IN LIFE'S LAST HOURS THOUGHTS OF CONDEMNED MAN AWAITING EXECUTION. ' No Authentic Record Nil Ever Bmk Made, but One Man Hare Set Down How Ho Imagines Ho Would Bo Affected. : It It a curious tact that do man con demned to death by process of law hat left what might bo acoepted aa an authentic account of hli thoughts and acta during the closing bouri, W. R. Rose writes in the Cleveland Plain Dealer - For the most part condemned man are not Intellectual men. To put their feelings into words and transcribe them on paper would be a task for which they couldjiave no liking and little aptitude. They approach the hour of death, we may believe. In a dull and largely unemotional manner, keeping their thoughts away from the dreaded hour and getting such com fort as they can out of the Immediate moment. With 'men of higher grades of intellect it would be different The mind of the man of reason and imagi nation would be beyond his control To be alone with himself and his thoughts" and his sense of absolute helplessness would be maddening. Robert Louis Stevenson could have clothed these final hours in poetic Eng lish; Poe could have given them a ghastly, finish; O. Henry .would have made them worldly and cynical. If It were possible to put yourself in thought in a condemned man's place how would your mind regard the situation T . " ; This la the way one man says It would affect him: . "I roused up this morning with a sudden start Something called me. It battered at my ears. "Two more days two more days! "I wonder why T sleep, I wonder why I eat! I'm ashamed of my body. It Is a clod. It doesn't understand. Once in a while, however, my stom ach has that horrible, sinking sensa tion and my body realizes for a mo ment what my mind endures. Then It goes back to Its old ways Its appe tite, its demand for exercise, its call for sleep. "I am beginning to look upon my self as something apart from my body. Perhaps I am. Perhaps It is only my body (hey will hang, while my spirit but why should I speculate when 1 am so soon to know? ' "Ok' course I pray. That's the primal Instinct. I cry out for longer life. I beseech and 1 make promises a cow ard's cry. Tet there's comfort in it. It draws my mind from that one mad dening thought - "There's something else In which I find a little comfort: I .am going on a Journey that billions have under taken. The millions who are alive are only a small part of the host that has peopled the earth. I am going over to the great majority, and whatever my destination may be I shall have company. There are near and dear ones in that tide of outgoing souls. Is there a shadowy shore where we may meetT V. . -. . "God, it is night again! . "The guard has just looked in. The death lamp in the corridor is burning. A single thread of light comes through the grating. Is it hope? i "One more day. ' "I feel torpid. Is the thought of death dulled? Have I exhausted its terrors T .hwuj nvuuv. i. uij VWf mill shame me? Will it break mr pride? "There will be no tomorrow. Some how, the thought doesn't unnerve me. Ho, no, I'm not going to break down! "There are men In the corridor. I Jiear their tramping feet, their hurried -voices. Someone has called mr name! My heart bumps my ribs. Hope is turn tllng at the lock! "I I am reprieved!" ' WOULD TEMPT THE EPICURE No Modern Dish Can Be Accounted I Superior to the Squirrel Stew of the Early Days. - Toung squirrel, new. potatoes and June peas, stewed together tn an Iron pot, over a hickory wood Ore. At Har ry Lauder aays, "Ye canna beat It." In the early days it was a prime fa vorite in Kentucky, and the pioneers of Missouri brought a yearning tor it with them when they came overland from the Blue Grass state and settled along the rivers and creeks in Mis souri. . . There were plenty of squirrels in (th woods of Missouri tn those days, and in the middle of June, when new potatoes were about the also of wal nuts, and early peas were big enough ir the shell, the old man, or the big gest boy of the family, would lift the long-barreled squirrel rifle and powder horn down from the pegs over the fire place and go out after a "mess" of young squirrels. At that time in June they were just large enough to dress well. . - A hunter who would shoot a squir jrel anywhere except through the head jwas accounted a mighty poor shot. And it had to be shot in the head or jnot at all, for a squirrel Is a wary ani mal. As the hunter goes around one Slde of the tree the squirrel goes around the other way, keeping the tree between him and the enemy, but oc casionally he peeps out to see what Is going on, and that is the hunter's chance. . ... Half a dozen squirrels Is enough for a mess. While the head of the family Is dressing them the womenfolk are grubbing out a half peck of new pota toes and rubbing off ths tender red skins, and shelling a quart or two of new aeasi Squirrel, potatoes and peas are put into the pot together. It must be an iron pot Any old settler will tell you that there is a flavor and a tang to "vittles" stewed in an iron pot that modern pots and pans never impart. The ingredients must be allowed to simmer, not to boll briskly, but stew gently over a slow fire until the whole mass Is thorough ly disintegrated. Then it Is ladled out and eaten while piping hot. A chunk of corn pone, dipped Into the Juicy stew and munched with It, im proves It. Anyone who has eaten of this dish will tell you that in all the range of cookery there Is nothing quite so good. The tender young squirrel meat has fallen away from the bones, the new potatoes have melted, the peas have imparted to the whole a faint green ish hue, and all have blended together tn a savory mass redolent of Juno buds and June blossoms. - Extra Pay for Beauties. "Every American boy and girl has an Inalienable right to have a good looking school teacher, and school boards should be willing to pay $1$ a month more for comely Instructors than for homely ones." Dr. Henry S. Curtis, New York play eipert, expressed that theory to west ern Kansas school teachers at Fort Hays Normal. . Doctor Curtis believes that better looking teachers mean better disci pline and more effective teaching. Doctor Curtis also believes that play should be made compulsory just as education is. In 12 generations most Americans will be Insane unless play Is taught, he says. : v . -; Important Service. "Cant you drive your own car?" "Oh, yes; But I employ a chauffeur so that my family or guests won't be able to blame me when anything goes wrong with the trip." A Fowl Affair. ' "Jack took a cocktail first of all." "What did he take after the cock talir. "His wife saw him and he took a henpeck." PREHISTORIC WORKS IN OHIO In the 8tat There Are Some Five Thousand Remain of Ancient Civilisation. , On the banks of the Scioto, within four miles of Columbus, on Its north boundary, stand two conspicuous ex amples of the work of the prehistoric peoples of that vicinity. One is on the old Flenniken farm, on the east bank of the river, and on the weat side of the river road, about a mile north of the water pumping station and filtra tion plant The other Is on the west side of the river, three miles farther north, and Is on the west side of the road that fcitirts the west shore of the river. It is on the 8hrum farm. They are mounds of the same type and of .considerable size. They atand on level planes, from which they rise abruptly and symmetrically to a height of twenty or twenty-five feet It must appear to any observer, writes H. J. Galbraith In the Columbus Dispatch, that they are artificial and not natural mounds. The owners of the proper ties have long placed high values on them and have not been disposed to permit them to be opened. As a mat ter of fact scientific archeologistt are not anxious to explore theae mounds, for, while they admire them as ex amples of the work of the ancient In habitants here, they know from expe rience tn exploring such earthworks that It Is extremely unlikely that they would, yield anything worth the time and labor it would take to make the explorations. There are several less conspicuous, mounds in the county that Doctor Mills, the curator of the museum at Ohio State university, would prefer to open, mounds that the general public would lightly regard, if Indeed they would recognize them as the' work of prehistoric peoples at all. There is a mound of this kind on the Olentangy river near Worthlngton that is hardly : known at all to the general public that Doctor Mills has been watching for some time. "I know that mound would yield a rich store of treasures," Baid he. "There Isn't any sort of doubt about it, but 1 feel sure that anyone who would explore the two Scioto mounds would get little for his pains." Counting them all, big and little, there are probably 160 earthworks of these ancient people within the bor ders of Franklin county, and five or six thousand In the state of Ohio, No other state In the Union Is richer in the evidences of a prehistorlo civiliza tion than the Buckeye state is. ' ' The Silver Lining Appears. - The Association of Skirt, Dress and Suit Makers have decreed that lovely woman's attire shall be more roomy the coming fall season. This Is a bright spot on the horizon for the cotton grower. There are said to be 20,000,000 women in this country alone who wear clothes, and should the fashion require a yard and a half more cloth for a dress, it would mean a consumption of 80,000,000 yards more cloth. Figures do not lie.- Here is a ray of sunshine that ought to dissi pate the gathering gloom. Now If the Filipinos and Chinese and Cubans and other nationalities that aspire for recognition in the world of civili zation should require that their skirts be made an Inch longer cotton ought to jump like It did when Sully was In the market Selma Times. ,. Connecting Archangel With Siberia. . One of the zemstvos of the govern ment of Vologda Is handing in a pe tition concerning the connection of Archangel with Siberia by meant of the following water route; Northern Dwlna-Vychegda-Pecbora-Ob. The es tablishment of such a water route was planned In 190, when, by Imperial or der, a special expedition was sent out to make the necessary investigations. This route would be of the greatest importance for the exportation of Si berian products to European Russia as well at to foreign countries. KEEP THE COWS CLEAN Pure Milk Cannot . Be Secured From a Filthy Animal. 1 Curry Comb and Brush at Essential In Dairy Barn aa In Horse Stable Remove Bedding From the ,; t Stalls Every Day. " . The curry comb and brush are just as essential to the health, comfort and appearance of the cow at they are to the hone. Clean, pur milk cannot be had from a filthy cow. A well ar ranged barn and plenty of bedding as sist greatly tn keeping the cow In a sanitary condition at all time. By the use of good stanchions the now are kept much oleaner than where, they are simply tied with rope of halter, a by the use of stanchions the cows are not able to back off and lie down in the manure, as they do with other methods of stabling. Straw Is usually cheap and plentiful on most dairy farms, and It does not pay to neglect to bed the cow well. The bed ding should be removed from the stalls every day, and fresh litter provided. The manure should be hauled from the barn to the field or storage pit often, every day or two If possible to prevent It from being a breeding place about the barn for files, disease germs and bad odors which taint the milk. It Is a good plan to disinfect the stablea occasionally, whether there Is any apparent reason tor It or not.. It Is not expensive, can do no harm and does much good In the way of de stroying lice and disease germs. Where enough cows are kept to make It profitable It la advisable to use milking machines, aa we believe milk can be produced much cleaner in this way Vhan can possibly be don by band milking. ' ? .. .. h Where hand milking Is necessary see that the hands are always clean before milking, and use a covered pall, Curry and brush the hind parts of the cow well each morning at least halt an hour before milking time, which should always be regular, and rub the udder well with a brush or burlap sack, to remove all dirt and dust that might get into the milk. Dry, well-drained and well-kept feed tots assist greatly In keeping the cows clean, hence, also In producing clean milk. Where cows are compelled to stand all day In a wet or muddy teed lot, unless much care Is used, the eve ning milk will be far from pure. A naturally high, dry and well-drained location Is advisable for the feed lot Weil-Kept Dairy Cow. during winter and spring, and If It can be graded and stoned It is much better. It Is preferable to have the feeding pens provided with feed racks, In place of feeding on the ground, at the cow Is a very cleanly animal, and will not readily eat soiled food It It can be avoided. Water Supply fer Cows. - In the matter of water supply for the cows u it cannot be bad from running stream or spring it mould come from a deep well that is kept clean at all times and not aubject to turface drainage, and the water for use in the barnyard or tor washing the dairy utensils should be kept free from foreign matter and taints of all' kinds.