Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, September 09, 1915, Image 1

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SUCCESSOR TO "THE OWL," Beaverton, Oregon
VOL. IIL NO. 24.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 9, 1915.
$1.00 Per Year
Reopened Under New Management
'Has been thoroughly recleaned
and renovated--nice clean beds
Meals any style--you pay for
what you order--or regular din
ner, you prefer are served.
Regular meals 25c
Rooms 25c and up
Give us atrial and see. -1 Courteous service
. Merloni & Co.
Beaverton, Oregon.
W 11 U IN ; ,
This b
pace jj
We may y have : some
thing interesting to say
Come to our store arid
get Lemons at 1 0 cts. a
I Supervisor Dessinger is very
i biyy this week, making repairs
to some of Beaverton s streets.
At the crossing at the mill, and
on Broadway, in the vicinity of
the mill, some very much needed
repaireare being made, Then
the road north of the mill, will
be rocked and rolled for a con
siderable distance. 'This road
needs rock clear through to the
Canyon road,, but it is npt ex-
'pected that the supervisor will
' have funds sufficient to rock its
full length, but he will go as far
I as he can. ' '
I By all means, Beaverton should
have held a town fair this fall,
r but it is now rather late to pie
innrp for if. hpfnrn that rainv Ron.
son. Not only have the grain,
hay, vegetable and truck crops
been unusually , good, but the
fruit especially the apple crop,
is fine. We will probably never
have a better opportunity to
make as good or a more elabor
ate exhibit. . ,
While out .driving: Monday af
ternoon, the team ran away with
Fred Darough and Miss Hazel
Pegg on the Portland road a
short distance east of town, tip
ped the buggy over. Miss Pegg
jumped and escaped with a few
minor, bruises while Darough
was uninjured. ' The buggy was
considerably damaged. ,
It is expected that by next
week work will be commenced
on Beaverton's high school build
ing. It means an expenditure of
about $19,000, a large portion of
which will be paid out for labor,
which, with the marketing of a
very large crop, materially help
business conditions in our town,
Mrs. Georgo Gibler and two
daughters of Jefferson City, Mo.,
spent several da"ysIast week
visiting G..Wv Baker arid family
at the farm, south of town. Mrs.
Gibler is a niece of Mr. Baker.
The Giblers were enroute home
from a visit to the San Francisco
exposition. ' .
The truck gardeners in the Be
averton section would appreciate
a little rain, now that the grain
harvest has been gariered, and
no damage from that source is in
the way, "Late vegetation would
be greatly benefitted by a little
moisture. '
Jack Hooper, wife and daugh
ter visited relatives and friends
in Vancouver last Monday.
So mtny people have gone to
the hopyards that it has been
deemed advisable by the board of
directors not to open the Beaver
ton public school until September
20. This gives the pupils, who
want to earn a little pin money
in the hopfields an opportunity to
start in at the opening of school. '
and thus be given their proper
places in the classes without any;
loss of place in the class forma
tions. It is to be regretted that Beav
avrton road district did not vote
a tax last fall, as the supervisor
is now handicapped in his repair
work. He' Has) not eVen funds'
sufficient fcwpair all the chuck
holes in the roads of the distrust': ;
Certainly Beaverton will not re
peal her vote of last fall, when
meeting is called again soon.
We have heard little lately re
garding the proposed sewer sys
tem for Beaverton. There is yet!
time to complete it before the
first of the year, in case the work
is commenced soon.,, The city
council has not discussed the mat
ter lately, and it is not known
whether it ha given up the
work for this year or not. The
council will meet again Monday
The onion crop on the beaver
dam in this section is about nor
mal. Some fields that were not"
cultivated properly smothered
somewhat with weeds molded
to some extent, but in most fields
the crop is normal, or a little
above the usual average.
: Miss Ella Sifler, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Otto
Bertsch, on Route three, the past
three months, left Sunday even
iag for her home in Anaconda,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith of
Clackamas visited Sunday and
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. L, B.
Miss Emma Hancock of Clov
erdale, Ore., has been visiting
her mother, Mrs. I. A. Thomas,
the past week.
M. E. Sunday school, Septem
ber 12. "Elijah's Flight and Re
turn."I Kings xiv;8-18. All
are invited.
Dr. T. G. Hetu made a busi
ness trip to Tualatin and Tigard
last Monday afternoon. .
C. B. Poole spent the week
end at Seaside.