Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, September 02, 1915, Image 3

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Three Weak' Journey Through East
Make Him Optimistic.
. Mr F. W. Vogler, president of the
Northwest Auto company, returned
lat Sunday from three weeks' trip
through the East "
fie come back charged with enthus
iasm and happy over securing one of
the biggest Reo contracts that the
Northwest ever , received. This con
tract provide for the selling of 1000
Reo car and truck in the Northwest
territory, which comprises Oregon,
Washington and a part of Idaho.
. Mr. Vogler says that the East ia
more prosperous than ever. It seemed
to him almost like a new country, the
. improvement was so marked since his
last trip, eight months ago. This con
dition in general, he says, is true of
every line of industry.- There is job
for every man who can handle a tool.
while the demand for labor in the field
is enormous, due to the extremely
heavy crop.
There will be a wonderful crop
throughout the East, says he, and pros
perity is on her way to the Coast.
Even now there is an improved spirit.
' Confidence and determination, together
with the constantly increasing develop
ment of our natural resources and the
immense foreign demand, assure good
times for the West, as well as for the
. Mr. Vogler found his own line in
most excellent condition. The Reo
factory, which during the year just
past manufactured 16,000 cars, are
preparing to build 20,000 this coining
season. This is doubly remarkable
when one considers bow the Reo car is
built in its entirety, from rear axle to
radiator, in the Reo plant It is not,
like over SO per cent of the ears made
'in America, simply assembled by the
He also found that although Detroit,
Mich., is the home of over 80 per cent
of the cars made in this country, there
were sold last season in that city alone
over 550 Reo cars, yet the Reo is not
built at Detroit, but at Lansing. This
fact is significant. ,
. -
Unconquerable Impulse.
"Pinochle," said Three Finger Sam,
"Is one game there ain't no use o' me
tryin' to learn."
"Too hard?"
"It's easy enough. But I can't git
over reachin' for a gun the minute
some one hands me a- deck with
-more'n four aces in it." Washington
- Different Ways.
"WHy are biographers like retribu
tion?" "Why are they?"
"Because they both bring men to
"the school or pur
Portland's Bst Btuinesi Training School.
Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Tjrpewritinir and
Fumanahip taught by expert teachers.
Fal Tern ipens WrtWKlij, Sept 1, 1911
Many students have already enrolled. Ask
for Catalog. Enroll early.
A. T. LINK, General Mauger.
A Big Cut -
"Hello, Smith," said Jones. "Glad
to see you out of the hospital again.
I hear they cut out your appendix."
"Yes," said Smith sadly. "They
did. But that isn't a circumstance to
what they did to my bank account."
pb no men necemry :
trtan smallpox. Army
cacy, aod BannleneeM. Antityphoid Vaccloatioa.
Ba vaccinated MOW br yam physician, you an
your family. It la mora vital than haute tasursnce.
Ask youi physician, druggist, or sane for 'Haw
. you had Typhoid?" telllnf of Typhoid Vaccina,
results (roes im, sod auger frost Typcoie Csrrlerm,
nt arrrti ummatot, tanaa, cm.
fuoeucMO wAccinte a saaaua seeaa a, a. at. ucaaaa
Wise Housekeeper Will Net Allow
Left-Over Material to Be .
Thrown' A-vay.
If you have coffee left over from
breakfast or dinner by no meant al
low It to be thrown away, but seo that
it Is saved from day to day and kept
In a bottle, as it can be used in many
different ways. One of the best ways
of using coffee Is In making coffee
jelly. But there are other equally
as nice. For Instance, there Is cof
fee souffle, the recipe for which 1
stumbled upon quite by accident not
so long ago, and which I have used
many times since, always with good
success. Take a half cupful of milk,
one and a half cupful of coffee, two-
third of a cupful of sugar, one table
spoonful of gelatin, a good pinch of
-salt and three eggs. First, soak the
gelatin for an hour In cold water.
Then, mix with the coffee, milk and
half of the sugar. Heat In a double
boiler. Beat the yolks of the egg
slightly, sdd wbat Is left of the sugar
and the salt and pour slowly Into the
coffee mixture. Cook until the mix
ture becomes thick and then add the
whites of the eggs, beaten stiffly, and
half a teaspoonful of vanilla. Beat
the whole thoroughly and turn Into a
mold.-"' i v:
Then there Is another: Take seven
lump of sugar, half a cupful of cof
fee, half a cupful of Santa Crux rum.
Heat the coffee, mix the rum and
sugar with it and allow It to stand un
til cold. You have made a most de
licious cordial, which may be served
after dinner. Exchange.
Variation From Accepted Method
Which Is Familiar to the House
wlvee of America.
It will be noticed that In Spanish
cookery white onions, tomatoes wd
olive oil play a prominent part , Lit
tle butter Is used for frying. It good
olive oil Is not obtainable they pre
fer a vegetable fat "
This way of stewing a chicken is
delicious and makes a pleasant varia
tion from any American style.
Put one large cooking spoonful of
olive oil In a frying pan; cook In It
until tender one large peeled and
sliced onion and one tomato (or halt
a cupful of canned ones), and halt
a banana. Pour this boiling hot over
the chicken in a ate pan. To a
four-pound bird add one and a quar
ter quarts of boiling water, one table
Bpoonful of salt and an eighth of a
Baltspoontul of white pepper. When
the meat Is done stir in the thicken
ing, cook and stir for two minutes
and drop In one tablespoonful of
minced parsley. You may require a
little more salt and pepper; Ut is
left to Individual taste.
Serve in a deep dtsb with the sauce
poured round It
Sometimes half a cupful of rice Is
used (uncooked of course), then
boiled In 't for the last 20 mlnutos.
In this case omit the thickening.
Two Ways to Use Up Cold Ham.
. Cup Omelets. Butter half dozen
custard cupfuls and fill lightly with
equal quantities of stale (soft) bread
crumbs and :oK bam chopped fine
and seasoned cell. Beat three eggs
and add one cupful 'milk and divide
among the cups adding more milk If
necessary. Set cups in pan of bot
water and bake In moderate oven un
til firm in center. ... Turn on platter
and serve with white sauce.
These can be made with cold roast
meat and served with a tomato sauce
and are equally as good as the others.
A Good Breakfast DIsh.Take
deep oatmeal dishes and put small
quantity of cold chopped bam In each,
making a hollow In eenter. Drop an
egg In each, season with salt and pep
per and a small piece, of butter on
each - Bake in a moderate oven until
whites are firm.
-Thb Powder
Keeps Its Strength
" ; Tha IVctncf K G lasts longer
then 25 ctr.b jrorth of other halting
powtJert but no. matter how long it
takes. Ae user to get to the bottom
the ..last? spoonful is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction. KG raises
the nicesV lightest biscuits, cakes
and pastrv you ever ate, and it is
guaranteed pure and wholesome.
For goodness sake, useKC.
S3 G p
ia (c
r '
A Strategist
Downtown Here come Blinker.
He's got a new baby, and he'll talk us
to death.
Upton Well, here comes a neigh
bor of mine who has a new setter dog.
Let's Introduce them and leave them
to their fate. Life. .
The 8orrow of It
"Is there no hope about theJinka
rich old uncle?"
"None whatever. The doctor told
them this morning he was likely to
live for years." Baltimore American.
Hsr Thought. '
He Why so pensive, dear? What
are you thinking about?
She I was thinking that It all the
yarns husbands give their wives could
be knit up, what a lot of socks and
mittens there'd be for the brave sol
dier. Philadelphia Record,
Maid or Coek.
The Wife Do you know that you
have not kissed me for over a week?
Absent-minded professor Eh! Then
I wonder who in the world I have been
kissing? Boston Transcript
a nt
TXTHEW thai food reaehi
Y V churning; movement
the stomach It Is rabjasted to a peeallareW
i by the mnseular walla of the etotnach (9M
idvkwr, page 46). In the ller, kidneys and I
ur. riurco a assmiou Auvreer, peg" wj. in wm Biuuvye w
skin, the blood It purified of its waste material then organs art
nas human filters, leaving the Mood pare sua eisar-UBMss nver,
. dUveteastandUdneysaredetved.
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
is a stomach, liver and kidney tonic by assisting1
the stomach to assimilate, the liver to filter, the
kidneys to act the poisons are removed, the red blood
corpuscles are Increased and one feels light fresh and active
instead of logy, dull and heavy. The 7,Dlscovery" stimu
lntas the stomach, increases action of heart and arter
ies and ia a most satisfactory alterative in blood-taint of any character.
The refreshing influence of this extract of native medicinal plant has
been favorably known for over forty yean, Everywhere tome neighbor
can tell you of the good it ba done,
SoldbytJlmJie!ntJaUnbiliqaiJortabUtfotmioritJ80om-oni .
ttampoto Dt.V. M. PIBKCB, Buttah, N. Y., O trial box will bm mailt J yon.
"' ' ' :,- Couldn't Fool Her.
"Where are you telephoning from,
v "From my office, dovey." -
"No, you are not. I can tell the dif
ference between the click of a type
writer and the click of pool balls."
Louisville Courier-Journal. '
After the Rescue.
"What made you swim so far be
yond the breakers," asked the life
guard, indignantly.
"I wanted a chance to look at the
ocean instead of the bathing suits."
Washington Star.
The first steam fire ' engine was
made In 1829 in London from the
designs of Ericsson, the inventor of
the Monitor.
You now havetheopportunity,
for the email aunt of 11.60. of re
ceiving one freeh, choice, juicy
SALMON, weighing from 7 to 10
pounds, delivered to your neareat
express agent free. In every in
stance we guarantee the fish to
arrive in prima condition, aa the
temperature of a fish, when sur
rounded with ice, fa the same in
either cold or warm weather, aa
the express companies keep put
ting new ice en the nsh aa fast
aa the old ice melta. You need
not ba afraid of the Hah spoiling;
it will not spoil, as we absolutely
guarantee it to arrive in good,
edible condition. There being no
waste to a Ash, one would serve
three average aixed families nice
ly, with some to spare.
fiend check on your local bank,
express or money order.
Commence shipping Aug. 15;
place your order immediately.
, 14 IWit, rarewiOniar,
Rebuilt Federal Trucks
A Safe Used Truck to Buy.
value tor the money as a new truck. By
rebuilt we mean that the truck is entirely
takon apart, each part examined and If
necessary replaced by a new part mad
t the Federal fuctory, the entire trunk
repainted and reflnlahed, and everything
necesaary done to make the truck practi
cally aa good aa new In every detail,
when you buy a rebuilt Fedtral you
are protected by the same policy and In
terest that we give to all Federal owners,
We operate a repair department, In which
the workmen are specialists on Federals,
our supply of Federal parts Is complete,
and the stock room organization high
class, which Insures the prompt filling of
all parts orders, We also operate a serv
ice department, which la open day and
night, "always at your call." The Federal
being a good truck In the first place and
protected by a company which la equip
ped and has the deposition to give you
service Ifl consequently
If you are In the market for-a truck
from 11000 to 11400, we urge you to com
pare used Federals with new tracks at
similar;, prices. We think we can convlnoe
you of their superior value.
King and Washington fits.
P. N, U,
No. St, MIS
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