Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, September 09, 1915, Image 8

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Ed. Fuller returned Saturday
from a visit to Castle Rock, W ash.
Lou B. Allen has purchased
the interest of his partner. 0. B.
Meeting of Board of Equalization
To Taxpayers of Washington
county, Oregon : Notice is here
by given that the board of tqual-
ixation of Washington county,
Oregon, will meet on Monday,
n a -i in imc - i. a - i
navlrtsnn in tho M.t. mar- OePWinoer 10, isio, at u.c iuui U
j,et - house in Hillsboro, in Washmg-
t m r j v II f !ton county, that being" the sec-
u 7 Y , I , !Pad Monday in September, and
two or three days here last week,
the time and place provided by
s " """"""ilaw, to publicly examine the as-
wire8, Cessment rolls oc said county for
Mrs. J. a Kamberger and her lthe year 1Q5- and correet aU er.
mother of Forest Grove. Mrs. j rors in valuation and description
George Thyng and sister, and ; or quantities of land, lots or oth
others, from Beaverton, are at;er properties, and it is the duty
the Bagley hopyard, of all persons interested to ap-
r Bert Hocken has just secured ; peaiv at the time appointed, and
contract for the construction of if it shall appear to-said board of
two nsodera residence buildings j equalization that there are any
m Portland. He started work on ; lands, lots or other property as.
them last Thursday
sessed twice, or in the name of a
Oscar Johnson, while in town j Pf03 or Ptihe owner
toe- of,,.j . : oi me same, orasuessea unaeror
la,t baturaay, attending to some i,j ' i
, . ' ' . : beyond its value, or any lots,
business, matters, gave the Times ( lands or other properties not as
office a friendly call, and ordered j sessed, said board of equalization
the paper for a yeF.- shall roakethe proper correction.
The Oregonian published in its , . MA,X RANDALL, j
Ads. inserted in
limes Bring Results
If have for sale a pig, cow, wood,,
farm products of any kind try The
Times; It will bring you a buyer.
cut of Beaverton high school i
building, together with a,descrip
tion and the cost of the structure.
The stores and offices -in Beav
erton observed Labor Day by
closing Monday. There was talk
sf a picnic in Hocken grove, but
for some reason it was not given.
Mr. and Mn. A,. B, Byrd and
baby Eva of Blalocks are visiting
Mrs. Byrd 'a sister, Mrs. L. B.
Allen, lefert leaving for an ex
tended visit to their old homes
13 Michigan and Kentucky.
The ball game on the Beaver
ton grounds kst Sunday, be
tween the Piedmont , Artisans
and the Beavers, was a very in
teresting game. The score was 5
M 4 in favor of the Artisans-
Hans Eleandcr, a prosperous
farmer out on Route one, was a
business visitor in Beaverton last
Saturday, and gave the Times a
friendly call. Mr. Eleander re
torts good crops in his section
and harvest about finished.
The Times is in reeeipt of
a postcard from Mrs. A. IL Spra-,
ner and her daughter, Violette,
at Chicago. , The eard shows a
scene in South Chioago, their old
home. Mrs. Spraner sends best
regards to all Beaverton friends.
The bids for Beaverto'i high
school building were apened by
the board of directors yesterday
evening at a meeting , of the
board held in the public school,
but the meeting came too late
for report in this issue of tha
Mr. and Mrs. Cox visited the
Clarke county fair at Vancouver,
Monday. They report a very
good fair and mammoth crowd
4.thjs opening
FOR: SALE Teams of horses
coming 4 and 5 years old,
weight 8000 pounds. Call
Scholls Telephone. s-23
also all other makes of razors
Automatic Keen-Edge CS.
189 1-2-Fourth St. Portland, Ore
No. 101
7:52 am Eugene elec
9:?1 am McMin elec
8:51am. i Cutoff
Iprn Steam
111 , 1137 am elec
113 . 2:52 pm elec
103 4:07 pm Will'na elec
115 6:17 pm-.
105 6:43 pm JHeMin elec
117 837 pm t
109 11:52 pm -GOING
: 12ft 6:20am- ji
112? 7:12 am-
106 8:05 am elec !l
-I (s
104 10:29 am elec .
' 114 1:11pm
108 2:36 pnveleo
m 4:35 pm
142 4:56 pm from -Tillamook
steam, Cutoff
102- 5:17 pm--110
7:05 pm
118 10:11pm
ALL TRAINS electric, via 4th
street line, except No. 141 and
and No. 142. , -
S. W. McIlvaine, Agent
Amrican Nt2oni Bank BukKng
Hllltboro ,. . . - - Oregon
The Earning Period of Every Man's Life is His
Life's Winter will soon overtake you. Aw you
Wasting the Fruits of Your Harvest? Will the
storms of old age find you with an Empty Granery?
Let this Dank be your granery and you will jeaya
harvest of golden grains.
Start an account with us today and keep, safe the
results of your industry.
Panama-Pacific Exposition
' Is the Mcst Wonderful
The Most Beautiful
The Most Important in History
It is artistic, it is symetrical, it is worldwide,
-it is complete.
Only three months more will it be opened. No -
- intelligent person can afford to miss the ORpor--.
tunity of visiting this exposition.
Low Round Trip Fares to San Francisco
' on sale daily from all points
If you contemplate a trip East you can travel
through Califoenia in one direction at small
additional expense. - -
10 Days at San Francisco
10 Day at Lo Angeles
. and 10 days at El Paso are allowed on all tickets
to the Esst reading over the . " v
' Let our nearest Agent outline a trip for you.
Our folders "Wayside Notes" and "California
' Expositions" will be of interest They are free.
John M. Scott, General Passanger" Agent, Portland, Ore
Dr. Hess Dip
and Disinfectant
For Scb, Mange, Sheep Fleas, and all Parasi
tic Skin Disease of Horses, Cattle, 'Hogs, Dogs
and Poultry, a Reliable Disinsectant For sale
The City Pharmacy