Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, September 02, 1915, Image 6

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    A Ac
YOUNG MAN, BE BARBX. Learn a Trade.
Be Independent. Trad taorot in eight werki:
toon) xrea. lommiwons paid white learning:
C arson percred. Write for free catalog
OLEK COLLECCi. Portland. K4 N 2nd St.:
ipokane. KZi M SI a Are.: Seattle. KM) Main St
Dalles-Columbia line
State of Washington, far The Dates daily ei
Sunday 11 p. m. Lava Dalles daily ex. Monday
12 H. Steamers J. N. Teal. Inland Empire and
Twin Citie for Upper Columbia and Snake river
pouts. Tayur St. Duck. Tet Main 613.
hM J Umtk Km Tent b.. hunt
Sanitary Precautions.
"Hey, Moike, and pbwat do ye fink
of tbese new sanitary drtnktn' cups?"
"Sore, Pat, and soon we'll have to
spit on our hands wid an eje drop
per : "Gargoyle.
Christening a Motor Car.
"What kind of a car has Bligginsr
"I call it a serio-comic," replied Miss
Cayenne. "Yon don't know whether
It ought to make yon langh or feel
sympathetic Washington Star.
TeHs How LydiaEFinkluun's
Vegetable Compound Re
stored Her Daugh
ter's Health.
Plover, Iowa. "From a small child
tny 13 year old daughter had female
weakness. I spoke
I to three doctors
about it and they did
not help her any.
Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Com
pound had been of
great benefit to me,
so I decided to hare
her give it a trial.
She has taken five
bottles of the Vege
table Componnd ac
cording to directions on the bottle and
she is cored of this trouble. She was
all run down when she started taking
the Compound and her periods did not
come right. She was so poorly and
Weak that I often had to help her dress
herself, but now she is regular and is
growing strong and healthy." Mrs.
Maetin Helvig, Plover, Iowa.
hundreds of such letters expressing
gramuae xor the good Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound has accom
plished are constantly being received,
proving the reliability of this grand old
remedy. -
If you are in do not drag along and
continue to suffer day in and day out but
at once take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege
table Compound, a woman's remedy for
woman's ills.
If yoi want special advice write to
lydia CPinUam MedioiM Co. (oonfl.
senuai) ljvu, Mass. Yoar letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
AM held in strict coafldeace.
I""" I...J ,h...J !
For Four Weeks' Enfrsgerrent
if Griffith's Half-Millioa-Dollar Masterpiece ;
Founded m Thomas Dixon's THE CLANSMAN
18,000 PEOPLE; 3.0C0 HORSES
Matinee 2 P. M. Evening 8 P. M. '
Prices 25c; SOe; 75c; It 00.
Reserrc you seats by csaiL Portland, Ore.
But Smokers Will Wonder How That
Tobaceoless Pipe Must Taste
to Him.
M. Maeterlinck is among those who
have freed themselves from the bond-
age of tobacco by means of a curious
artifice. According to his biographer,
M. Gerard Harry, "without the help
of tobacco he seemed incapable of re
ceiving inspiration or crystallizing it
in words. If he has not overcome the
need, he has outflanked it Smoking,
he noticed, had lost its virtue as a
stimulant, and instead of rousing the
brain to activity, as at first, had come
to disturb its functions; so now, in
lieu of ordinary tobacco, he fills his
bowl with a denicotinized preparation,
tasteless indeed, bat harmless. His
pipe is still always alight when the
pen is busy, but it is hardly more now
than a mere subterfuge intended to
cheat and so satisfy an irresistible
mechanical craving." London Chron
icle Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet enre
constipation. Constipation is the cause
of many diseases. Cure the cause and
you cure the disease. Easy to take.
Very Considerate.
Mistress I shall be very
Bridget, if you leave me.
Bridget Don't worry, mum, I'll not
go until ye have a houseful of com'
pany. Boston Transcript
Our Boarding House.
"What's the trouble this morning!"
Ss-sh! There s a green waiter on
duty and a gey who is behind with
his rent got the star boarder's break'
fast Kansas City Journal.
Shako Into Tour arnoes
Men's Toot-Ease, a powder for the feet. Tt
painful, swollen, smarting, sweating feet Makes
new shoes easy, bold by all Druggists and Shoe
stores, una i accept any substitute, n ample
r rcr.r. Aoaress a. b. uunstaa, ijeitoy, , x,
Motorist Are you a religious man?
unaurreur Yes, sir.
Motorist Familiar with the Bible?
I've kissed it 50 times in court-
Rather Pathetic.
Why do you treasure these nlrl
love letters of your grandmother's?"
I never had any of my own." sieh.
eu me otner girL Kansas City Jour
It Is a fact that the moment resinol
ointment touches ltchine skins, the
Itching stops and healing begins. With
the aid of resinol soap, it almost al
ways clears away all trace of eczema,
Summer rashes, pimples, or similar
tormenting, unsightly eruption Quick
ly, leaving the skin clear and healthy
And the best of it is you need never
hesitate to use resinol soap and resi
nol ointment. Resinol is a doctor's
prescription which for twenty years
has been used by careful physicians
for many kinds of skin affections.
They know that its soothing, healing
action is brought about by medica
tion so bland and gentle as to be suit
ed to the most delicate or irritated
skin. Resinol ointment and resinol
soap are sold by all druggists. Adv.
Educator Asserts That Its Train:!
of Mora Importance Than la
That of the Body.
Commenting on the theory, bow so
popular, that educators should concen
Irate on the training of hands rather
than the training of minds. If the
young persons of our land are to grow
Into useful men and women, Mary
Leal Harkness, writing in the Atlan
tic gives it as her opinion that It is
a tremendous fallacy that the pos
sessor of only the trained hand can
hope with any well-founded confidence
to bo included in that desirable com
pany which Is both interesting and In-
terested. -
'If you could persuade every wom
an to sweep a floor properly, I doubt
much it she could still be guaranteed
an agreeable companion for a rainy
Sunday," continues the writer.
you could teach every whlte wing in
any city to remove the dirt of the
streets in the most duBtless and sani
tary manner known to science, I still
Question whether you would wish him
to come to your library for an eve
ting of uplifting conversation. And
he would be equally lacking la re
sources for self-entertainment to his
unemployed hours.
"It there is anything beneath the
stars more pitiable than the elderly
man or woman with no intellec
tual resources from which to draw
occupation and Interest, I have not
yet seen it On the other hand, there
Is nothing which so effectively robs
the prospect of old age of its terrors
as the sight of the scholarly wearer of
whitened-hair which crowns a head
still vigorous and young through the
happy preservative agency of
trained and much-used Intellect
No mechanical process can guar
antee to us an Interesting life, or
Insure us against boredom. But just
because It is something more than
mechanical process a college educa
tion of the right sort comes nearer
doing this than any other agency we
know certainly nearer than any drill
In cow-milking or scientific cooking
Its value to us and to the future ot
our country is beyond estimation. U
the time ever comes when 'vital' is
taken to be synonymous with lucra
tive;' when the life ot the mind and
the training of the mind are set be
low those of the body; when intelli
gence, as a means to a full and sat
isfying life, is superseded by prophy
laxis and hygiene then we may well
wish that we had listened to a wiser
Charge Rampage, Okie, Resented.
"This is quite a picturesque spot
sail the tourist from the East who
doubtless desired to be compliment
ary. "Spot!" in Gne Bcorn snorted
the landlord of the Atlantic and Pa
cific hotel at Rampage, Okla. "Say,
looky yur! We've got seven hundred
souls and four hundred real estate
agents In this burg, in addition to a
charming society lady that has already
got four men shot, a promising infant
with two heads, a woman that comes
of a fine old family and whipped two
United States deputy marshals at one
time, a preacher that can git off the
movin'est sermon ycu ever heard
when he's drunk, and a politician that
is called 'Honest John' end actually is
honest! Spot the devil!" Kansas
City Star. -
Costa Rican Industry.
The decline of the banana Industry
In Costa Rica for several years past
has become very noticeable and its
effects are strongly felt in the busi
ness life of the country, for Costa
Rica formerly led in the production of
bananas. Plantations have become af
fected by an incurable disease, and as
a result the largest growing and ship
ping company has found it more prof
Habit to cultivate new plantations In
other countries, building new wharves
and constructing new railways, than
to attempt to stamp out the disease.
Elaborate Costumes That Wen) Worn
by Combatants of the Last Two
Centuries Are No Longer 8ssn
on the Battlefield. .
The soldier's dress has been simpli
fied to bare necessities. It was other
wise in the old times. The military
regulations of the eighteenth and the,
greater part of the nineteenth centu
ries furnish one long record, of altera
tions of costume, "of solemn Injunc
tions as to laces, loops, frogs, buttons,'
facings, epaulets, "wings," and what
not -
The dressing of the soldier's hair
was a special object of concern. Un
til the end f the eighteenth century
the hair was "an-elaborate arrange
ment of grease .and powder.' Three
shillings per man was the allowance
in 1794 for these two toilet adjuncts.
and the cost to the country four shil
lings four pence for pipe-clay and
whiting with which to furbish up bla
white breeches and leather appur
tenances. To make up for this out
lay he was expected to make shift
with the renewal of only halt of his
waistcoat the fore part the hind
part having to be made out of that'
of the preceding year! 60 ran the'
regulations of 1783.
In 1795 powder was discontinued by
the non-coms and the rank and file.
but it was still the regulation tor
officers. When the Twenty-ninth now
the Worcestershire one of the trim
mest regiments In the army, was sta
tioned at Weymouth in 1797 an order
was issued directing that the hair was
to be dressed "with one curl on each
side; the toupee turned and not too
long; the club to be tied high and to.
be more broad at the top than at the
bottom; the rosette to be all ribband
nnd not more than eight inches in di
ameter, the ribband and rosette to be
perfectly black and put on after pow
dering." The Grenadlera and light Infantry
officers were to have their hair dressed
"the same as the men, excepting their
side locks, which may come down so
as to cover the open part of the ear,
but never lower, and must be frizzed
so as not to blow about" Queues were
worn until 1808.
The soldier's hat has been the sub
ject of continual experiment and
change, from the picturesque hat of
1686, with its broad brim turned up
on one side and ornamented with'
whits ribbon, to the mean looking
Broderick cap. In 1751 the three-
cornered cocked hat was in favor;
then came the 'mposlng miter can.:
converting the wearer Into a sort
of miniature pope; and this was fol
lowed by a bearskin of a similar
shape. In 1778 light infantry wore
leather caps almost as small as skull
caps, with a large round peak. The
officer's hat of 1798 was a most elabo
rate and expensive affair, ornamented
with the finest black ostrich, feathers,
with a standup feather of red and
The Bhako, the most hideous bat
ever contrived, commenced Its long
reign m law, when It supplanted the
cocked hat Originally it was of
lacquered felt with a peak, a lane
brass p'ate in front and a red and
black tuft on the crown rising from a
small black cockade; and after many
variations it disappeared In 18711
when the cork helmet became he
regulation hat, in its turn to be su
perseded by the khaki cap, which, all
things considered, is about the best
headgear yet devised London Globe.
Must Return Fallen Fruit
If the fruit from a person's tree
falls on to his neighbor's land the
neighbor is not entitled to keep it ac
cording to English law. He mast
give It up on the owner demanding it'