FOR SAIE-AUTOMOBILES Rebuilt Federal Tracks A Safe Used Truck to Buy. A REBUILT FEDERAL Iti as good value for the money as a new truck. By rebuilt we mean that the truck Is entirely taken apart, each part examined and if necessary replaced by a new part made at the Federal factory, the entire truck repainted and reflnlshed, and everything necessary done to make the truck practi cally as good as new In every detail. When you buy a rebuilt Federal you are protected by the same policy and In terest that we give to all Federal owners. We operate a repair department, In which me worxmen are specialists on eaeraie, our suDDly of Federal Darts Is comDlete, and the stock room organization hljrh class, which insures the prompt filling of an parts orders, we also operate a serv ice department, which is open day and night, "always at your cail." The Federal being a good truck tn the first place and protected by a company which is equip ped and has the disposition to give you service is consequently A SAFE USED TRUCK TO BUY. If you are in the market for a truck from S1000 to S1400. we unre you to com' pare used Federals with new trucks at similar prices. We think we can convince you of their superior value. GERL1NGER MOTOR CAR CO., King and Washington Bts. - True To Life- ' "What's all that noise 'upstairs?" called-the mother. "I thought you were playing house. "We are, mamma," the little daugh ter replied. "Johnny is the papa, and he has just come home from the store. Im arguing with him about money matters.! FREE ADVICE TO SICK WOMEN Thousands HaveBeenHelped By Common Sense Suggestions. Women suffering from any form of female ills are invited to communicate promptly with the woman's private correspondence de- ' partment of the Ly- dia E.Pinkham Med icine Co., Lynn, l Mass. Your letter will be opened, read i and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence. A woman can freely talk of bar private illness to a woman ; thus has been established a confidential correspondence which has extended over many yean and which has never been broken. Never have they published a testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer, and never has the Company allowed these confi dential letters to get out of their pos session, as the hundreds of thousands of them in their files will attest Out of the vast volume of experience which they have to draw from, it is more than possible that they possess the very knowledge needed in your case. Noth ing is asked in return except your good will, and their advice has helped thou sands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should be glad to take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Address Lydia E. Finkham Medicine Co., (con fidential) Lynn, Mass. Every 'woman ought to have Lydia E. Pinltham's 80-page Test Book. It is not a book for general distribution, as It Is too expensive. It Is free and only obtainable by mail. Write for It today. P. N. U. No. S3, ISIS WHEN miliar to advertisers, plan i " (ion this paper. Who Will Car? Who will care If my hair is gray? Who will care what I lave to say? Who will care If I go or stay? Who will care when I'm 50? Who will care if I'm fat or thin? Who will care if I frown or grin? Who will care if my toes turn in? Who will care when I'm 60? Who will care if tears I shed? Who will care If my nose is red? Who will care if youth 4s fled? -Who will care when I'm 60? No one will care, so I've been told; No one will care if my feet are cold; No one will care my hand to hold; Oh, I'll just hate to be 50. -rJane. It Seemed That Way. The farmer, wearing a long face, entered the country drug store. "I've got something wrong with my stom ach," he announced, "and I want you to give me something for it. "All right," replied the apothecary, cheerfully; "what are your symp toms?" "Every little while something seems to rise up and settle back and then by and by rises up and settles back again." The druggist stroked his chin, re flectively. "Look here," he said, gravely, "you haven't gone and swal lowed an elevator, have you?" Ladies Home Journal. As Modified. The usual crowd of loafers were seated around the stove in the vil lage grocery. . "Tell you what," began one of the bewhiskered bunch, "I never lied to my wife in my life" At this point he was interrupted by a unanimous laugh that was loud and long. "That I didn't get caught at it," continued the speaker after the laughter had subsided. Whereupon silence reigned : su preme for nearly 23 seconds. Are Strikes for Sale? Secretary Morrison of the American Federation of Labor is credited with the statement that "the American Federation of Labor does not care whether Oerman gold started the Bridgeport strike or not." Does Mr. Morrison support the doc trine that strikes should be bought and sold in the open market, and that it is legitimate for labor leaders to ac cept bribes from agents of a foreign government to paralyze American in dustries? New York World. Not Prepared. ."They seem to be appalled at the slaughter on the European battle fields." 'Yes; but they're not used to foot ball games over there." Baltimore American. Sure Thing. "Never sneer at anybody, Hollo." "No, uncle." "Some people poke fun at vegetar ians here. But you'd be mighty glad to meet 'em if you were cast away in the Fiji Islands." Louisville Courier- Journal. - ' . Judgment "I . fear that that young man to whom I gave a job in the store last week is crooked."- "You should not judge by appear ance. . - I am judging by dlsappearancenn this case." Houston Post. Playing Sate. - "What are your views on the mod ern dances?" "Well, my wife thinks they're out rageous, and my daughter says they're just too sweet for anything; so, of course, I have to preserve a strict neu trality." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Not a Doctor. While little Dorothy was visiting, her hostess' dog came running up and stopped before her, panting. Seeing his tongue hanging out, Dorothy said: "I Be not a doctor, doggie." Boston Transcript .. ..... A Large Order. Modest Suitor I have only $5500 a year, sir, but I think I can support your daughter on that. Father (enthusiastically) Support her, my dear boy? Why, you can sup port her entire family on it. i f Patrick and the Jury, s 5. A famous lawyer had a client named Murphy who had been arrested for Illegal sale of liquor. The police had no evidence but one pint of whisky, which they found -in bis house when they searched it In court this evl dence was produced, and a somewhat vivid claim of prima facie evidence of guilt was made by the prosecuting attorney. - i During all this, counsel for the pris oner was silent. When his turn came for. the defense, he rose and said "Patrick Murphy, stand up." And Murphy, with a big Ted nose, un shaven face, bleared eyes and a gen eral appearance of dilapidation, rose. "Patrick Murphy, look upon the jury; gentlemen of the jury, look on Patrick Murphy." v Jury and prisoner mutually com plied. The counsel gazed at Patrick for a moment, then solemnly turned to the Jury. ' "Do you mean to say to this court and me you honorably and truly be lieve that Patrick Murphy, if he had a pint of whisky, would sell it?" Murphy was acquitted. And He Was! Just because a man is an officer in the territorials it doesn't mean to say he can ride a horse. At least, that was the case of Col onel Knut of the Tutleton Terriers. An inspection was to him a nightmare. So when the general commanding came along Colonel Knut sat hiB horse uneasily. Then the band played! At the first bang of the -drum the colonel's horse started two-stepping. With the fifes' he tangoed. The col onel set his teeth and hung on grimly. The TerrierB got mightily excited. Would he stick on or not? - Anxious to see the fun, they pushed forward, until the front rank looked like a foot ball crowd. t 'Ease off, there!" yelled the ser geant angrily. "No, e ain t, retorted an enthusi astic watcher, "but 'e will be in a min ute ! " London Opinion. c Seasonable Story. ... North Dakota was honored with a new bishop of the Episcopal church in 1914. He came from a rectorship at Hagerstown, Md. 'Last winter was the first for his family in the cold northwest. The bishop's young son was observed by a neighbor laborious ly shoveling a great snowdrift away from the front of his home In Fargo. Said the neighbor: "Did you have much snow in Mary land, my boy?" The youngster with a refined and characteristic southern drawl replied: "Yes, it snowed there, but not so thor oughly as here." Twenty Cents Out, "I made an awful break yesterday," said the fellow who is known as a tightwad. "That is 'unusual for you. How did it happpn?" asked the man in whom he was about to confide. "I met Lulu in front of an ice cream parlor, and I told her that her lips were like strawberries. She said the only way to prove it was by making the comparison, so I bad to blow her to a strawberry sundae.". Woman's Place. First Abie-Bodied Male Woman's place is in the home. As I was tell ing my wife . Second Able-Bodied- Male By the by, Bill, what's yer wife doin' now? First Able-Bodied Male Workin' in the cannery. Puck. Courtship and Boredom. "I don't see how you can tolerate that man." "Oh, but he is a foreign nobleman, my dear." "I don't care," said the American girl. "I'll be jig gered if I'd marry a man who does his courting with a bored air." Louisville Courier-Journal. ' Sharing the Honor. 'Going to speak a piece on the last day of school?" ... "No; only a piece of a piece. I'm in a dialogue." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. - : Putting it Accurately. "Have you got any , mosquitoes around here?" 'No," replied Farmer Corntossel. "We haven't got them. They've- got us." Washington Star. s (1 BAR VIEW TENT CITY On 8. P. R. R. in Tillamook, Co. Or. Train stops at our door. Place to apend your vacation here this summer. You will find it delightful as well as inexpensive. We hare fully furnished Housekeeping Tents, Including electric lights end water, from $6 par week up. Dance every night Bowling, Pool and Bll iards. Surf Fishing and Safe Bathing. For particulars write or call on WISE DENTAL Co. Rooms -211-12 Falling Bldg., 8d at Wash ington, Portland, Ore., phones A or M 8029; or Bar View, Tillamook Co., Ore. HERE ARE im FACTS Plates and bridges -made in my own laboratory. Office absolutely clean. Instruments thoroughly ster ilized. Prices reasonable. Work guaranteed. Constant endeavor to do work painlessly. nurse in attendance. Dr. Elof T. Hedlund DENTIST 4M-4H Moron Balldlag. 4th Floor, WeaMnftaa Hear Broadway, rortland, ungon. "USE THE RIVER" Dalles-Columbia Line State of Washington, for The Dmllea dally ex. Sunday 11 p. m. Leave Dalles dalljr ex. Monday 12 M. Steamers J. N. Teal. Inland Empire and Twin Cities for Upper Columbia and Snake river points. Taylor St. Dock. Tel. Main 613. KilluKltt mi UWa Rinr Tiwiaf Co., rsrtkW. ' VOUNG MAN. BE A BARBER. Learn a Trade. Be Independent Trade taught In eight weeks: tools free. Commi taions paid while learning: positions secured. Write for free catalog. MOLEK COLLEGE i, Portland, K48 N. 2nd St.; Spokane, K22li Uai.iAve.: Seattle. KIDS Main St Light Fingered. " At a dinner given by the prime min ister of a little kingdom in Rurltanla a diplomat complained to his host that the minister of justice, who had been sitting on his left, had stolen his watch. - -. ' ' """Ah, he shouldn't have done that," said he prime minister in tones of annoyance. "I will get it back for you." " Sure enough toward the end of the evening the watch was returned to its owner. - "Sh-h!" cautioned the host, glancing anxiously about hUn. "He doesn't know that I have got it back." - The Connoisseurs. - . Two farmers, attired in corduroys and gaiters, were strolling through a picture gallery, where they looked, and apparently felt, decidedly out of place. But at last they brought up before a picture which really seemed, to please them a portrait of a lovely girl with a particularly ugly bulldog. "This is something nice, Dick," said one. "What is it called?" Dick referred to the catalogue. " 'Beauty and the Beast,' " he said. The other man looked closer at the bulldog. "He is a beauty, too!" Prosperous. "I never hear Colums complaining: about business depression." "I should say not. He's an expert, accountant, and he's rushed to death straightening out the books of firms that have gone into bankruptcy." BUCK LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED by Blaskles PHI. Low- SriMd, frwb, reliable: preferred by rHtatra alAokmea twceuM tfetv mi-. twt where ether vaeelsei fait. I Write for booklet and testimonial.. . sr- ej 10-teM pate. BiatKief run si.w eUaVfteov 10-iee. skte. Blaskles Pills 4.00 Um any inleetor. but Cutter's belt. Ths sapertorlty of Cutter products is due to over &, rem of epedallihif In vasslaet ass seruati ssly. en Cutter's. If unobtainable, order direct T'.E CUTTER LABORATORY, Btrkslsv, Callfsril. ii