yes, it was. He had a fine time
until he got to Greece."
"Didn't he like Greece?"
"Oh, he liked it well enough, but
he couldn't find any one who has ever
heard of any of the Greek letter socle
ties ho belongs to."
" How Could They?
"Jones never had a thing to say
about that last fishing trip of his, did
"No. You Bee, he really caught a
lot of fish and he's afraid to tell any
one for fear they won't believe him.
No Kick Coming.
"That's awful pitching."
"What's the matter, my dear?"
"That's the second man, he's given
a pass to first this inning." . .
"I don't see why you should com
plain, George. . That's the way you
came in to see the game." Detroit
Free Press. . .
Hake Women Look Old
and they show the effect of unnatural sufferings of headaches, back
ache, dizziness, hot flaahoe, pains in lower limbs, train ia groins,
bearing-down actuations. -
, Theaa symptoms indicate that Nature needs help. Overwork, wrong; draw
ing, lack of exerciae, and other cauaes have been too much for nature and
outside aid muat be called upon to restore health and strength.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription E
' The Vegetable Remedy for Woman's Ills that relieves nervous exhauition
and irritability and removes other distressing symptoms due to disturbed condi
tions of the delicate feminine organism.
For over forty years It has been need with mora than satisfaction by
the young, middle-aged and the elderly by wives, mothers and daughters. You
will find it of great benefit. Sold by Medicine Dealers in liquid or tablet form, or
sand Dr. V.IL Fierce, Buffalo, N. Y, 60 one-cent stamps for trial boa by mail. -
tloet, raapalate) taw liver, ana bowels. Eaaor to taka aa causa.