mm J VOL ill. NO. 27. Burglars (Jet Tools Last Sunday night robbers en tered the public school building in Beavertoa by wrenching the front door lock off, and carried away a number of carpenters' tools left there Saturday by car penters working on the aew high school building r a 'saw, level, Efuare, nail apron, pair of over rails and various other articles were missing when the workmen went ior their tools Monday morning. The tools were put in the schoolhouse for safekeeping . over Sunday. No clue as to the identity of the thief has been obtained. The. fact that a thief wouM stead work idols is ineomprehen-. sible... - ... N& S. Skiles of Portland has move his family into apartments . in the Fisher building, and is. making arrangements to open marble andjrranite shop in Beav erton He will oceupy the Beav erton Grocery Co.'s building on Broadway. O R A AS lift 11 1 UVVbltllUli Demonstration Every Day This Week Come in and get acquainted with the Beechnut Lady. She will be glad to tell you about the fine Catsup, Jellies, Pea nut Bufter, and Dried Beef. We are glad to say jwe have stocked these goods, none better on the mar ket. Gall any or : everyday this week D I Cady& 15301 ioc i SUCCESSOR TO "THE ) THURSDAY, Some of Beaverton's boys evi deatly mistook Monday night for hallo we'en,- else they certainly would not have gone to the trou ble f turning over a few sec tions of sidewalk and wrecking wood piles. Too early boys, bet ter save your energy for the reg 'ular time, then people will un derstand better what you are .trying to get at Convict Hooker Captured ;. ; Otto Hooker, the convict, who escaped from the Salem peniten tiary Monday, and who shot and killed Warden Harry Mint a ,few hours later, with a gun he ihad taken from Marshal Benson of Jefferson, with which he shot the latter also, was captured wi der a house in Albany Tuesday night. Hooker was shot by Pat rolman Long of Portland, as he was seine draeKed from under the building. Hooker was lying. on his face, but made an attempt to pull his gun from underneath hitpBeff, wheti he was shot through the breast by Long. Hooker is in an Albany hospital, and is said to have even chanee for recovery. ., -s-y Products D Q D Peo-p; n OWL," Beaverton, Oregon SEPT. 30, 1915. Chamber of Commerce . The Beaverton Chamber of Commerce met last Friday even ing in the Bank of Beaverton for the purpose of holding its annual election of officers. The board of directors centrists of nine members, of vhich six were holdovers : L. L. Gilbert, A. W. Pike E. Sears, S. H. Da vis, A. H. Spraner and J. Frank Stroud. Those retiring ; F. W. Cady, R. L. Tucker and J. H. Mulchay. The three members elected on the board Friday evening sre : W. C. McKell, T. W. Zimmer mann and J. W. Barnes. As this board chooses its president, sec retary and treasurer; a meeting of the board was called for Tues day evening of this week to elect successors to F. W. Cady presi dent, R. L. Tucker secretary, and Doy Gray treasurer. No business was taken up at this meeting, this part of the program being left for the new officers and board to wrestle with under the new line-up. The board instructs the secre tary to write the S. P. company, relative to installing an automa tic' bell at each the mill and Broadway, crossings, especially the latter crossing, where two or three narrow escapes from collisions hive occurred. At the conclusion of the meet ing, the retiring president, F. W. Cady, irivited the entire membership present to the May belle eonfectionerystore and or dered ice cream, wh'ich was very much enjoyed At the directors' meeting Tues day evening, L. L. Gilbert was elected president, T. W, Zimmer man secretary, and A. W. Pike treasurer, It was decided to hold an entertainment and dance on Tuesday evening, October 12. The County Fair. Everything now indicates that the third annual Washington county fair to be held on the grounds near Forest Greve next week, beginning Wednesday, Oc tober 6, and continuing through the entire, week, will be most successful ever held by the pres ent organization. The fajr is to be honored on the opening day by the presence of Governor Withycombe, who has consented to be present and J L.00 Per Year assist in the opening exercises. This will be almost the gover nor's first appearance in his, home county since assuming theN duties of his high office, and all citizens of the county will be in terested in hearing what he haa to say. . . The entries already made lflf the livestock department Insure" the largest exhibit of blooded stock ever assembled in the coun ty and gives evidence of the awakening interest in this, line of work among all our farmers; The board of managers haVe found it necessary to authorize the construction of additional sheds for the accommodation of the stock,' and these are being built the present week, so that all,wil ;be in readiness for the opening day. Concrete work on the Beaver ton high school was begun Mon day morning with a large fore of men. The weather has beea ideal so far for the work, which will be rushed to completion at early as possible. Once the con crete story is finished, the work of the two upper brick stories, will go up much faster. We un derstand the contractors expect to complete the building by the first'of the coming year, in case too much severe weather does not delay the work. The work of building new side walks goes along unabated in Beaverton. George Teft is busy this week building a walk, be ginning at the Pegg coraer on Watson street, and extending west to the schoolhouse corner, embracing the property of W. E, Pegg, M. P. Cady, George Teft, S. W. Mcllvane and John Sum mers, three blocks in all. George Meyer brought a few sample onions from his St. Ma- . ry'a farm Tuesday, that are about the finest we have seen this season. He has about 100 sacks, all of which average very fine. He will probably exhibit some at the county fair next week. H. G. Vincent and family left " last Saturday for Salem, wher they will spend all this week at the state fair. They took along camp equipment, and will stop right on the fair grounds, Mr. . Vincent having made reservation for camp privileges in advaa.. (.