VOL.111. .NO.. 23. THURSDAY, SEPT. 2, .1915. Meeting of, Board. of Equalization .To Taxpayers of Washington county, Oregon : Notice is here !by given that the board of equal 'ixation of Washington county, Oregon, will meet on Monday, September 13, 1915, -at the Court house in Hillsboro, in Washing ton county, that being the sec ond Monday in September, and iths time and place provided by ilavf, to publicly examine the as Miiment roils of said county for the year 1915. and correct all er rors in valuation and description .or quantities of land, lots or oth er properties, and it'is the duty .of all persons interested to ap ,pear at the time appointed, md .if it shall appear to said board of .equalization that there are any Hands, lots or other property as sessed twice, or in the name of a person or persons, not the owner of the same, or assessed under or beyond .its value, or any lota, lands or other properties not as sessed, aaid board of equalization shall make the proper correction. . MAX C RANDALL, . Assessor for Washington county, Oregon. Portland Wood wooJK Hundreds of lore's Jof which ware out lastwinter on the Kelly tract, two and a hatf miles west, of J3eavrton, by the city of Portland, to giva employ ment to the needy unemployed of the. city,, was .burned, on ,th $1.00 Per Year - - ground, where ; it was out the ;The Carshop 'ball team hare past we. j . v . laim,n injustice in the report j There were , prjginilUy aDOVlt to the Portland papers, regara-,80W)-cordp . but there bad been'! ing the score toiade with the removed prohably half of it to' .t ii i i . .i.ni " ,l orooKiyn snopieam ai oa.eiii i.at ; the cityt t,he remaining portion wee v. ana it wasmaae toreaain in day ard gaturday oig flames to reaa u-wa, m The wooJ should! have been " A, break the water pipe in Dr. ifcu's office in the Cady building -eof ly yesterday' morn ing oaused several occupant Of the building to lose an hour's early morning snooze. There was little damage done more in the Cady & tegg grocery. store into which the water Itaked through the plastered ceiling, but as the water ran through more in tha center of tha room little damage was done. In Hetu'a office the water want through the opening! ' The actual score was 7 to,bei fcirnedJastlhurflday, Fri-rma.de m lJe !L f P'PeS' it wasmade thread in tha 1 AovA Sawn !'and use4.only alight inconven- ( ience. vor of Brooklyn. , ,nvwl nn&. ar u.,t it KftmaH Following th- extended, dry M.JE. Sunday school Septem- Portland was unable to sell." gwJ and warm spelUhe light showers Tr 5. f;Elijah and the Prophets . in to 4h fact that the : cityare i rao.st heartily .welcomed. of Baal." 1 Kings xvn : M-M. dealers, cut the price, a half dol Very interesting; everybody in-nar under what Portland asked vited. 0 o for this wood. A short time ago the city decided to meet the priw of the dealers, but it yet had on hand the bulk of its wood, part of which was piled up in the city. Harvesting is now -well done, and therein will help very materially the Jate crop of vegetables and late potatoes. Of course, hop picking is just now beginning, but rain is always expected with the commencement of that har- WATCH Just recently; .however, Portland ve8t' I sold what it had leftcn the Kelly ' -Last week Pete Vandahay tell j place, about 4000 cords, to a deal. er, who .. is reported to Have had the wood'well insured. , . 1 Q This Space We may have some thing interesting to say D i Attention, , Comrades The Washington Coilnty Veter an association will assemble in ,the.K. of P.. hall in. Forest Grove, Ore., Thursday, October 7, 1915, at 10 a. m.. for .business. .Memorial pervicesfor. our .idead' 'r at 11 a. m.:: ,; Dinner at 12 o'clock noon. ! Best speakers engaged. Sing- ers have.;bpen induced to aban don other engagements. ior this, j Children ;.are . being ..drilled , me occasion the Times lhat, he went out to John Vanderzander wheat farm near Buxton, wharo C. Herbs machine .was threshing about ,4000 bushels .'per day, uaing tha wing feeder. The average yield per are is. about 40 bushels, which the, average throughout Washington county this season. Dr., R. I. Allen, who has bean located in Beaverton the past few months, lsft last Saturday for his old home in Oklahoma, where he will locate permanent ly. The doctor made many frienda while here, who regretted to see for see him go. ..He will take in the ' J exposition at vSan Francisco, en- 0 Come to our store and get Lemons at 10 cts. a Dozen. We are, building up the best ! rout horoe Mj program ever introduced by this D I association ' ! By order of the President Gady&Pegg Ol 301 I Prof. C. W. i from Hillsboro Burtt was down yesterday, com pleting arrangements for the opewBg-of the Beaverton public i school on Monday, September 20. A social dance is hilled for Sat urday night in Morse hall. Clif ford's orchestra of Portland .will furnish the muaic. ; he .Pendleton Round-up will be taken toSan Francisco, where it will exhibit October 13 to 17. " .. F W. Cady made a business trip to Portland yesterday.., i The Beaverton 1 Chamber Of Commerce held a short session last Saturday evening, to discuss the proposition of repairing roada in the' Beaverton district, Tha committee of streets and high ways was instructed to work wjjth Supervisor Dessingtr, look ing to the improvements af tha roads of thia district. ' The Times has several calls from responsible parties, who want to rent tracts from 5 seres up to farms. Parties having acreage or farms for reat, are in vited to list same at this office now over Bank .of Beaverton,; LCady building. ' Ji