Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, October 07, 1915, Image 1

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VOL. III. NO. 28.
C. of C Will Entertain
The Beaverton Chamber of
Commerce is making pi$paT
ions for another big ententain
ment to consist of light luncheon,
ispeaking, music and dancing on
tie eyening of Thursday, Octo
ber 14.- Everybody will be in
cited, and a rousing jgoori social
i time is assured.
, Committee have been appoint
ed to see that no feature on so-"
' icial gathering willibe neglected.'
A good speech or two by prom-
' linent orators, to say (nothing of
other entertainment; toil! be
v,well worth your presence, sq
'.don't 'fail to be here with your
Grange Exhibit
Beaverton grange shipped a
"''lot of mighty fine stuff; to the
' 'county fair 'at Forest Grove,
" ' Monday evening. ,'' '.'
The exhibit, which was ;ol
dected in the Grange hall here,
-consisted pretty near everything
igrown in thi3 parto Oregon
Are Arriving
We will have something Nifty
in th new Tarns for the girls,
just what you want for school.
Nice line jof Hardware, Grocer
ies and Dry Goods. Call and
see us. v
Our Shoe Line
Itaoi -i oi ix t f oci
the finest of ccrn,i wheat and
other cereals, cale, cabbage,
cauliflower, squash, pumpkin,'
eelery, -sunflower, tomatoes, on
ions, corn on the stalk, apples,
canned fruits, and so many fine
products Jhat go to make up a
splendid exhibit, "which ought to
win some prizes.
Rev. Robert Brymer, who has
been ;pastor of -the Beaverton
Methodist churefi the two years,'
has been transferred to Yamhill.
He is succeeded here by Rev; G.
A. Gay 6f Sandy, .who conducted
services at this church last Sun
day. 'Rev. Brymer will leave this
week forhisinew.tharjie at Yam
hill.' v .' , .
. The ladies of St. Geciliachurch 1
are.. preparing for theannual ba-.
zaar, which will be held-,in the
Church .building, on". Wednesday
and Thursday' evenings, 27th and
28th;-A chicken supper "will be
pm: Ah' added .attraction will
be the'dance-that will' take place
upstairs, Vgihning it) p. m.' '!
ana aos
is also Complete
OWL," Eeavertoji, Oregon
OCT. 7, .1915. ; . ?
About six o'clock, Monday
evening, Dr. Carstens was called
g R the Oregon elec-
trie, three miles west of Beaver-
ton. Shortly .afterward, the sec
tion crew.., came An from Santa
Rosa, and statedithat Mrs, Rosa
Merlow came out, on the track,
where-ihey were : working;, and
reported -that she had-shot, her
husband, and. that she was goirg
to Elmoriica to notify, the sheriff.
Dr. Carstens went oat and Hound
that Joe. Msflaw had ben shot
ilead, one ball entering. , the
bresst, another the abdomen
one sfcotvin.'the right side.
At the timeef the shooting,
only Merlow and his.wife were
in the house, although a hired
man, Joe Merlow's daughter and
a boy were on the farm, out in
Both Mr. and Mri.
J. Merle w ted been .to town, . the
tier, retormng ,oir toe tn.ano
milt aicnuw tcitiiuiuK icitr vviui
his wagon.'
Soon after Merlow returned,
fit appears a quarrel started be
tween himself, and wife.
Mrs.- Merlow states that the
quarrel .started -while ..they were
;in the yard, a.d Uiat'; her hus
band 'grabbed ..her by the throat
and threatened, to. kill her. She
brok'e away, rah into, 'the heusc
and closed ..the door after , her
the bus baud followed. Merlow
was in the -habit of going to the
Portland raarket- very early in
the morning, and for that reason
carried a revolver, which he left
on the dcesser- when he. returned
at 1 night, So , that .it ..would be
handy when. he, left early in the
morning for.Portland. ,Mrs. Mer
low -caw this ,gun .handy, and
, states she picked it up for pro
tectionthought to frighten her
husband from attacking her fur
ther, 'She then ran uj stairs, and
locked herself in a room, the hus
band followed, broke the door in,
and sought to. attack her again,
when she shot in self-dense, with
the result as stated above.
Coroner Barrett .came down
from . Hillsboro, and - viewed r"the
body and surroundings, and Un
dertaker Pegg of. Beaverton went
out and removed the body to his
morgue here, where the inquest
was held yestrday. Sheriff Reeves
l ... v' '- - ' 3'-' ll.l'.'l.'U'.f1
$1.00 Per Year
took Mrs. Merlow in custody,
and . conveyed Jape to Hillsboro
Monday night.
At the coroner's inquest held
yesterday tnorning, i the juiy
found that' Joe Merlow met death
from gunshoti wouid at the hand
of Mrs. Resa Merlow. As stated
above, Mrs. . Merlew , admitted
the shooting in self defense, antf
no evidence at-the Jnqsest con
flicted w ithherstatement. " '
Auto Wrecked, One Hurt .
The. Ham of the Bay City res-,
taw-ant, 187, Fourth street, Port-.
; land, were the victims' of ah auto
accident . Monday evening , that
resulted in two broken ribs for
one of the eccupants and the de
j'molishiog of the machine. '
i The two men, left town about 8
o'clock, and started north to the
Canyon road. Just at the city
limits, a bridge spans the beav
erdam creek, and , it was her
that the uto was steered into
the ditch,' completely turning
turtle, , wrecking the machine.
Hamwas I "brought back to Dr.
Carstens' office for medical at
tendance. Later the injured man
and companion went on to . Port
land by train.
Citr Council Meeti
. The city council met in regular
session Monday-evening. Besides
the regular routine, crosswalks
were ordered laid on Front
street, .also. the walks on East
Broad way .were ordered repaired.
. After jbrief discuBBi'on, it de-(
cided to .take no further action
an sewer system; this fall. It wat
also decided to go ahead with the
widening of. Lombacd street.
Alfred Davis spent a few day,i
at the state, fair last week. -
Dr. .T.. ,G. ,Hetu, the dentist,
made a business visit to Portland
LOST Airedale; : reward. Gl
Paceman, 15th E, 3rd street,
Portland, Ore.
Mr?. Caroline Thyng of Port
land, i visiting her son, George,
and family, this week.
Doy Gray,, cashier of the: Bank
of Beaverton, made a brief busi
ness visit to. Portland .Tuesday
afternoon. ' . .' . , .' ".
Work on the high school build
ing has been delayed some days
this week, on account of jhtet
age pf. lumbar.