The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, November 20, 1931, Image 4

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-y .
Kraut Corn
Hillsdale, 2'y2s, 2 cans .25c Standard Brand, 2s, 3 for 35c
Peaches Soap
Yellow Cling, 2y2s, 2 for : 38c Polar White, 10 bars..... 25c
Kadota Figs . Spinach
Put up in Wine, 2 for........ ...25c Fresh and , Green, 5 lbs 9c
Head Lettuce 1 Grape Fruit
Solid and Crisp, 3 for 10c Good Size, 3 for.. 21c
Munsing $1.95 Silk Chiffon Hose
Clean-up Price
Phone 152
v ' r -
4 i
Press Paragraphs
"Second Childhood"
Auditorium, again tonight.
Mrs. James Cresswell and Mrs. Lew
McNair were in Walla Walla Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell are spend
ing several days visiting friends at
The Dalles.
Oral Michener is forced to use
crutches in order to protect a badly
infected foot.
Mrs. Fred Pinkerton and Mrs.
Marion Hansell spent Tuesday in
Walla Walla.
Ben Butler of Portland has been a
house guest at the home of his aunt
Mrs. H. I. Watts this week. Mr. But
ler contemplates spending the winter
in this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Eager and
daughters Betty and Virginia were
Milton visitors Sunday.
Doris Jenkins has been out of school
this week and has been ill with a
painful case of tonsilitis.
George Gerking returned yesterday
morning from a short business trip
to Long Beach, California.
Miss Marguerite Hereford came over
from Weston and spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Kohler Betts.
John Standage and J. V. Milligan
were out after the elusive wild duck
just after the noon hour, Monday.
Dr. Geyer and Miss Jessie Lassiter
were dinner guests Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Prestbye.
Mr, and Mrs. Venable and family
are moving to Helix where Mr. Ven
able has found employment in tho
Mrs. Frank Little, Mrs. W. J. Cra
bill, Mrs. Ralph Singer and Mrs. L.
A. Cornell were Tuesday visitors in
Attorney Watts has returned from
Canyon City, Grant county where he
attended to legal matters in circuit
Mrs. Theresa Berlin and daughter
Mary will leave the first of the week
for Walla Walla where they will make
their home.
Miss Fredericks Kershaw is planning
to spend the Thanksgiving holidays
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Kershaw here.
Herbert C. Gregg, former Walla
Walla resident, died at' Seaside and
funeral services were held at Walla
Walla, Tuesday.
F. R. Egee, of Los Animas, Colo
rado, has arrived in Athena and is
at the Ben Bateman home for a visit
of indefinite length.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mays arrived
Wednesday night by motor from
Portland and are visiting at the H.
A. Barrett home here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Foss came over
from their farm home near Freewa
ter and spent Sunday at the W. J.
Gholson home in Athena.
Mrs. Lilla Kirk was hostess to Mrs.
Jennie Proebstel and Mrs. W. Mc
Pherson at an afternoon luncheon at
Walla Walla Wednesday.
John Murray, district manager of
the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
company paid a business call to the
local exchange Wednesday.
Mrs. Bruno Weber, Mrs. J. E. Jones
and Mrs. Fred Pittman were in Wes
ton Wednesday afternoon where they
attended the Thimble club.
Mrs. Anna Stine of Spokane has
been visiting her sisters Mrs. Mar
garet Banister and Mrs. Amanda Mc
Arthur in Athena this week.
Mrs. Huldah McKinney who has
been visiting relatives at Walla Wal
la, was brought home Sunday by her
daughter, Mrs. Frank Little.
Spend another mirthful evening by
attending the school play, "Second
Childhood," again tonight. Admis
sion only 25 cents, children free.
Rev. J. M. Cornelison of Pendleton,
well known missionary worker, i3 ill
in a Rochester, New York, hospital
recovering from a major operation.
Mrs. W. S. Ferguson is in Nampa,
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Horace
Belnap, Mrs. Ferguson will be away
until after the Thanksgiving holidays.
Rev. and Mrs. T. A. Graham, par
ents of Mrs. Gordon Watkins, will
arrive in Athena today to remain un
til after Thanksgiving at the Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller will leave
for Portland in a few days, where
they will remain for the winter, re
turning in the spring to their Athe
na home.
Lieutenant Commander Gale Poin
dexter, nephew of Mrs. Sabina Mor
ton of Athena and California, has re
cently been appointed aide to Presi
dent Hoover.
Mrs. Louis Keen will spend Thanks
giving at the home of her sister Mrs.
J. F. Haines at Enumclaw, Washing
ton. Mrs. Keen plans to be away
about ten days.
Henry and Wilford Miller opened
the side of the Post building west of
the telephone exchange, outsmarted
a hive of bees and secured several
pounds of honey.
Colonel J. H. Raley, having the dis
tinction of being the oldest living
member of Pendleton Masonic lodge,
has been presented a 50-year service
emblem by the lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mclntyre and
family are moving to their ranch
home. Their residence on South
Third street will, be occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. John Milligan.
Interest in golfing was revived on
the local course Sunday due to fair
weather, with the result that a num
ber of players were on the links for
the greater part of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton en
tertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Frazier and daughter
Celeste of Milton, and Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Pinkerton and family.
Mrs. Harvey Roseberry is suffering
from weakness due to a severe nasal
hemorrhage Tuesday afternoon. Only
after extreme measures had been tak
en was the bleeding stopped.
Miss Florence Ross, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ross of Thorn
Hollow, has recently left a Portland
hospital, and is convalescing at the
home of her aunt, Mrs. Brouillard, in
that city.
Miss Hilda Dickenson will arrive
today to spend the week-end with
relatives. Miss Dickenson who is en
joying a week's vacation has divided
her time between Portland, Baker
and Athena.
Charles Williams left the fore part
of the week for Newport where he
will probably spend the winter. Mr.
Williams spent a portion of last win
ter in that beach town and liked it
very much.
Fred McKinley has returned to
Athena from Spokane and joined his
father and brother here. Fred at
tended high school here last year and
in a couple of weeks will enter school
at Cheney Normal.
Mr. and Mrs. Armond DeMerritt
visited a few days in Athena this
week from Walla Walla, leaving this
morning for Portland for a visit over
Thanksgiving. Their son Dell will re
main in Athena.
Local football fans are much inter
ested in the outcome of the Whitman
Willamette game to be played on
the Whitman gridiron, Thanksgiving
Day. The boys over here are pulling
for Borleske's team to win. i
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schulti (Thena
Russell) of Harrington, AVashington,
are receiving congratulations upon
the birth 4t a daughter, November 7,
at Davenport, Washington. The young
lady has been named Virginia Dor
lores and at her birth weighed 10
Word has been received from
friends at Creston, B. C, that so far
no extremely cold weather has been
experienced in the vicinity. Heavy
rains and snow flurries, with cold
winds have been experienced.
Mrs. Claude Dickenson compliment
ed her sister Mrs. Henry Knight at
a birthday dinner last Sunday. Addi
tional guests were Sims Dickenson,
Henry Knight, Claude Dickenson and
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Harden.
Athena has been asked to contri
bute a number to the program at the
annual band concert to be given in
Waitsburg in February. Other adjac
ent towns are also asked to assist
in making the affair its usual suc
cess. Mr. and Mrs. Justin Harwopd and
Mrs. Lloyd Michener were Waitsburg
visitors Sunday. The Harwoods were
entertained at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Hirsch and Mrs. Michen
er visited the family of her cousin
Harvey Buroker.
Miss Inez McClure was hostess at
a buffet supper at her home in Pen
dleton Saturday night. Bridge and
dancing entertained the guests. Athe
na guests motoring down for the af
fair included Helen Hansell, Kathleen
Radtke, Norman Mclntyre and Leon
ard Geissel.
Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell ar
rived by motor from Portland for a
brief visit at the A. L. McEwen home
northwest of Athena. Mrs. McEwen
and Mrs. Mitchell are sisters. The
visitors will also spend a short time
in Walla Walla and will be accom
panied to Portland by Mrs. Mitchell's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCool
who will spend the winter in the me
tropolis. The Loyal Gleaners class of the
Christian church entertained with a
party in the church parlors Wednes
day night. Fall flowers were used as
decoration. Many clever and inter
esting games were arranged for the
amusement of the guests. Sand
wiches, pickles, cakes and coffee were
served from a prettily appointed table
centered with a cluster of orchid
chrysanthemums and tall pink tapers
in silver holders.
An interesting aid to artists and
home decorators was demonstrated by
Mrs. L. A. Cornell at the Quality
Grocery Saturday. Japanese oil paints
of various colors added to water
forms a mixture into which scarfs,
mats, candles and many kinds of
fancy work may be dipped, the result
being beautiful and artistic. Winter
boquets are other items made easily
and effectively with the new com
pound. Colors are fast and articles
'dyed may be washed or cleaned with
out fear of fading.
Mrs. Clarence Zerba entertained the
members of the Baptist Missionary
Society Wednesday afternoon at her
home west of Athena. About twenty
were present. An interesting talk on
the history and proceeds from the
sale of Christmas seals was given by
Mrs. Stewart of the high school. Mrs.
Granville Cannon had charge of the
lesson which dealt with Burma. Mrs.
Ross Payne and Mrs. Clarence Zerba
sang a duet. Mrs. Charles McFar
land and Mrs. Anderson served refreshments.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning
worship at 11. Children's message: "A
Thankful Heart." Sermon topic:
"Thanksgiving Thots." A B. Y. P. U.
rally will be held Sunday afternoon
and evening; Rev. T. H. Hagen will
be the guest speaker. The Pendleton
Baptist young people will conduct the
evening B. Y. P. U. meeting at 6:30.
Evening worship at 7:30.
Society and Clubs
A regular session of Mignonette
Rebekah lodge No. 86 was held Tues
day evening. The nominating com
mittee filed their report, officers for
the coming six months being named
as follows: Lois Smith, Noble Grand;
Lucille Johnston, vice grand; Velma
Schubert, financial sevretary; Ada
Montague recording secretary.
McKenzie Chapter, O. E. S. met
Wednesday evening when a social
hour was enjoyed, bridge being play
ed. Mrs. B. B. Richards received an
award for high score. . Mrs. Ralph
McEwen second, and Mrs. Frank Lit
tle consolation. Mrs. Henry Barrett,
Mrs. James Cresswell and Miss Helen
Hansell served delicious refreshments
using a pink and green color scheme.
The Triple Link club met Monday
night at the home of Mrs. Harvey
Roseberry. A short business session
was held and the remainder of the
evening was spent working on quilt
blocks. Ten members were present
The club was organized primarily for
work and refreshments are "taboo."
However, the hostess served pop corn
to the busy workers.
Seventeen members of the O. D. O.
club were entertained at the home of
Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. A. W. Logsdon, and Mrs.
Wade LeRoy of Tacoma were guests
for the meeting. Dainty refreshments
were served by the hostess at the tea
hour. Tho club is social, and needle
work and chat were the diversions.
Mrs. Claude Dickenson will entertain
the club Tuesday, November 24 at her
home northwest of Athena.
Miss Frances Bateman soon to be
the bride of Edwin Anderson of Bil
lings, Montana, was complimented
with a shower last Saturday night at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bate
man. The affair came as a complete
urprise to the honoree and the guest
list included 20 friends. The gifts
were presented in an inverted parasol,
suggestive of a strictly dry shower.
Seasonable refreshments of pumpkin
pie and confections were served by
the hostess.
The Athena Bridge club was charm
ingly entertained last Friday night at
the home of Mrs. M. L. Watt3. Rose
buds and snap dragons were used
about the rooms where four tables
were in play. In addition to members
Miss Helen Hansell and Mrs. Fred
Pinkerton were guests, Miss Hansell
receiving an attractive guest prize.
Mrs. Henry Dell made high club
score and Mrs. C. M. Eager second.
The club is meeting this afternoon at
the home of Mrs. B. B. Richards.
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Miller were
hosts Tuesday night to the Kilkare
Pinochle club when members and
guests made up four tables. Clusters
of chrysanthemums made effective
decoration about the rooms. Mr. and
Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton were addi
tional guests. Mrs. Lee Johnson and
Dick Swift received awards for high
score and Mrs. Ross Catron and Har
vey Roseberry received the consola
tion prizes. After the game the host
ess served delicious salad cakes and
A delightful afternoon was spent
Thursday of last week by members
and guests of the 3 o' 4 club when
they were entertained at the home of
Mrs. Max Hopper on South Third
street. The hostess decorated her
rooms with clusters of autumn flow
ers and served refreshments follow
ing the game. The guests were, Mrs.
Lloyd Michener, Mrs. C. M. Eager,
Mrs. F. S. LeGrow, Mrs. W. S. Fer
guson and Mrs. A. H. Mclntyre, Mrs.
Eager won high guest score, Mrs.
M. I. Miller high club score and the
consolation award was presented to
Mrs. Gordon Watkins.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brace enter
tained the Athena Pinochle club Wed
nesday night at their home at Thorn
Hollow. Members and guests suffici
ent for five tables were present and
results of the evenings play were as
follows: high club score, Mrs. Will
Campbell, and Jesse Smith and Clar
ence Ross; guest prize, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Remillard. Additional guests
were Miss Anita Carstensc and Harry
Groves. Refreshments were served
by Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Remil
lard. The next meeting will be at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Remil
land. Mrs. Ed Montague will be honor
guest in commemoration of her birthday.
Mrs. Stella Keen was hostess to
the Study club last Friday afternoon
at her home, when eight members
were present. Roll call was answer
ed with authors who were mentioned
in the lesson, , which dealt with New
York state. Mrs. J. W. Pinkerton
gave a comprehensive talk on
"Around the Hudson, West Point,
Tarrytown and Irving Haunts." The
Kansas City
Life Insurance
"The Insured Home Is the Secured
If you and your family
are not fully insured
'rtg better consult.
Local Agent
Northwest portion of the state, Home
of James- Fenimore Cooper, and Ni
agara Falls, were interestingly re
viewed by Mrs. E. C. Rogers. The
next meeting was postponed from
November 27 to December 1st, and
will be held at the home of Mrs. J.
W. Pinkerton. Three principle cities
of the East will be reviewed as fol
lows: Philadelphia by Mrs. F. B.
Radtke, Baltimore by Mrs. Stella
Keen, and Washington by Mrs. Mar
ion Hansell. Roll call will be an
swered with current events at the Na
tional Capitol. Preceding the pro
gram, Mrs. Boyd read a short history
of the work of the Health Seal movement.
50c Bottle of Vapure
The wonderful inhalant for Head Colds With
100 Puretest Aspiriiv Tablets
All for
Tfits Is National Kantleek Week
National Kantleek Week celebrates a
new era in the making of rubber goods
for household use. Ten thousand Rexall
Stores offer for your inspection the
latest developments of Kantleek crafts
manship. New pastel tints in soft vel
vety rubber new prices two-year
guarantee. Don't miss this opportunity.
Sec this complete new line at the Rex
J all Store today. Watkins Pharmacy.
Mnin Street The Rexall Store Thone 332
The HEP . WHITE Store
Thanksgiving Sale
S Beginning Saturday, November 21st. and Continu
ing until Thanksgiving
Pumpkin, Red and White, 2l2s
2 for 25c .
Mincemeat, Kerrs
2 lbs, for 33c
Mayonnaise, Red. and White, pints
Marshmallows, Red and White, 1 lbs.
Oysters, Red and White, 1 lb.
2 for 39c
Oysters, Blue and White, Is
2 for 25c
Shrimp, Red and White
2 for 45c ,
Shrimp, Blue and White
2 for 35c :
Coffee, Red and White, 1 lb. tin
3 .
Citron Peel, Extra Fancy, pound
Orange Peel, y lb.
17c 8
Lemon Peel, i lb. a
17c g
Ginger Ale Canada Dry $j
three 12 oz. for 57c $
Ginger Ale Canada Dry $
Two 28 oz. for 57c 8
Marmalade, Red and White, 16 oz. glass
2 for 49c
8 Oyster Cocktail Sauce, C. H. B. 10 oz.
Walnuts, Fancy, Large, Oregon
3 lbs. for 89c
Hams, Sugar cured, half or whole $
Seeded Raisins Puffed Sun Maid, 15 oz.
8 2 for 25c
2 lbs. for 25c
Currants, 15 oz. packazge
PHONE 171 ,.
Hills Brothers Ghiradelli
-Red Can 1 lb. can 40c
llb'Can40C Ghiradelli
3 lb. can $1.15
2 lb. Can 80C Carstens, 6 to 8 lbs
. D .. BACON
Hills Brothers nn
coffee Now 23c per lb.
Red CaIL ro Carstens, 8 to 10 lbs.
4 lb. can $1.58 bacon
Hersheys " NOW 22c per lb.
11f0C0AOB '
Yi lb. can 25c lard
Hersheys 8 lb. pail $1.00
, cca s a
1 lb. can 29c lard
Happy Home Top Grade 4 Ib- Glassine Package
Market Day Special CAKE FLOUR
RAISINS Large Size
4 lb. bag 35c 32c
Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561
I Farmers Grain Elevator j
Company ;
Grian and Feed
g A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street - - Phone 352