The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, September 25, 1931, Image 4

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Press Paragraphs
Henry Lewis is employed at the
ranch of Mrs. Lilla Kirk.
Charles Pinkerton was here on busi
ness from Weston, Wednesday.
, Venard Bell was here from Pendle
ton Wednesday, transacting business.
Mrs. Paul Lieuallen and little
daughter visited Athena relatives yes
terday. Curtis Barker is a visitor at the
Herb Hale farm home, northwest of
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mclntyre and
daughters visited friends in Pendleton
" Ralph McEwen, Jr., spent Sunday
and Monday visiting friends in La
Miss Edna DeFreece and Mrs. Wil
bur Harden were Walla Walla visitors
Mrs. Louis Keen has returned home
from a visit to relatives at Enumclaw,
Miss Jessiedeane Dudley spent last
week-end at the home of her parents
here, coming from Walla Walla where
she is employed in office work.
E. C. Prestbye was a Pendleton
business visitor Tuesday.
Fred Hodgen of Adams is suffering
with a severe attack of asthma..
Sim Barnes, well known Weston
resident was in Athena yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson motor
ed here from their home on the Uma
tilla yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Geiss and chil
dren returned Sunday from a motor
trip to Spokane.
Mrs. Henry Barrett and daughters
Helen and Genevieve were Pendleton
visitors Saturday.
For Sale A Round Oak heating
stove, almost like new. Will sell cheap.
Phone 812, Athena. :
A group of friends will meet to
night to make plans for organizing a
dancing club in Athena.
Miss Lizzie McKenzie motored from
Portland to Adams Saturday, where
she is visiting relatives.
Mrs. C. T.. Smith is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Savannah Knox, who
is teaching at Estacada.
Louis Bcrgevin was a business vis
itor in Athena Tuesday, coming here
from his place at Squaw creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Foss were
Athena visitors Tuesday from their
farm home, near the state line.
Whiter, Cleaner Teeth
Than you ever had before
I .
Provides the sparkling lustre that distinguishes
proper care of teeth from costly neglect. Leaves
the mouth sweet and clean.
T. P. DeFreece was here yesterday
from his home near College Place.
Mrs. John Huffman is enjoying a
visit from her mother Mrs. McKay of
Walla Walla. :
Mrs. John Standaga, Mrs. M. Dun
lap and, Mrs. W. McPherson were
luncheon guests in Walla Walla Wed
Mrs. Florence Merrill of Walla Wal
la has been a house euest of Mrs. H
I. Watts this week.
A. E. Page of the Braden-Bell trac
tor company was here Tuesday from
his headquarters at Walla Walla.
Frank Beale, old-time Athena meat
market operator, was in town yester
day Irom La Grande.
Jack Moore has taken the position
heretofore held by Orel McPherrin at
the Athena Service Station.
A venison dinner was enjoyed by
the B.1 B. club last evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Michen-
Visitors at the Fred Gross farm
home were Ad Gross and son Louis of
Philomath, who were en route to Ida
Miss Hazel Williams, Athena grade
teacher, entertained her parents, who
came up from Pendleton, Wednesday
Clem Duncan, a former resident of
this vicinity was a visitor here Wed
nesday coming from his home at
Mrs. Anna Dunlap of Klamath
Falls is in the city, visiting at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. John
Mrs. Velton Read is visiting in
Walla Walla during the absence of
her husband who is away on a hunt-
iing trip.
John Keen is visiting friends and
relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Keen
new makes his home in San Diego,
i California.
Mrs. Zeltha Mclntyre will go to
California, where she contemplates
spending an indefinite time visiting
iher sister.
To assist the Tooth Past in its action get a.l
bottle of
Klenzo Liquid Antiseptic
and use as a gargle or spray daily. 'Guards
against sore throat, nasal catarrh, bleeding
gums, pyorrhea.
19c and 39c Sizes
Main Street
- - Athena - - ,
Phone 332
$ The K.LD & WHHtt Store
You Serve the Best When
You Serve Red H White
September 26th and 28th
Fig Bars, Whole Wheat
2 lbs, for 25c
Hour, Peerless '
Flour, White Diamond
Rolled Oats, Albers, Minit or Regular
9 lbs, for 39c '.-
Raisins, Blue and White, 4 lbs.
Underwoods Deviled Ham, Medium
2 for 29c
Beans, Small White
6 lbs. 27c
Beans, California, Red Mexican
4 lbs, for 27c
Oysters, Blue and White, Is
2 for 25c
Catsup, Red and White, 14 oz.
2 for 37c ,
Almonds, Fancy, New Crop
2 lbs. for 43c
Baking Powder, Red and White 1 lb. .
23c '
Schlitz Malt, 2Vpbs.
I I 1 I 1 ...... I! I ) .1 T . .J .
visitor here Wednesday. He was en
route to Idaho where he has proper
ty interests,
Fred Radtke Jr. left Sunday for Eu
gene where he will resume his studies
at the University of Oregon. He is a
senior this year.
Clarence Hand returned Saturday
from Bonners Ferry where he has
been employed in harvest operations
for several weeks.
Mrs. J. F. Kershaw spent Wednes
day in Walla Walla where she visited
at the home of Mrs. Wheelan, Mr.
Kershaw's cousin.
Harold Jackson has been ill from
poisoning caused by handling treated
seed wheat. He has gone to Hot Lake
to receive treatment.
Geo. A. Johnston, former Athena
farmer was here Friday from Mos
cow, Idaho, en route to Central Ore
gon on a business trip.
J. H. Kuns is here from Los An
geles, visiting his sister, Mrs. Joe
Cannon. Mr. Kuns is traveling sales
man for a barber supply house.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bloom spent last
week-end at Mission visiting at the
home of Mrs. Bloom's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Babcock at the agency.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover McDowell of
Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Mc
Dowell were guests this week at the
country home of Mrs. Lydia Sheard.
Roland Andre who spent several
days last week at the home of his
mother, Mrs. W. S. Ferguson here,
left Sunday for Kelso, Washington.
A contract foursome enjoying Wed
nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
W. S. Ferguson included, Mrs. C. M.
Eager, Mrs. Henry Dell and Mrs. H.
I. Watts.
Mrs. Mary McKay returned to her
home in Athena Wednesday after vis
iting several days at the home of her
sister Mrs. Arthur Shick in Walla
A party comprising Marion Hansell,
Helen Hansell, Kathleen Radtke and
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wood spent a
portion of the week at Bingham
W. J. Adams has moved into his
property adjoining Jones' blacksmith
shop. Mr. Adams comes here from
Milton and he and his family will
spend the winter here.
Harold Johnston, well known in
Athena, was married Sunday at Col
fax to Miss Stella Hodge of that city.
The couple will make their home on a
farm near Moscow, Idaho.
The Thimble Club will meet next
Tuesday afternoon, September 29, at
the home of Mrs. John btanton. I his
is the first meeting for several weeks
and a full attendance is desired.
The Athena Bridge Club is meeting
this afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Marion Hansell. This marks the begin
ning of a new tournament to be play
ed during the fall and winter season.
Mrs. E. A. Edger enjoyed a brief
visit from R. S Clark and soir Samuel
Clark Monday, when they were en
route from their home near Wallowa
lake, to Milton, on a business mis
sion. '
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnson of Seat
tle, are in the city visiting at the
Alvin Johnson home. Dave. Johnson,
brother of Alvin, lived here in Cen
terville days, being proprietor of a
drug store.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis nhiteman spent
Sunday in Athena at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. B. B. Richards. The visit
ors motored here from their farm
home at LaCrosse where they will
spend tho winter.
Athena football fans are interested
in noting that Oregon's popular foot
ball hero, John Kitzmiller who is play
ing with the New xork Giants is
running true to form. In a recent
game with the Hominy Indians of
Oklahoma, Kitzmiller featured the
Giants attack, scoring two touch
downj and aiding in third rally. i
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pittman- spent
Thursday of last week in LaGrande
where Mr. Pittman transacted high
way business,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Geiss and fami
ly attended services and a basket din
ner at the Christian church in Milton
Sunday, when Reverend Marion Mc
Quary of Centralia, a former pastor
was present.
The birthday of Louis Berlin proved
an incentive for a dinner Sunday at
the Berlin home northwest of Athe
na. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Vaughn
(Esther Berlin) of Milton were here
for the event.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Leonard motor
ed here from Waitsburg last Friday.
bunday visitors at the Floyd Pink
erton home were Mr. and Mrs. Mau
rice Frazier and daughter Celeste
from Milton.
Mr, arid Mrs. Wilbur Harden return
ed to Athena Sunday after a honey
moon trip to Portland. They are do
miciled at the Sims Dickenson resi
dence here.
Miss Heingardner, county health
nurse was an Athena visitor Wed
nesday. She was en route to Basket
Mountain where "she conducted physi
cal examinations amontr the school
children of that district.
The local W. C. T. U. will meet
next Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Charles Betts, south of Athe
na. An interesting urogram is beine
prepared by Mrs. Louis Keen and a
full attendance is desired.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Wilson enter
tained at their home in Athena Sun
day, Mrs. Margaret Wilson of Asotin,
Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Weissenvelt of
Anatone, Wash., and Mrs." E. E. Tate
and children of Pendleton.
Ray Johnston, Athena high school
graduate, who has been at his father's
farm home near Moscow, Idaho, for
the past year, has entered University
of Idaho, where he will take the
course in mechanical engineering,
The Etude club will meet at the
home of Mrs. James Cresswell next
Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock,
Plans for the coming year will be dis
cussed and it is hoped that all mem
bers will make an effort to be present,
The date of the W. C. T. U. county
convention to be held in Athena as
announced some time ago has been
changed to October 15th. Interest
ing speakers will be present and a
pot luck luncheon will be served at
About fifty or more Athena people
are showing a thrifty inclination by
transporting their winter's supply of
wood from the mountains by truck.
Some of the wood i3 in cord wood
lengths but most is 16 inch wood
ready for storing. V ,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stater who have
recently acquired the Fowler proper
ty at Wallowa Lake are hosts this
week for a hunting party including
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley and Dr
and Mrs. Arthur Van Dusen of As
, E. A. Dudley, who returned to his
Lhome here from Portland, where tie
was confined in a hospital for many
weeks, continues to improve and is
growing stronger daily. He frequent
ly comes to town and his friends are
glad to meet him.
Chris Thoeny who was a visitor
here this week informed friends that
he has purchased his old home place
from Mrs. Futter to whom he sold
the property before leaving for San
Jose, California, where he has spent
the past two years. ,
Rebekahs held their regular meet
ing Tuesday night at the Knights of
Pythias hall. Usual business was
transacted and plans made for the
trip to Helix last evening to meet
Mrs. Melgram, state president, and
for her entertainment here tonight.
Mrs. Frank Yenney, Mrs. Philip
Yenney and son Allen of Walla Wal
la were Athena visitors Wednesday.
They were accompanied home by Mrs.
Nellie Taylor who has been visiting
at the homes at Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon
Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Logs
don. '
Friends are welcoming Mrs. Minnie
DePeatt who has been away from
Athena for several months at the
homes of her daughters, Mrs. Ortis
Harris, in Portland and Mrs. Philip
DePhillip8 in Sacramento, California.
Her plans for the winter are indef
inite. A family dinner was enjoyed Sun
day at the Jesse Smith home by the
following, guests: Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Johnston and little daughter, Mrs.
Joe Cannon and family, Mrs. C. H.
Potter, Mrs. Emma Patterson, Misses
Lois and Rachel Smith and Mr. Dean
Friends of Dr. and Mrs. Horace Bel
nap of Nampa, Idaho, will be interest
ed to hear that they are moving into
their new home recently completed.
The structure is of hollow tile and
brick and is most attractively finished
with eucalyptus woodwork and has
all modern conveniences.
The, next meeting of the 0. D. 0.
club will be held at the home of Mrs.
Jesse Smith, Thursday afternoon, Oc
tober 1. This meeting was originally
scheduled to take place at the home
of Mrs. Forrest Zerba. Meeting days
have also been changed to take place
on alternate Thursdays.
A group of friends and relatives
honored Mrs. Joe Cannon Tuesday
when they gathered at her home for
the day. The occasion was her birth
day and a pot luck dinner Was served
at noon. Those present were Mrs.
Jess Smith, Lois Smith, Mrs. Roy
Johnston, Miss Thelma Schrimpf, Mrs.
Henry Booher, Mrs. Granville Cannon
and John Kuns of California.
Mrs. Theresa Berlin motored to
Walla Walla last Friday where she
attended a meeting of the D. A. R. of
which she is a member. The meeting
occurred at the home of Mrs. Merton
Lane and luncheon was served to SO
Log Cabin Syrup Bean Hole Beans
Medium Size....48c Large Size....95c Regular two for 25c size,....3 for 25c
Peaches Flour
Yellow Cling, 2s.:..............2 for 38c White Diamond, 49 lb. sack ..89c
A. C& L. Pineapple Oysters
No. 2y2s Whole Sliced, 2 for........39c Fountain Brand, 5 oz. cans, 3 for 35c
Catsup Fruits for Salad
Large Size Bottle, each... .......:..15c Ehrmans Best, No. 1 can, each...:..19a
Toilet Tissue Pink Salmon
1000 Sheet Rolls, 4 for.........:...:......25c No. 1 Cans, Tall, 3 for....;...............35c
Young Men and Boys Cord Pants
Phone 152
at small tables centered with red
carnations. A paper entitled "The In
auguration of Washington" was read
during the program. Plans were also
made for the entertainment of the
State Regent who will make her an
nual visit in October.
Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Northrup, who
arrived here Wednesday from Pleas
ant Home, will make their home in
the residence of Mrs. Zeltha Mcln
tyre. Rev. Northrup will serve as
pastor of the local Baptist church and
took up his duties last Sunday,
preaching morning and evening.
On the occasion of the annual visit
of Mrs. Melgram, state president of
the Rebekahs, a number of Athena
members motored to Helix last night.
A feature of the evening was a pot
luck supper, followetf by a business
session and exemplification of the
work. Tonight the visitor will be
honor guest of the Athena lodge when
a special program and refreshments
will be features. Mrs. Melgram is be
ing entertained . at the home of Mrs.
Ed Montague during her stay here.
Sunday school meets at 10 a. m.
The lesson will be a review of the
part quarter's work. Morning wor
ship at 11 a. m. Sermon topic: "The
Personality of the Holy Spirit."
Special music. B. Y. P. U. meets at
p. m. Young people are made wel
come at this service. Evening evan
gelistic service at 8 p. m. Sermon
theme: "Forgiveness." Prayer meet
ing Thursday evening at 8 p. m. of
each week.
Seaport Mountain Grown
Cut Green Beans Spuds
No. 2s, at 100 lbs. or over, per sack
10c - 75c
Peerless Liberty Bell, Cane and Maple
Flour Syrup
Home Made, 49 lb. bag at . Quart can
60c 35c
Preferred Stock, Oval Calumet
Sardines Baking: Powder
Is, at 2yt lb. size, at
10c 72c
Jelly Glasses, Squats, per dozen ,45c
Lux Presto, Glass :Top, Wide Mouth
Soap Chips Fruit Jars
Large package, at Quarts, per dozen
25c $1.15
20 Mule Team Presto, Glass Top, Wide Mouth
Borax Soap Chips Fruit Jars
Large package Pints, per dozen
31c 1 $1.00
Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon: Phone 561
Kansas City
Life Insurance
"The Insured Home Is the Secured
If you and your family
are not fully insured
better consult
Local Agent - .
We carry the best
That Money Buys
Rodeo-Buckeroo-3 days
Fireworks-Canoe Canal
Boys and Girls Free Day
$60,000 Prizes Purses
Night Horse Shows
Oregon Products
Horse racing
Band contest
Farmers' day
Kippered Salmon, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh
Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season.
Main Street Athena, Oresron.
Goodyear Tires
and Tubes -
Automobile Supplies,
Parts and Accessories
Athena Garage
North side Main Street
Phone 352