Beaverton times. (Beaverton, Or.) 191?-19??, August 19, 1915, Image 1

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    SUCCESSOR TO "THE OWL, ' Beaverton, Oregon .
VOL. III. NO. 21.
Many people about Beaverton
are preparing to go to the hop
yards, where the picking season
opens about September 1. The
hop crop in Washington county
is reported to- be' an average one
this season with prospect for
good prices. . "
The horseradish cro&about Be
averton is the most promising
for several years. Mr. Grand
george, the most extensive grew
er on the Pacific coast, has an
exceptionally fine crop this sea
son. Mrs. Gis Rosbv and daughter
Elva returned Saturday from Los
Angeles, where they had Been
on a visit with Mrs, Rossi's sis
ter. They also- Bpent some time
visiting the exposition, at San
This Space
We may have some
thing interesting to say
Come to our store and
get Lemons at 10 cts. a
Cady & Pegg
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Gilbert at-
tended the Traveling Men's pie-'
nic at Crystal lake last Saturday.
Mr. Gilbert won the foot race and
gate prizes while Mrs. Gil
bert J. won -ladies' foot race
her prize being, a side of bacon.
Gilbert says he felt "'right at
home" with the boys of the trail.
z The Gilbert building is com
pleted and ready for occupancy.
The new plate-glass front and in
terior improvements adds very
much to the substanttability of
the building. Bert flocken was
the contractor for the work.
Mrs. Will Nelson of Berkeley,
Cal., has been visiting the past
week with Mrs. L L. Gilbert
Miss Edna Pegg and friends,
from Portland, returned Tues
day evening from the beach at
Tillamook, where they had been
spending their vacation.
AUG. 19, 1915.
Mr. Whitesides, who recently
purchased the -Homer 5-acre
tract, three and a half miles
southwest of Beaverton, . last
week purchased 5-acre tract ad
joining, through Stroud & Co.
Supervisor finger, , of Road
District 10, has charge of the
crusher at the quarry, where he
has a force of men and teams re
pairing and making some new
roads in bis district. He will have
about six weeks, work, for the
crusher. - - - '
Margarette, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tucker has
been suffering severely with
throat trouble the past few days,
and will probably have to under
go an operation. :
. The Times has several calls
from responsible parties, who
want to rent tracts from 6 acres
up to farms. Parties ' having
acreage or farms for r?;ct..'I .Cj
v&ad to list same at this office
now over Bank of Beaverton,
Cady building. ' , tf
The Beaverton city fathers awoke
to the awful fact, -That
Beaverton waaa fossil with
moss upon its . back,
And 't was their parental duty
t rake the nuisance down
And by the, "mw era"-process,
They would have to bond
the town. ' ; -
So they got the water system,
But that was not enough;
They now must have a sewer tc(
. carry the surplus off,
And now the nice large school
house built so little time
,' ".. ago; .. ......
Was not large enough to hold
them, for they'd began to
' grow.
So more bonds for another school
house, and more loans to
.-; . purchase. : . .
And would seem to be about all
. poor old Beaverton could
stand;"" '.
But they suddenly discovered
that their joy was ., not
complete,' ' , - . '
Foi they were suffering for a
city park wherein to..pla
i V;- and eat.: . -:
One want creates another; soon
an aeroplane
Will be wanted to earl heaven
ward to devote their fame,
hus do-the boosters howl, e'en
i the civic cats do yowl,
All iclamoring for a better Beav
. erton. . , -..
-"One of the Mossbacks.-
$1.00 Per Year
The commissioners' ccurt held r
a brief session Wednesday, and
granted the franchise petitioned
for by the Scholls Telephone Co.
It permits erecting poles and
stringing wires on a large num
ber of roads extending from the
south part of the county to the
Multnomah county line. As a
condition oi tne irancnise, it is
provided that free service must
1 -' . rr ? i f m
oe given county omciais ior om
cial business. The company has
been in existence many years,
and the franchise issued is not
the first granted It. ' It serves
practicalls the entire southern
part of the county, with a main
offici at Scholle and an exchange ..
at Beaverton. Hwlsboro Inde
pendent.. "
Mrs. A. Hi Spraner and daugh
ter Violette lfeft Sunday for a sk ...
weeks' visit with Mrs. Spraner's .
parents, whom she has not Been
for ten fccars at Chicago Tiiey -4
will go the southern rotite by
way-of San Francisco, Lob An
geles, San Diego, Elpaso, New
Orleans, and wiU return by the
northern route, visiting relative!
in, Wisconsin, St. Paul and Minn
apolis. Mrs. Spraner will com
bine business with pleasure
looking after business interests
while in the East.
" . The ball game on- the local dia
mond Sunday was a sweeping
victory for Beaverton over Gar
den Home, the score being 18 to
8. Garden Home's pitcher was
out of form, the locals batting
him all over the field. Carl Des
singer pitched the last inning for
the visitors and fanned twa
straighCt'Had Carl been put in
earlier, the score probably would
have been more even.
' Mr. and Mrs. Wnu HrDuncan
of Camden, N. J., visited their
old-time friends, Mr.' and Mrs.'
Eliot and Mrs. Eliot's , mother in
.a ix ir l
iseaverion lasi ween. ir. ttnu 1
Mrs. Duncan were enroute ham
from a visit to he California ex-'
positions. ' '"
A grand opening of Morse hall
with big dance,nnder entire new ;
managesaent, Saturday, August'
21. Music by Franklin's orches
tra. '- Admission 75 cents, ladies
free. . '
Imperative need exists at the
Oregon building in San Frsnais
co fof exhibit of fresh fruits, i
vegetables, grains and grasses, -