BEAVERTOII TIMES A. J. HICKS, Prop. Beaverton, Oregon. Published every Tiiursday. Entered as Second Class mail siatter, under the Act of March -3, 1879. At the Post Office, in Beaverton, Oregon. July 20, 1912 Subscription $ 1.00 Per Year. ADVERTISING RATES. Display ads, 75c an inoh per month; readerBlOc per line for 1st insertion, 5c per line for all sub sequent insertions. Thursday, Aug. 19, 1915 Very little ha3 yet been done towards Beaverton's proposed street fair this fall. It has been suggested that some time daring September would be the better time to hold the fair. But as yet there is practically nothing in hand towards organization to . gret the matter under way and the first proposed date will nec essarily have to bi postponed. We have learned that the Beav erton Grange has appointed a committee to solicit and prepare an exhibit far the county fair, ' and the grange expects to have a larger and better display of agricultural products than it had last year at the county i fair at Forest Grore, and you are all familiar with its prize winning success then. The idea art first was to hold the local fair just ahead of the county fair and se cure the grange exhibit for our street enterprise. In that case our fair cannot be postponed to a later date than the first days of -October. Oregon school funds by letting the achool lands get away from the state for a little or nothing. For the sake of the poor, home less and landless let us have a new deal in disposing of these lands, one not originated with the elements that have wasted our school land in the Dast. Col E. Hofer at Waldport. , FOB SALE REAL ESTATE No. 35. 12-acre tract, 5 miies from Beav erton on Cornell road. 6 acres in cultivation . and .6 acres in pasture, small " house, large barn and chicken house, 4-year old orchard and berries. Price including 2 cows and 3 calves, 50 chickens and farm imple ments $4000. The' Times. No. 30. 5 acre tract, all in cultivation, good 5-room house, good barn, t, 65 apple trees, also berries, good drainage, 1-2 mile from Beaverton postoffice, good welly , furniture, teols and 11 cords of : Wood, all for $4500. Address The Times. No. 32. 30-acre tract, half mile from ; railroad station, 18 acres in ' cultivation,. 6 or 8 acres fn tim ber, good pasture, 5 room houre, 2 large barns, good or chard, running watcy. good well, terms. Price $275 per acre. The Times BEAVERTON A, F. AND A.M. gS Regular commun ication, first and third Tuesdays CADY HALL 8-00 P.M. Visitors welcome. C. E. Hedge, W. M. , Cuy Alexander. Secty.' . s.d.a:churgh Regular preaching services no the first Sabbath of each month at 11 a. m.. Sabbath school every Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. ".: ': '. Eld. R. . Benham Pastor Suit has been brought in Jose y phine county, through the dis trict attorney, to oust E. J. Lind county commissioner, because of the fact that he is also serving as county roadmaster. The con tention is that he cannot hold two offices at the same time. As roadmaster Mr. Lind receives ihe same per: diem $3 to $5 as he does as commissioner for each day of actual work performed by himself. The case will be watched with interest by several other Oregon counties that are doing likewise. . The politicians are still dis cussing what to do with the O. & C. land grant. They are all very generous in turning the surplus funds, after paying the railroad company $2.50 an acre, Into the school fund, benefitting the school fund being always a 1 popular proposition. But i'tj should be remembered that these same politicians squandered the J No. 34., ; ! 35-acre tract adjoining S. P. car I shops, Beaverton,! iust outside city limits, 5 room house, large barn, chicken and hog houses, 3 ! wells, 24 acres in cultivation, balance brush land, family orch ard, all fenced. Price $400 per acre, terms, to suit. Three horses and harnes;" and farm implements included' with this tract. . 1 8-acres all in cultivation near S. P. car shops in city limits. Price. $550 per acre, terms to suit, 6 per cent interest. Apply to The Times. PROVIDE TIP-TOP BREAD For the Family. They're Worth it For Sale at: BEAVERTON HOME BAKERY Made hj im mm baking oo. No. 3i: 40-acre tract,, air in cultivation except 21-2 acres, : ! acre in vineyard, small barn, 4 miles north of Beaverton,, price $200 1 per acre will sell- in 10-acre tracts. - 47-acre tract, 7 room house, large barn, prune drier. 1000 prune trees, other out buildings, orchard of 100 trees of apples, pears, peaches, cherries, plums etc. Price $225 per acre. The Times .Beaverton Livery Stable Where good teams, rigs harness and courteous treatment are kept Harness for sale. Horses fed by the day, week or month. No. 38 10-acre tract, 3-4 mile Beaver ton, 1 1-2 acre onion land, 7-room house, goon family orchard and berries, price reasonable. The Times. SCHOLLS TELEPHONE CO. Owned by farmers and busicess men for the convenience of. its patrons and not for profit, Free service extend all over Washington county and to Newberg in Yamhlil county. Makes connections with the Bell System and the Home Telephone Co. at Portland( Home Office, Scholls, Ore. J. W. RAYNARD" Secretary. Real Estate LOANS FIRE and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Stroud & Co. BEAVERTON, OREGON MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAND CONTRACTS, FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES BOUGHT 'BeavertoD-Barber Shop Charles Jones,; Prop. HAIRCUTTJNG, SHAMPOOING SHAVING BATHS LAUNDRY LEAVES WEDNESDAY MORNING RETURNS SATURDAY MORNING. IPHONE 37. W.E.PEGG Undertaker and FuneralDirector , Stock Always on Hand BEAVERTON . OREGON The Thomas Confectionery A Pleasant Place to Pass a Pleasant Hour Everything in Confectionery Goods,. Tobaccos, Cigars and Reading. Beaverton, Oregon A BEAVERTON PLUMBING CO. W PLUMBING and HEATING.' V : I ELMER STIPE, Mgr. . i t ' Let us figure with you on your work. .