Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, September 09, 1915, Image 3

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If your Jiealth is poor u
result of a weak stomach, lazy
liver or clogged bowel
A Practical Age.
"Let's play we're trappers and hunt
ers. I'll be Kit Carson and you can
be Deadwood Dick. We'll pretend to
make a heap of money killing wolves
tor the bounty."
"Be practical, kid. We can earn
real money swatting flies at 5 cents a
pint" Louisville Courier-Journal.
An electric fire alarm siren invent
ed by a Denver man has been heard
17 miles.
May Find Help in This
mm -.
Swan Creek, Mich. " I cannot speak
too highly of your medicine. When
a" through neglect or
! overwork I get run
down and my appe
tite is poor and I
have-that weak, lan
guid, always tired
I'd feeling, I getabot-
ham's Vegetable
Compound, and it
builds me up, gives
me strength, and re
stores me to perfect
health again. It is truly a great bless
ing to women, and I cannot speak too
highly of it - I take pleasure in recom
mending it to others." Mrs. Annie
Cahebon, R.F.D., No. 1, Swan Creek,
Another Sufferer Believed.
Hebron, Me. "Before taking your
remedies I waa all run down,' discour
aged and had female weakness. I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and used the Sanative Wash, and
find today that I am an entirely new
woman, ready and willing to do my
housework now, where before taking
your medicine it was a dread. I try to
impress upon the minds of all ailing
women I meet the benefits they can
derive from your medicines." Mrs.
CHARLES Rowe, Kennebago, Maine.
If you want special advice
mite to Lydia E. Pinkham Med
icine Co., (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Tour letter wil be opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.
p. w: u.
No. 30, wis
YfOES writing to
Cartoons Magazine for September.
The present crisis between the Uni
ted States and Germany is reflected In
cartoons from, many quarters of the
world. Some of the best of these are
reproduced in the September Cartoons
Magasine. A French artist, for in
stance, pictures Uncle Sam wielding
a huge club, labeled "Right" Ger
many, in the garb of a bespectacled
woman, wearing a helmet, looks bel
ligerently at him from a chair. Uncle
Sam, with a threatening gesture, re
minds her that "perhaps she can read
this better than if it were a "scrap of
An Australian cartoonist has the
kaiser plucking, one by one, the tall
feathers from the American eagle.
The feathers are marked respectively,
"Lusitania," "Gulflight," "William P.
Frye," etc., while the kaiser is repre
sented as saying, "She loves me
loves me not"
London Punch shows President Wil
son aa Noah.' A dove of peace has
returned to the ark to report "Noth
ing doing." "Say, Boss," the . Ameri
can eagle speaks up, "why not try
Even more interesting than the car
toons on political subjects are the
samples of Japanese art, picturing the
lighter side of war. The efforts of
these oriental Nasts are quite amus
ing, even if a trifle elementary.
Submersible Oil Tanks for Supplying
The ability of lue German submar
ines to keep at sea for indefinite per
iods when hundreds of miles from any
German naval base has been one of
the surprises of the war. It is now
suggested that the Germans may have
established secret submarine bases
consisting of submersible oil tanks at
unfrequented points along the Nor
wegian coast and among the islands
at the west and north of Scotland, and
that the enormous supplies of oil re
quired for the operation of these ves
sels is obtained from this source. This
could be accomplished by meanB of a
submersible tank that had already
been invented for commercial pur
poses before the war began. This tank
is cylindrical, is 150 ft. long and 30 ft.
in diameter, and has an oil capacity
of 2,280 tons. It is divided into four
or more compartments which can be
used for various grades of oil and can
be emptied separately or together.
Each end of the tank is divided verti
cally into two compartments, the up
per compartment being utilized as a
pump house and the lower as a ballast
or trimming tank. With these trim
ming tanks, which can be filled with
sea water or emptied by means of
electric pumps, the cylinder can be
floated or submerged, or can be made
to float at ap angle with the pump
house at one end above water. An
electrical oil pump forms part of the
equipment. When a submarine or
other vessel is to replenish its bunk
ers it comes alongside, couples its
electric cables to the, pumps in the
valve house and pumps ont the re
quired supply of oil, after which the
tank is sunk to the depth required for
concealment. A picture of one of
these supply tanks in use appears in
the September Popular Mechanics
. Let Her Down.
Little Mildred had just had herfirst
dip In the briny.
"How did you like it, dearie?" asked
her mother, as she fastened the little
6-year-old's frock.
Mildred glared aMfee sparkling sea
with much annoyance.
"I didn't like it at all, mother," she
replied coldly. "I sat on a wave and
went through." Answers.
Speed Indicators.
' "A speedometer indicates how fast
one is going."
"So does one's bank balance." Bos
ton Transcript.
The man who says he is glad he Is
married Is either an optimist or a liar.
"I had the deuce of a time talking
to Miss 'Gadders last evening."
"Thought you were a conversation
alist." "I couldn't get In a word."
Mainstay of the Business.
What would the world do without
woman? Nine-tenths of the dry goods
stores would go out of business, for
one thing.
tm AM n 90 GAUGE O
Hammerless Repeating Shotguns
ThA MrvVl 1012 Winchester is the lightest, strongest
and handsomest rerjeatinir shottun on the market.
Aithmicrh licrht in weight it has treat strength, because
Its metal parts throughout are made of nickel steel. It
is a two-part Take-down, without loose parts, is simple to
operate and the action works with an ease and smoothness
uaknown in guns of other makes. See one at your dealer's or
O recourse,
"Suppose all the" energy that la
wasted in dancing were devoted to
some useful purpose?" ,
"I never entertain a supposition like
"Why not?"
"Because experience and observa
tion have taught me that the energy
devoted to dancing is foot power and
not brain power,"
Reason for Leaving.
"Are there any fish in this stream?"
"There was yesterday," replied the
country boy. "But Blnce you've been
walkin' up an' down with that fancy
fishin' outfit I shouldn't be surprised
if they had all jumped fur the river
an' hid." Washington Star.
! ii ill.-';', V.
The Boss.
"What's Blinks doing for a living
"Everything his rich wife tells him."
Philadelphia Ledger.
Lime Not a Curt-All,
Don't expect lime to do everything.
It won't and can't. It simply paves
the way for the clover, or alfulfa. In
case alfalfa is seeded Inoculate before
or during seeding to insure a success
ful crop. If the soil is very poor, an
application of manure plowed under
will prove exceedingly profitable. It
must be remembered, therefore, that
liming and fertilizing should go hand
in hand in any soil-Improvement plan,
Univ. Wisconsin Bulletin.
Then They Fumigated.
Mrs. Parvenue John, that Mrs,
Kawler who waa just here said she
had been having a bad attack of ong
wee. What's that?
Parvenue Something catchln', per.
haps. Why don't you look it up in the
Mrs. P. I did. I went through all
the O's, but I can't find no such word.
Boston Transcript.
When Yon Want Something
K sti
Farticularv Nice --
V. .in ' aluinv r1irwnrl nnnn K C not to
i. . ' i ti- . i
,..nrini vnu. m nouDie I disc manco
UlWWJ'I'VlMt . J M
doubly certain nothing is left to "luck." If the -batter
is a little thin, K C will raise it light and
feathery and it will be all the better. Jarring the
stove or turning the pan around makes no differ
ence K C sustains the raise until baked.
When there's a birthday or wedding cake
to bake, or refreshments tor reception or party
to provide, take no chances
Opportunity Calls.
"Opportunity is at your door."
"What is it?" inquired the pessimis
tic citizen. "Opportunity to subscribe
to some worthy cause, or a chance to
Invest?" Louisville Courier-Journal.
After Twenty Years,
"I Bee an Englishman who has been
twenty years in the jungle has re
turned to civilization."
"And what an inopportune moment
he selected." Baltimore American.
Nature Never Intended
As s matter of fact It Is
her right and her duty to
njoy perfect health and
strength to be just
strong and healthy as man i
Woman to be Sicldv
- mbm mm Jtm perhaps more so in view
the f net that it is she who brines into the world the offspring.
Every woman can bo strong and healthy. Don't resign
yourself to a delicate life.
If "you suffer from headaches, backaches, nervousness,
low spirits, lack of ambition, or have lost all hope of beinij
well again it's more than an even chance that you will
speedily regain your health if you will try
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
(In Tablet or Liquid Form)
This famous remedy is the result of years of patient
research by a physician who has made women's peculiar
ailments a life study. ,
' Sine Ita Intronuctlon-mora thaa fcrtr mn ago thou.
- tuji of womon in ovary wart of tha Kloba have teitMed
to iti wonderful meriti. You, too, will find it ben.flclaU
Try it now. Your dMler In nudicln will lupply you of
' you can send fiOono-ceat aLampa fore truubojb Addrass
V.M. Merea, M. !., Buffalo. N. If.. , . t ,
Dr. FUrea's rixuant FaUat ralat itsnucb, Uvar, bowota.