A : I I THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, OCTOBER 23, 1931 f 4 I I , 4 Ite Mot Iter Established Jan. 1, 1887 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher Subscription Rates. One copy, one year $2.00 One copy, six months $1.00 One copy, three months, 73 Athena, Oregon, October 23,. 1931 The selection of F. S. LeGrow, cashier of the First National Bank of Athena to the position of execu tive vice-president of the new First Inland National Bank of Pendleton, is a tribute to his ability as a bank er and recognition of his sterling financial capabilities that have matur ed in his management of the First National Bank of Athena over a long period of - years and which have brought the local institution into the foremost banking ranks of the Inland Empire. The First National of Athe na is in no way connected with the Pendleton consolidation. Mr. LeGrow will continue to hold his interests here and manage the bank on the same conservative lines as he has done in years past. His acceptance of the Pendleton position will in no way alter or interfere with his manage ment of the First National of Athe' na. Arson, as Fire Marshal S. L. Le greid of Illinois, recently pointed out, is a crime whose successful prosecution requires the support of a strong and united public sentiment. It is one- of the most despicable of all crimes and one which affects the se curity and pocket-book of every citi zen. Illinois has made a good record in combating it through the creation of local arson squads. These are headed by the fire chiefs, in associa tion with the heads of the police and public spirited property owners. ! 0 In a recent address Charles S. Wil-, son, a member of the Federal Farm Board, emphasized the fact that to get benefits from farm relief, the in dividual producer must first belong to a 'cooperative association of some kind. The overwhelming surpluses of farm products that have flooded the market and knocked the bottom out of price levels, must be overcome by unified action in all phases of pro duction and sales. Looks like a League of Nations job over in Manchuria. The whole world joined in paying tribute to Thomas A. Edison, who passed on Sunday morning after a long drawn-out illness. The finalo to the most spectacular career of mod ern times came peacefully, almost imperceptibly as the grand old man of science slumbered his way into eternity. o It seems that the republican party is determined to have the Morrow family mixed up in politics. The "Mrs. Morrow for United States Sen ator," has been raised by members of the women's republican club of Ridge wood, New Jersey, to succeed her husband who died a couple of weeks ago. , BRIDES AND, SLUMPS (Oregon Journal) Is the matrimonial market hit by the present business depression ? Stacking 62 fashionable New York weddings this October against 100 the same month a year ago, an Eastern society recorder hints at pessimistic statistics. So does Tiffany, who offers as evi dence the sale of 75 wedding rings in one month now to 50 a day when the country was riding high. Portland, on the other hand, re ports matrimony on the crest of the wave, and more weddings scheduled for October this year than the whole fall season of 1930. Jewelers, gift shops, modistes, florists, all report a decided increase in sales for weddings this month. Another optimistic statement is made by Madame Blanche New York wedding cake expert, regarding more and better nuptial ceremonies. Back ing her up is the marriage license bureau, which declared itself too busy with applicants to produce actual figures. All agreed on one question, how ever the fashions of the season have influenced the mode in weddings. With the swish of ruffled skirts and satins, and with hats in the elegance of the '80s, come demand for Mid Victorian bridal cakes. And the simple gold band on the ring finger replaces the flashing, diamond-set platinum circlet. So the bridegroom suffers less, while the bride's father groans more. His to face the bills for swishing silks and satins and plumed velvet hats. "Tiny statues of the bride and bridegroom, perched on top of an elaborately frosted cake, were the cat's whiskers when it came to style in the past generation," says the New York reporter. "During recent years they were shelved for more modern touches. But today the lit tle couples are in fashion again, and more than one prospective bride or ders the funny figures for her wed ding cake." And, while on the subject, pros perous times 50 years gone caused a decided increase in the number of golden wedding celebrations reported in 1930. Newspapers were flooded with photographs and reports of 50 year anniversaries, the situation ac counted for by the fact that the pros perous times of the '80s just 50 years before, when gold coinage was plentiful sent many a swain and his bride to the altar. There is only one cure for unem ployment' industrial development that will put men to work. There is onlj one cure for depression a new influx of active capital into business ,r capital that now is hiding in bank vaults and refusing to come out and bask in the industrial sun. The Freewater Times conies to our desk this week in the form of a 16-page Milton-Freewater apple show special, edition. Printed in colors, the special edition of the Times is re plete in informative reading matter and artistically arranged advertisements. Politicians fail to explain that every one pays taxes: Everyone who pays rent pays the tax on the real estate ho occupies, on everything purchas ed in a store, somehow tax is includ ed. They fail to explain it because it does not fit into their code of pol icy. o Ex-city health commissioner of Chicago has brought suit against his wife for divorce on grounds that she administered poison to him for a per iod of over five years. What a stom ach that man must have! Serving ice cream from a piping . hot cassarole might be termed a joke, but ladeling gravy from a bowl garn ished with ice cubes is another, Up to this time there is no evi dence of civil war in the democratic ranks; as much as the republicans would like to see one. A Chicago beer baron was shot down by handshaking fellow gang sters in other words they did it with a smile. It's not so much what Japan wants, as what Japan will get after the league of nations gets through with her. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Mary E. Michael, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons whom it may concern: That Charles A. Michael has been appointed administrator of the es tate of Mary E. Michael, deceased, and has qualified as such. All per sons having claims against the estate are required to present them, witn proper vouchers as required by law, to the said administrator at the office of Peterson and Lewis, his attorneys, in The Inland Empire Bank Building, Pendleton, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice which is the 9th day of October, 1931. CHARLES A. MICHAEL, Administrator. Peterson & Lewis, Attorneys for Administrator. 09N6 fHOME jMSITORSff OTURSIOlft (f FARES 1 FARE AND ONE-THIRD ROUND TRIP TO OMAHA KANSAS CITY MINNEAPOLIS ST. LOUIS MILWAUKEE SIOUX CITY DES MOINES DULUTH CHICAGO ST. PAUL COUNCIL BLUFFS MEMPHIS NEW ORLEANS DEPARTURE DATESi October 31 Nov. 7, 14, 31, 23, 38, 30 Do. S, 13, 17, 18. 19 .turn limit, February 39, 1933 Stopover privilsgos For Information, call or phono or oddriti C. M. EAGER, Agent, i Athena, Ore. on:i 22 Years Ago Friday, November 5, 1909 Professor Case, principal of the Athena High school, in an address before the Athena Commercial As sociation Wednesday evening, divulg ed plans on which he is working and through which he hopes to interest the schools of the county in a big track meet to be held in this city next spring. At a special school meeting held Monday for the purpose of electing a school director to fill the unexpired term of Jerry Stone, resigned, B. B. Richards was the choice of the voters present. Twenty votes were cast, Mr. Richards receiving 17 and Henry Keen, three votes. Commencing next Wednesday night November 10, Rev. A. A. Doak of Washington will conduct a series, of evangelistic services at the Christian church. He is a whirlwind. Full of life, fire, zeal, good sense, wit pathos, fact, in fact all those traits that go to make up a great speaker. You simply cannot afford to miss a single service. Little Richard Cartano had a por tion of his forefinger of the left hand severed Monday evening. His sister was cutting kindling with a hatchet when the little fellow, reaching for a stick got his hand under the hatchet. The finger was cut in two between the first and second joints. A mass meeting of citizens was held at the county court house Wed nesday afternoon. The meeting was held for the purpose of devising means to enforce the local option laws. The Athena hunters have returned home from the Grande Ronde, and were successful in their quest for venison. John Stone killed the larg est buck ever brought into Athena. The deer was a monster, weighing 231 pounds dressed. Three fine bucks fell before the unerring aim of Will Dob son, and one was killed by the Press man. All the boys had a good time and will be ready for next year's hunt. L. J. Henderson has resigned his position as operator for the O. R. & N. Co., and will travel for a Portland firm. County School Supt. Welles was in the city Wednesday. Henry Keen, the barber, is having his shop repapered. Professor Carl Guiot came up from Pendleton yesterday. A. J. Parker and Master "Bill" spent Monday in Walla Walla. Misses Kathleen and Jessica Mc- Ewen spent Sunday with friends in Walla Walla. There was more ginger sprinkled around at the meeting of the Athena Commercial Association Wednesday B. B. Richards mm General Insurance Farm Loans Bonds Liability The Athena Hotel MRS. LAURA FROOME, Prop. Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds Good Meals Tourists Made Welcome Corner Main and Third Athena, Oregon Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Penn Harris, Prop. Real Estate Wheat Alfalfa and Stock Land SHEEP FOR SALE L. L. Montague, Arlington evening than has been in evidence for some time. Nearly every member had some thing to propose for the good of the town and a corking, lively session was the result. Attorney Wilson attended to legal business before the supreme court at Pendleton Tuesday. Mayor A. B. McEwen is out on his ranch this week, supervising the be ginning of grain seeding. Mr. and Mrs. James Stanfield spent Monday and Tuesday at the R. A. Thompson home in this city. John Bell is building a garage at his premises on Fourth street, in which to house his new White steam er. James McDaniel was down from his mountain ranch Saturday and report ed that snow covered the ground in the vicinity of his home. Dell Bros, have made a change in the arrangement of the office depart ment at their store. The change gives more room, besides adding per ceptibly to convenience. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Shick celebrat ed their 53rd wedding anniversary Tuesday November 2. Monday, No vember 1 Mr. Shick was 78 years of age and his estimable wife 70 years. Jarvis Hurd, the old time Center ville blacksmith was shaking hands with friends in Athena this week. Mr. Hurd is making his home with his son Earl who resides on a ranch near Pilot Rock. Wm. Tompkins and A. M. Gillis went down to visit Mr. McKenzie. Monday. They found the old gentle man cheerfully bearing the burden of his terrible affliction. His condi tion remains unchanged. At a depth of 790 feet the big drill was forced to stop work on the arte sian well, Wednesday, on account of shale. Drilling will be resumed as nlaced in the hole so that the shale can be controlled. The flow of water continues the same as heretofore. Bruno Weber AND Repair Work Prices Reasonable Successor To JENS JENSEN CLASSIFIED Wanted Clean, Cotton rags at the Press office. Eyes examined, glasses properly fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main, Walla Walla, BENBATEMAN Expert in Body Correction Calls answered promptly Office at Residence in North Athenu Telephone 595. Dr. W. Boyd Whyte CHIROPRACTOR Stangier Building, Phone 706 Pendleton. Oregon. 957 J Dr. W. H. McKinney Physician and Surgeon Dr. Sharp's Office Office Hours at Athena 1 to 6 p. m. Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston 8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls made day or night. Dr. Dale Rothwell Optometrist The best in glasses at a reasonable cost. Over Woolworth's Phone 1286 Pendleton, Oregon Peterson & Lewis Attorneys at Law Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Inland Empire Bank Building Pendleton Oregon Watts & Prestbye Attorneys-At-Law Main Street, Athena, Oregon State and Federal Court Practice Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia Send us your Washable WOOLENS Fr1 " ... : 1 The First National Bank of Athena Established 1891 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 Does a General Banking Business and Maintains a Complete Trust Department We carry the REMINGTON KLEANBORE rifle ammunition; these cartridges prevent chemical erosion. They are positively non-corrosive and will prevent rust. Have your car cleaned, polished and the top treated -with our water-proof rubber top dressing which will keep your top soft and flexible during the life of the car. GALLAHER'S GARAGE J. E. Gallaher, Prop. Athena Phone 471 They're Warmer and Wear Better when Laundered Regularly Have your Blankets Done Now Pendleton, Oregon Call Bell C& Gray Now for Are Always Prepared to do Auto Truck Hauling and Delivery Promptly Prices Rieht Phone 593 ..MEAT..- Choose the Meat Dish First then the Meal Planning Is Easy Let the Meat Decide the Vegetables Here Is an Idea or Two: Roast Pork and Sweet Potatoes Beef and Beets Pork and Green Beans Ham and Spinach Fresh Milk and Cream From a Tested Dairy. At AH Times THE ATHENA MARKET NWYiMUlUWll III to III Hi 'Ik, :&sZ. .ua .-inc. vaifV- ESgfc&aaiiiisnii $100,000 PREMIUMS Qc!:.24QftAI Mpusuion comoines rare-bred Livestock Show; Fat Stock Show j Dairy, Manufacturers' and Land Products Shows; Wool and Mohair Show; Poultry and Rabbit Show; Industrial Exhibits; Boys'-Cirls' Club Work Exhibits; Wild L fo Exh.blU! "Truth-ln-Meata" Exhibits; and spectacular Horse Show. WeTen acres under on roof. Parkins space for 5,000 autos. Paved p ,, . nrauwa lares on ail traniportation lines. ' "iT ( . tt -Jl Tum-a-Lum Fuel , Includes the Best there is in COAL and woo; Building Materials of every description, for new and remodeled homes Tum-a-Lum Lumber Company Continental Oil Company Germ Processed Motor Oil Athena Service Station "Service With a Smile" Automobile Accessories Tires BRYCE BAKER, Prop. . . Athena, . . Phone 762 THE TWIN CITY CLEANERS Dependable Service Lower Prices April 1st Ladies Spring Coats $1 and UP Silk Dresses $1.25 and Up Wool Dresses $1 and Up Men's Suits $1.25 For other prices, ask the Driver Trade with the man who helps pay your taxes We call for and deliver every Tuesday and Friday T. E. SMITH, Proprietor, Phone 1571 Freewater Oregon a Lamps Lamps Why Pay More? Plain and Frosted Mazda Lamps 25 Watt 17c 40 Watt 17c 60 Watt 17c 75 Watt W 100 Watt ;.28c 150 Watt 50c CORRECT VOLTAGE and CORRECT LAMPS ALL OTHER LAMPS ACCORDINGLY PRESTON-SHAFFER MILLING CO. Electrical DepartmentAthena, Oregon. Phone 182