the press; athena, Oregon; august 21, 1931 Press Paragraphs Hugh Lieuallen was here from He lix yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hale were here from Helix yesterday. Mrs. J. M. James was a Walla Wal la visitor Wednesday. The Thimble club has discontinued meetings until September. Lowell Zerba is engaged in harvest ing at Craigmont, Montana. Mrs. Sabina Morton is transacting business in Athena this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Elder spent last week visiting at Pendleton. Mf. and Mrs. M. L. Watts are spending the week in Portland. Eugene Favre of Spokane transact ed business in Athena yesterday. Mrs. Nat Kimball of Pendleton visited Athena relatives Wednesday. J. P. Lieuallen is reported to be seriously ill at his home near Wes ton. Henry Koepke, Jr., who spent last week in Seattle is at present at Sea side. Mrs. A. 0. Schubert and daughter Velma, returned Saturday from Port land, t Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lieuallen spent several days last week at Bingham Springs. Clarence Hand is spending the week at Bonners Ferry, having gone there Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. "John Mayberry and children are out of town, enjoying their vacation. Weldon Bell, after finishing work ing through the harvest season here, has gone to Seattle. v Sam Thompson of Pendleton and Bill Switzler of Umatilla called on Athena friends Tuesday. Mrs. Amanda McArthur is here from Portland, visiting her sister, Mrs. Margaret Banister. Range for Sale White enameled Colonial range, like new, for sale cheap. Inquire this office. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sheard retuned home Saturday from a week's outing trip to Bingham Springs. Bill Wheatley who has been employ ed in harvesting here plans to leave soon for his home in Utah. Marion Hansell-has finished a 34 day harvest run at his mountain ranch southeast of Athena. Harvesting of peas grown in the vicinity of Athena was finished this week with what was ' considered a normal yield. Stationery that costs less than it looks It often happens that people examining Symphony Lawn Sta tionery for the first time hesitate about inquiring for the price be cause they think that they cannot afford to pay it. But when they learn with pleasure that Symphony isn't as expensive as it appears they seldom leave without a box. Why don't you inspect this -nation ally popular stationery? Symphony Lawn Stationery Sold only at Rexall Drug Stores SPECIAL While They Last 25c Bottle KLENZO LIQUID ANTISEPTIC FREE with purchase of 50c Tube KLENZO DENTAL CREAM WATKINS' PHARMACY Main Street - Athena -- Phone 332 The RED . WHITE Store Do Your Canning Economically You will want the finest fruits of just the proper degree of ripeness. You will want the best of Jars, glasses, tops and rings. All these you will find, priced pleasing ly low, at Red & White Stores. SPECIAL for SATURDAY and MONDAY N August 22nd and 24th Jar Rubbers, Red and White, dozen 5c Jar Lids for Economy or Mason Jars 25c Pineapple, Red and White, Crushed, 2s 2 for 39c Pineapple, Red and White Sliced, 2s . 2 for 39c Pineapple, Blue and White, Broken, 2y2s 2 for 39c Red and White, Mayonnaise, pints 28c Salad Aid Durkees), quarts - 35c Red and White, Coffee, 1 lb. tins 38c ' Red and White, Coffee, 3 lb. tin " , $1.10 "" : Puritan Maltha 43c - Bran Flakes, Red and White 10c Ripe Olives, Blue and White, pints 19c MONTAGUE a CORNELL PHONE 171 LeRoy McCubbins left here last Friday for Bonners Ferry where he expected to assist in harvest. Roy Johnston has recovered from a seriously infected throat with which he has suffered for several days. Jim Hodgen is sojourning at -Pilot Rock where he is temporarily employ ed by the Standard Oil Company. Mrs. F. B. Boyd, who has been in Portland for two weeks, visiting rela tives, will return home tomorrow. "Bill" Richards is dressing up his string of Shetlands in preparation for their annual trip to the Round-Up. Mr. and Mrs. George Sheard and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Roseberry are enjoying an outing at coast resorts. Mrs. Jess Smith, Mrs. Charles Tot ter, Lois Smith and Thelma Schrimpf were Walla Walla visitors Monday. Mrs. Francis Lieuallen and little daughter were Athena visitors Wed nesday from their home near Adams. Mrs. Velton Read has been receiv ing medical treatment at St. Mary's hospital in Walla Walla, for several days. Miss Mildred Watkins plans to leave Athena the last of next week. She will teach at Centralis again this year. Mrs. Frank Little, accompanied by her daughter, Inez, left for Portland, Tuesday, where they will spend the week. Mrs. H. A. Barrett and daughters, Helen and Genevieve and Mrs. Ralph McEwen spent Saturday in Walla Walla. Bobbie HoDDer. son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Honner. had a minor operation performed in a Walla Walla hospital, Saturday. Mrs. Clarence Zerba and son Marvel are visitine Mr. and Mrs. Flock, par ents of Mrs. Zerba, at White Salmon, Washington. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cutler have fnlfpn nn residence in Neskowin. Ore gon, where Mr. Cutler has secured employment. ( A number of Athena people motor ed to Pendleton Saturday night where they attended the opening aance ai Happy Canyon. ' A party of Athena irienas camping in the vicinity of Langdon Lake last week brought home 22 gallons of huckleberries. Mrs. Ace Watrner of Umapine, has been visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. r. Lieual len, near Weston. "Bill" Richards and Hugh Mcwen Athena "buckaroos" have been tak ing in the bucking try outs in Pen dleton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Purcell and fam- ilv of Weston, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hansell in Athena. Mr. and Mrs. John Standage and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McPherson will soend tomorrow and Sunday in Union county hunting grouse. Miss Sadie Pambrun has closed her shop here and taken a position at Pendleton. Miss FamDrun win reside with Mrs. Lois Blalock. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bloom returned here Sunday after attending the sum mer session of the University of California at Berkeley. Mrs. Naomi Dickenson, wno nas been visiting at the home of her son, Sims Dickenson, will leave tomorrow for her home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richmond oi Rnnnera Ferrv. Idaho, were guests Sunday at the home of John Walker, father of Mrs. Richmond. Mr and Mrs. Clason Adams will leave Sunday for their home at Palo Alto, after spending the summer ai the M. L. Watts home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pittman and Mrs. Roy Johnston visited Mrs. Nel lie St. Dennis of Weston Tuesday nJrrVit Mm St-.. Dennis 18 ill. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Smith and daugh ters Rachel and Lois were bunday dinner guests at the home oi Mrs. Charles Potter near Athena. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. 0. Montague ac companied by Clarence and Melba Montague enjoyed several days out ing at Cold Springs this week. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Cornell and -hilHren were here from Walla Wal la Sunday, spending the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. U A. uorneit. Will Piner. accompanied by his hmther. Georsre. left Saturday for Creston, B. G, to harvest his wheat crop, which from all reports is a gooa one. Henrce Gerkinff finished the sea son's harvest with his crew threshing a trnnA rrnn of oats from A Small acreage on the Kirk estate east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McPherson and Mr and Mrs. W. O. Read spent Sun day on the Skyline road near Toll Gate, motoring as lar as cone Springs. Numbers of Indians who have been in the mountains in search of huckle herries are returning and making preparations to attend the Round-Up next week. Miss Hilda Dickenson has been mendinor the week visiting at the home of her father, Sims Dickenson, in Athena, and with relatives ai wai- l.i Walla. Mrs. Bert Loesdon and daughter Donna Jean spent Wednesday after, noon in Pendleton where they attend ed the bucking tryouta at the Round- Up grounds. Hugh McCool who has been visit inor at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. L. McEwen northwest of Athena, left for his home at waiia waua WeHnesdav. Fred Remillard who resides south of Athena returned home Tuesday evening from near Dixie, where he drove a caterpillar during a. 31 day harvest run. Misa Kathenne Wright is spending the week visiting her mother Mrs. Frank Garrttt tt the Koepka ranch south of town. Miss Wright, who is bookkeeper at Hamlev's in Pendle ton is on her annual vacation and has just returned from a week spent in Spokane. Louis Nolte. who is in verv Door health, is at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Garrett. Mrs. Ims Anderson of Weston, another daugh ter, recently visited Mr. Nolte. George Pittman accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kirk to British Colum bia, where he will remain until school starts. George will put in his time working in the Kirk harvest field. Miss Goldie Miller is in Portland, visiting relatives and friends, going to the metropolis by auto stage bun day. She will remain at Portland un til the opening of school in Athena. Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Miller, who have been in Athena for several weeks. cominc here from St. Helens to visit at the the Henry Miller home, are employed in picking prunes at Freewater. . ' ,- Rev. Carl McConnell will have charge of the Southern Methodist church in Milton following a residence of five years in Walla Walla where he was tfastor at the Marvin Mem orial church. Visitors at the Gordon Watkins home this week included Mr. and Mrs. Max Gunz and daughters of Waverly, Washington, and Miss Doris Sassen- hager of Spokane. The party left for home yesterday. Mrs. C. A. sias had as ner guest last Monday, Mrs. P. H. Weithen hiller of Crane, Oregon, where she is primary and art instructor. Mrs. Sias and her guest were friends in South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kirk. Bon Billy, and Charles Kirk, departed Monday for their ranch home near Creston, B. C. The work of harvesting tne Kirk wheat crop there will begin within a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Irvm Tucker, Mr. ana Mrs. A. Schubert of Athena, Mrs. J. F. Snider and Mrs. Ralph Tucker of Weston, left Tuesday morning to spend a few days picking nuckieDer ries on the Salmon river. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Zerba and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Granville cannon, Mrs. A R. Coppock and Danny Reeder were members of a picnic party which spent last Sunday at Thorn nouow. L. L. Rogers returned tne lore pari of the week from Creston, B. C, where he has farming interests. He reports the Dudley Rogers threshing crew to be making commendable pro gress in harvesting a good wheat crop. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pittman and son Donald arrived Tuesday night from northern California where Wayne has been employed by the railroad for some time. The camp is situated just over the line and is near Malin. Oreeron. Mrs. Frank Little andMiss Iris Little left the first of the week for Portland where thev will Visit Miss A cnea Little. Thev were accompanied to Blalock by Mrs. Hulda McKinney who will visit her sister, Mrs. byives ter of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Unn uidds ana sons of Ukiah and Miss Leona Baldwin of Walla Walla were vistors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Huggins last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vaughan and daughters were additional guests Sunday at the Huggins home. Tickets for the sunbonnet baby quilt and cushion which are display ed in a down town window are on sale at the Red and White store in Athe ne The ouilt was made by the Thimble Club of Circle 10 Women of Woodcraft and is most attractive. O. M. Castleman. Ontario druggist, who spent seeral days this week in Athena and Pendleton, returned home yesterday morning. He was accom panied to Ontario Dy mr. ana mrs. Rnwlin Morrison, who have been vis iting relatives at Adams and Pendle ton. While Portland and Pendleton peo ple are boasting of tall sunflowers, Athena thinks nothing of rows of hollyhocks ten and twelve feet high with beautiful blossoms the whole length of the stalk. These flowers are not in "Paul Bunyan's" garden either. Justin Harwood has been engaged in calsomining the walls of the audi torium at the Athena school this week. He was assisted by Fred Pink- erton who has finished cleaning and painting a number oi the rooms in preparation for the opening of school next month. Dorothv Burke. Helen Barrett, Mar- jorie Montague and Arleen Myrick of Athena will ride with tne group oi trirls who are known as the Greeters during the Round-Up season. These vnnnff ladies will meet trains and otherwise make visitors welcome to the Round-Up city. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Brower and Mrs. r.ront Presthve of Kalispel. Montana, are visiting friends and relatives . . .. 1 4 J here. The visitors came oy niuwr u plan to remain until alter Kouna-up. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton -vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hammer in Walla Walla Tuesday. "Jack West, well known here met with a serious accident two weeks ago when a bucket of burning gaso line was tipped over on his leg. Ho was rushed to the Klamath Valley hospital where he received treatment. He Is now able to be about on crutches but it will be several months before he is entirely recovered. The study course entitled "Travel in the United States" has been select ed hv the Athena Study club for the winter seaann. The course which I consists of 21 lessons is in accord with the slogan "See America First" and will ha most interesting and in structive Mr. E. C Rogers -will be 17 PRICES for SATURDAY and MONDAY Red Beans 1 V Primes Recleaned, 10 lbs. 45c Fancy Italians, 5 lbs dtc Flour Soap Made at home, 49 lb. sack..... -89c Polar White 10 bars .... -c Coffee Matches Steel cut, 3 lbs.....'. -57c 6 box carton, each.. 15c Peaches Canned Corn Lemon Cling, 2V2s, 3 cans...... ..49c Silver Leaf brand, 4 cans .-49c Pork C& Beans I Deviled Meat Van Camps medium size, 2 f or,...15c Small cans, 6 for 25c, 3 Large for 25c Cretoaes in Gay Colors k Phone 152 ATHENA DEPARTMENT STORE hostess to the club Friday afternoon, September 4. ' At the request of the Baptist peo ple, Mr. Sias will again hold union services the coming Sunday, in the morning at the First Christian church, and in the evening at the bap tist church. A most cordial welcome is extended to everybody. "The Pil lar and the Ground of Truth," and "The Reasonableness of Christianity," will be the sermon topics respectively- .NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of George M. Banister, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed her final ac count and report in the above entitl ed matter and that the above entitled Court has fixed Saturday, the 19th day of September, 1931, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court room in the County Court house of Umatilla" County, at Pendle ton, Oregon, as the place, for hearing of said final account and report. Ob jections, if any there be, to said final account and report should be filed on or before that date. Dated at Athena, Oregon, this 21st day of- August, 1931. MARGARET J. J5AN15TUK, Executrix of the Last . Will and Testament of George M. Banister, Deceased. Watts & Prestbye, Athena, Oregon, Attorneys for Executrix, A21S18 the STAGE to PENDLETON ROUND-UP (Aug. 27 -28 -29) Wonderful sightseeing trip to this great Epic Drama of the West. Comfortable-fast-cheaper and more con venient than driving your own car. Inquire of local agent about low fares and schedules. For further Information refer to GORDON M. WATKINS UN PA6 3k I QUALITY GROCERY " Phone 561 Hazelwood Kraft Boiled Malt Syrup Salad Dressing Money Back Guarantee, 3 cans Pint size $1.00 ' 20c Alters Fancy Flake Happy Home Rolled Oats Ripe Olives 9 lb. bag . 2 cans for 40c 35c Large Package Skookum BrOOmS ' ,.,.. . $1.00 value for only All Kinds with Premium , 35c 69c rr-r; r Pure Strained Umatilla County Yellow Corn Meal itatipv Best ever, 9 lb. bag ,n ,k . -10 lbs. 34c $1.15 Steam Refined , Borax Soap Corn or Gloss Starch Granulated, with fancy dish . .3 packages 45c 25c Quality Grocery Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561 THE ATHENA MARKET We carry the best Meat That Money Buys Kippered Sainton, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON v Main Street Athena. Oregon. Goodyear Tires and Tubes Valvollne Oils Automobile Supplies, " Parts and Accessories Athena Garage North side Main Street Phone Z