A BIG JOB. BUT ITS DEAD EASY It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any thing that would interest them in your goods, but its dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell several hundred at once at nominal cost. NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOUND in the week but that you do not need stationery of some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types, modern work, prompt delivery. Bntered at the P&at Office at Athena, Oregon, es 8econd-Clas8 Mail Matter VOLUME 44 ATHENA, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 14, 1931 NUMBER 33 FIREBRIN6SV0RD OF DEEDS OF HERO Boy and Girl Save Stock; 111 Woman Dresses, Flees Cracking Flames. Medford. Hundreds of men today were fighting forest fires in five Ore gon counties. Governor Meier will be asked with in 24 hours to close several areas in Coos county, State Forester Crone miller said. A series of incendiary fires in the vicinity of Panther ridge will force the state officials to drastic action, Cronemiller said. The fires are just south of Camaa valley, in almost inaccessible terri tory. The fire fighters have to travel several miles on foot and pack equip ment on burros. Another fire in Coos county four miles west of Bridge, which was con trolled Monday night, broke out again Tuesday. Eighty men are on the scene. " - The fire which swept through the Humbug and Forest Creek hills near Applegate since Sunday afternoon was reported to be quiet Tuesday. Flames were being held within the bounds of trenches dug by fighters along the 25-mile front. Foresters are attempting to stop the flames while there is a minimum of wind. A partial check of property damage shows: Jacob Bielson home, barns, ranch buildings and all crops destroy ed: W. M. Miller ranch, owned by J. B. Andrews, house, barns, hay and other crops lost; Ralph Pittock, barn, hay and crops in field burned; Aaron Hanson, crops and barns burned; fences and other improvements on all ranches in distric. . Complete check of the damage is still impossible. All bridges leading inn 4-I.a TTii m 1 ! i- v i i I" imro burned by the flames, making it im possible to reach the area by car. Stories of heroism and tragedy are told by persons who fled. Mrs. W. M. Miller was at home alone when the first warning of the fire came. She was ill and had only time to dress herself and flee for her life. Mrs. Mil ler said the flames wiped out every bit of their personal property in ad dition to the corps and buildings on the farm. The Millers had just spent their last cent for groceries which were on fh& porch and were burned. Miller was in Grants Pass seeking employment when the fire spread over the country. At the Pittock ranch only the chil dren were at home. When the flames neared their property one of the small boys rounded up the stock and started driving them toward the Applegate valley below. Regina, 15, loaded some personal belongings into the family car and attempted to leave the coun try. Never having driven before, she encountered considerable difficulty in the form of numerous trees, rocks and banks. Miss Pittock had driven the car across a log and was stalled when firefighters rescued her. , Forty-fire head of sheep burned Were from the Herman Walters ranch. Eighteen belong to Ralph Pit tock. Other stock' in the hills is known to have perished in the flames. A terrific explosion occurred when a fire burned into 200 pounds of giant powder and 50 pounds of quick silver stored in the Miller house. The building was blown to bits and started many more fires. Fighters were still battling the flames on the Herman Walters place Tuesday. Round-Up Judges Named An Athena man, F. S. LeGrow, has been named one of the three judges for the 1931 Round-Up. The other two judges are William Switzler of Umatilla, and Herbert Thompson of Pendleton. Mr. LeGrow heretofore has officiated as official timer and has been active in other duties at the big show in the past. It is estimated that Athena girls joining the Round Up cowgirl greeting troop will num ber about twelve. Committeemen to secure girl troopers in the Athena Thorn Hollow-PineCreek districts are Marion Hansell, Bryce Baker and Wil ber Harden. Go To Glacier Park Welton Marquis and John Berrie, eagle scouts, of the Walla Walla Boy Scout organization, left this 'week ior uiacier nawoimi pain, nirae wcj will represent the Blue Mountain council in the annual trail building. work carried on there. The project will be worked on for two weeks, to gether with 60 eagle scouts from all ertinn of the United States. Thev will be guests of the national park service. Radical Changes in the Parcel Post Zone Rate Fees Radical changes have recently been made in parcel post zone rate charges and increase in size of packages mail ed. Under provisions of amended paragraphs of postal laws and regu lations, effective August 1, Postmas ter. Barrett of the Athena office gives the following information for publica tion: The limit of weight for fourth- class or parcel-post mail for the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth zones, is increased from 50 pounds to 70 pounds, this making the weight limit uniform for all zones; and the limit of size, of parcels for all zones is increased from 84 inches to 100 inches in length and girth combined. The minimum postage charge on a parcel measuring more than 84 inches but not more than 100 inches in length and girth combined is the same, as the appropriate zone charge for a 10-pound parcel. That is, par cels measuring more than 84 inches in length and girth combined but weigh ing less than 10 pounds will be sub ject to postage in the amount charg able on a 10-pound parcel for the zone to which the particular parcel may be addressed. On parcels weighing 10 pounds or more, which measure more than 84 inches but not more than 100 inches in length and girth combined, the regular zone pound rates apply. Postmasters are requested to give the widest possible publicity to the foregoing modifications whicn nave been made for the purpose of increas ing the usefulness and availability of the parcel post as a convenient means of transportation arid delivery for merchandise, including farm and fac tory products, books and other mail able articles, weighing over 8 ounces not embraced in mail of the first or second class. ; .. The Athena Golf Club Took Part in Tournament Memhera of the Athena Golf club participated in their first tournament when they went over to the Pilot Kock course Sunday. The Athena players speak in high terms of the hospital ity of the host club of Pilot Rock, and are unanimous in declaring that everybody had a royal good time. Pilot Rock won the tournament 13-3. It is one of the oldest clubs in the countv and numbers among its mem bers several excellent players, where as Athena is the youngest club hav ing been but recently organized, inose playing and their scores were: Pilot Rock Tom Stanton, gross 74, net 58; Dr. George Smith, 72, 56; M. D. Orange 82, 61; Walter amitn, v, 54; Bill Massey, 80, 53; Howard Done, 80. 53: B. Kodd. 85. 63: Paul Bracher. 83, 52; Gordon Webber, 95, 70; Larry McCurry, 89, 70; Beryl Smith, 89, 67; Albert Massey, 90, 63; Tom Mc- Mahon, 97, .70; J. Mahon, 5)6, 63; U. Duncan, 99, 72. Athena J. C. Harwood. gross 79, net 61; E. C. Prestbye, 93, 69; D. A. Lowe, 84, 60; Dean Pinkerton, By, bi; Penn Harris, 85, 58; Laurence Pink erton, 88, 61; Bryce Baker, 90, 63; Lisle Gray 91, 64; Flint Jonns, 6, fifi: Pike Miller. 97. 70: Beryl Hodgen, 87, 60; John Milligan, 97, 70; Gordon Watkins, 94, 67; Jdenry veu, ao, o; Fred Kershaw i09, 82. A week from Sundav. on August 23, the Pilot Rock club will come to Athe na to participate in a return tourna ment, Athena being the host club. Stolen Coupe Recovered The Ford couoe of George Gross which was stolen from its parking nlace on the Pendleton streets Satur day night was found on a country road east of Pendleton Monday ai ternoon by officer Merle Anderson. The tires, rims, e-enerator. and tools were taken and also several coats and sweaters which had been left in the car. Adding insult to injury, the cushions were badly damaged by grease which had been smeared over them. No clews have been found. Ships Idle "Because of the American Tariff" j - ' r ' - ' . - 1 ' "" " : - liere, in tne (in re l.oi-n near tiuiuuurgh, are more limn twenty ol the tlnesi ot (J rent Itiiinln's mercbant ships, all Idle for lack of cargoes. And the British believe this Is the result of the United Slutes tarlA. Christian Endeavor v . . Summer Conference The twelfth annual Oregon Chris tian Endeavor summer conference is to be held at Turner, Oregon, August 24 to August 30, beginning on Mon day evening, and closing the follow ing Sunday evening. ' Its purpose is to furnish training in Christian En deavor work and other lines of lead ership. All young people, regardless of church affiliation, who wish to at tend are eligible. The registration fee is $2.00 payable in advance, $2.50 if paid at the conference grounds. Room and board for the six days is $9.00. The program is varied and interest ing, and covers several phases of work. The mornings are given over to classes emphasizing Christian En deavor work. Afternoons are spent in various" kinds of recreation. The ad dresses in the evenings are given by various speakers, and . the bonfire meeting, at the close of each day, is in charge of Dr. Paul C. Brown, Pa cific coast field secretary. An important feature of the con ference Is the Missionary Festival on Friday afternoon and evening. Many returned missionaries who have been Oregon Christian endeavors will be there with exhibits, and stories of their work. Southern Planters Are Advised by Farm Board to Plow Under Cotton Visiting in San Francisco ; Miss Delia Bryant and Miss Blanche Thorsen, former Athena teachers, are visiting friends in San Francisco. They have completed the summer course at the State Teachers college, and will return soon to Eastern Ore gon. Miss Delia Bryant will teach at Hood River this year and Miss Blanche Thorsen at The Dalles. Indian Is Arrested Jim Eanina (Indian). was arrested Sunday by Warden Albee of Pendle ton and Warden Rogers of Enterprise: for killing buck deer out of season. He was taken to Enterprise Monday for trial. Bonners Ferry Harvest Clyde Larabee and Jimmie Braden of Adams left last Wednesday for Bonner's Ferry to take in the harvest ing of that section and Monday of this week Ed Wallan and Roland Baker left for the same vicinity. Clyde Larabee and Ed Wallan will be employed on the Ralph Allen farm. Is Able to Return Home Word has been received from Mrs. Marvin Hawkins, (Ethel Pittman) to the effect that she is able to return to her home in Tacoma after taking a series of treaments ja. Bellingham for a sritAi wmth trouble. Pacific International Livestock Exposition The Premium List of the .Twenty first Annual Pacific International Livestock Exposition, to be held in Portland, October 24 to 31 inclusive is now being distributed. Copies may be had from General Manager 0. M. Plummer, 211 American Bank Build ing, Portland, Oregon. The Pacific International hopes to live up to "Hs motto, "Bigger and Better" in every way. Breeders and exhibitors are showing a splendid spirit this early in promising most active -support and already many counties are organizing groups to at tend the exposition in a body. This great livestock university of the Pacific slope country has become a part of agriculture in its very best sense and has rooted deep in the hearts of the people of this great Western empire with the result that each year shows friendly attendance and a better understanding of its value ,to this great country. Transportation lines everywhere are making a reduced rate for the round trip and exhibit stock is handl ed free one way. Early inquiries should be made of railroad agents in your home town to get particulars of selling dates and other pertinent information. The farm board has called upon southern planters to destroy one third of their crop now under culti vation, promising in return to hold i, stabilization surplus stocks from the market for one year. Telegrams were dispatched to the governors of 14 cotton-producing states urging them to enlist the co operation of every availabl agency, including farmers and bankers, in this step to increase the low price of cot ton. They were signed by Chairman Stone, who conferred with directors of the cotton stabilization corpora tion and the American Cotton Co operative association. Stone said. if growers promised to plow under every third row of cotton now growing, the cotton co-operative would be asked also to withhold the 2,000,000 bales it holds from trade channels. Stone, in his telegrams to the gov ernor, estimated that probable carry over a year from now under present conditions would be about 11,000,000 bales. "The condition," he said, "has al ready resulted in drastic price de clines in . cotton prices which, if al lowed to continue, may bring direct disaster to cotton producing states and indirect disaster to the nation." The program would be put into ef fect September 1 and be completed September 15. The suggestion was regarded as the board's most, important move since stabilization operations were at tempted in 1929. At that time 1,300, 000 bales of cotton were bought at an average price of $85 a bale in an effort to steady sagging prices. McNary Urges Wheat Sales to Aid China War on Pheasants Open war on China pheasants has been declared by cantaloupe growers in the Willamette valley. It is said the game birds have discovered the fruit 'and taking full advantage of the situation by testing the quality of the melons. Losses to growers have been so heavy, it was explained, that the state was appealed to, and per mission given to shoot to kill.'- The birds are turned over to the state and distributed to various institutions. Rides On the Columbia Paul Miller of Hermiston, recently completed the building of a motor boat which he is manipulating on the Columbia. The boat is 10-foot long, built of thin board and can easily be loaded onto a trailer by one person. It is powered by a seven horse power outboard motor. Salem. United States Senator Charles L. McNary of Oregon, tele graphed to James C. Stone, chairman of the federal farm board at. Wash ington urging the farm board to give serious study to a proposal to sell 30,000,000 bushels of surplus American wheat at liberal terms to the Chinese government for the purpose of reliev ing famine suffering and possible death of 10,000,000 Chinese in the Yangtse valley. - "Have iust received wire from chairman of the Chinese Famine Re lief association, New York, suggest ing advisability of your, board selling 30,000,000 bushels of wheat on favor able terms in order to relieve starva tion of 10,000,000 Chinese," stated the telegram of Senator McNary to Chairman Stone. "My very great in terest in the agricultural situation iu nt tVio farm hoard aiiu ve v compel me to urge immediate con sideration of this transaction, ine large carryover in wheat has a de preciating effect on the price level and I 'surely hope you will seize every opportunity to reduce the surplus ac (Mimulation in cereals. I add that this same view can be applied to recent offer from Germany to buy a large supply of wheat. I am sure the board will give these, proposals very close study." Senator McNary's action was taken in rexnonse to a telegram from David A. Brown of New York, chairman of the Chinese Famine Relief associa tion. Old Second Oregon Will Rally Sunday Portland. The 33d anniversary of the fall of Manila to American troops, in which the old Second Oregon took an active part, will be celebrated in Laurelhurst park Sunday, August 16, when 500 or more Oregon veterans are expected to attend the annual re union of the noted regiment. Mess call will be sounded at 1 p. m., when coffee, and watermelon will be distributed free. There will be a Filipino orchestra, as well as the Snaix orchestra, and drum corps of Scout Young camp No. 2 of the United States Spanish War Veterans, to furnish entertainment. Comrades of 33 years ago will join in singing tunes popular in the days of 1898, under direction of Harry V. Reed, junior vice commander of the Oregon department of Spanish War Veterans. Colonel Percy Willis, re tired former major of the Second Ore gon and president of reunion asso ciation, will make the address of wel come. B. F. Irvine, editor of The Journal, will make the principal address. Judge Richard Deich will read the names of comrades who . have died since the last gathering of the or ganization. A Pepper and Tomato Cross Form New Hybrid Jim Grierson of Richland, Wash., has succeeded in cross pollinating to matoes with peppers and this year has a short row of plants bearing the new hybrid. The sample which he took to Pasco was about two inches long and about one inch in diameter. It was red m color. The walls of the fruit are like the pepper but the in side is much like a tomato. The fruit partakes of the flavor of both par ents. He said he expects to name the new product "Grierson's Special." Various people have suggested that it be called "Peptom" or "Tompep," and some are already speculating on the possibilities of crossing different va vieties of peppers with different vari eties of tomatoes. Some suggested a cross between the tomato and the red hot peppers to produce hot sauce, while some thought the milder hot peppers when proper ly crossed might produce a special brand of catsup. The sample sub mitted furnished a basis for many ideas among the wags and dreamers. Miners Seeking Gold in Gravel of Idaho Streams Moscow, Idaho. Placer gold miners are more active in Idaho this summer than for any period within the past 30 years," according to a report from Stewart Campbell, state mine inspec tor, who is in northern Idaho look ing over mining properties. , He reports that every river, little creek in theiplacer districts, and other places where minrs think gold is to be found they are working. Pumps can be seen operating along the up per and lower reaches of the Salmon river. Some pumps have been plac ed on barges along the river. Miners are searching for gold in the Stanley basin, on the south fork of the Clearwater halfway to Elk City, in the Boise basin, along the Salmon river and hundreds of other, places. There are hundreds of men at this work. Many are making a few dol lars a day which is helping to relieve the unemployment situation as every miner makes one less man looking for a job. . Much of the work this summer is on ground which has been overlooked by old-timers. Few men are working on old ground. Many are beginners Was Bitten By Dog James Huggins who operates the Shell service station at the east end of Main street was bitten by a dog belonging to a transient whose car he was filling with gasoline. The dog suddenly attacking Mr. Huggins bit through his hand, causing a painful wound. . PORTLAND NEXT GONV AFTER E mil Recent State Legion Meet ing Marked by Harmony, No Rivalry. Corvallis, With the departure of the last delegates to the 13th annual American Legion convention for Ore gon for their homes, a determined ef fort started to bring the annual na tional convention of the legion to Oregon and Portland in 1932. Never before in the history of the Oregon department have the leaders of the le gion been so successful in main taining harmony as at this conven tion. ' " By the election of Alex Barry of Portland to the commandership of the state order, the upstate districts ex pressed unqualified confidence in the ability of Portland to handle its own . national convention. - At all times Barry had the united support and his election was a foregone conclusion even before the first caucus was held. All the old rivalry between Portland J 4-UA 4.U -tA4. ...An nK.J but are learning the placer mining I t as every Ration got behind Mr. Campbell reports that invest ment companies have many scouts out this summer looking for promising properties. He reports seeing more engineers in the field than at any pre vious time for some years. Fire Near State Line Edwin McEwen who is employed by Albert Patterson assisted" in ex tinguishing a wheat fire near the state line last Saturday. The nre was started from the exhaust of an automobile bringing supplies to the machine and before it was under con trol burned about 12 acres of wheat. Extra Feed Costs Pay For every 1,000 pounds of increase in milk production made by cows in nine North Dakota dairy herd im provement association last year, the average increase in feed costs was about $2.50, while the average gain in income over cost of feed per cow was about $9. Claim Wheat Production Is Greater Than in 1930 Corn production this 'year, based on the condition of the crop Aug. 1 wbb estimated by the department of agri culture at 2,775,301,000 bushels com pared with -2,967,953,000 bushels in dicated a month ago and 2,093,352,000 bushels produced last year. The country's indicated wheat crop spring and winter combined was esti mated at 893,583,000 bushels as against 869,013,000 bushels indicated a month ago and 863,430,000 bushels harvested last year. ' The indicated productions of the principal crops based on their con dition August 1, with the indicated production a month ago and the 1930 harvests, was: Winter wheat, 775,000,000 bushels compared with 713,000,000 and 612, 000,000. Durum wheat, 23,000,000 bushels, compared with 32,000,000 and 67, 000,000. Other spring wheat 95,000,000 bush els, compared with 124,000,000 and 194,000,000. Oats 1,170,000,000 bushels, com pared with 1,306,000,000 and 1,368 000,000. Flax seed 13,800,000 bushels, com pared with 17,900,000 and 21,400,000. Hay (tame) 77,600,000 tons, com pared with 79,100,000 and 77,800,000. I. O. O. F. Picnic Trinity Lodge, No. 121 of Walla Walla has extended an invitation to members of Wild Horse Lodge No 73 of Athena and their families to attend an Odd Fellow's picnic, to be held at Wildwood Park, Walla Walla, Sunday, August 23. All who attend are requested to bring a basket lunch, Coffee, sugar, cream and ice cream will be furnished by the committee. There will be a program of speaking, kitty ball games, horseshoe pitching and races. All Odd Fellows and families are invited to attend the picnic. Leavig for Mountains A party including Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pinkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Flint Johns, Mr. and-Mrs. Virgil Zerha. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mcln- tvre. Miss Glea Sias and Miss Gene vieve Hampton of Gennessee, Idaho, left Wednesday morning on a camp ing trip to the mountains where huckleberry picking will occupy the time of everybody. Barry's candidacy and he received a tremendous ovation when Jack Biggs of Hermiston passed the gavel to him. , A fitting complement was extended to Eastern Oregon by the selection of Hhgh Bray of LaGrande as state vice commander. Brady at first was men tioned as a possible successor to Vic tor MacKenzie of Salem as national executive committeeman, but the of fice went to Sid S. George of Eugene, because of his greater experience in national affairs. George is the past department commander, under whose administration the movement was started to obtain the national conven tion. George attended the past three national conventions and this year was membership chairman of the state department, which went over the top in membership. To assure complete harmony, so es sential if Portland was to get the na tional convention, any and all reso lutions of a cgntroversal nature, were eliminated from the floor. That, per haps, accounts for the silence that was attached to any mention of the rivalry between Roseburg and Eugene for the national soldiers' home. This convention was honored by the attendance of many legionaries from other states, including the national commander. Ralph P. O'Neil of To- peka, Kan., The baseball tournament was a feature of the convention and the final game, which was won by Port land, was an errorless contest and one of the best that Sowers has seen this year, he said. In all, about 10, 000 attended the three gamer. The drum corps contest, won by Salem Post, was perhaps, the most spectacular held in Oregon. The ex hibition rendered by the Salem drum corps stamped it as competent to compete with the best in the nation, according to Major Walter Balcy, member of the national trophies and award committee. Bend, Portland LaGrande, Medford and Roseburg al so received commendation. The legion, at its final gathering ex pressed its appreciation of the man ner in which the local post handled the convention under the leadership of Cy Briggs, commander of the Whit combe Post No. 11 of Corvallis, and the state and local press were loudly applauded for their assistance in making the convention a success. Fruit Tale Man Killed Fred Cresswell, former resident of Fruitvale in the east end of the coun ty, was killed in an automobile ac cident new Mtreww, IdahtvTuwtiay. .. .-'' ' Acquires Driver's License Roland Richards acquired his auto mobile driver's license when he passed a remarkably fine examination 'fit Pendleton, the other day. The state examining officer put the lad through some strenuous tests in Pendleton traffic and he came through without t tfebble. She Was Excused Physician said Mrs. Mildred Mars ton of Glendale, Cal., had only on year to live, so a district court at Portland, Me., invoked an old law and excused her from being arraigned on a charge of drunken driving. Three I and O Society More than a hundred former resi dents of Illinois, Iowa, Indiana and Ohio gathered last Sunday at Colum bia Park, Hermiston, and enjoyed the annual picnic of the Three I and O society. A big program and basket dinnw www wrjtfytti. To Take Vacation Trip Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Roscberry and Mr. and Mrs. George Sheard will leave the last of the week for a va cation trio of a fortnight by motor, They will spend a short time at De schutes enroute to Portland! where they will visit relatives, later going to Seaside. Game Wardens Dropped What is described as a "material reduction" will be made in the law en forcement department of the state game commission. At least seven special deputies are expected to lose their jobs, and several regular era- pwfet may V4 ramimrtm Magazine Editor Dead R. C. McLeod, 57, retired publisher, died at Walla Walla early Monday morning after an extended illness. McLeod, a bachelor, came from Chi cago where he was in the advertising business. After working on the Wal la Walla Union for two years, with Edgar Smith he established the Up- to-the-Times magazine. Later Smith's interests were acquired by A. F. Alex ander. Shortly after Alexander's death in 1925, he retired, selling the magazine to D. Harold McGrath. A brother and sister survive. His body will be shipped to Ontario, Canada, for interment. S ' To Take Motor Trip Mr. and Mrs. George B. Woodward who have been on their ranch north west of Adams during harvest, re turned to their Walla Walla reaidenco Sunday. The Woodwards expect to leave soon on a motor trip to Seattle. Charles Booher Improving Mrs. Christian ot Adams will visit her father, Chas. Booher, at Spokane who recently underwent an operation having his leg amputated. Friends will be glad to hear that Mr. Booher is gaining. School Budget Cut College Place has cut its school budget by approximately $5000. The reduction was made possible by a 10 per cent reduction in teachers sU WAICOf