m. TMES m. 1 VOL. III. NO. 28. C. of C Will Entertain The Beaverton Chamber of Commerce is making pi$paT ions for another big ententain ment to consist of light luncheon, ispeaking, music and dancing on tie eyening of Thursday, Octo ber 14.- Everybody will be in cited, and a rousing jgoori social i time is assured. , Committee have been appoint ed to see that no feature on so-" ' icial gathering willibe neglected.' A good speech or two by prom- ' linent orators, to say (nothing of other entertainment; toil! be v,well worth your presence, sq '.don't 'fail to be here with your Grange Exhibit Beaverton grange shipped a "''lot of mighty fine stuff; to the ' 'county fair 'at Forest Grove, " ' Monday evening. ,'' '.' The exhibit, which was ;ol dected in the Grange hall here, -consisted pretty near everything igrown in thi3 parto Oregon rpoc o NEW of Hats Are Arriving We will have something Nifty in th new Tarns for the girls, just what you want for school. 3 Nice line jof Hardware, Grocer ies and Dry Goods. Call and see us. v Our Shoe Line Itaoi -i oi ix t f oci SUCCESSOR TO "THE THURSDAY, the finest of ccrn,i wheat and other cereals, cale, cabbage, cauliflower, squash, pumpkin,' eelery, -sunflower, tomatoes, on ions, corn on the stalk, apples, canned fruits, and so many fine products Jhat go to make up a splendid exhibit, "which ought to win some prizes. Rev. Robert Brymer, who has been ;pastor of -the Beaverton Methodist churefi the two years,' has been transferred to Yamhill. He is succeeded here by Rev; G. A. Gay 6f Sandy, .who conducted services at this church last Sun day. 'Rev. Brymer will leave this week forhisinew.tharjie at Yam hill.' v .' , . . The ladies of St. Geciliachurch 1 are.. preparing for theannual ba-. zaar, which will be held-,in the Church .building, on". Wednesday and Thursday' evenings, 27th and 28th;-A chicken supper "will be pm: Ah' added .attraction will be the'dance-that will' take place upstairs, Vgihning it) p. m.' '! E LINE ana aos is also Complete OWL," Eeavertoji, Oregon OCT. 7, .1915. ; . ? ROSA MERLOW SUOQTS AND KILLS HUSBAND About six o'clock, Monday evening, Dr. Carstens was called g R the Oregon elec- trie, three miles west of Beaver- ton. Shortly .afterward, the sec tion crew.., came An from Santa Rosa, and statedithat Mrs, Rosa Merlow came out, on the track, where-ihey were : working;, and reported -that she had-shot, her husband, and. that she was goirg to Elmoriica to notify, the sheriff. Dr. Carstens went oat and Hound that Joe. Msflaw had ben shot ilead, one ball entering. , the bresst, another the abdomen nd one sfcotvin.'the right side. At the timeef the shooting, only Merlow and his.wife were in the house, although a hired man, Joe Merlow's daughter and a boy were on the farm, out in Both Mr. and Mri. J. Merle w ted been .to town, . the tier, retormng ,oir toe tn.ano milt aicnuw tcitiiuiuK icitr vviui his wagon.' Soon after Merlow returned, fit appears a quarrel started be tween himself, and wife. Mrs.- Merlow states that the quarrel .started -while ..they were ;in the yard, a.d Uiat'; her hus band 'grabbed ..her by the throat and threatened, to. kill her. She brok'e away, rah into, 'the heusc and closed ..the door after , her the bus baud followed. Merlow was in the -habit of going to the Portland raarket- very early in the morning, and for that reason carried a revolver, which he left on the dcesser- when he. returned at 1 night, So , that .it ..would be handy when. he, left early in the morning for.Portland. ,Mrs. Mer low -caw this ,gun .handy, and , states she picked it up for pro tectionthought to frighten her husband from attacking her fur ther, 'She then ran uj stairs, and locked herself in a room, the hus band followed, broke the door in, and sought to. attack her again, when she shot in self-dense, with the result as stated above. Coroner Barrett .came down from . Hillsboro, and - viewed r"the body and surroundings, and Un dertaker Pegg of. Beaverton went out and removed the body to his morgue here, where the inquest was held yestrday. Sheriff Reeves L l ... v' '- - ' 3'-' ll.l'.'l.'U'.f1 $1.00 Per Year took Mrs. Merlow in custody, and . conveyed Jape to Hillsboro Monday night. At the coroner's inquest held yesterday tnorning, i the juiy found that' Joe Merlow met death from gunshoti wouid at the hand of Mrs. Resa Merlow. As stated above, Mrs. . Merlew , admitted the shooting in self defense, antf no evidence at-the Jnqsest con flicted w ithherstatement. " ' Auto Wrecked, One Hurt . The. Ham of the Bay City res-, taw-ant, 187, Fourth street, Port-. ; land, were the victims' of ah auto accident . Monday evening , that resulted in two broken ribs for one of the eccupants and the de j'molishiog of the machine. ' i The two men, left town about 8 o'clock, and started north to the Canyon road. Just at the city limits, a bridge spans the beav erdam creek, and , it was her that the uto was steered into the ditch,' completely turning turtle, , wrecking the machine. Hamwas I "brought back to Dr. Carstens' office for medical at tendance. Later the injured man and companion went on to . Port land by train. Citr Council Meeti . The city council met in regular session Monday-evening. Besides the regular routine, crosswalks were ordered laid on Front street, .also. the walks on East Broad way .were ordered repaired. . After jbrief discuBBi'on, it de-( cided to .take no further action an sewer system; this fall. It wat also decided to go ahead with the widening of. Lombacd street. Alfred Davis spent a few day,i at the state, fair last week. - Dr. .T.. ,G. ,Hetu, the dentist, made a business visit to Portland yesterday, LOST Airedale; : reward. Gl Paceman, 15th E, 3rd street, Portland, Ore. Mr?. Caroline Thyng of Port land, i visiting her son, George, and family, this week. Doy Gray,, cashier of the: Bank of Beaverton, made a brief busi ness visit to. Portland .Tuesday afternoon. ' . .' . , .' ". Work on the high school build ing has been delayed some days this week, on account of jhtet age pf. lumbar.