THE PRESS, ATHENA, OREGON, AUGUST 14, 1931 Press Paragraphs Henry Barrett was a business vis itor in Pendleton yesterday. Mrs. Laura Foom spent Sunday vis iting friends in Walla Walla. Mrs. Frank Garret and Miss Arleen Myrick were Milton visitors Tuesday. The Misses Elsa and Emma Ringel spent the day Monday in Walla Wal la., v Miss Merle Best and mother of Pen dleton are spending the season at Sea side. Mrs. Lilian Frederick of Weston was a recent house guest of Mrs. Lila Kirk. Jack Moore, Wilford Miller and Ralph Moore were in Walla Walla, Monday. Miss Frederica Kershaw is driving an attractive Pontiac sport model roadster. . Mrs. Raymond Geissel (Beulah Ban ister, visited at the Geissel home here last week. . Clarence Barney who has been em ployed on a ranch near Lowden, Washington, has been in Athena this week. Union services wer conducted in Athena last -Sunday by Reverend Charles Sias. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sheard and fam ily are enjoying an outing at Bing ham Springs. Bun Moore visited his mother Sat urday, who is seriously ill in a Pen' dleton hospital. Guests at the J. W. Pinkerton home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Frazier. of Milton. John Dunning, circulation manager for the East Oregonian, was an Athe na visitor Tuesday. Miss Mildred Stanton, nurse, is at the Pendleton hospital where she is employed on a case. Clarence Ross, range rider, was in from his camp on the Umatilla river over last week-end. Mrs. Penn Harris and the Misses Marjorie and Bernice Wilson were in Walla Walla Monday. Flint Johns and Floyd Pinkerton motored to the Walla Walla valley on a business mission Friday. Mrs. Alfred Marquis had the mis fortune of painfully crushing her hand in a wringer this week. Mrs. B. B. Richards spent several days the fore part of the week visit ing relatives in Walla Walla. NOW OOlOll Equip Your Bathroom from Soap to Brush! With hot weather here and the golf course so popular, the bathroom is the most used room in the house. To make its u&e more enjoyable see to it that it contains everything necessary for fast, thorough bathing. We have all your favorite soaps and then some; Lady Fair, for example the new colored soaps with fragrances to match (10c to 30c a cake) sold only at Rexall Stores. Examine our Bathroom Needs today, paying particular attention to our line of Bath Brushes. Here s a Money baven Dr. West Tooth Brush 50c and Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste, 25c 75c Value Special while they last for 47c Main Street WATKINS' PHARMACY - Athena Phone 332 1 the RED WHITE Store Special Special 2; SPECIALS for SATURDAY and MONDAY August 15th and 17th Wesson Oil, quarts 49c Hires Root Beer Extract 2 for 49c Tomato Soup, Red and White 6 for 49c Cut Beans, Blue and White 3 for 49c Franco American Spaghetti 4 for 49c Tuna Flakes, ios ' 3 for 49c Crown Sardines, y$ 4 for 49c Red and White Peanut Butter, 2V4 jars 49c Oronite Fly Sprayfl pints 49c J rilTHTHTllTHlHTulHTurulnlllTHW Jell Dessert, Red and White Assorted 7 for 49c Boston Butts 19c ONTAGUE & CORNELL PHONE 171 Ralph McEwen, Jr., and Harold Kirk motored to Langdon lake Sun day where they spent the day. Mrs. Wm. Piper, Sr., was here from Walla Walla Tuesday and visited rel atives in Athena and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Cornell were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Roseberry. Among the Milton golf players on the local course Monday evening, were Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Walker. Frinds of "Dad" Welch will be glad to learn of his improvement after a serious attack of blood poisoning. Mrs. Joe Hodgson of Walla Walla, has been visiting at the home of her son, J. L. Hodgson, near Weston. In the service at the Christian church Sunday morning, Mr. Sias' theme will be "The Lord's Prayer." Joe Tucker of the Preston-Shaffer Milling Co., has returned to Waits burg after several days spent in Athe na. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pittman, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kirk and Billy were among those spending Sunday in the moun tains. 4 Mrs. Nellie Taylor was here from Walla Walla this week, visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Taylor. Mrs. L. V. Ball of Walla Walla en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walk er and Miss Veryle Keeper at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Ross accom panied by their daughters Velma and Laura were Sunday visitors in Wal la Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Sias are at the Flint Johns farm west of town, during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Johns, in the mountains. George Mulky, old-time cowboy, has returned to Thorn Hollow, from Prescott, Washington where he spent the summer. v Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little, accom- by Mrs. Ida Chronicle and Mrs. Hul dah McKinney spent last Sunday in Walla Walla. Word comes from Portland to the effect that E. A. Dudley hopes to be able to return to his homo here in about two weeks. Mrs. Froom of the Athena Hotel, had as dinner guests Monday eve ning, Miss Dorothy Burke and Miss Arleen Myrick. Mrs. Velton Read is ill in Walla Walla at the home of her parents. She is suffering with an attack of irt testinal iefluenza. Mrs. Ralph Singer who has been a guest of her mother, Mrs. Flora Mal colm of Echo returned to her home here last Friday. Donald Jones who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. C." M. Jones to Walla Wal la last Sunday remined to spend the week as a guest of his aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Stephens and Mrs. Kimball were here from Pen dleton, Sunday, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Markham of Walla Walla were visitors Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Remillard, south of Athena. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dudley left this morning for an outing at Seaside where they will be guests of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Dusen of Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Warnie Whitehead and Mrs. Matt Shaw and son Gerald were visitors from Walla Walla at the C. E. 0. Montgue home Monday. Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Cowan were m Athena Sunday, en route home from Vale, where they had been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rice. Mrs. Genevieve Hampton of Genes- see, Idaho, who is visiting her Bis ter, Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton plans to remain in this vicinity for two weeks. Miss Margaret Hodgen will return to her home at Adams tomorrow, af ter a two weeks' motor trip to Vic toria, Vancouver and other Canadian points. Mrs. H. W. Gissel of Brooklyn, New York, who is visiting at the home of her sister Mrs. Charles Betts will remain in the west for about a month. Mrs. Zeltha Mclntyre has been en joying a visit from her daughter Katherine, who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cannon and children here Sunday. Walter Edger and Alister Meldrum have returned from a week's fishing trip on the Lookingglass. The boys returned by the way of Bingham Springs. Verne Dudley of near Dayton was an Athena visitor Wednesday, Mrs. Dudley is spending a short outing with friends at Newman Lake near Spokane. Laurence Ringel of the Vansycle section was the victim of a fire when he lost seventy acres of wheat. Mr. Ringel is a brother of Louie Ringel of this vicinity. A contract foursome spending Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ralph McEwen included Mrs. Clason Adams, Mrs. F. S. LeGrow and Mrs. M. L. Watts, Clayton Cornell of Walla Walla is spending the week at the home of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Cornell during the absence of his par ents in Seattle. Mr.' and Mrs, J. A. Nelson left Mon day for their home in Long Beach, California, after spending several weeks past visiting relatives here and at LaCrosse, Washington. After finishing the harvest season spent with the Catron crew northwest of Athena, Jack Miller left for his home at Colfax. Mr. Miller is a brother of M. I. Miller of Athena. Mrs. Frank Blair, who recently left Athena to become a patient in the Eastern Oregon Tuberculor hospital at The Dalles, is somewhat improved according to reports received here. Real estate transfers during the week as appear of record include;1 Or M. Shif W and Mm Shfgttf to I. N. Wickersham, lots 2 and 3 in block 3 of Rose's addition to Athena. A group of Athena friends motor ing to Pendleton Tuesday evening where they made up a "line party" at the Rivoli included Mrs. Ethel Mon tague, Mrs. Laura Froom, Marjorie Montague, Arleen Myrick and Doro thy Burke. In honor of her birthday Mrs. C. M. Eager invited a few friends to make up a foursome at bridge Thurs day of last week. Contract was play ed and the hostess served ices and a birthday cake. Mrs. Matilda Gray who has been visiting at the Jiomes of her son, Lisle Gray and daughter, Mrs. Laur ence Pinkerton left last Saturday for Lewiston where she is matron of the children's home. Miss Sadie Pambrun and Miss Helen Foster are spending a few days in Spokane. Mrs. Percy Wilson and children will return with them and will spend several weeks at the Pam brun home, south of Athena. Mrs. James Rice .XLois Mclntyre) who has been visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.-Alex Mc lntyre here has returned to her home at Vale. She was accompanied by her mother who will visit for a short time. ' -- The smiling countenance of "Snip er" Snider, well known Weston boy, beams from the driver's seat of a wheat truck, as it zooms along Main street in regular trips from the har vest field to the Farmers Grain Elevator. Word from Creston, B. C, is to the effect that the two Rogers boys ar rived 0. K. at their destination and are members of the Dudley Rogers threshing crew. Kenny is driving tractor and Emery is "tending" sepa rator. The Conoco trucks of Bryce Baker's Athena Service Station are all dolled up in new coats of green and red paint. Bryce says the price of Conoco has not raised, but remains in the notch where it was before the trucks were dressed up. Miss Velma Schubert, bookkeeper at the First National Bank, is taking her vacation. She went from here to Goldendale and joined her mother at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Dug gar. From there the two went to Portland to visit friends. As time approaches for harvesting wheat on their Creston, B. C, hold ings, Charles Kirk and Tom Kirk are getting ready to leave Athena after their harvest run in this vicinity. Will Piper will also leave for Creston soon, to harvest his wheat crop there. Mrs. 0. M. Castleman and daughter Barbara returned to their home at Ontario Saturday, after spending several days here and at Pendleton. Miss Castleman, who is one of the Round-Up queen's attendants, will re turn the latter part of the week. , Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones and son Ray Jones motored to Toppenish, Washington, a week ago Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Trajan Tucker. Mrs. Ray Jones who had been visiting for a time in Top penish returned home with the party. Athena Circle, Women of Woodcraft was represented at the district con vention at La Grande by Mrs. Lola Payne of Athena. While in that vic inity Mrs. Payne went to Joseph where she visited her son Rex Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Oral McPherrin are entertaining a group of relatives in cluding Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Howell and Miss Betty Davidson of Portland and Mrs. Jeff French and Louis Bar clay of Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davidson and family of Port land, i Miss Mary Lou Hansell entertained at a slumber party Tuesday night PRICES for SATURDAY and MONDAY Red Beans Prunes Recleaned, '10 lbs. 45c Fancy Italians, 5 lbs..... 35c Flour Soap Made at home, 49 lb. sack .89c Polar White 10 bars.............. ..:.......25c Coffee Matches Steel cut, 3 lbs............ ......57c 6 box carton, each.... ..-.15c Peaches Canned Corn Lemon Cling, 2y2s, 3 cans...... 49c Silver Leaf brand, 4 cans..::.......-49c Pork C& Beans Deviled Meat Van Camps medium size, 2 f or....!5c Small cans, 6 for 25c, 3 Large for 25c Creioives in Gay Colors Phone 152 ATHENA DEPARTMENT STORE when Bonnie Johnson, Helen Rogers and Wilma Mclntyre were her guests. The young ladies enjoyed games and other amusements during the eve ning and it is a question whether much "slumbering" ensued.' Mrs. Ora Shigley and family have left Athena to make their home on a small diversified farm near Koos kooskie above Walla Walla. The Shigley property was turned in on the mountain farm. Dell DeMerritt of Walla Walla has been a guest at the home of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dell for the past week. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Armand DeMerritt have been enjoying a vacation outing, tak ing the loop trip by way of Langdon lake and Skyline drive, Bone Springs and Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gribble return ing from Palouse, remained over night at the home of Mrs. M. M. Johns and resumed their journey home, to Shafter, California. While in the city, a number of his former Athena school pupils called on Mr. Gribble and recounted incidents that transpired in old school days. The Thimble club of the Woman of Woodcraft met at the home of Mrs. D. A. Pinkerton Tuesday after noon to work on the doll baby cush ion which will be sold with the at tractive quilt on display at the Red and White store. Fourteen ladies were present and following the work of the afternoon the hostess served delicious watermelon. Those present were Mrs. Louis Keen, Mrs. William McPherson, Mrs. Clarence Hand, Mrs. John Stanton, Mrs. Mary McKay, Mrs. C. M. McCullough, Mrs. L. A. Cornell, Clayton Cornell,- Mrs. Ethel Montague, Mrs. Celia Harden, Mrs. J. A. Garner, Mrs. Bruno Weber, Mrs. Will Pinkerton and the hostess. East- QUALITY GROCERY Phone 561 Hazelwood Kraft Boiled Malt Syrup Salad Dressing Money Back Guarantee, 3 cans Pint size $1.00 20c Albsrs Fancy Flake Happy Home Rolled Oats Ripe Olives ,9 lb. bag 2 cans for - 40c 35c LirgOatskage Skookum Brooms All Kinds with Premium - $1-00 value for only 35c - 69c TTTi 7 Ti i Pure Strained Umatilla County Yellow .Corn Meal Hnnv Best ever, 9 lb. bag i?VTy n A 10 lbs. 34c $115 Steam Refined 7 Borax Soap Corn or Gloss Starch Granulated, with fancy dish 3 packages r 45c 25c Quality Grocery Frank Little, Prop. Athena, Oregon. Phone 561 Q Round THE ATHENA MARKET We carry the best Meat That Money Buys To CHICAGO from Athena r Proportionately low fares to other points ask about them. Return limit October 31. E. J. McKlnley, Agtnl Athtn, Oregon Route of the New No rt k Co a s t Limited Kippered Saiirxm, all Kinds of Salt Fish. Fresh Fish, Oysters, Crabs, Clams, Kraut in Season. A. W. LOGSDON Main Street Athena. Oregon. Goodyear Tires and Tubes Valvoline Oils Automobile Supplies, Parts and Accessories Athena Garage ' North side Main Street Phone &2