The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 23, 1931, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Mrs. Frank Little is confined to her
home with an attack of influenza.
The Adams community club dance
was well attended, Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley are at
their Bingham Springs cottage for a
Mr And Mrs. Oliver Dawson, Athe-
'' na visitors, returned to Portland, yes
terday. Mrs. Jane Murphy of Pendleton,
visited Athena friends Sunday and
Merle Johnson motored here from
Pendleton Tuesday and visited Athe
na friends.
C. E. Miller spent last week in
Portland, returning home Sunday
Friends of Gordon Watkins will be
glad to hear of his recovery from a
recent illness.
Charles Mays of Portland was
Tuesday en route to Lewiston where
he transacted business.
Mrs. Dick Powers of Weston spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Rogers in Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Downing
were Athena visitors from their home
near Ferndale, Wednesday. .
E. C. Prestbye who accompanied
his father, Captain Prestbye to Port
land returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. E. F. Bloom received a visit
from her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bab
cock of Mission, Saturday.
Mrs. W. P. Littlejohn is entertain
ing the Athena Bridge club today at
her home on Jefferson street.
Gallaher's Garage is prepared to
replace celluloid m automobile iae
curtains at reasonable prices.
Members of the high school faculty
motored to Thorn Hollow Sunday
where thev enioved a picnic dinner.
Mrs. William McPherson and Mrs.
Lila Kirk spent last week at Port
land and other Willamette vaiiey
n F.. Vennhle and Earl Martin re
turned Sunday after a successful
deer hunt. They brought back a two
point buck.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Steen of Mil
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton,
.Tovee anH Garth Pinkerton, Mr. and
Mrs. L. M. Keen and Lester lowne
n..ra Hinnor cmpstq Sunday at the
home of Mrs. Stella Keen in Athe
Now that the season for colds is ap
proaching, check up on your medi
cine chest and fill in the missing
Science found
this Cold Cure
Science has found (he way to produce colds "tf """f
Just too much acid. And they have found the sure way to stop
them. By neutralizing the acid.
This amazing new principle is the basis upon which the tasteless
inl known as Aspiroids act. They stop , . i coM a most before
it starts In five minutes that feverish, achy feeling is gone, in
an hoS or so the last sign of the cold has disappeared. Next morn
ing you feel like a new person!
36 Units
Main Street
, 4 The Rexall Store
Phone 332
Undisputed Quality
Look for the Red and White label and you will
find food qualities that meet your require
ments of excellence and value.
October 24th and 26th
Jell Dessert
7 for 49c
B. & M. Brown Bread B. & M. Baked Beans
One of each
39c '
2 lbs, for 43c
3 lbs, for 63c
6 lbs for $1.25
Red and White Apricots, 2l2
2 for 53c
Red and White Pears, 24, 2y2s
2 for 53c
Blue and White, Sliced Beets, 2s
2 for 33c
Red and White Pumpkin, 2l2s
2 for 25c
Stidds Tamales, Is
2 for 43c
Red and White Minced Clams, Is
2 for 53c
Medium Walnuts, Oregon Franquettes
2 for 39c
Sheaf Bacon, Light, Lean
PHONE 171 !
The next meeting of the Methodist
Missionary society will be held at the
home of Mrs. John Tompkins on, Oc
tober Z8.
Mrs. Lvdia Sheard has returned to
-fnmvi linMa aftat a fan Aav visit.
with her daughter, Mrs;-McDowell of
La Grande.
Mrs. A. H. Kirbv of Adams is af
flicted with appendicitis. Dr. McKin-
ney, Athena-Weston physician is in
Mrs. Beryl Hodgen of The Dalles
spent last week-end visiting at the
home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. A.
M. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stackhe of
Longview, Washington, are the proud
parents of a baby girl born to them
last week.
On Saturday evening, October 31
the Adams high school student body
will hold a carnival in the school
R. E. Bean, county commissioner
and one of the publishers of the Free
water Times, was an Athena business
visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton entertained
Mrs. Ella Brotherton and Mrs. Belle
Scott of Walla Walla, last Friday at
her home here.
Athena friends of Mrs. Lillian
Downs Dobson, who teaches at South
Yoakum, enjoyed a visit from her
last week-end.
Mrs. Frank Sharpstein of Walla
Walla was a luncheon guest Satur
day, at the home of Mrs. M. M.
Johns in Athena.
ThA Methodist Missionary Society
will meet next Wednesday afternoon,
October 28, at the country home 01
Mrs. John Tompkins.
J. L. Young, an amateur radio ser
vice man of Nampa, Idaho, spent
Kntnrdav eveninsr visiting at the
home of C. M. Eager.
Mrs. .T. E. Jones returned home
Sunday from Ashland, where she was
a guest at the homejof Mr. and Mrs
nwifs Mav for several weeks.
Friends of Mrs. Velton Read will
be pleased to hear that she is at her
home south of Athena and tnat tne
condition of her health is improving.
Mrs. E. J. Burchill returned to her
home in Pendleton Thursday after
visit of several days in Athena at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. m.
Last week-end Mrs. B. B. Richards,
Roland Richards and Beryl Pelkey
motored to LaCrosse. where they
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otis
Mrs. F. B. Wood arrived home
Wednesday evening from Selah,
Washington, where she has been vis
iting at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Hugh Steele.
Mrs. James Cresswell and son Jim
mie. and Mrs. Ralph McEwen arrived
homo Saturday nieht after a fort
night's visit at Portland and Willam
pt.tfi vallev noints.
Edwin McEwen left Wednesday
night for Pendleton where he is em
nloved in construction work on the
new wins being built at the Eastern
Oregon State Hospital.
Chickenrjox has made its appear
anoe nmnncr the school cnnaren 01
Adams, Sheldon, little son of Mr. and
Mrs .lumps Lieuaiien. Deinsr one oi
the patients at this time.
A contract toursome enjoying mi
afternoon of bridge at the home of
Mrs. Glenn Dudley Thursday includ
ed, Mrs. H. I. Watts, Mrs. Ralph Mc
F.wen nnd Mrs. M. L. Watts.
Ed Montaeue and Guy Chalmas
snent a Dortion of the week hunting
deer in the Little Salmon district.
Grouse were plentiful but no bucks
were encountered bv the hunters.
Miss Leone Christian, daughter of
Mr. nd Mrs. Carl Christian of
Adams, who is a student at the East
firpcon Normal school at La
Grande, spent the week-end with her
Mrs. Max Hopper, representing the
Athena district, is assisting in the
formulation of the nroeram tor the
Mil ton-Free water apple show to be
given this week, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday.
Roland Andre was a week-end
cruest at the home of his mother, Mrs.
W. S. Fereuson. Mr. Andre motor
ed here from Seattle where he has
charge of a dredge which is operat
ina in the harbor.
House guests at the B. B. Rich
ards home this week were Mrs. Otis
Whiteman and Mrs. Alice Gordon of
TiaCrosse. The visitors and their
hostess motored to Walla Walla for
the dav Thursday.
Miss Delia Bryant and Miss Blanche
Thorson were Athena visitors last
week-end motoring here from The
Dalles. Miss Bryant is convalescing
from a recent operation performed
at a Portland hospital.
Frank Blair drove to lhe uanes
Friday, where he visited Mrs. Blair
in the ooen air hospital there. Mrs
Blair is considerably improved since
entering the hospital, her Athena
friends will be elad to learn.
Dean Wolford of Spokane was in
Athena Saturday visitintr at the
Taylor home. Mr. Wolford was driv
ins one of the ears which are escort
inir "Old Scout in the transcontinen
tal tour. Mr. Wolford is a cousin of
Dalberth and Arthur Taylor.
Mrs. Amanda McArthur has re
turned to her home in Portland leav
iner here Saturday after several
weeks visit in Athena and Waits-
burg. Sho was accompanied by her
sister Mrs. Margaret Banister.
Mrs. Bert Logsdon, Mrs. Forrest
Zerba of Athena, Mrs. D. H. Mans
field of Pendleton and Mrs. Nellie
Taylor of Walla Walla, left here by
motor Wednesday for Portland to
spend the week-end. Mrs. Taylor
will visit her sister, Mrs. Eflie Smith,
at Hood River. -
Mrs. Jacob Proebstel of Portland
who ha been viaiting friends and
relatives here, left for Walla, Walla
Wednesday morning where she visit
ed at the- home of Mrs. Frank Sharp
stein before nroceedine to Wallula
where she - is the guest of Mr, and
Mrs. George Ayres. t -'V' .-'
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hawkins of
Tacoma who spent last week visit
ing at the home of Mrs Hawkins'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pittman
departed for their home Sunday. Fri
day evening the visitors were dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Payant in Weston. ,
At 9:30 Wednesday morning at the
Walla Walla Country club golf course
Mrs. Frank Moore won the club
champoinship by defeating Mrs.
Glenn Dudley 3 and 2. Mrs. Moore
is now undenied champion of the club
having won the fall handicap by de
feating Miss Nell Martin.
Miss Maebelle Duncan has been
spending the week at the farm home
of her parents Mr. and Mrs. James
Duncan south of Athena. Miss Dun
can attended the nurse's convention
at Yakima last week, going there
from Walla Walla, where she has
been engaged in nursing.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Cornell return
ed home Tuesday night after a trip
to their former home at Brogan,
while ' away Mr. Cornell enjoyed
hunting trip and was successful in
killinsr a deer. Mr. and Mrs. Cornell
went to Walla Walla Wednesday to
visit at the home of their son, Avery
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Swaggart came
up from Portland and have been at
the ranch north of Athena this week,
Yesterday Mrs. Swaeerart. in com-
Danv with Mrs. Alick Johnson, Mrs,
Anna Haworth and fred donnson,
motored to Spokane. She will visit
her two sisters, Mrs. Mackey and
Mrs. Hitchcock, who reside in the
Falls city.
Mrs. Georee Green and daughter
Georgie spent a portion of last week
in La Grande, they having gone to
visit Mrs. Leo Hawes (Pearl Green)
who a few days before sustained a
broken arm when the horse she was
ridinor fell on her. Mrs. Green and
Georgie were accompanied home Fri
day by Mr. and Mrs. Hawes and Mar
tin Carder who had been in tnat vi
cinity hunting.
Members of the O. D. 0. club were
entertained last Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Forrest Zerba.
Eighteen were present including Mrs.
Proebstel of Portland, who was a
guest of the club. The afternoon was
spent informally and at the tea hour
the hostess served dainty reiresn-
ments. The next meeting will occur
Thursday. October 29 at the home of
Mrs. Ethel Montague.
F. B. Wood is improving his nome
property on College street by the ex
cavation of a basement, the dimen
sions of which are to be 14 by 16
feet. Since acquiring the property,
Mr. Wood has built a garage and in
stalled an automotic electric pump in
a well planned room on the south
side of the dwelling. He has also
constructed concrete walks and a
commodious chicken park.
Three tables of bridge were in play
Thursday evening of last week when
, i i 3 11
Mrs. Bryce Baker entertained me
o' 4 Bridge club. Additional guests
- i l n it "I
were Mrs. Henry Barrett, ivira. v.
M. Eager and Mrs. Beryl Hodgen of
The Dalles. High club score was won
by Mrs. M. I. Miller, and the guest
prize was presented to Mrs. Eager.
Mrs. Lawrence rinKerton receivea
the consolation. Following the play
the hostess, served light refresh
ments. "
Mrs. Willard Crabill entertained a
group of twelve friends at her home
Friday afternoon. During the after
noon Mrs. Crabill exhibited 19 quilts
which had been beautifully pieced by
her. After a period of conversation
and needlework, Mrs. K. W. binger
was given a handkerchief shower in
recognition ol her mrtnaay anmvei,
sArw Mrs. Sme-er assistea tne nosi
ess in serving. Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Crabill entertained at dinner, Mr. and
Mrs T5nd Crabill of Pendleton; Mr.
and Mrs. Ray O'Harra of Weston; bid
Crabill and Miss Marie Cooper of Helix.
The Ohayata Campfire group has
resumed activities under the leader-
shin of Miss Hazel Williamson, their
new guardian. Wednesday aiternoon
the group met at the campfire head
on nrters and cleaned the yard which
is their assigned duty. Last Friday
the girls hiked to Wild norse crees
thev rooked suouer over a
nmn fire. thereDv winning nonois,
r , - -
The preceding weeK a mooniigm,
sltatinc nartv was the diversion.
Memhera of the fifrouD this year in
elude, Maurine Edger, Virginia Eag
er, Bonnie Johnson, MelDa Montague,
rwis Jenkins Jovce Pinkerton, Gene
vieve Barrett, Wilms Mclntyre and
Joanna Lieuallen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hawkins and
daughter of Bellingham, Washington
were guests Thursday nignt oi last
week, at a pheasant dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pittman.
Tho visitors were enjoying a motor
trip making the loop through Sno
Pass to Wenatchee. Walla
" Coffee : T Flour
American Club, 3 lbs 49c Peerless, Home Made, 49 lb. sack..59c
Milk " Soup
All brands.... 4 large 27c, 5 small 18c Campbell's Tomato, 3 for........ 25c
Purex I Fig Bars
Large Bottles, 2 for....;..... 35c New Shipment, 2 lbs.. 25c
Malt Apples
Pabst, full 2i2 lb. can -39c Rome Beauty, per box 79c
1 Lot Mouse Dresses
Regular $1.95-Cleanup Price
Phone 152
y :,nV,.,y ZZZZZZZZ
Walla and Portland and thence to
their home at Bellingham. Mr. Haw
kins is employed as bookkeeper of a
salmon canning company and spenas
siv months of the year in Alaska,
usually at points north of Ketchican,
A- recently organized group to be
known as the "Depression Club" held
its first meeting at the hospitable
Hansell home on lower First street
Saturday night. The membership is
nature. G
Church notices for the Athena Bap
tist church. Sunday school superin
tendent Louis F. Stewart. Pastor, O,
H. -Northrop. Sunday school at 10 a
m.. adult lesson tonic. "Paul at
Corith." Acts 18:1-17. The grad
ed system of lesson is used. Morning
worshin at 11 a. m.. a short message
for the children will be given on the
subject of "Books." The morning ser
mon topic will be, "lhe Bright hide
of a Bad Matter." The evening evan
gelistic service begins at 7:30 sermon
topic, "Justification." B. Y. P. U. at
6:30. "Come and you will be given
a hearty welcome."
at the first meeting
Kansas City
Life Insurance
"The Insured Home Is the Secured
If you and your family
are not fully insured
better consult
Local Agent
The most interesting trip im
aginable is crossing the con
tinent in one of these big,
modern, sightseeing coaches.
Dependable , in schedule.
Extremely economical in cost.
Denver $33.25
Omaha 41.00
Ktiuai City. 41.00
Minneapolis. .
St. Louit
Memphia... . .
Detroit. ......
$ 62.70
Correspondingly low faros to
other eastern points
New York City 65.70
For further
inquire of
bers are invited to the country home
of Garth Pinkerton for the next
Complimenting Mrs. Jacob Proeb
stel who has been" visiting her sister
Mrs. M. M. Johns here, Mrs. Lillian
Fredericks entertained at luncheon at
her home in Weston, Monday. The
table was prettily decorated with a
cluster of brilliant hued calendulae
and covers were placed for eight. In
addition to the honoree and hostess
those present were, Mrs. L. L. Rogers
and Mrs. Harold Barnett of Pendle-
ton, Mrs. Sabina Morton, of Santa
Anna, California, Mrs. M. M. Johns
and Mrs. M. L. Watts of Athena and
Mrs. Jennie Proebstel of Weston.
4 lbs. Carstens Evaporated
Pure Lard Milk
Best Ever, only Baby size any kind
- - Still 6 for
46c 23c
9 lb. Bag 10 lb Pail
Yellow Corn Meal Best Umatilla County III
only Honey
26c $1,05
9 lb. Bag Fancy Flake 5 lb. Pail
Rolled OatS Best Umatilla County
only Honey
36c 55c
Swansdown Oregon Grown
Cake Flour Cranberries
Large Package per quart
32c 20c
2 quarts
Evaporated- OC
Milk JJC
Large size, any kind, still 2 lbs. Honey Bee
7q ; Grahams
per can 28C
Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561
n 14
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'gr.
a it
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street
Phone 352