The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 21, 1931, Image 1

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It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any
thing that would interest them in your (roods, but its
dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell
several hundred at once at nominal cost.
in the week but that you do not need stationery of
some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing
at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types,
modern work, prompt delivery.
Bntered at the Post Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter
Growers Urge Buying Farm
Board Wheat and Cut-.
" ting Acreage.
Walla Walla. Hoping to get rid
of the wheat surplus and raise the
prices for grain at the same time, a
group of wheat growers from Oregon
and Washington met here Saturday
and unanimously approved a plan
which went forward by airmail to the
Farm board. The plan in brief calls
for substituting purchased wheat for
next year's crop, the wheat to .be
bought from the farm board on notes,
and the amount of land necessary to
raise this crop not to be planted. The
wheat would be the surplus now own
ed by the board. r The farm board
would be asked not to dispose of the
warehouse receipts (held as collater
al) before July 1, 1932, and then at
a price not less than the world price
plus the tariff (the tariff is 42 cents
a bushel). On present prices the
farmer would have next year's wheat
crop at a cost far less than that of
raising the wheat
"Many individual farmers express
ea a willingness to sign up bu per
cent of their acreage while others
said they would sign their entire
acreage under this plan," said Con'
gressman Summers.
"The success of the plan depends on
prompt action by all parties concern
ed. - - '
"A committee of five was dele
gated to lay the plan before the coun
try and the farm board.
"I have submitted the plan by air
mail to the farm board which con'
trols the surplus at this time and have
asked for early consideration.
"Meanwhile it is desired that wheat
growers individually and collective
ly throughout the country write the
Secretary, Farm Bureau, Walla Wal
la, Wash., immediately expressing
their views as to the desirability of
pushing the plan in all wheat grow
ing sections of the United States.
"Local growers who have given the
problem much consideration believe
this plan evolved by a number of
growers and business men is- the most
feasible and practical plan that has
come to their attention."
Men Are Fight
ing Forest Fires
Northwest Woods
Service Charge Necessary
On Small Bank Accounts
Starting September 1, the First
National Bank of Athena will inaugu
rate a service charge of fifty cents
per month on all checking accounts
with a minimum balance under $50.
Due to overhead expenses such as
taxes, clerk hire, cost of checks, pass
books, ledger supplies, etc., the local
institution is compelled in common
with other banks to make this small
charge for handling commercial ac
counts where the balance maintained
is so small as to occasion an actual
loss to it.
However, it should not be inferred
that small accounts are not appreciat
ed. The bank does appreciate them
and its officers express the hope that
all concerned will find it convenient to
increase the amount of their credit
balance, so that the charge, though
small, will not be necessary.
Comes Here for School
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wood, their
grandson, Hugh Steele and Walter
Singer returned Tuesday from a visit
to the Steele farm home near Selah,
Wash., Hugh returns to Athena where
he will live with Mr. and Mrs. Wood
and enter Athena high school as a
freshman. He lived with his grand
parents here for a year and went
through the fifth grade. He is a saxo
phone player and will be a welcome
addition to the Athena school band.
Fire in Union County
Union county's worstf forest fire of
the last decade, Wednesday was rag
ing uncontrolled in 1500 acres of tim
ber east of Union. Three hundred
men were fighting the blaze, 100 hav
ing been recruited late Tuesday when
the flames mounted to the tree crowns
and leaped over their former boun
aries and reached merchantable tim
ber but reports said it had not yet en
tered the Whitman reserve. -
Mosier Tunnel Burned
State highway workmen are re
placing framework in Mosier tunnel,
six miles east of Hood River, which
was burned out when a gasoline trail
er crashed into the rock wall and
caught fire. The highway depart
ment expected to have the tunnel open
to traffic shortly.
; Wringer Injures Hand
Mrs. Alfred Marquis of Adams re
cently suffered injury to her right
hand when it was caught in the
wringer on an electric washing ma
Spokane. Approximately 10,000
men fought forest fires that glared in
three northwestern states Tuesday
night. . . ...... -
United States foresters, state and
private timber protective agencies
and volunteers massed against more
than 200 fires, some set by lightning,
some by firebugs and some by care
less persons, and several towns were
menaced by flames. '
Bovill and Troy, Idaho, were
threatened with destruction. Elko,
B. C, near Fernie, had been raided
by flames. Forest, Idaho, and Dia
mond lake, Wash., were saved from
fire only in the nick of time.
An estimate of 50 ranches wiped
out came from foresters and newspapermen.
Hundreds of men, women and chil
dren fled from their homes as the
scarlet glare of fire crept closer.
More than 1000 sheep and cattle
were killed. .
Incendiary fires, which became
common in Idaho, Montana and
Washington, spread 'to British Co
lumbia, and many arrests have been
made. United States forestry agents
patrolled the timber, seeking fire
bugs and arresting careless persons
who started fires accidentally, haling
them into federal courts.
Three men still were missing, and
two were injured seriously on ac
count of forest fires. Two were kill
ed. -:
Weather bureau officials said the
situation was hazardous, and pre
dicted lightning storms and high
winds for many danger points. "
"Eyes" of the Blind Now Wears Boots
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Fifteen Million
Bushels of Wheat
Has Been Shipped
Brogan Orchard Woman
Advises on Ked bpider
Mrs. M. L. Allen of Brogan visited
several days this week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Cornell here.
Mrs. Allen operates a large orchard
at Brogan and is well infomed on the
various pests which attack trees and
She believes that the falling of the
leaves of Athena shade trees is not
a sign of early fall but is due to what
is known . as the red spider. ' The
spider is hardly visible to the naked
eye and when viewed under a glass
is seen to have two white spots on
its body, and is sometimes known as
the "two spot aphis." This insect
weaves a web on the underside of the
leaf, meanwhile devouring all but the
skeleton of the leaf and causing it to
fall. Of course in time, a tree being
deprived of its leaves or "lungs" will
die. ' a " '
This pest also attacks other veget
ation, plantOnd flowers. It thrives in
dry weather because the dust collect
ing on the leaves protects the web
and allows the eggs to . mature and
hatch. Mrs. Allen believes that a
hard rain or series of showers would
help the situation materially. The
condition of plants and flowers will be
improved if they are washed with wa
ter, sprinkling from the under side.
Great Northern Terminal
Work is to soon start on a new
$300,000 terminal at Bend by the
Great Northern. The terminal will
include yards, machine shops, en-
ginehouse, power house, store houses,
water and fuel stations. The Great
Northern has been given permission
by the interstate commerce commis
sion to relocate and construct 14
miles of new main line trackage lead
ine south from Bend to its intersec
tion with the Western Pacific line in
Reginald D. White, blind war veteran, and his faithful German police
dog, Wicker. White has rewarded his "eyes," as he calls him, with four
boots for his blistered feet that he may guide his master about Snn Fran
cisco streets on his dolly duties. Wicker made his wants known to his charge
by putting a hot blistered foot in the hand of White the other day when the
mercury soared to nearly the hundred mark.
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It Made a Difference
Homer Watts says that it made a
vast amount of difference in the yield
of two seedings of spring gram on
his ranch north of Athena. Several
days intervened in his seeding opera
tions and the part of the field seed
ed first beat the part seeded last by a
wide margin.? Homer took off better
than a 40-bushel average from his
total acreage, including fall and
spring sown grain.
. Leading Dairy Herd
Charles A. Lynch of Hermiston,
heads the list of dairy herds of over
20 cows in the county for the month
of July, according to the official test
er, J. E. Mansfield. In addition to
heading the association in his class
for the past month his was the high
herd in the association for the past
six months', with the Eastern Oregon
State Hospital herd second.
Prune Shipments
With 58 cars of fresh Italian prunes
moving out from the Walla Walla-Milton-Freewater
district Monday, the
total number of cars for the season
reached 179, or about one-third of the
total crop.
Birthdays Celebrated
The birthdays of Miss Hilda Dick
enson and Henry Knight, son-in-law
Dr. McKinney dressed the hv jof Mr. Dickensot tvere celebrated by
jured hand, finding the fingers to beithe Sims Dicken&ua family Sunday
badly lacerated. iwith picnic dinner.!; Laogdon Lake,
"... - .
V.-JB.MlWU.A.O.r.-..,.,.. 'ftlttttrtfii"
Hartley De Gerald of Chicago, aged
twelve, bidding good-by to his llttlo
sister as he started on a 7,000-mile
journey by himself through northern
Canada and to the'Aretic circle. Hart
ley la a veteran traveler despite bis
tender years. ?
Wrecks Car
While returning home Saturday
night from Pendleton, George Weath
erly had the misfortune of wrecking
his car. The accident happened about
a mile below Adams when he struck
a guard rail with such force as to
turn the car around twice and wreck
it to the extent that the back wheels
were parted from the drive shaft and
fenders and running board on one
side demolished. George was thrown
onto the pavement but aside from a
few, scratches and bruises was un
hurt. A fellow passenger from Adams
also escaped injury.
Gypsies Invade Athena
A band of gypsies, driving big
automobiles, invaded Athena for a
short time Tuesday forenoon. They
were not allowed to tarry long and
buzzed out of town , toward Walla
Walla. Athena bears no charm for
the roving gypsy for the town is
evidently down in their log as being
a good place to keep away from, due
to former stern treatment received
from officers as a result of their pil
fering habits.
v Takes Her Second Cargo
The river steamer Umatilla left
The Dalles Wednesday, . bound f or
Portland with 2789 bags of Balfour
Guthrie and Grain corporation wheat.
This was the second cargo of wheat
to move by river steamer this month.
McKay Lake Gets Fish
This week the state fish and game
commission planted 20,000 fish in Mc
Kay Lake. The planting included
bass, crappies, blue gills and cat fish
obtained from the lower Columbia.
Governor To Inspect
Governor Meier will be in Eastern
Oregon next week! He will attend
the Round-Up and will inspect high
ways and state institutions during
a ten-day whirl over the state.
Industrialized Farming
Is the Plan of Man Who
Farms in a Big Way
Back from his latest conference with
President Hoover about farm relief
Thomas D.i Campbell expressed the
belief that "industrialized farming"
was the cure for the economic depres
sion. Campbell, who grows wheat on 95,
000 acres of leased land in Montana,
and runs his farm like a factory, en
visioned a day when agriculture would
be an important unit of "big busi
ness." "Bankers and rich men must take
over the farms," he said, "work them
in economical units use the best of
machine equipment, pay high wages
to skilled men, and employ engineers
as managers. '
. "We cant be a properous nation as
long as agriculture is broke. And it's
prostrate. It has dropped nine bil
lion dollars of income in eight years.
Agriculture is the nations biggest
buyer, so you can see now what kick
ed us down in the business toboggan.
Business men and engineers have tak
en over every other industry and put
it on its feet. They must do the same
with farming."
State Grain Inspection
Bureau Reduces Workmen
The state grain inspection depart
ment, with headquarters in Portland,
has dispensed with the services of 15
employes during the past week, ac
cording to announcement made by
Max Gehlhar, director of the state
agricultural department. Mr. Gehlhar
has charge of the grain inspection
The reduction in the operating per
sonnel was due to the business de
pression which has . caused many
growers to store their wheat pending
a more satisfactory market, Gehlhar
said that recent inspections indicat
ed a healthy export business. He pre
dicted an increase in the movement of
wheat through Portland within the
next few weeks.
Since January 1, 1931, off-shore
shipments of wheat produced in Ore
gon, Washington and northern Idaho
has totalled approximately 15,000,000
bushels, Henry W. Collins, vice
president and general manager of
the Pacific coast division of the
Farmers National Grain corporation,
tells the Morning Oregonian.
The major portion of these ship
ments has been to the orient, Mr.
Collins said, while the rest went
principally to Europe. Much of the
wheat moved in the form of flour.
During the next 60 days, Mr. Col
lins said, at least 4,000,000 moro
Dusneis or wneat will move out in
export trade from Pacific coast
points. This much grain has been
sold by the grain corporation, he
said, but is still stored in tidewater
warehouses. Most of it will mov? to
the orient.
The grain corporation, a unit of
the federal farm board, is preparing
for the reception of the 1931 crop of
about . 70,000,000 bushels of Oregon
Washington and Idaho wheat, much
of which already has been harvested
Mf. Collins said. This crop will be
10,000,000 bushels less than the 1930
crop, he said. Since there is not more
than 14,000,000 bushels of the old
crop lett In facinc northwest ware
houses, he stated, there is actually
only about 4,000,000 bushels more of
wheat in sight than there is in nor
mal years.
The short crop this year is the re
sult of extreme dry weather in the
wheat-growing districts, he said. In
fact, the crop will be so light in some
of the light-yielding sections that
farmers will not bother to harvest
the grain, owing to the fact that the'
crop on that land will not pay the
cost of harvesting and hauling. Mr.
Collins estimated that about 3,000,000
bushels will bo left on the land.
Swindle Revealed
at Walla Walla
Four Are Charged
mm trucks
Auto Backs Into Canal
While shifting into low gear, Mrs.
D,ean Rogers of Hermiston, stopped
her,ca and it ran backwards and
overturned in an irrigation canal in
the Columbia district. Mrs. Dean and
Mrs. Rodha, who were riding with
her, were rescued from their perilous
situation by a young man, who took
them through a car window in an un
conscious condition. The ladies soon
recovered, and fortunately were not
seriously hurt, '
Boy Dies After Accident
Alonzo Ochs, 17, died Tuesday at
3.20 a. m. in a Walla Walla hospital
of injuries sustained when the motor
cycle he was driving collided with a
car, alleged to have been driven by
Thomas Reeves, on the intersection of
the Milton highway and Umapine
road at Sunnyside Monday morning.
Alonzo, who was, planning to enter
the Walla Walla college for premedics
training, was the son of Mr. and Mrs.
P. W. Ochs of College Place.
Weston Has Grass Fire
A grass fire at Weston Sunday
started on Broad street and extended
to the mill, burning all the dry grass
in its path. - Several men worked
for more than an hour protecting the
homes on Normal heights and kept
the loss to one wood shed, a barn and
two chicken housts. ,
Depression Accounts for
Active Mining in Idaho
Moscow, Idaho. Idaho is one of the
best gold mining states in the west at
this time, according to the opinion of
Stewart Campbell, state mine inspec
tor, who has been inspecting northern
Idaho mines. .
He has recently been in the gold dis
tricts of Oregon and has been study
ing the geology of gold regions of
other states, and he believes that Ida
ho has. more possibilities and induce
ments than the other states at this
time for seekers of gold properties.
"Gold production in the state reach
ed : $436,912.54 last year, an increase
over the production of the previous
year, in spite of the decrease in the
gold content of silver-lead-zinc ores.
I expect a further increase again this
year," stated Mr. Campbell.
Miss Violet Grover and Lee Mitchell
were married Saturday afternoon at
Walla Walla by Judge Sharpstein.
The ring ceremony was used and the
couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Kirk. The bride who is an at
tractive girl, is a niece of William
Potts with whom she has made her
home for several years. She was
charming in a frock of pale green flat
crepe and wore beads of the same
shade. Mr. Mitchell is well known
here where he has many friends and
makes his home on Reed and Hawley
mountain, where the young couple
will reside for a time.
Needy to Get Cull Pears
Cull pears from Medford packing
houses will be distributed free to
needy Rogue valley families this fall
under a plan being sponsored by the
Mail Tribune, local newspaper. Under
ordinary circumstances the thousands
of boxes of pears are thrown away.
Distribution will probably be under
direction of the Red Cross and other
welfare organizations.
School Starts September 7 -Mr.
and Mrs. E. F. Bloom returned
to Athena this week from Berkeley,
California, where they spent the sum
mer in school work. Mr. Bloom, su
perintendent of the Athena schools
is now engaged in picking up the
ends of the preliminary work to be
done before opening day. Athena
school will open Monday, Septem
ber 7.
An associated Press dispatch from
Walla Walla, says: On complaint by
a man and his sister, residing near
here, that they gave two checks total
ing $4100 for treatments Jor the wo
man's eye trouble, warrants charging
four men with grand larceny were is
sued here. .
Names of the man and woman were
withheld. The four men were named
in the information as: J. C. Becker,
R. V. Pierce, Homer McDonnell and
John Doe.
The second check, for $2500, cash
ed in Reno, Nev., reached here after
payment had been ordered stopped.
ihe first check for $1600 was given
them more than a month ago.
Two of the 'alleged swindlers ar
rived here July 6, one representing
himself as an eye.ear, nose and throat
specialist. He gave the woman what
she said was a liquid radium treat
ment for which she paid him the
On August 13 the other two men
arrived and told the woman Becker
had lost his life in an automobile ac
cident, but that before dying said he
had neglected to get her blood test
to determine if her eye trouble would
' The complaint said she submitted to
the blood test and was told there was
danger her eye trouble would return
unless she wore next to her body a
belt, of which only three existed. She
said the men said they had one of
them and that it would save her eye
sight. The price was $2500, for which
her brother gave his check.
John Pinkerton Goes To
the EickholT Corporation
John Pinkerton has been . called
east by the Eickhoff Farm Products
corporation to accept a position, and
left Athena Wednesday for Indian
apolis, Indiana.
John went to Indianapolis at the
solicitation of II. H. Eickho.T who
was engaged in raising beans here for
a couple of years, during which time
the young man was in the employ of
Mr. Eickhoff, doing field work.
As to the exact nature of the posi
tion offered to him, John was unable
to say before leaving Athena, but he
thought he would be connected with
some production unit of the corpora
tion, which in reality is the field do
partment of the Van Camp company,
a national concern which not only
cans pork and beans, but vegetables
of all varieties. The Eickhoff cor
poration operates production units in
several eastern and central states.
Too Many Accidents Bring
Movement for Quick
Golf Tournament On
Athena Course Sunday
The Athena Golf club will be host
to members of the Pilot Rock club on
the local course Sunday, when from
16 to 20 .Pilot Rock players will be
here to play in a return tournament,
Athena' having played in a tourna
ment on the Pilot Rock course two
weeks ago. ' ,
Ihe tournament will start at 8
o'clock Sunday morning, and it will be
an 18-hole match.
Having the tournament in charge
are two committees, the grounds com
mittee of which Laurence Pinkerton
is chairman, with Henry Dell and W.
P. Littlejohn, and the . tournament
committee, Justin Harwood, chair
man, and D. A. Lowe and Penn
Car Count Is Made
The seasonal count of highway traf
fic was made last Friday. Floyd
Fanning and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pitt
man were stationed north of Freewa
ter and in 16 hours counted 3379 ve
hicles. Don Wilkes and Charles
Smith were at the intersection of He
lix and the highway north of Hav
ana and in the same length of time
counted 906 vehicles. This is a big
average for this season of the year.
Fair At Boardman
The Northern Morrow county fair
will be held at Boardman, September
11 and 12. The fair at Boardman
boasts excellency of its fruit and
vegetable exhibits above all other
classes of entries. Hermiston gener
ally is well represented with exhib
its at the fair.
Officers' Salaries Reduced
The Deschutes county court, at
Bend recently reduced the salary of
all county officials from 10 to 20 per
cent, effective September 1. The re
duction, it was estimated, will save
the county about $25,990 a year,
Umatilla Project Fair
It is announced that the premium
list for the Umatilla project fair at
Hermiston has been completed and
will be in printed form and ready for
circulation the latter part of the
month. The fair board met last Sat
urday night and an allotment of prize
money was made to the several divi
sions of the show. . The dates of the
fair are October 9 and 10.
Traces of Rain
On the COth day of drouth in this
section, traces of rain fell at Walla
Walla and Pendleton on Monday af
ternoon. On the summit of the Blue
Mountains east of Athena, intermit
tent showers fell during the after
noon and evening. ;
i I, i
Miss Booth Here .
Miss Almira Booth, Instructor in
music at Union, Montana normal
school, is here visiting her father, C.
T. Booth and jister. Mrs. Ralph Dowd.
Mies Booth will attend Columbia Uni-
Drivers of heavy tank trucks which
speed with large loads of gasoline to
all parts of Oregon and into Idaho as
far. east as Boise and into Washington
as far as Walla Walla for the Asburv
Transportation company get plenty of
sleep and rest, according to a state
ment made by the Asbury Transporta
tion company to a Portland Daner.
when asked about rumors that over
worked drivers had caused two recent
accidents on the Columbia highway,
one in which Ed Justesen was killed
when his truck ran off the highway,
and the other in which in collision in
the Mosier tunnel burned the frame
work out and caused a traffic block
ade. Directly opposite Mr. Asbury'B de-,
fense of the methods were the state
ments of citizens, motorists, traffic
officers and exrivers that truck
pilots have been ' worked to exhaus
tion, that they had been"' forced to
drive for as much as 42 hours with
out sleep, and that the conditions un
der which they drive are hazardous
both to themselves and to other mo
torists. "Our drivers are not permitted to
work more than 12 hours, for we have
a rigid rule that a driver who works
12 hours must have ten hours rest,
and if he works two, three, four or
five hours he must have at least six
hours rest before he can go out again
with a truck," Mr. Asbury explained.
"Average shifts are only ten hours,
however, for the 63 men we have em
ployed in Oregon. There are relief
stations all over the state, so that five
drivers will be used to take a truck
from Portland to Boise, three drivers
to Walla Walla, three drivers' to
Grants Pass, two drivers to southern
Oregon cities. There is no deviation
from this rule."
Reports have been received at the
office of the Oregon State Motor as
sociation that truck drivers have been
forced to work many hours over their
shifts or be discharged. One citizen
reported that Ed Justesen had driven
32 hours without sleep just before his
truck rolled over the bank; another
that a driver had worked 42 hours
without sleep, and another that, a
driver had been at the wheel for nine
days with little rest.
"In view of the reports on condi
tions, we have asked the state police
to check on trucks and their equip
ment, which power they have accord
ing to the law passed at the last
session of the legislature, and for the
labor commissioner to check on the
long hours of truck drivers," explain
ed J. E. Shelton, secretary and gen
eral manager of the motor associa
tion. .- ' '
"It is not our purpose, however to
attempt to regulate trucks, for our
work is concerned with pleasure ma
chines. We are concerned whether or
not the truck drivers hog the road or
whether or not the transportation
lines operate poor equipment so that
the lives of the traveling public are
Steiwer Asks Moratorium
Senator Frederick Steiwer has sent
a telegram to the federal loan board
asking the board to consider a mora
torium on interest payments due
federal loan agencies. Steiwer said
the inability of farmers to meet in
terest payments was "alarmingly
evident." Federal land banks, he said,
will be engaged in a program of
wholesale foreclosures if foreclosure
on property is to be the penalty for
non-payment of interest.
Wardens Are State Police
Thirty-five game wardens, recom
mended by the state game commis
sion, were appointed police officers in
the new department of state police by
Charles P. Pray, superintendent of
the department. The list, it was an
nounced, included virtually all war
dens formerly employed by the game
department, and will have full duties
in all lines as members of the state
police force.
Stricken With Paralysis
John M. Royer, Pilot Rock hotel
manr was recently stricken with par
alysis, but later reports are to the
effect that he is improving. A punw
ber of years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Royer
resided in Athena for one winter.
To Film Round-Up
A full motion picture and sound re
cording of the Pendleton Round-Up
will be supplied by the Oregonian-RKO-Orpheum
camera man this year
according to announcement made.
Minister Assigned to Weston
Rev. Frank Sutton of Deer Lodge,
Montana, has been assigned to the
pastorate of South Methodist church,
at Weston.