The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, October 23, 1931, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your Roods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost.
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Entered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mall Matter
F. S. LeGrow of Athena Is
Given Post of Executive
After more than a week's prepara
tion, the Inland Empire Bank at
Pendleton was consolidated with the
First National Bank of Pendleton
Monday, under the name of the First
Inland National Bank of Pendleton.
The new institution opened for busi
ness Monday morning in the building
formerly occupied by the First Na
tional Bank of Pendleton, all em
ployes of the two banks continuing
in the service of the new bank.
The First Inland National Bank of
Pendleton begins with $500,000 of
new capital fully subscribed and paid
in cash, in addition to the assets of
the two banks entering into consoli
dation. .. .
The officers of the new bank are
John D. Ankeny of Walla Walla,
president; F. S. LeGrow of Athena,
executive vice-president; Col. J. H.
Raley, Edwin Winter and G. A. Hart
man, vice-presidents; G. M. Rice,
chairman board of directors; J. R.
Bowler, cashier and trust officer; H.
W. Dickson and B. A. Davis, assistant
cashiers; Joseph R. Light, assistant
cashier and assistant trust officer.
The directors are G. M. Rice, chair
man; John D. Ankeny, F. S. LeGrow,
J. H. Raley, Edwin Winter, G. A.
Hartman, L. L. Rogers, Will M. Pet
i erson and Joseph Cunha.
"The stockholders number forty-one
and with a few exceptions are those
who held stock in the Inland Empire
and the First National and their fi
nancial responsibility is placed at ap
proximately $6,000,000.
Mr. LeGrow's connection with the
new bank will in no way interfere
with his management of the First Na
tional Bank of Athena which he has
so successfully managed for 30 years.
It is understood that he retains his
full interests here and will give his
usual attention, with the assistance of
the trusted employes who have long
been in service, to financial details of
the local institution.
The First National Bank of Athe
na is not connected with the Pendle
ton bank consolidation; Mr. LeQrow
merely accepting the office of execu
tive vice-president in the new bank
ing house. '
Oregon Takes Long Journey
For the next two weeks hotels and
Pullman cars will be the home of Ore
gon's varsity football players.. They
left Eugene Wednesday, on offiS of
the most extensive and expensive
trips ever undertaken by a Webfoot
team. Only the Florida journey two
years ago excels it so far as mileage
is concerned. Two undefeated foot
ball teams will be encountered by
Oregon before it returns to Eugene
next month. The Webfoots battle the
North Dakota Flickertails at Grand
Forks, N. D., Saturday, and a week
later oppose New York university's
Violets in the Yankee stadium at New
York city. '
Wheat Trend Upward
A fresh rise in wheat values late
Wednesday at Chicago, coincided with
a renewal of stock market rallies, and
with enlarged estimates of North
American wheat export business.
About 1,000,000 bushels of United
States hard winter wheat was said to
have been taken for shipment over
seas. Official reports indicated that
1931 northern hemisphere wheat pro
duction would be 100,000,000 bushels
short of 1930, exclusive of Russia and
China, and that the Russian crop was
also smaller despite increased acre
age. Ben Williams Dead
B. F. Williams, resident of Milton
for 40 years died at the family home,
"The Maples," Monday of last week
after several months of failing health.
He is survived by th? widow, one
daughter, Mrs. Hineline of Her mis
ton; two sons, Earl Williams of Port
land, and Dr. Carl M. Williams of
Yakima. Funeral services were con
ducted Wednesday morning at the
Christian church, Rev. F. D. Hutton,
a long time friend of the family, in
charge of the service, assisted by the
pastor, Rev. Francis M. Arant. Inter
ment followed in Milton Odd Fellows
v The Study Club
Mrs. M. M. Johns entertained the
Study club Friday afternoon, when
eight members answered roll call. A
"Final - New England Pilgrimage"
. was the topic for the afternoon, which
brought forth papers by Mrs. F. B.
Radtke, "Portsmouth, N. H.;" "The
South and West," by Mrs. Stella
Keen. Mrs. Radtke will be hostess
. to the club October 30, when the topic
will be "New York City," with re
sponses to roll call being noted per
sons of Gctham
Athena Alumni
Defeat Sigma Chi
By Score of 190
Athena alumni took Whitman Sig
ma Chi to a thorough and complete
cleaning in the fastest and best game
of football seen on the home gridiron,
Thursday afternoon of last week.
Athena scored right OiT the reel in
the first quarter, when Crowley car
ried the ball around end for 30 yards.
Following up this gain, Athena alum
ni on the fifth play scored, Crowley
taking the oval for a touchdown.
Michener converted. Following close
ly afterward the second touchdown
was put across, when on end runs,
line bucking and off tackle plays,
Crowley went over. Try for' point fail
ed. Score Athena 13, Sigma Chi 0.
Sigma Chi held during the second
and third periods, against substitutes
replacing regulars.
The regular lineup faced Sigma Chi
in the last period. Taking advantage
of holes in the visitors' line, Athena
was not long in adding the third
touchdown of the game. Edwin Mc
Ewen broke through for a 12 yard
gain to the 7 yard line and on the
next play Myrick went off tackle for
the score. Conversion failed and the
score stood at the end of the game,
19-0. The following alumni were in
the lineup for Athena:
Eldon Myrick, Lee Foster, Ralph
and Edwin McEwen, Arthur Crowley,
Walt Huffman Wilford Miller, Orel
Michener, Jack Moore, Wayne Pink
erton, Bryce Baker, Stafford Hansell,
Cecil and George Pambrun, Norman
Mclntyre Dean Pinkerton and Tom
Campbell. Wilbur Harden was ref
eree and Stafford Hansell, head lines
Life Term for Murder
Willard Sullivan, convicted slayer
of Homer Bidwell, prominent North
Powder rancher, was sentenced at la
Grande to life imprisonment. Sent
ence was nassed by Circuit Judge J.
W. Knowles, in line with the recom
mendation of the trial jury, indwell
was shot to death in a field near his
home last June.
Annual County W. C. T.
U. Convention Held Here
The 46th annual county convention
was held Thursday of last week "at
the Athena Baptist church. About 75
delegates were present, representing
Milton, Hermiston, Fendleton, Adams
and Helix.
Rev, Northroo of Athena welcomed
the visitors. A report from the of
ficers and the department oi tne
county was unusually good, showing
gains in membership.
Outstanding numbers on the pro
gram included, "Presentation of
Youth's Roll Call." Mrs. Roy Pen-
land, Helix; "What Oregon Pays for
War," Mrs. Florence Berkeley, Pen
dleton, state director of international
relations; vocal solo, Mrs. E. F.
Bloom, accompanied by Mrs. Lawr
ence Pinkerton.
The result of the election of officers
follows: President, Mrs. Esther A.
F. May, Pendleton; -vice-president,
Mrs. Will Daniel, Freewater; record
inc secretary. Mrs. Clementine In
gram, Pendleton; corresponding sec
retary, Mrs. W. R. Wyrick, Pendle
ton; treasurer, Mrs. Charles Betts,
Athena. " t
The church was aDDrooriately deco
rated with baskets of fall flowers and
at noon a no hostess luncheon was
served. The key note of the conven
tion was "Observance and Enforce
ment, not Repeal."
The next convention will be held
at Hermiston, Octobe? 1932.
Autogyro and "Old Scout"
Two masterpieces of mechanical
achievement were to be seen in Athe
na Saturday. The first to come to
townr or over it father was the new
autogyro, a big red plane supported
by revolving blades atop the fuselage.
The pilot swooped gracefully over the
treetops on Athena streets and many
citizens were given a good view of
their first autogyro. Following the
visit of the newfangled plane, "Old
Scout," the one-lung Oldsmobile mak
ing its second transcontinental trip,
paraded through main street and
passed on its way to Pendleton.
Rally Day Exercises
Fifty-four were present at the
rally day exercises held at the Bap
tist church last Sunday. The follow
ing interesting and. appropriate pro
gram was presented: Exercise, Pri
mary department; song "Jesus Never
Fails," Junior Boys Class; prayer
song, Junior Girls' Class; vocal solo,
Virginia Eager; vocal solo, "I Shall
Not Pass Again This Way," Mrs.
Lloyd Michener.
Coyotes Raid Flocks
Sheepmen of Lake county are re
porting an unusual number of coyotes
disturbing their flocks this year. The
situation has been reported to two
government trappers in the hope
that assistance from them may be
obtained in control ol tire animals.
Its Dome Is Suspended by Cables
i pgr 1
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fVflrrillll lit Pl ,
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East entrance to the cable-suspended railroad dome of the Travel and
Transport building of A Century of Progress Chicago's 1933 World's Fair.
Four of the steel towers, from the tops of which the supporting cables run
like tlitf threads of some giant spider web, are seen.
Harry-Powers, alias Cornelius Tier
son' of Clai kKburg, W. Va.. confessed
to the brutal murder of Mrs. Asta
Eicher of Park Hlrige, a Chicago sub
urb, and her three children and Mrs.
Dorothy I.emke of Massachusetts, lie
la shown here holding l he hammer lit'
used In romniitt'tiir the crits'p
Athena Alumni Team To
Battle Lexington-Heppner
A football game has been arrang
ed for Sunday at 2 o'clock on the
local gridiron when the Athena alum
ni team will meet the Lexington-
Heppner town team.
The visiting team boasts of a num
ber of excellent players among whom
is Eddie Hughes former Mac Hi star
and promises to put up some real
competition for the local contingent.
The Athena boys are ready for them
however, and guarantee to put on
some well planned plays. A nominal
charge of 35 cents for men and 25
cents for ladies, will be made to cov
er expenses of the visitors and it is
hoped that local football fans will
turn out and give their usual hearty
support. The lineup for Athena will
be practically the same that defeat
ed Sigma Chi of Whitman 19-0, last
Scramble for Wheat
There was a general scramble for
wheat supplies at Pacific Northwest
points overnight Wednesday, with
exporters frantically bidding sharp
premiums for' their immediate needs.
Bids were generally above the cash
wheat basis established on the Port
land Merchants Exchange, there be
ing no change there for the day.
Flour is advanced 20c per barrel by
Coast millers.
School Budget Sliced
AoVilnnH has rprlucerf her school bud
get for 1932-33 to an extent which
will porbably mean a 2.5-mill reduc
tion, unless there should be a radical
decrease in property valuation in the
district, is assured as the budget sub
mitted by the board was approved by
a citizens committee. ,
The marriage of Richard Dix to
Miss Winifred Coe, San Francisco
society girl, and until a year ago a
resident of Portland, disclosed that
his name is Ernest Carlton Brimmer,
and that his egU is 27,
Reception Given New
Minister, His Wife and
School Faculty Members
That Athena people might meet
and welcome Rev. and Mrs. Northrup
of the local Baptist church, and the
faculty of the Athena schools, a re
ception which occurred Tuesday eve
ning was an enjoyable social event
of the week.
The auditorium of the Baptist
church was beautifully decorated
with clusters of flowers and foliage in
brilliant autumn hues. An interest
ing program was arranged by a com
mittee selected from the Baptist
Ladies Society, the Athena Study
Club and the Etude Club, the organ
izations responsible for the affair fol
lowing which the honorees were
greeted by those present.
Coffee and delicious cakes were
served from a prettily appointed
table centered with pink chrysanthe
mums. Those presiding at the urns
included Mrs. Northrup, Mrs, E. F.
Bloom, Mrs. M. L. Watts and Mrs.
Lawrence Pinkerton? A pleasant fea
ture was the community singing
which added to the charmingly in
formal note evidenced throughout
the evening. Following is the pro
gram a3 presented:
WelcomeMrs. Frank Williams,
Baptist Society; Mrs. E. C. Rogers,
Study Club; Mrs. Ralph McEwon,
Etude Club.
Response Rev. Northrop, E. F.
Piano Solo Arlene Foster. -Reading
"Sister's Beau," Anna
bel Payne. ,
Vocal Solo "My Wild Irish Rose,"
J. N. Scott.
Musical reading "The Ladies Aid,
Mrs. C. M. Eager.
Piano solo Mrs. Glenn Steen.
Vocal duet "I Hear the Bees-a-humming,"
Mrs. I; L. Michener and
Mrs. Ed Montague.
Musical reading "The Clever
Child" and "I Wonder Why," Mrs.
Ralph McEwen. -
Vocal solo "I Love a Lassie," Rev.
Reading "The First Call at the
Butchers," Mrs. Glenn Steen.
Trombone solo "Believe Me if All
Those Endearing "Young Charms,"
and "I Love You Truly," Dan Tilley.
Chorus "Night Breezes," and
"Mammy's Little Kinky Headed Boy,"
Etude club.
Mrs. Lawrence Pinkerton accom
panist. Increases Frowned On
The interstate commerce commis
sion has denied the railroads' request
for a flat 15 per cent increase in
freight rates, but suggested the roads
might apply for specific increases on
designated commodities upon certain
conditions. The special raises would
be conditional on submission and ap
proval of arrangements between the
carriers for pooling of revenue ac
cruing from the increases.
Winds Rake Oregon Coast
Heavy winds reaching the gale
stage of 65 miles an hour struck the
mouth of the Columbia river Wed
nesday night and ushered in a rain
storm that "overlapped into Eastern
Oregon territory. The longest show
er that has fallen in Athena for over
four months, lasted nearly two hours,
early yesterday morning.
May Start Seeding
With slight increase in surface
moisture showing up this week, weeds
may start on summer fallow land and
general seeding of grain may get un
der way within the next few days, ac
cording Va repwta.
Improvement of
Gulch Road Will
Go to Pine Creek
Work on the new grade of the
Athena-LaMar Gulch market road is
nearing completion, and within two
weeks surface graveling is expected
to begin.
Members of the county court and
the county roadmaster were in Athe
na Tuesday and went out to the Joe
Key place to investigate a rock de
posit, with tentative plans of select
ing it for the site of the rock crush
ing machinery. The rock crusher
and equipment now in use on the
new road leading south from Weston,
will be moved over to the LaMar con
struction. The Weston improvement
is nearing completion.
The LaMar road will extend further
than at first contemplated. Originally
the improvement was to end at the
school house at the intersection of
the east and west road, but later it
was decided, to extend the grading
and rock surfacing on north to the
M. L. Watts ranch on Pine Creek.
The new work begins in the north
east part of Athena, where the La
Mar road leaves the Union Pacific
This improvement has long been
needed, for during the winter months
a portion of the old, unimproved road
was practically impassable at times.
With a modern grade and rock sur
face, the road which carries consider
able farm traffic, will take rank with
other standard market roads of the
Athena High School
Loses to Heppner High
In a bitterly contested football
game on the home grounds Saturday
afternoon, Athena high school was
defeated by the heavier Heppner high
school team. Athena held their op
ponents scoreless through the first
Unable to accomplish anything
through the line, Athena early went
to the air. A number of beautiful
passes were completed, which several
times put the ball within scoring dis
tance, but always Heppner held in
the pinches.
After a hot razzing by the Heppner
coach, his men came back in the sec
ond period with determination to
score. After Pickett had been re
moved from the game on account of
his injured arm, and Lowell Jenkins
was temporarily on the bench, the
Heppner shock troops tore through
the Athena line for their first touch
down. Jenkins went back in, limping
on his crippled leg and pepped up the
team for the remainder of the period.
In the fourth period Pickett again
went in, but after a few plays both
he and Jenkins were forced to retire
on account of their injuries.
Heppner then turned loose again
and soon had two more touchdowns,
which with one extra point, placed
them in front, 19 to 0. Then they
rushed in a bunch of subs and Athe
na rapidly carried the ball within
scoring distance. Plunging along she
had the ball within inches of the goal
line when the gun barked out the
end of the game. Athena plays at
Touchet this afternoon.
Intangibles Refunds
Sent Out From Salem
The secretary of state has mailed
out 1500 warrants, totaling $17,000
as the first of the 1929 intangibles
tax refund of about $930,000, includ
ing interest. The warrants issued
ranged from 4 cents to moro than
$3,000 each.
The secretary of state's staff is
busy at the present time computing
interest and issuing warrants. About
19,000 taxpayers ar? entitled to re
funds of this tax, which wa3 declar
ed unconstitutional by the Oregon su
preme 'court and whose action was
upheld by the United States supreme
court. . '
Baby Chicks in Demand
Though it is October instead of
March, thousands of baby chicks are
still being shipped to growers from
Corvallis because of an unusual con
dition in the poultry market. It seems
that there is a real shortage in spring
fryers in the vicinity of the big cities
especially and right now poultry rais
ers near these consuming centers are
getting the baby chicks to force them
as rapidly as possible for the restau
rant and hotel trade later in the winter.
Auto Firms Merger
Announcement is made of the mer
ger of the Pendleton Automobile
company of Pendleton, with the
American Automobile company of
Seattle. The Pendleton Autamobile
company was organized in 1907 by
the late Walter McCormmach. : The
new company will distribute Chrysler
and Plymouth cars over an extensive
territory, including portions of Ore
gxm, Washington and Idaho.
Sale of Wheat Is
Backed By Mill
ers of Northwest
Flour millers of the Pacific north
west who recently entered into an
agreement with the federal farm
board to convert 7,500,000 bushels of
wheat into flour to be sent to Chinese
flood sufferers, took steps Monday to
convince government officials that
they are satisfied in every way with
the arrangement made, says the
Morning Oregonian.
The matter was brought up by the
complaint of an exporter, which was
sent to Senator McNary and passed
on by the senator to the farm board.
This exporter, who is not a flour
miller, declared that the relief pro
gram has already caused a reduction
in prices and that the flour and wheat
sent to China are likely to be diverted
from the flood victims into regular
trade channels, which statements are
contradicted by George S. Milnor,
president of the Grain Stabilization
corporation, and James C. Stone,
chairman of the farm board.
After a conference of millers L. J.
Baumann of Seattle, president of the
North Pacific Millers' association,
sent this telegram to Mr. Milnor:
"In reference to a news article,
Washington, D. C, October 19 in
which it is alleged flour exporters on
the Pacific coast make complaint con
cerning the Chinese wheat and flour
relief matter, please be advised this
complaint did not emanate from any
export flour miller in the Pacific
northwest. Am wiring copies of this
telegram to Senators McNary and
"When it was first proposed that
the farm board sell a part of its
wheat holdings to the Chinese gov
ernment, half of the amount in flour,
for relief purposes, the flour millers
of the Pacific coast went whole-heartedly
into the matter," said A. M.
Scott, export manager of the Pills-bury-Astoria
Flour Mills company.
"We are satisfied in every way with
the treatment we have received from
the farm board officials."
"Second Childhood" Is
Play to Be Given Soon
The school play, "Second Child
hood," is in rehearsal under direction
of Mr. Bloom, with the tentative
dates for presentation selected for
November 12 and 13.
Plays heretofore presented by the
school under Mr. Bloom's direction
have been of high order and well re
ceived by the public and from what is
said of the cast and play, "Second
Childhood" promises to be up to stan
dard. Two changes have been made In the
play cast, with the result that it is
now well balanced and with line
memorization perfected, the charact
ers are beginning to show up well in
their parts. The cast of players are:
Professor Relyea Ralph Moore
Sylvia Relyea Mildred Hansell
"Auntie" Marjorie Douglas
Philip Stanton Fred Singer
General Burbeck Wayne Banister
Marcella Burbeck Helen Barrett
Sheriff Johnson Leland Jenkins
Mrs. Vivert Velma Ross
Mrs. Henderson Goldie Miller
Judge Sanderson Lowell Jenkins
Kidnapped by Bandits
Two daring robbers who held up a
Lewiston garage Wednesday, of last
week, kidnaped the attendant and es
caped, returned early Tuesday, held
up the same garage, kidnaped the
same man, held up another garage
and escaped under gun fire! Clarence
Grenalgh, who was kidnaped, said
the robbers threatened to kill him on
the other trip if he notified police be
fore morning. He spread an alarm as
soon as he was released. Fearing the
bandits might have carried out their
threat this time, one set of searchers
looked for his body while others in
Washington and North Idaho sought
the robbers.
La Grande Bandits Greatly
Hampered in Making Es
; cape By Air Force.
"An airplane was the biggest fac
tor in preventing Our escape from
the officers," declared Keith Cross
wyth, 20, and John Owens, 19, after
their capture between 10:30 and 11
o'clock Tuesday morning on a lone
ly road about six miles from Duncan,
by Gus Brashears Union county
sheriff, Frank Osmond of La Grande,
state police officer, and W. E. Car
penter of La Grande.
"We had to move cautiously, the
bandits stated, for if we were in the
open we were under constant obser
vation of those in the airplane. When
ever the plane would be sighted wo
would jump behind the nearest tree,
bush or log to hide ourselves. We
traveled both night and day, but
rested at intervals. The soaring of
the plane overhead greatly hampered
our movement during the day. We
were greatly confused in our direc
tions for we were unacquainted with
the country."
They slept in the brush Monday
night about six miles from Duncan.
They were warmly dressed and suf
fered no more from exposure than
members of the posse. The bandit3
were up early to begin their wander
ings, following the first road to be
found. While hiking down a narrow
road they chanced upon a camp of
Indian deer hunters, who shared their
breakfast with them. After break
fast they continued down the road
reaching its end at about 10 o'clock,
then they began retracing their route
unknowingly walking towards their "
The trio which captured the men
were climbing up a knoll on the road,
when they noticed their caps bobbing
along, and with rifles ready quickly
covered them. They had their pistols
in their holsters under their coats,
and were so taken by surprise that
they had no opportunity to draw their
"We had intended to shoot it out
with the posse, but we had no
chance," said Owens and Crosswyth.
Owens was equipped with two
Lugar automatic pistols, and had hol
low point soft nose bullets. Cross
wyth had a pistol of Spanish make,
a .30 caliber Bpecial. Hard nose bul
lets were used with the latter weapon.
The bandits related that they had
each shot twice at Amos Helm, state
policeman, but thought when he had
fallen that it was to seek cover, rath
er than as a result of injury. Helms
injuries are believed to have been
from the hard nosed bullets fired by
Crosswyth. Owens fired seven shots at
Captain Lee Noe of state police.
Game and Fish Exhibit
An immense educational exhibit, oc
cupying more than 8000 square feet
of space, is being assembled at the
Pacific International Livestock ex
position pavilion by the state fish and
game commissions. Scores of beauti
ful live game birds will be displayed
in natural settings, for which several
truckloads of cedar, fir and other
greens have been unloaded. A minia
ture fish hatchery, showing the
growth of the fish from the egg and
polly-wog stage to the giant "that
got away," will be a feature of one
Cigarette "Ads" Condemned
Condemnation of cigarette advertis
ing on the back cover of "Old Ore
gon," University of Oregon alumni
magazine, was made by the men's
brotherhood of the Springfield Meth
odist church at its last meeting.
Homer D. Angell, president of the
alumni, and other brotherhoods of
the district will be notified of the
action of the local group. State sup
port of the action will be sought,, it
itf stated.
This Deer Wasn't Dead
The Weston Leader reports that
Frank Snider and George Otte were
hunting in the vicinity of Tollgate
Sunday and each succeeded in bring
ing down a buck. Mr. Otte shot his
deer in the head and it seemed to be
dead enough, so he cut its throat in
order that the blood would drain from
the body. "A pretty buck," he re
marked to his companion on comple
tion of this task. Just then the deer
jumped to its feet and hurtled off
through the brush with Otte in as-.
tonished pursuit. After a chase of
a quarter of a mile down into a deep
canyon the deer decided to depart
from this life for keeps. The two
hunters then had a most strenuous
job getting the buck out of the canyon.
McKenzie Chapter Meets
McKenzie Chapter, O. E. S. held
it's regular meeting Wednesday night
at Masonic Hall. Following the busi
ness session a social hour was enjoy
ed. Bridge was the diversion, three
tables being in play. High score was
made by Mrs. Harvey Roseberry and
second by Mrs. Louis Keen. Cider and
doughnuts were served at tables cen
tered with clever miniature dancers,
suggestive of Halloween. Other table
appointments carried out the same
idea. The committee, in charge in
cluded, Mrs. W. S. Ferguson, Mrs. B.
B. Richards and Mrs. Ralph McEwen,
Mother Dies at Wisconsin
Mrs. Henrietta Radtke, mother of
F. B. Radtke of this city, died Sun
day morning at her home in Rib
Lake, Wisconsin, after an illness ex
tending over a period of several
years. Mrs. Radtke, who is survived
by four sons and three daughters, was
84 years of age at the time of her
death. Mr. Radtke went east two
years ago to visit his mother, who
was dangerously ill at that time.
Mrs. Raymond Geissel, who has
been ill for several months, was tak
en to the open air hospital at The
Dalles this week. She has heen at
the home of her parents Mr. and
I Mr. BtoL Bataiste"f.
, ...