A BIG JOB, BUT ITS DEAD EASY It would be a big job to tell one hundred people any thing that would interest them in your goods, but its dead easy if done the right way. This paper will tell several hundred at once at nominal cost sjrl NOT ONE DAY CAN BE FOUND in the week but that you do not need stationery of some sort or other. We furnish neat, clean printing at the very lowest rates. Fast presses, modern types, modern work, prompt delivery. Entered at the Pot Office at Athena, Oregon, as Second-Class Mail Matter VOLUME 44 ' ..... . S . . - . . . ., , .. A TTTOM A TI1WATTT T A "rkTTXTTV fTl?nrl ' A TTTTTnm n inn. " :- ' . .... , Ai.xxxxji.iix, uiiitxiujuii wUilllj AUUUOJL I. ltfdl NUMBER 32 WHEAT HARVEST HEARING CLOSE .Diving Accident at Langdon Lake Takes Boy's Life cargoes m umieu XVingaom Langdon Lake FridayBilly Duncan and Orient Relieve Con gestion at Terminals. The Umatilla wheat harvest is TN-flrt.lVfllltr fif. ll trA uith hnf. fow machines remaining in the fields next struck his head on a log that was 14 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Duncan of Walla Walla, died in that city Sunday morning. The mother of the boy was ' formerly Miss Nellie Froom of this city, niece of Mrs, Laura Froom of the Athena Hotel When diving at Langdon Lake the week. From the standpoint of weather conditions, the season has been ideal, without an hour's time being lost on account of ram for there has been no rain to contend with. Aside from 'ditches washed out in the fields by heavy rams earner in the season, the harvest crews have faced no trouble in garnering a crop that in many Athena fields averaged 50 bushels and over. - 4 Storage facilities in Athena have been kept adequate by shipments of wheat at intervals, and from Port land comes announcement that ter minal storage room has been relieved by shipment of half a million bushels which was sold for export by the Farmers National Grain corporation. One cargo about a quarter of a million bushels of white wheat was sold to the United Kingdom. The other was turkey red, and went to the Orient. Northwest Wheat "This wheat was not grain stabi lization corporation wheat, but north west wheat held by Farmers Nation al Grain corporation in its ware houses at Portland and Seattle," said an official. "The stabilization cor poration is holding its stocks off the market to avoid depressing the price the farmer might receive for his new crop, "Sale of these two cargoes of bulk wheat will aid materially in reliev ing congestion in storage facilities." Harvest Notes part of an improvised raft. Paralyzed by the blow, he was helpless in the water and was rescued through the ef forts of Jimmy Ralph (12), of Pendle ton, who grabbed young Duncan and kept him afloat for several minutes before a boat from shore reached them. His condition was critical from the first. He died at a Walla Walla hospital after an attempt had been made to re lieve pressure on his spine, through an operation, Saturday night, He was born January 17, 1917 at Teshastin, Wash. He was a member of Troop 19, Boy Scouts, of the Pioneer Methodist church and had participat ed in the recent bicycle race from Lowden to Walla Walla. Besides his parents, he is survived by a sister, Marjone, and one brother, Donald of Pasadena, California, who formerly attended Whitman college. Crawford Named James W. Crawford, state Senator from xMultnomah county, was ap pointed circuit judge to succeed the late Judge R. G. Morrow of the Mult nomah county circuit bench. The ap pointment was announced by Gover nor Meier. Toll Gate Resort Com pany Is Incorporated Kidwell Brothers," owners of the Langdon Lake resort, were in Free- water this last week and made ar- A considerable amount of wheat rangements with their attorney. G. H was sold to Athena buyers this, week Bishop, for the incorporation of .their at prices ranging irom 6Z to 61 cents I holdings which under the new arran- for bulk grain. gement will be known as the Lang The Hansell-Wood crew moved to don Lake Resort company, says the the Hansen mountain ranch yester- Times. There will be $25,000 worth day where a good crop of wheat will of stock, fully paid and non-assess- be harvested. ; able. The entire amount of stock is Joe Scott harvested 400 acres of I owned by Kidwell Brothers wheat. Fall sown gram averaged 45 Arrangements have already been bushels, and spring 40 acre. Joe Cannon's wheat crop averaged 47 bushels per acre, bushels per made to have the acreage surveyed and platted and L. A. Reineman left the.. 'first of the week for Langdom Lake where he, is making the survey, Floyd Pinkerton threshed a 50-bush- The property "sites are to be laid out el crop. He is now harvesting his on the plan of city lots and no more . bottom land west of town. leases will be made until the survey is , t,aurence nnKertons zuu-acre crop i completed. averaged around oU bushels. George Gerking cropped 50 bushels per acre from 212 acres on the Kirk place east of town. An 80 south of Athena averaged 50 bushels. : Harvester Caught Fire Late- Saturday afternoon the R. B, McEwen harvester caught fire, the cause of which has not been deter mined. It originated presumably in the cylinder house and before it be extinguished it spread to and destroying A portion Huckleberrying Huckleberries Huckleberrying is proving to be one I could of the most popular of out-door sports I the chaffer igniting and pastimes in which numbers of I feeder sticks and canvas. Athena people have been indulging of the su Wounding stubble was burn- recently. Mr. and Mrs. Sias return-1 ed but by diligent effort the fire was ed last Thursday from High Ridge I prevented from destroying any wheat, where they camped for several days. I Repairs were made Sunday and work They were successful in finding the was resumed Monday morning. Dam berries and brought home thirteen I age to R. B. McEwen's harvester was gallons. Mrs. . W. S. Ferguson and 1 covered by insurance, Mrs. Mollie Worthmgton were also in the mountains last week. Mr. and Weston People in Accident Mrs. Fred Pittman and George Pitt- The Weston correspondent of the man spent Sunday huckleberrying on Walla Walla Union recounts that the target range and the breaks of the Henry Beamer and family had a nar- Walla Walla river where the Derries row escape Sunday while on a huckle- are plentiful and the country .rough, berry picking trip. His auto engine Mr. and Mrs. Jess smith, Mr. and stopped while on a grade on Hisrh and Mrs. Arthur Jenkins, Dorris and Ridge, and the brakes failed to hold, Dale Jenkins, Rachel bmith and Mrs. the car turned over twice. Mrs. Beam Charles Potter, spent last week-end er suffered a deep gash in her arm near the Toll Gate where they lound and others were bruised many berries, Antelope Dwt ef Thirst Portland Fishermen I American's last bisr herd of ante- M. D, Hutchings and Si Flook, bothl0pe will soon be extinct unless the of Portland, were fined a total of Oregon state game commission takes $137.60 for catching fish of illegal immediate steps to aid these dainty size. Each was fined 54.20 when ta- animals, which are dying of thirst in ken before Judge Hall at Oswego, and Lake county after being driven from Flook was fined an additional $29.20 the few remaining waterholes with for fishing, without a license. When high-powered rifles by hunters placed arrested on jmuc ereeK tney nad in there by the commission, their possession 147 trout, only twelve of which were over the six-inch limit. The others ranged from three inches up. Taylors Return Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Taylor of Pendleton, well known in Athena, have returned from a trip to Cali- The Deadly Cigarette fornia by motor. 'They were in Cali- Miss Marie StahL of Port Arthur, fornia for five weeks where they vis- Tex., whose arm was severed Sunday ited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor night when she held it out of an auto mobile window to flick off cigarette ashes died Tuesday night. The arm was caught in the uprights of a park ed truck. -. , . ! encountered hot weather all along the coast. - Oregon Trail Forest Fire A forest fire near Boiling Point ser vice station on the Old Oregon Trail highway east of Pendleton burned over 200 acres before it was brought under control by fighters. The fire Store Has New Front . Gordon Watkins pharmacy has taken on a new front this week. Jus tin Harwood toned it up with a fresh spread from the north fork of McKay coat oz cream paint, juast weex, new creek. oak doors were put in place of the old ones. . - New Deputy Appointed To take the place of deoutv in the r laying at eeacn Kesoru sheriff's office, vacated by Vavne Gur- Y)V IT"! . ..I t 1 rr i i I , .... xuu r icttu g Auunu-up orcnestra cane' wno was appointed to a cau- wm piay engagements at peach re- taincy in the state police force, Ralph sorts ior toe remainder or tn sum- Minnis has been appointed, and is r- ' ntfwr era acttvn iw. Scenes and Persons in the Current News ft Mw: -'- jrr L"iKOs 1 Miss Betty Bond, a member of the Junior class In the University ol Oregon, wiio iius oetu seiecied us uueen of the annual round-up at Pendleton, Ore, which will be held this year August 27. 28 and 2U. 2 .New picket boats of the United States rum fleet and two larger convoys photographed In Chicago harbor as they were being taken to New Orleans for service In the Gulf of Mexico. 8 Delegation from Hawaii to the Christian ICt.rleavor convention Id San Francisco, representing six nationalities Filipino, Portuguese, Japanese, Hawaiian, Chinese and American. Milton-Freewater Ships 102 Carloads Tomatoes A Milton-Freewater special to the Walla Walla Union says that with the last of the' local tomatoes for ship ping in sight a checkup shows that to date there have been 102 . carloads shipped to eastern markets, and there probably will be 8 more to roll east ward in the next few days, bringing a successful season to a close. The quality this year has been very good, and until the extreme hot sun of the last ten days affected the crop by wilting and burning there were very few bad lots in that section. The 102 carloads shipped were handled by Mojonnier & Son for the Freewater Tomato Growers Co-operative, and several cars were shipped by the Pa cific Fruit and Produce company, but most of these shipments not going east. Within ten days prunes will start rolling to market, and as yet there is not a decision as' to the probable number of cars that will be shipped. Yet as the season approaches the esti mated amount of tonnage gets lower, until now many growers say the yield will probably be less than 700 cars. It also appears that there will be a greater percentage of culls than here tofore. ', - May Return to Athena Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Worthington were in town from Pendleton Wednes day looking over their Main street business property. They- will repair the building, which has been vacant for some time. Mr. Worthington tated there was a possibility of their returning to Athena and again mak ing their home here. He has been en gaged in painting and decorating while living In Pendleton. Their son, Emery Worthington, is employed in Pendleton store. - Would Save Half Million Elimination from the state tax levy for the year 1932 of the half -mill tax provided by- law for application on interest and principal of world war veterans' state aid bonds was recom mended by Governor Meier in a letter sent to the state tax commission. This action by the state tax commission would save the taxpayers of Oregon pproximately $500,000 in 1932, Gov ernor Meier said. Blames Local Units The blame for excessive taxes in Oregon was laid in large measure to unrestricted home rule privileges of local tax levying bodies by Charles Galloway of the state tax commission in an address at Pendleton "Wednes day before the Umatilla County Tax Equalization league. "Instead of pay ing as we go, we go on and try to pay afterwards," he said. J. F. Slover Dies James F. Slover, for many years well and favorably known in Milton- Freewater and surrounding districts, died at the General hospital in Walla Walla Tuesday evening of last week, following a short illness of heart failure. He had been in ill health for number of years. '. : Makes Seven Arrests Merle Anderson, state police of ficer, made seven arrests in the vicin ity of Milton-Freewater Sunday. Two were taken and fined $50 each for be ing drunk in a public ploce. Four other arrests-were for driving with four in the front seat. Miner Killed in Cavern Charles Barnard, about 75, lost bis life in his mine near Baker Monday when the roof and walls of a tunnel gave way and caved in on him. Bar nard had lived at Baker several years. His wife died last fprixrff. World Surplus of Wheat Still Grows Is Report of Government Experts Washington. The world wheat sur plus swelled more than 100,000,000 bushels during the crop year ended June 30. y Government economists have un officially estimated that the world carry-over at the beginning of the new crop year was 690,000,000 bush els a year ago. On the Chicago market Tuesday September wheat touched 47 3-4 cents, a new historical low for that future while December wheat sagged to 53 1-8 cents, also a new low. The July 1 estimate of more than 670,000,000 bushels for the world carryover includes a tentative esti mate of 300,000,000 for the United States, a large part of which is in the hands of the grain stabilization cor While the worid surpluses have in creased yearly since 1926, the agri culture department has forecast a 1931 world crop of between 250,000, 000 and 300,000,000 bushels less than Iasr year. Drought in the United States spring wheat territory and in Canada may reduce that crop by more than 100,000,000 bushels. The world carryover figures do not take into account Russian surpluses of which no accurate estimate is available. Russia . is considered a formidable factor in, world wheat trading operations. " Fire Causes $75,000 Damage At Grangeville Fire which swept along five blocks of a residential street at Grangeville, Idaho, burned itself out late Monday, afternoon. Firemen estimated the damage between $50,000 and $75,000. The flames destroyed ten homes and ten barns and garages, besides a num ber of smaller buildings. Fire fight ers were handicapped by a low water supply and lack of pressure, while a strong southwest wind spread the blaze. . Furniture and belongings were sav ed from only four of the houses burned. Cigarette Smoker Sets Bed on Fire and Vamooses What might have been a serious fire was averted about 2 o'clock Mon day morning when Mrs. Laura Froom heard a commotion in one of the up stairs rooms in the Athena Hotel Following the noise she found the room full of smoke and the bed on fire. The mattress was burned through and the linoleum on the floor was damaged. The room was empty, the occupant apparently having made a hasty get-a-way. Mrs. Froom states that she had not rented the room and thinks some one came in at a late hour and while smoking dropped asleep with the dangerous results. A Ford car which had been parked near the Post Office was heard to drive hastily away but it was impos sible to see the driver so- no clues were available. Lynch Out; Han ley is Named as a Commissioner Huns Eating Melons Shooting of Hungarian partridges to save the crops of ranchers near Fmley on the Columbia river in Ben ton county was started by Game War den N. E Palmer. The ranchers re ported large flocks of the birds de scended on their watermelon fields, pecking holes in the melons. The birds will be given needy families. Wheat Lowest Ever Wheat Tuesday regained the center of interest in the Chicago grain pits by dropping to the lowest price ever paid for a regular grade, 47 3-4 cents a bushel for a car of No. 2 red win ter. The previous all time low price was 48 cents July 31. Cow Has Pneumonia One of Louie Ringel's prize Guern sey dairy cows has been seriously af flicted with pneumonia, but is show ing symptoms of recovering during the last few days. The cow is one of Mr. Ringel's high test milkers of his Guernsey herd. Nine Are Baptized Following picnic at Walla Walla park Sunday, sponsored by 'the Dixie Nazarine church, nine persons, four from Dixie and five from Milton, were baptized at Wildwood park. Buildings Saved From Fire A fire which assumed alarming pro portions in an incredibly short time burned over two half sections on the Wallen and Hales ranches west of Athena Wednesday afternoon. A trash fire burning in a rock quarry and fanned by a brisk breeze, jump ed the road and burned rapidly over the stubble toward the Hales house. By hurriedly back-firing and plowing a furrow around the buildings they were saved. , In the meantime the fire had spread toward the Wallen house and by the same means the fire was held under control and extinguished. After Old Licenses State police have been making num erous arrests for use of old license plates on automobiles, according to S. C. Linville, sergeant in charge of the Pendleton district, says the East Oregonian. Practically all drivers have by this time obtained or attempt ed to obtain new plates, and the work of the officers has been limited to a few stragglers, he said this morning. No arrests are being made where drivers made application for licenses before April 1. A Tripple Wedding A mother and her two children, of Fernwood, Idaho, went to Spokane to be married. Mrs. May A. Kirkpat rick won leadoff honors in the triple ceremony, and was married to Alex Iverson, Fernwood.' Her son, Clarence Risteen, 21, was married to Helen Gardner, 18; then the daughter, Nola Risteen, 18, and Edward Anderson, 38, had their turn before the fast-tiring Judge. - After Fifteen Years Carrying 2,850 bags of Gilliam county grain, the stern wheeler Uma tilla left The Dalles for Portland at 9 a, m, Tuesday. It was the first ship ment forwarded to Portland by water in 15 years, excepting the cargo which was abroad the steamer Cowlitz which sank last month with 100 tons of grain. baiem. Confirmation of reports wnicn were current here during the past week, was given by Governor Julius L. Meier over the week end. He announced the appointment of Wil liam Hanley of Burns to succeed M. A, Lynch of Redmond, who he remov ed from the state highway commis sion, and his decision not to call a special session of the state legisla ture to consider tax matters. M. A. Lynch was appointed a mem ber of the highway commission by Governor A. L. Norblad and was re appointed in March by Governor Meier. When asked whether he had removed Lynch or whether Lynch had resigned the governor replied, "I have not yet received Lynch's resignation." He would make no further comment, other than he believed Hanley nvould make n good commissioner, as he had been active in highway development tor many years. Lynch attended the meeting of the highway commission here last Thurs day at which time he denied reports he had resigned or had intended to re sign. Governor Meier last Thursday also denied he had received a resigna tion frsm Lynch, or that he had made a change on the highway commission William Hanley attended the meet ing here last week and had a long conference with the governor at that time. Yesterday Hanley joined chair man H. B. Van Duzer and commis sioner Charles K. Spaulding at an ad journed meeting of the commission to be held in Salem. j FAMILIES FLEEIII6 MCIIIG FUMES Blazes Destroy 22 Homes as Incendiaries Set Fire in Forests. Agricultural Inspectators Holding up Bridge Traffic Agricultural inspectors "held" the approaches to the Interstate bridge connecting Oregon and Washington Tuesday, and the "war" on vegetables is on, each state challenging the pro ducts of the other, , . A Washington grower who stored some potatoes in Portland and then tried to take them back to Washing ton, found his way barred by a Wash ington inspector who declared "You can t bring that stuff into this state, The potatoes are not branded accord ing to law." So the grower trundled his cargo back toward Portland but on the Ore gon end of the bridge was accosted by n Oregon official who refused to permit him ti pass. "Your Washing ton potatoes," the Oregon inspector declared, "are misbranded under the Oregon law and you cannot bring them into this state." Fire Precaution Taker, Persons making use of the Uma tilla National forest are being more careful this year than in the past ac cording to Albert Baker, district for est ranger. Lest year on the whole forest fires were two to three times more numerous. The Walla Walla or north district has had but four fires this year as compared to be tween 25 and 30 for the same months last year. Fire hazards are said to be just as bad as last season. Indian Fighter Committed Tom O'Brien, 83, famous Indian fighter who once staged a one man parade in Spakone was committed this week to the Eastern Washington hos pital for the insane, Several 'weeks ago police found the aged scout wad ing into Hangman creek to escape what he thought was an Indian at tack. Since then he has been in a hospital with pneumonia. Rabbit Breeders Exhibit The Walla Walla Rabbit Breeder's association will have an extensive ex hibit of their stock at th Walla Wal- lfc musty fair. Double Wedding Performed Andrew Ingalls and Bessie Smith and Jerry Ingalls and Vernita Mc Bean, all of Adams, were principals in a double wedding performed Tuesday afternoon by Fred Hedgcr, justice of the peace at Walla Walla. The two couples had been issued licenses by the county auditor. Lad Shoots Sheriff A 10-year-old barefoot boy, Hubert Nichols, Jr., shot and killed Sheriff '.i John Wormell, 72, at Asotin, Wash., Wednesday. I he boy nred at close range through Wormcll's brain from behind a barrel when the sheriff and deputies caught him robbing ptvte. Estate Contest . Dismissed The East Oregonian reports that the action of Jeanette Elder against Frank Duff, administrator of the last will and testament of T. J. Kirk, and others has been dismissed upon mo tion of the defendants by Judge Cal vin Sweek. Court costs incurred by the defendants were ordered paid by the plaintiff. Steelhead Run Poor The run of steelheads in the De schutes river so far has been disap pointing, anglers say. Fishermen have visited the stream in great numbers. Only two steelheads were caught on the river Sunday near The Dalles. Heavy catches, however, are being made in the Columbia below Celilo. New "Streamline" Tire Airplane tires have gone stream line. Out of tho search for ways of decreasing air resistance of autos and airplanes has come a new parabolic type airplane tire, exhibited at the recent national air show in Detroit. The new "shoe" was developed to be used with a new type wheel. Fraternity House Fire Fire in the Phi Kappa Psl frater nity house at Eugene caused $2000 damages. The loss is fully covered by insurance. The origin of the blaze, which started in the basement, is a mystery. Five members of the fraternity were sleeping in the house at th lion, Spokane.Incendiary fires roared over northwest forests, driving hun dreds of persons from their homes this week. . Major Evan Kelley, regional forest er said the Priest river fire in the Ka niksu national forest of Idaho, spew- ing flame on a front of 30 miles. w "without a doubt of an incendiarv nature." The giant Deer Creek conflacrration in the Pend O'Reille and Kootenai forests, he said, was also started de liberately by persons skilled in the craft of the timber lands. Foresters farther down in Idaho re ported firebugs set a score of other blazes. .' About 200 fires seared their wav steadily through timber lands of North Idaho, western Montana and eastern Washington. Smoke hid the countryside, making actual count of their number and extent impossible. Newspaper observers counted 22 houses burned down and at least 300 head of cattle killed. Flaming trees crashed across roads and trails, and teiepnone lines were burned down at several places. Hundreds packed household goods and fled before the wall of fire in the Priest River yalley. The little hamlet of Forest. Idaho. was threatened with destruction as a fire crawled up the sides of Craisr mountain, on which it perches. Its 60 inhabitants, men, women and chil dren, fought all night and halted it within a few hundred feet of the town. Fire fighters of the national serv ice, state services and timber pro tective organizations approximated 2500, equipped with shovels, spades, axes, saws, light and heavy water pumps and fire plows, A score of pack mule trains plodded steadily in to the timberland with supplies rush ed up by train an bus. Lower down, in the St. Joe and Coeur d'Alene national forests, sev. eral hundred men went in to battle smaller fires at Teveggio, Yellow Dog, Marble creek, Mullan ghlch and scores of other points. Federal forest executives, declin ing to comment on the motive for in cendiary fires, said they had hired all the crews needed and that persons setting fires either maliciously or carelessly would be severely prosecuted. Ray James, Pend Oreille county fire warden on the Kaniksu forest, waded through hot embers and ashes near Freeman lake to rescue a white doe and a buck deer that bleated piteous- ly near his fire camp. He found their eyes had been burned out by flames and their hair seared off, so he killed them to put them out of their misery. On tne mam front of the fire ap proximately 40,000 acres were burn ing, but the total acreage could not be figured by reporters at Newport, who found the-countryside smothered in impenetrable smoke. Missionary Meeting The Christian -Missionary Society met at the home of Miss May Lock wood Wednesday afternoon, August 5th. The subject for consideration was Tibet and the program was led by Miss Jaunita Crawford. Others who participated were, Mrs. George Ger king, Mrs. Floyd Pinkerton, Mrs. Gar ner, Mrs. William Pinkerton, Mrs. Stella Keen. Musical features ef the program were a vocal solo by Miss Lieuallen of Adams and a piano solo by Miss Glea Sias. The program was also supplemented with an appropri ate playlet. Members of the cast in cluding Mrs. Llyod Michener, Mrs. Mary McKay, Mrs. Charles Sias, Mrs. William Pinkerton and Rev. Sias. Fol lowing the program a social hour was njoyed when the hostess assisted by Mrs. Sias served delicious ices and wafers. Twenty-three were present. Wheat Pays for Bride Frank Craig, Dodge City, Kansas, gave Judge Richard W. Evans ten bushels of wheat as a fee for perform ing the marriage ceremony for him and Fave Marie Rinehard of Augusta, Kan. Courthouse workers opened one of the sacks and showered the con tents upon the bride and bridegroom. , Third Attempt O. K. Jack St. Clair, 65, committed sui cide by jumping into the Spokane river. It was his third try at' death within a few weeks, a previousleap into the river and the slashing of his wrists having failed. Baker Warehouses Burn Loss estimated at $10,000 resulted Monday at Baker, when fire destroyed three warehouses and two coal sheds containing a hundred tons of coal. The damage was partly covered by insur