The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942, August 14, 1931, Image 2

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Established Jan. I, 1887
F. B. BOYD. Owner and Publisher
Subscription Rates.
One copy, one year .J.. $2.00
One copy, six months.... $1.00
One copy, three months .75
Athena, Oregon, August 14, .1931
. After , a week of trouble and
turmoil in which Portland milk sup
ply was threatened and ppen warfare
between dairy farmers and organized
distributors prevailed, a truce was
made and temporary settlement
achieved. Disclosures have been made
that the milk business in Portland is
controlled by an organized creamery
and milk products combination that
forced the price of raw milk down to
a point where the dairyman was fac
ed with producing milk at a loss. The
same condition prevails in other sec
tions of the country. Fred H. Sexauer,
president of the Dairymen's League
Cooperative Association of New York,
f recently stated that the problems con
fronting dairy farmers of his ter
ritory are the gravest of any in the
last 30 years. "Most of the causes
behind the problems facing dairymen
today are outside their control as in
dividuals," Mr. Sexauer said. "In the
present crisis not only must farmers
work together more closely, but so
must their organizations." In other
words, unorganized farmers will con
tinue to receive low prices for what
they sell until they bring the force of
organization to bear on their problems.
infantry, cavalry and tanks, but by
gas toted around in airplanes.
The following declaration made by
an industrial journal of prominence
harks back to the days of '96: "The
decline in the value of silver coinage
is a prime reason for the continuance
of unsatisfactory world economic con
ditions. Country after country has
gone to the gold standard, though
there is not enough of the precious
metal to carry on the commerce of the
world. Only a revival of silver can
offset the situation."
The cigarrette is no longer the
peculiar property of the male. In
high-class tobacco shops in New York
pipes which will hold about enough
tobacco to kill a moth, with gold and
platinum decorations and studdings of
semi-precious stones, are sold to wo
men the pipe is no longer a purely
masculine appurtenance.
Ma and What-a-Man are turning
their attention to a new Show. They
are allies in an evangelistic campaign
against gambling. Ma opened up war
fare in a Las Vegas, New Mexico,
gambling palace where she addressed
E00 gamblers. The clinking of chips
and applause greeted her speech.
Fire has seared thousands of acres of
lands in Idaho and Montana, leaving
in their wake black and charred deso
lation, where formerly refreshing
green marked the landscape. No
greater, scene of utter ruin greets the
eye than a scope of recent burned
over virgin timber ridges.
And now Poland declares that she
will "fight to the last man" to defend
the status quo so far as she' is con
cerned. Status quo with her, meaning
that which she now has in territorial
possessions. Well, there has been
more than one war started over the
same declaration.
The latest war is reported from
Berlin, where reds and police battled
in a public square. The police were
attacked by gunfire from housetops,
much to the displeasure of the popu
lace which ducked under awnings and
sought safety behind lamp posts.
Portland is knitting sports suits for
the women of England. They are
made from Oregon wool, fashioned by
the hands of Oregon labor, which
means that aside from transportation
charges, the money will, be left in
Oregon, where it belongs.
O '
Texas editor who battled "over
there" in the World War believes the
only way the disarmament conference
will effect desired results is through
the elimination of profits. "Eliminate
all profits, and you will thereby elim
inate all wars," says he.
rangborn and Herndon will known
Japan better when they leave there.
Any school boy would know it to be
the height of , folly to photograph the
fortifications of a friendly nation.
Tho San Francisco Chronicle gives
as tho definition of state rights: "Ccr
tain privileges tho people enjoyed bo
fore they turned to the Federal gov
ernment and said, gimme."
Youth is crowding age off the golf
links, although John D., continues to
cop a birdie, now and then.
. o
Hot? Oh yeah. In spots.
. , (Walla Walla Union)
Morris Edwards, who is the tax
specialist for the United States
Chamber of Commerce, has been vis
iting the Northwest recently and has
been giving talks on taxes which hit
the well-known nail squarely on the
head. His statements agree with the
opinion held by the Union, which is
that reduction of taxes will not be ef
fected until the people consent to cur
tailment of the services performed by
the government.
Organized minorities, Mr. Edwards
said, storm tax levying bodies and de
mand this and that additional service,
In 15 years, while national wealth has
doubled, public expenditures have in
creased four times and public debt has
increased seven times. The present
method is putting a mortgage on fu
ture wealth and income with a ven
Any one who has been present at
meetings of public bodies knows that
the demands that the units of govern
mcnt keep doing more for the peo
ple are increasing. Groups appear be
fore the boards with well backed
arguments to show why this, that or
the other will help and will only add a
fraction of a cent to the tax dollar,
Pile these on top of each other, as has
been done, and the total soon becomes
staggering. Any one who has attend
ed these meetings knows that until the
very last few years there have been
no protects against these expendi
tures. The governing bodies beard
but one side of the case, the argu
ments of those who favored the ex.
penditures; Naturally they thought
the public demanded the improvement,
because there was no protest. Of late
years there have been protests and
expenditures have been held down,
but it is the things started previously
which are piling up and making them
selves felt.
Just as long as we expect the gov
ernment, (and by this we mean the
United States, state, county, city or
whatever unit you name) to do every
thing for us at public expense, just
that long will taxes be high. There
can be no other conclusion. Public
expenditures have to come out of pri
vate pockets, and this fact is too of
ten overlooked.
22 Years Ago
Athena got better acquainted with
Pilot Rock in the golf tournament
played between the two clubs Sunday.
That's another good thing about the
game of golf.
Scientists tell us that if ever there
li another war it will be won not with gmcy, what Is it?
(Morning Oregonian)
The thing that seems to have come
upon the world is a condition where
under a part of the population can
and does produce all of everything
that the whole population needs or
can consume. Modern machinery and
improved methods of production have
brought it to pass. Since a part of us
produce enough for all of us there is
nothing left for the others to do. As
these are deprived of work their in
come ceases and with it their buying
power. Out of that condition come
under-consumption, business stagna
tion and the surplus.
If that analysis is correct and eco
nomic analysts are coming more and
more to accept it then the condition
can find relief only through a thor
oughgoing readjustment and redis
tribution of employment. The work
of the world will have to be spread
out among more people. We shall
have to come to the shorter working
day and the shorter working week.
Manifestly, if every business and in
dustry, public and private, would cut
the working week from six days to
five, all would have work for one
sixth more people than are now em
ployed to maintain present output or
activity, To do that it would be nec
essary to readjust pay in accordance
with the readjustment working period.
Payrolls in total would remain un
changed. Plainly they could not be
increased in these times, because
hardly one concern in ten is making
more than a nominal profit and many
are taking losses.
Those who contend that a shortened
week with correspondingly shortened
pay would work toward the lowering
of the American standard of living
would better face the fact that to the
increasing thousands out of work and
out of income the problem is that of
being allowed to earn any kind of a
living at all. The question is becom
ing one as to whether it is better to
spread the work and the pay out a
little or go on employing and paying
some by the standards of prosperous
days while others remain destitute.
When we talk of the American stan
dard of living in these times a neces
sary correlative is consideration of the
standard of American manhood and
womanhood. Any system of doles
would ruin that latter standard for
thousands. The only alternative to
the dole Beems to be the finding of
some means to decrease unemploy
ment. The shortened working week
would operate in that direction. And
if there is anything better than can
be substituted in the present emer
Friday, August 20, 1909
Joe Rainville and Louie Hebeart
were up before the police court Tues
day afternoon, charged with fighting
and disturbing the peace. The evidence
pointed to Rainville as being the ag
gressor and Hebeart would have got
off without a fine, but his tongue,
lubricated with near beer, would run
away with itself. He was admonish
ed by the court to keep quiet, but he
would steam up, and $7.50 imposed
for contempt, did not stop his talk
fest. His near beer oration reached
its climax when he told Judge Rich
ards that he considered the fine to be
a present to the court. Such generosity
stunned the judge, but not sufficiently
to cause him to overlook such a glow
ing opportunity, so he promptly tax.
ed the gentleman $10 more, and Mr.
Hebeart paid $17.50 into the city
treasury and still had his jag left to
gq home oa Rainville was fined
D. B. Jarman was over from Wes
ton Sunday.
Win, Blakeley was in town from
Pendleton Tuesday.
A son was recently born to Mr. and
Mrs. John Q. Peebler, of Pendleton.
Herman Beverly, of the law firm of
Peterson & Wilson, spent a couple of
days at Echo this week.
Peter West, the well known divorce
lawyer, died at his home near Pendle
ton, Wednesday.
Louis LaBrasche and family will
leave in a few days for Woodward's
toll gate, on an outing trip.
Stacked grain in a field of 140 acres,
belonging to Ed Kidder, near Pendle
ton, was destroyed by fire Wednes
Threshing in this vicinity is practi
cally over, and wheat hauling now
occupies the time of the farmer.
James Richards, brother of B. B.,
leaves today for his home in Corvallis,
after a season in the Umatilla harvest
Miss Essie Foss will leave Sunday
for Spokane, where she contemplates
taking a course in the Blair Business
J. E. Jones and James Henderson of
the Mosgrove Mercantile company
spent Sunday at McDougal's camp, in
the mountains.
Fishing is reported good on the
Umatilla. Ed Koontz . and Byron
Hawks each made a good catch in
that stream, Sunday.
The Portland live stock market re
mains firm. Wednesday, the price of
B. B. Richards
. "untr (
General Insurance
Farm Loans
L it . w
hogs again reached 9 cents. Fifty-six
head were sold at that figure. "
The Banister crew finished threshing
the T. J. Kirk field south of town
Wednesday. Forty-eight bushels per
acre was the yield. No smut.
Walter McCormack, the Pendleton
automobile dealer, was in town Tues
day afternoon. He was driving a
Franklin roadster, model 1910.
Col. Raley and Dr. Summerville of
Pendleton, riding in an auto, ran a
race with five elk along the public
highway, 15 miles above Pilot Rock,
on the Birch Creek mountain road.
What do you know about that?
J. V. Mitchell, telegraph operator
for the O. R. & N. company, who has
been holding down relief "tricks" for
the boys up in the Palouse is again
at his old post.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Johns and sons
left last Saturday for Portland and
Seattle, before returning to Long
Beach, Calif., where they expect to
make their future home.
Since the burning of the Banister
separator Saturday afternoon, near
this city, smut explosions have caus
ed the destruction of three other ma
chines, in the Pendleton section.
W. L. Davis, Athena's old-time shoe
maker, dropped in on his friends Tues
day. Mr. Davis resides at North Ya
kima. Last week he was overcome
with heat at Pasco, which necessitat
ed his spending a few days in a Walla
Walla hospital.
T. J. Kirk purchased the Bonifer
place on the reservation, consisting of
240 acres, this week. This is one of
the best wheat ranches on the reser
vation. Mr. Kirk gave $80 per acre
for one 80, and $75 per acre for 160
acres. It is his intention to improve
the place and see to it that a family
resides there.
John Froome, who purchased the
2 1-2 acre tract on which the Ogle res
idence is located, is practically demon
strating what can be done in the veg
etable line on the Athena Land &
Trust company's acre tracts. Mr.
Froome has at this time in his garden
fine crisp lettuce, radishes, carrots,
cabbages, etc. '
Charlie Brown, as well as some
other people, has learned that it is
best not to take off the bridles from
horses in the harness. Trying this
experiment Wednesday evening, he
was astonished to see his gray nag
start toward home at full speed. The
delivery wagon was upset and a wheel
smashed. Mrs. Estes, while endeavor
ing to stop the mare was knocked
down, but received no serious injury.
Charles will hereafter unhitch before
removing the bridle.
Wanted Clean, Cotton rags at the
Press office.
Eyes examined, glasses properly
fitted at Schneller's, 39 East Main,
Walla Walla,
Expert in
Body Correction
Calls, answered promptly
Office at Residence in North Athena
Telephone 595.
Dr. W. Boyd Whyte
Stangier Building, Phone 708
Pendleton. Ore iron. 957 J
Bruno Weber
Repair Work
Prices Reasonable
Successor To
Main St. H. H. HILL Athena
The Athena Hotel.
Courteous Treatment, Clean Beds
Good Meals
Tourists Mads Welcome
Corner Alain and Third
. Athena. Oregon
Barber Shop
Beauty Parlor
Perm Harris, Prop.
Real Estate
Wheat Alfalfa and
Stock Land
Dr. W. H. McKinney
Physician and Surgeon
Dr. Sharp's Office
Office Hours at Athena 1 to 6 p. m.
Phone 462. Office Hours at Weston
8 a. m. to 12 noon. Phone 83. Calls
made day or night.
Dr. Dale Rothwell
The best in glasses at a reasonable
Over Woolworth's - Phone 1286
Pendleton, Oregon
Peterson & Lewis
Attorneys at Law
Practice in all State and Federal
Inland Empire Bank Building
Pendleton Oregon
Watts & Prestbye
Main Street, Athena, Oregon
State and Federal Court Practice
Foley's Honey and Tar
uires colds, prevents pneumonia
Use one of our
Family Services
during the hot weather
Pendleton, Oregon
it 1)1 Jl H JC"""H -up
the First National Bank
of Athena
Established 1891
Does a General Banking Business -and
Maintains a Complete
Trust Department
.. GAS and OIL ..
... Tire Service...
Auto Accessories, Camp Stoves and
Ovens, Camp Tables
J. E. Gallaher, Prop. Athena Phone 471
Bell C& Gray
Now for
Are Always
- to do
Auto Truck
Prices Risrht
Phone 593
Milk and Cream
for Sale Here
All the Time
Continental Oil Company
- Brce Baker, ' Local , Representative
Buy your Harvest
Gas and Oils
from the Local Dealer
Satisfactory Service - - - Phone 762
L. L. Montague, Arlington
Tum-a-Lum Tickler
Published In the Intesests of the people of Athena and vicinity by
Vol. 31
Athena, Oregon, August . 1931..... No. 28
In Kansas they can trade ten
bushels of wheat for a marriage
license. But how can that help
the farmer who is already mar
ried? A. M. Johnson, Editor .
Take a look at your roof,
everyone else does. Is it a fit
ting cover for your home - or
does it need repairing or per
haps a complete new roof? The
hot summer days bring out the
weak spots and the first fall
rains will go right thru and into
the house unless the roof covers
you like it should.
Use Tum-A-Lum Paint. It
lasts longer, looks better, car-,
ries a double guarantee, and
has a low first cost
A kind hearted gentleman
saw a little boy trying to reach
the door bell. He rang the bell
4or the little boy, then said,
"what now, my little man?"
"Run like the dickens," said
the boy, "that's what I'm going
to do."
You can't believe everything
you hear but you can repeat it.
We can furnish you with any
amount of Red Cedar Shingles
also all styles of Pioneer Roofs.
The man who's wise ,
Goes and buys
Paint for his house. .'
He knows it pays
Because he saves
And has a beautiful house. .
t " -
Those who fail to take ad
vantage of the present low
prices of building materials and
repair and repaint their homes
are much like the man who
went to the Sahara Desert to
get rocks to build a rock garden
in the Rocky Mountains.
A house that cost $3,000 to
build two years ago can now be
built for about $2,250. Some
saving, eh what?
Farmers Grain Elevator
Grian and Feed
A Full Line of Sperry's Chick Feed
' Phone 382 LEE WILSON, M'trr. "
Dependable Service
' Lower Prices April 1st
Ladies Spring Coats $1 and UP Silk Dresses $1.25
and Up Wool Dresses $1 and Up
Men's Suits $1.25
For other prices, ask the Driver
Trade with the man who helps pay your taxes '
We call for and deliver every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday
T. E. SMITH, Proprietor, Phone 1571 Freewater Oregon
Call 91 and make arrange
ments for getting in the winters
supply of fuel, now.
Lamps I
i f5
Why Pay More?.
Plain and Frosted Mazda Lamps
25 Watt 17c
40 Watt....... 17c
ZZZZZZ 60 Watt. 17c
75 Watt ... 28c t"l"'T r "
100 Watt . 28c '
150 Watt... 50c
Electrical Department, Athena, Oregon. Phone 182